The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 4: The Name of Ainz Ooal Gown, part one (18)

Chapter 4: The Name of Ainz Ooal Gown

“My name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Now, what did you say about killing all those villagers?”

          As Nigun looked at the man in front of him, he couldn’t help but notice his size and presence. No matter, he would die like Gazef, and he would die like those villagers would soon as well. But what had the man said about the villagers?

He had asked what he was going to do to them. Well, the answer was simple, kill them. After all, he couldn’t have anyone implicated in this endeavor live, now, could he? He peered at the mask covering his face.

          Instead of responding to the tall man who seemed like a magic caster’s question, he spoke in his own derisive laugh. It was a laugh that held a deep-seated confidence.

          The pontifex had given him a treasure of the six great gods, and he would use it if necessary. It was a sealing crystal as he had been told. In it was the highest-level angel he any person could summon.

          “HaHaHa! You’re just a simple magic caster. Why would that Gazef say something so highly!?” he said.

He continued to laugh until the sound of shattering glass rang out. He looked up to the sky and saw that the air had somehow broken; much like the glass sound that had rung out. The magic caster simply looked on with a pep in his step.

          “It looked like someone was trying too hard to peek at what’s going on here. But it seemed like Aeskell has that covered,” he sighed an exasperated sigh, all the pep gone.

          “I’m gonna have to thank her later for that…” he continued to grumble.

          Ainz was starting to think that Aeskell might be a little overpowered. Her perception was high enough that she saw that someone was spying on him before his automatic spells went off. That was impressive; at least somewhat.

          After Nigun had come over his shock at the sound that had learned was the spying of someone, he had realized that he needed to finish this up already. It was taking a while to do this one simple mission.

          “Men, send the angels in to kill this fool,” he told his subordinates.

          Then, after he told them so, they went forward. They closed the gap effortlessly and plunged their flaming sword deep into the tall magic caster. So, he was all bark and no bite it seems?

          Then he saw them, they were being gripped by the heads and held like small children that were misbehaving. It was strange to see. In fact, it should be impossible. What was this man? Who was he?

          “Hmm, it looks like these are in fact archangel flames from Yggdrasil. How odd?” the man spoke softly before slamming the two small angels into the ground, killing them instantly.

          He then stood back up and posed a question in a loud and booming voice. It was a stark contrast to the calm and somewhat uncaring voice he had before. It unnerved Nigun.

          It was at this point when the moral of his men broke. They began to fling whatever spells they thought would kill the man. Be they curses, arcane magic, or even holy magic; it did not faze him. In fact, it seemed to make him want to keep asking them those strange questions.

          “Now tell me where did you learn those spells?!” he asked.

          It was a strange question indeed. Everyone knew that information. They attained this magic form the six great gods; how could this man not know that? But what was strange was when one of his men pulled back on a sling on his arm.

          “DIE YOU MONSTERS!!!” the man screamed, then his head blew up before he could launch the pebble.

          Nigun looked around the clearing for any sign of the attacker, but they were nowhere to be seen. It seemed like he had just straight up died, spontaneously. It was then that he heard a good-hearted chuckle come from the monster of a man.

          “It seems Aeskell is watching us from the village. I shouldn’t be surprised after all, she has a sniper scope and some pretty good skills,” he told the woman standing beside him that Nigun had somehow missed.

          Nigun looked back to his Angel that he had summoned. It was gone, he hadn’t even noticed. In its place a few sparkling motes of light. Those were the telltale sign that it had been slain.

Nigun started to panic, if there was a sniper that could see them in the village… then they would be dead before he could pull out his ceiling crystal. But it was a gamble. They would die without its use.

          “Men, shield me from the sniper’s strikes. I’m going to summon the highest-level angel!” he called out.

          His men began to clam down, the surrounded him with protective spells. After that, he pulled out the Crystal from his robes and held it up to the sky. Ainz looked at it and then stiffened. He looked over to Albedo and called out to her.

          “Albedo, get ready for whatever comes next,” he told her.

          She nodded her assent and hopped up in front of him. She brandished her halberd and got ready to take whatever attack the filthy humans had in store. It was kind of strange though, she couldn’t sense any powerful foes or energy from the ceiling Crystal.

          “Behold the power of the highest-level Angel possible!” Nigun shouted, then he summoned it.

          Blueish sunlight peeked through the clouds and underneath the shining light was a seventh-tier angel called Dominion Authority. Dozens of wings and feathers overlapped with one another. In its two only arms it held a scepter. Then Ainz face palmed.

          “I got worked up over this?” he asked himself.

          Nigun was quite happy now, the man seemed distraught. It was only wise now to bow like the dog he was and die now. Nigun breathed a sigh of satisfaction. It was now obvious that they were going to win against these monsters. He hadn’t heard the quiet mumble of Ainz.

          “It seems that you have realized your folly. Dominion Authority, crush these fools. Use holy smite!” he shouted out to the thing.

          Then it hit Ainz, and he couldn’t help but let out an exasperated laugh. This day was starting to become quite funny in all honesty. He could feel a slight sting across himself, but other than that it was very funny.

          “So, this is what it feels like to take damage! This is pain! HaHaHa!” he continued to laugh, only to be interrupted by Albedo.

          “You hurt my beloved! You lower lifeforms! You have caused him pain!!!” she shouted out.

          It was like a dam that held back nothing, but contempt and all the rage of hell spilt out. A great aura ran out from the woman’s body. But it stopped when the holy smite finished its power and a hand was placed on her shoulder. It was Ainz’s hand.

          “Albedo, please calm down. that attack held no power or true advantage over me,” he told her.

          After he told her to do so, the succubus stopped her rage and sucked back in her aura. It left the men around them stumped by the sheer power these two surely had. Then a loud crack rang out and Ainz looked up to see the Dominion Authority get hit by a blast of light. It vanished in a puff of blue, pixilated particles.

          He began to laugh once more.

          “HaHaHa! Ho HaHaHa!” he let out in a rather giddy state, “you just hyped up this hole big thing, and now it’s killed instantly by a Paladin! Isn’t that Irony,” then his emotional suppression kicked.

          “That reminds me of an adventure me and the rest of the guild led down into a deep dungeon. And down in the dungeon waiting for us was a PK party. They summoned about a dozen different angels; but Touch Me-San killed them all in only a couple of strikes. It was a rather nice and overall good day that day,” he told Albedo.

          Then he turned to the now shivering scripter members.

          “Now, what did you say to Gazef again?”  asked as he pulled off his mask and put it into his inventory, "Any last words before we put you down like a good dog?”

          It was at this moment that Nigun realized that these weren’t truly people, they were monsters…

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