The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 3: Battle of Canre village, part two (9)

They were sitting in the office, Momonga was checking out the “mirror of remote viewing”. He was having a pretty hard time with it too; it was like he had never used the thing before. It made Aeskell giggle a little. He looked at her as if she had just stabbed him.

“Why are you laughing? I’ve never used this thing like this before!” he told her.

She looked at him as if she was talking to a child. But then her teasing smile turned to that of a genuine one. The change was sudden and Momonga was confused by it.

“My dear Momonga, to zoom out, you reverse pinch the screen,” she told him, and just as she had told him, it worked.

Sebas clapped his hands together in celebration, but it felt like he was mocking him. He then looked back to the screen. He was looking around the area they now had access to. He had been looking at the space for the past two days, but now Aeskell had fixed the problem he had been having for that time.

He wanted to huff in exasperation, but his emotional suppression kicked in. He nodded his head to her, and she nodded back. She had gotten used to this change in his behavior. He had told her about it, but it was rather strange to notice such a thing, and then piece it together with the knowledge she had seen.

It was then that they noticed the space around the place they had been looking at for the past three days. Zooming into the space they now noticed, they saw a village. Said village looked like it had something going on right now.

Aeskell tiled her head, it looked like they were having a festival? Maybe? Actually, it seemed they were under attack. There was what looked like heavy infantry and cavalry running amok through the village. Momonga leaned back in his chair. He felt nothing when looking at the deaths of the people in the small town. Aeskell on the other hand, saw something strange.

“Momonga look, one of the villagers. It almost looks like he’s staring right at the screen,” she pointed out.

He saw it now too; the older man was getting ganged up on by the heavy infantry. He was looking at them. Almost like he could see them. It unnerved Aeskell a little, but it was nothing more than a slight rase of her arm hairs that were there.

She looked over to Momonga and sighed, he didn’t seem to want to get involved, and that was understandable. This was a new world, there were probably things here that no one in the tomb had any info that could link to this world on. But, at the same time…

“Momonga, you see those two girls at the edge of the village and where the woods meet,” he nodded. “Imma go and see how my guns stack up against those knights,” she told him.

He seemed, well… not shocked at all.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to come along too. I was thinking back to my best friend’s first words to me, “saving somebody in trouble is always the right thing to do!”, this fits right in with that. Also, we might as well check our power level here,” he said.

She nodded her head and pulled a shotgun out of her inventory. It was just straight up a trench gun. If you don’t know what one of those is, look it up. She then looked at Sebas and then told him to tell Albedo that they were going out.

“Sebas, tell Albedo that we are going for a very enthusiastic walk through this village,” she told him.

“Of course, lady Aeskell. I will relay the message,” he responded.

Momonga looked at her funny. She seemingly looked back at him with an equal amount of giddiness and nervousness. It was as if she wasn’t trying to act like herself. Like she was referencing something that he didn’t know or understand.

As he turned away from her to open the gate, she rolled her eyes with exasperation. She then sighed and drooped her shoulders.

“Oh, come on Momonga, that was an obvious reference!” she complained at him, if you the reader didn’t know. Well, that was a Hellsing ultimate abridged reference.

“I’ve never seen whatever you’re refencing. Now, can we get this done?” he asked with a bit of annoyance.

She rolled her head back and forth in understanding as she walked through the portal that he had opened. The passage to the place indicated in the mirror was the same as the time she went through the gate to the throne room when she got here. On the other side was something that she had never seen before, it was a redhead.

She had never seen a redhead before in real life, there was just no one that matched that description in her neighborhood before. But she better not get distracted. Behind the young lady was one of those knight look-a-likes. And in came the info on them.

First, was the young girl and lady, their levels, names, stats, and everything in between was up for her mind to peer at. Since they were under level forty, she could see everything about them. The knights were no different, they simply were weak, she could see that now.

The both of them were weak, under level thirty. They also seemed to be magic casters in disguise. They had many of their small number of levels in magic casting. And it was then that she decided to make her first reference.

She leveled her trench gun at the wanna-be-knight and fired. The sound was like that of the game, satisfying to a holt degree. The buckshot evaporated the man, leaving nothing in its wake.

Looking down, she saw the kids trembling, and she smiled. Now was the time when she really loved the fact that she was a paladin, for it gave her immense satisfaction to save them. Then she spoke.

“Be not afraid Emmots,” she appeased, racking the pump, “I am here.”

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