The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 5: The raven black Hero and the Red Hood, part one (20)

Chapter 5: The raven black Hero and the Red Hood

          In the city of E-Rantel, in an inn full of rowdy adventures, a trio of people came inside. A rather tall and lumbering man pushed open the doors to the establishment. Behind him, two women were standing. One seemed lost in her own thoughts, mumbling to herself. The other was attentive to the room, sizing up everyone in it.

          The man and his followers started to make their way to the counter. Or rather, the man and the woman with raven black hair. The woman with a translucent red hood was to busy in her own thoughts to realize that they were walking now and the massive man in plate armor hand to grab her hand and pull her inside.

          She nearly stumbled but she caught herself on the large man. He shook his head in exasperation and sighed afterword. Next, they finally made their way to the counter.

          “Hello, we would like a room for the night please,” the tall man asked.

          The innkeeper looked him up and down. It seemed to the innkeeper that this adventure was merely a noble dressing up. Many nobles did so, so this thought process went unabated.

          The large and burley innkeeper noticed the copper plate around the adventurer’s neck and sighed in disgust, trying to gage the temperament of the fellow.

          “It will be five copper per room,” the innkeeper said.

          The large man nodded, deep in thought. Next, he spoke instead of merely paying.

          “Do you have a room for three? Or maybe just two,” the large man responded.

          Now this was starting to set the innkeeper off. It was common practice for adventurers to meet future party members in inns. They most often met in inns like his. So, when the man said he wanted a room for two, it peeved him.

          “Then it’s seven coppers a night for a room of two!” the innkeeper told the man.

          The tall man placed the seven copper coins on the counter calmly. Then the innkeeper was even more peeved, but he held it in; these were paying customers. The innkeeper told them which room they would be staying in, they made their way off. But the others in the inn had other ideas.

          As the large man walked to the stairway, his foot was partially blocked by another adventurer. The man snickered as his foot bumped into the other man’s foot.

          “Hilarius,” the large man mumbled as he pushed the foot out of his way.

          The ankle of the man’s foot creaked a little as the large man walked away, but he was stopped by the owner of said ankle. He stood in front of the man blocking his path, but then looked at the man like he was just a pushover. It was funny how the bald adventurer had to look up to the other, taller man.

          It was at this that the hooded woman looked up, jostled out of her thoughts. She looked in front of the large man. What was strange about this is that the woman had a mask on, underneath the translucent red hood that she wore.

          As the rest of the bald man’s group looked on at the discussion, the woman merely held out her hand to the somewhat sore ankle and cast a spell.

          But before she did so, the bald man started to talk to the tall one in black plate.

          “Hey there man, you nearly broke my foot with that stunted. How do you expected me to do work with a busted ankle,” he then looked back at the black-haired woman, “maybe she could kiss it to make it feel better?”

          The woman scowled and made to draw her blade but was stopped by the light glow of the ankle in question. The soft green light lasted all of ten seconds, but the healing light spell fixed the man’s stressed ankle. It also fixed his foot fungus.

          The tall and armored man looked behind him at the woman, then back to the bald man. He tilted his head back and laughed at him. It was a mocking laugh, as if the man’s sore ankle was the funniest thing on the planet.

          “What’s so funny punk?” the bald man asked.

          The tall one responded, “It’s just funny to me how cliché you are. With the bald head, the ruff scars, and the cheap armor.”

He continued to laugh until he grabbed the man’s collar and tossed him aside like he was a fluffy pillow. He muttered something along the lines of “weakling” as he crashed into a table. The now broken table used to have a blue potion on it, but now it was cracked in half.

          Just as the raven black man was about to speak, a scream was heard around the room. It came from the same table that the bald adventurer landed on. She huffed and stood up. Then she looked over to where the tall man was standing and made her way over.

          “You broke my potion!” the girl screamed at him.

          “What?” he responded; she seemed even more enflamed by this.

          She pointed to a broken glass that probably used to be not broken and used to hold a blue potion. It seemed to the hooded girl that this woman was just trying to shake down her traveling companion, but whatever.

          “Maybe these men could reimburse you? They are the ones who started it,” the hooded girl said.

          The angry girl looked over to her and then back at the tall plate armored man. She tilted her head as if thinking. It seemed to her that this was a fair point. In the end, she merely looked to the trio standing in front of her for the potion.

          “I don’t think those fools have ever seen a gold coin in their lives. But you have some very expensive looking armor. Maybe you have a spare potion?” she asked of him.

          “Here,” spoke the woman in the red hood, “I have a spar potion.”

          As the girl that was named Brita looked at the potion in her hands, she mumbled a thank you and sat down at the bar. The trio then made their way to their room. This was going to be a long day…

          As the trio stepped into their new room for the night, the two masked people of the group took off their helmets. Or rather helmet, the woman who was actually Aeskell had a mask and simple circlet on. The only man of the group actually had the helmet.

          As the group settled down Narberal Gamma looked around the room and made a comment.

          “Supreme beings shouldn’t stay in a place like this,” she commented and Ainz and Aeskell simply looked at her.

          “It’s fine Narberal, remember right now we are simple adventurers. Right now, we are not the supreme beings. Aeskell is Viridael and I a Momon; remember that,” he told the battle maid.

          The maid nodded her head. But she still wasn’t very sure on what the two supreme beings wanted with this place. The confusion must have been plain on her face as Ai- or rather Momon decided to explain.

          “Narberal, or rather Nabe as I will call you when we are in our part as adventurers, we need to make our name know in this world so we can better find the other supreme beings. Or rather, the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown. As adventurers, we can better find this information,” he finished.

          It was at this point that Aeskell, or rather Viridael, made her opinion known.

          “You just wanted to stretch your legs and explore, did you?” she asked cheekily.

          Momon stuttered and looked down in embarrassment. The two of them had somehow gotten rather close in the short time they had known each other. It was almost like they were falling in love. At least that was what Nabe thought in the worst parts of her mind.

          She was of the opinion that lady Aeskell was trying to seduce lord Ainz. She didn’t like it very much, but Lady Aeskell had yet to show what she was actually doing, so she was mostly fine with her.

          It was nice having more than one Supreme being to serve.

          “Anyway, we need to make our power known by grinding our way to the top of the adventurer guilds ranks. We do that by finding ourselves some jobs!” Viridael chanted out.

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