The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 85

I quickly led Soo-oh out of the place. swish

Because the more I open my mouth here, the more the mystery fades away. gasp

Plus, if there’s scarcity, physical regeneration is immediately transformed into an expensive commodity. cha-ching

Just think of people who buy health supplements or throw themselves into cults with the mere hope of being healed. sigh

When a person hits rock bottom, their judgment gets blurry in order to survive. thud

The saying “grasping at straws” sums it up perfectly. grab

Looking at this situation, desperate people will come running right away. run-run

And the observant ones will realize that a suddenly strong and recovered man has purple hair and white skin. ding-ding

If they have a vivid imagination, they might even deduce why Cheonma has turned into a woman. thinking noise

And let’s be honest, messing up Jeonyang’s funeral would not be a good idea, right? wink-wink

Although only Cheonma is getting rained on, it’s an appropriate place to recall the saying that one visits the deceased at the last moment, just like in the first world. echo

Of course, I have no idea if people will think the way I do, but I’ll scatter what I can and gather what elements I can slowly. scatter-snap

If someone with knowledge as important as Cheonma is about to evaporate, I need to leave first and think about it later! whoosh

At that moment, things were urgent. urgency alert

To regenerate, I had to throw myself into the world even if it cracked! crack

In reality, there were fine cracks. crack crack But over time, those cracks would heal up as if they were alive. heal heal

Whether it healed perfectly or if the damaged areas, like scars on a person, were just covered remains a mystery. ponder

On my way home with Soo-oh, I looked at the world from the perspective of the harvesting period. gaze

First, there’s Gapjae. ding

That guy is diligently doing his lawful duty again. ding-ding

He was trying to get close to the geomancer’s master, but after seeing the sword technique that changed the terrain during the fight between Cheonma and Cheonma Church, he hasn’t contacted the geomancer’s master. zoom-zoom

Of course, the geomancer’s master has never contacted him either. silence

But that doesn’t mean he’s given up. Every night he diligently trains at a personal training ground of Cheonma Church. workout music Following the memories sent by Eunjai, he’s honing his martial skills. focus

It’s nice to see his desire hasn’t diminished. thumbs up

Next up is Byeongil. ding

This fella has suddenly become like someone who’s lost their grip. slip

All the items from the other masters that used to come daily have been cut off, and his subordinates don’t recognize him anymore. shocked gasp

Instead, they whisper about when he might die. whisper-whisper

Byeongil’s personality is getting twisted enough to warrant applause. clap-clap He has increasingly been tormenting his subordinates with his authority, and out of sheer frustration, he killed a passing servant. stab

But still, killing people is a bad thing, even in this world. whoosh

Not from a human rights perspective, but from a labor perspective. think think

You wouldn’t smash a company’s computer CPU just because you don’t like it, right? don’t do it

You’d get arrested for destruction of property. police sirens

At first, you might just get a slap on the wrist and a deduction from your salary, but next time, you could find yourself at the police station. gasp

In short, it’s behavior that’s worthy of condemnation. risk risk

So when faced with criticism, Byeongil gets even angrier. angry

Listening to his mutterings when he’s mentally cornered reveals that those who used to flatter him have suddenly switched their attitude and he gets mad. surprised gasp

Step by step, it’s deteriorating, huh? step-step

I hope he gets even more twisted. twist twist

That way, he might give off more warmth, right? warmth alert

Meanwhile, the lawful guardians of the Heavenly Palace master and the ordinary church members there are training hard in martial arts. training sound

For the ordinary church members, it’s more accurate to say they are being force-fed martial arts rather than studying them. stuff-stuff

Surprisingly, they seem quite satisfied. happy sounds

It’s fascinating. wow

Seeing themselves grow stronger seems to boost their motivation. cheer-up

Through conversations between the Heavenly Palace master and the guardians, I got to hear what happened to the elixir made during the harvesting period. whisper-whisper

It turned out to be complete junk with no effects. fail fail

Those who took it experienced nothing at all. nothing

At the very least, I hoped it would have been transferred in some way, but there was none of that. empty sound

What a pity. sigh

However, I did gain some insights. lightbulb

I learned from them a new perspective on the harvesting period. study

They speculate that when a person becomes a harvesting period, all of the original potential that person has is drawn out to grow stronger. gather

So even if they create an elixir, it wouldn’t work since that potential has already been used up. used

But that’s likely not the answer. think

There’s an example. dun-dun

In the first world, countless people became harvesting periods. count=count

Even after becoming harvesting periods, they continued to grow stronger. yes yes

It’s possible to provide counter-evidence, so it’s not a definitive answer, but saying it represents the maximum potential one can have at that moment might be correct. maybes

So what about Cheonma who has changed into a woman? hmmm

Hmm… thinking sound

If you consume an elixir made from special materials, new light grows on top of the existing light. That light is the light contained in the elixir. shine

This is because when approaching the harvesting period, it was a pure white light that hadn’t been colored purple. pure

I shouldn’t rush to conclusions but rather research it step by step. investigate

Light and warmth are something I must solve eventually. solving sounds

But since I’ve learned a lot, if I keep gathering information like this, I’ll surely come to understand it clearly one day. collect collect

And Cheonma. ding

That guy is busy. busy bee

He’s preoccupied with Jeonyang’s funeral. somber music The funeral lasts for three days, so there’s no chance of seeing him until then. countdown The funeral is grand, but it’s quite funny that the only one who is truly grieving is probably Cheonma. chuckle

