The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 11: Waste, and not caring, part one (74)

Chapter 11: Waste, and not caring

          Ainz, in his guise as the adventurer Momon, looked across the huddles of workers. They were men and women that ricked their lives fro money, much like adventures. Though, there were several differences. They weren’t a part of the guild, and they often did illegal things for profit.

          Such as right now. They were hired by a noble man that had been put up to the task of invading the great tomb. Of course, the plan was set in motion by the mind and work of Demiurge, but they themselves still thought it was all planned by the certain nobleman.

          As he continued to stare out at them, they waited with baited breaths as he walked out of the shadows of the carriage that he had been standing under. Aeskell, or as she was called as an adventurer Viridael, was standing beside him along with Nabe.

          “This is who will be defending us,” the butler for the nobleman spoke, “let me introduce to you, Mr. Momon of the adventuring team known as Darkness.”

He let out a slight aura as he looked at them all over. Awe and trepidation were written on all of their faces. Even the most powerful of these people felt their knees quiver just a smidge in response to him.

          Ainz in the guise of Momon scanned the crowds, making sure to turn his head as he did so. This was important in his opinion. He wanted to leave an impression of doom and slight awe into these people.

          He wished to see how different these people were to the standard adventurer. After all, most adventures of decent power, such power as the people gather around him were, had a greater purpose in their hearts and minds. This was then asked through a question.

          “Tell me you all, you do you do this as workers? Why do you wish to rick your lives in this newly discovered tomb?” he asked them all.

          A young woman raised her hand. This was Arche, if Aeskell was to believed. She had told him of all of the niche and strange people around this place before they had stepped out of the cover of the shadows. If he remembered right, she had a talent that could see someone’s level of spell mastery.

          “Yes, do you have an answer to this question?” he asked the girl.

          If he also remembered correctly, she used to be one of Fluder’s apprentices. Though, in all honesty, he didn’t remember anything more than that. She then spoke.

          “I wish to pay off my debt. I wish to help my sisters and to help them have a better life,” she said her goal, in front of the rest of the workers.

          Momon nodded his head. That was a better goal than he had thought. Then he heard and man with a group of slaves behind him speak. His gate and the way he carried himself earlier spoke of unbridled confidence.

          “I simply wish for money,” he said.

          Momon scowled at that. Can’t win them all, his own mind said.

Sebas was rather happy. No, he was ecstatic. Though, he wouldn’t let it show on his face at all. He, Ninya, and Tuare were tasked with looking over and taking care of the three princesses while their parents were away.

          Right now, Lady Albedo, Lady Aeskell, and lord Ainz were setting up the trap so they could obtain a “casus belli.” This casus belli would aid the tomb in making a nation for itself, though he dared not think on how it would work.

          He looked down at the three-month-old children. Their faces were as perfectly made as that of the supreme beings. The first princess, Lady Tanya looked up to him with her sculpted face and spoke.

          He wasn’t surprised that she could speak. After only two weeks all three children could speak. Sure, they still acted with the intelligence of toddlers, but it was rather impressive. Though, it was strange that lady Tanya had a lisp. That was something that Ninya and Tuare found cute for some reason. He had to admit to it once they gushed more and more over her, and by extinction, her sisters.

          “Hav Faffer and Mother fimissed wip therf work?” she asked with her baby voice, her sisters looking at her with rapt attention for some reason.

          It was strange, at least in his mind, that they seemed subservient to her. Sure, they were rather smart for babies, but they were treated as equals, and seen as equals. In Sebas’s mind that made them equals so they should treat each other as such. But he figured that this was something that had translated from the inherited wisdom of his lord.

          “I shall message him right away, My Lady,” he spoke in his most respectful voice, and Tanya nodded her head with an adorable smile on her face.

Lady Erika shivered at that sight, but he could never figure out why she did so. Maybe she saw it as predatory? That was the only thing that he could think of as a fighter and a butler that would get a reaction like that, but that just didn’t make any sense.

          After a couple of seconds of dial up, he heard the voice of his master on the other end of the spell. After the birth of his children, he had spent even more time in his study with lady Aeskell. Sebas didn’t know what they did in that room. However, his lord gained more assertiveness in his actions and spoke directly about his plans more often than he did let Demiurge speak for him and his will.

          Sebas could feel the happiness of his lord as the message patched through, and through the voice of him.

          “Sebas, I was wondering when you would call. How have the girls been doing? Well, I hope,” he joked through the spell, and Sebas smiled even more so.

          “They are doing well, My Lord. Lady Tanya was wondering if you and lady Albedo were done with work?” he asked the question.

          He could feel his lord look away at something, then turn his mind back to the current message. He then spoke of what was going on currently and how much longer it would be until he himself met with his children.

          “We are currently monitoring the human workers that have fallen into our trap and started the plan. I have also chosen a group of workers that I plan on testing my metal against. Tell her that dada has got some more work to do, but Aeskell should be coming down to mother them sooner rather than later,” he explained.

          Sebas smiled and turned to Lady Tanya. He repeated the words that his lord had said, just in time for a knock to sound off from the door. It was rather good timing.

          “Lady Tanya, your father has told me that it will still be some time before he can come and see you. But lady Aeskell should be here,” he said as Ninya opened the door and Lady Aeskell entered the room.

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