Anyway, Cheonma will guard the funeral site. guard guard

In other words, it’s hard for Cheonma to move. bound So during that time, someone might take action. sneaky Especially those who dislike Cheonma. irritated

Moreover, a chance arose, and I made an impromptu advertisement. alert alert

I announced that I have such capabilities, so if anyone is interested, they should come find me. call call

Many people wish for their healing. hopeful

For sure, a desperate person will come flying my way. whoosh

Besides, just a while ago, someone who became a harvesting period was eagerly advertising that he had healed. yay

This was a success. success sound


Jeonyang’s funeral is over. final bell

Unfortunately, nobody came. silence silence

Wait, why isn’t anyone coming?! confusion

There are many people in Cheonma Church who have suffered life-threatening injuries for various reasons! pity

If even one person healed at once, shouldn’t at least one person show up? confused look

Cheonma has been at the funeral home and hasn’t received any reports about me. none

If that’s the case, it means they voluntarily didn’t come, but why is that? ponder

The last person who became a harvesting period is bragging to me every day about how he healed! brag

But why isn’t he coming?! frustration

Argh. What should I do? panic

I was considering joining Cheonma Church just as I did at Future Hope Church. mindset shift Of course, I wouldn’t do it exactly the same. differences If I did it the same way, it would be natural to face the same failure. learning curve

So this time, I planned to take control to a certain extent so I could lead the initiative. lead lead

But with no response like this, it’s hard to take control. impasse

Alternatively, it could mean they believe that even if they heal, they can’t do anything, or it suggests that Cheonma Church is so controlled as not to send believers to strange people. understanding

Cheonma has become a harvesting period, but I have no authority to command the harvesting period. no power

I’m either on the same level or even lower. lower

Moreover, sending memories can’t reach if one’s consciousness is too strong. blocked

It means I can’t control them by sending them a large quantity of memories to drive them mad. madness

What on earth is it that I can’t do so much? frustration

There’s nothing I can do with that kind of power. helpless

I just have to live diligently with the power I have. persevere

I turned to the north. turn

A vast, endless blue forest spread out. wow

And beyond that forest lies a city. paths revealed

A place similar to a martial arts novel in the memories of the Faded Man. storytime A place where countless ordinary people live. ordinary

It’s the place I can blend into the most. blend in

What should I do? ponder

Should I go out like this, or wait for the future at Cheonma Church? waiting game

If I were alone, I would have stepped out without hesitation, but I have Soo-oh in my hands. hesitation

It makes me think twice about wandering without a home. ponder ponder

Alternatively, finding a man who seems likely to become a harvesting period soon could also be an opportunity. exploration

Oh Myeong-seong, the man who absorbed Eunchun’s Qi using the Heupsung Grand Law. connect connect

He’s not a harvesting period yet. not yet

But there’s a clear connection, and that connection is gradually getting stronger. building link

Not long from now, he might even be brought to the harvesting period. soon

No matter how small the fragment, fundamentally, everything is connected to me. threads Like drawing several people on a canvas and attaching threads to each one, tying the opposite ends together. knit-knit

Why can’t I manipulate these powers? frustration

Since I only have skills like brainwashing, I could be living well while absorbing warmth! regret

“Choseol, what are you doing?” curious

As I muttered inside, Soo-oh suddenly peeked from behind. peek

Being still a child, her words are short. child sounds I’m contemplating whether to start teaching her honorifics or let her be a little longer. educator mode

I wonder if she should learn society by communicating with humans instead of being with monsters like me. sociology course But then again, thinking about it, if I live here, the only education I’ll get is a twisted ideological one. bad teacher

Should I seriously consider leaving Cheonma Church? escape plan

With Cheonma, a powerful rock looming over, it doesn’t seem like the incidents I desire will happen significantly. stagnation

If I’m dreaming of a unified martial arts world like the demonic sect in Faded Man’s memories, or before learning Gyuwa Protection like Cheonma, I am still willing to lend a hand. helping hand

However, since I learned Gyuwa Protection, Cheonma’s talk about conquering the martial arts world has vanished. silence

He’s likely not too interested now anyway. indifference

The only possibility left is some slight chance of invading the martial arts world claiming he’s going to be exterminating Jeonyang’s remnants? slight

But I can’t say that out loud. hush hush

Anyone who isn’t stupid would catch on that I said it with malicious intent. suspicion Especially since it’s about someone I love. heavy heart The person who’s already dead. tragic

The risk of making enemies is high. So, I better avoid mentioning it. tiptoe

Most importantly, Cheonma is someone who vaguely knows my identity. sneaky sly If things go awry, it could lead to a group seeking to eliminate me from this world. danger danger

Since there’s a potential they could develop a technique to summon me, it’s wise to avoid dangerous places. safety first

Above all, it’s best to minimize enemies as much as possible. friendship goals

If I have to make enemies, it should only be when absolutely necessary. need only Of course, there are times when just breathing can make someone resentful. sigh

For now, I turned to Soo-oh, who was playfully rolling around, holding onto me like a cat. cute

“I’m thinking about how to teach Soo-oh.” thoughtful

“I don’t like that.” pout


She lightly hit me with her small hands, but the impact is surprisingly strong. ow Looks like her physical training is paying off. fit

If Cheonma continues to enjoy a mundane peace, I thought about severing ties with Cheonma Church and pushed Soo-oh toward the yard. reset

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