The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 64

Hyungkesuni spent a time filled with laughter.

Surely, if they’re laughing, we can believe they’re happy!

Anyway, the outsider church that captured the Witch of Joy immediately tried to call the outsider. Unfortunately, Hyungkesuni’s magic alone couldn’t summon the outsider.

To reach the outsider, Yasle had to add the secret art he brought from the Yeongyang Church Nation, overcoming the minimum requirements to connect.

But there was a problem.

The knowledge sent by the outsider is not well received by those with clear consciousness. Thus, Tisah never sensed the summoning method the outsider was sending throughout his life.

The fuzzier one’s ego and the more chaotic one’s mind, the more likely malignant information sent by the outsider fills their head. That’s also why the 미리간교 quickly gathered people who knew how to summon the outsider.

With their self-esteem shattered by the brainwashing of a cult and being mostly dependent on others, they easily absorbed the summoning methods.

However, the outsider church had a slightly different direction.

It’s not a religion that destroys a person’s personality but one that rather forgives and accepts others.

It’s a religion aimed at expanding the size of the heart.

So, while Hyungkesuni’s knowledge was analyzed, it couldn’t touch the knowledge needed to summon the outsider.

That required the special secret art Yasle possessed.

After several failed attempts to summon the outsider, Rebecca gave up on calling the outsider herself.

Instead, she decided to use another method.

If they could match the information received from the Anselus royalty with the information extracted from torturing Hyungkesuni, it was said that if there were many blessed people, it would be easier for the outsider to appear.

So she decided to create a lot.

Rebecca was the first to spread the blessings, which were only done at the holy place, to the whole world.

She publicly announced that sentence in the name of the outsider church.

An era had arrived where anyone who wanted could receive a blessing.

And on top of that, Rebecca used what she learned from the history of another world.

She created doctrines to spread widely among people, modeled after the universal religion she had seen in the outsider’s memories.

This was not a religion of the Abrahamic tradition that excludes other religions but was reminiscent of Hinduism, which absorbs other religions.

The hodgepodge religion Rebecca mixed together became a powerful weapon due to its ambiguity and spread widely.

One of the reasons the outsider church spread quickly was that legends about the outsider existed everywhere in this world.

The god of salvation who comes to give the last strength to those despairing in the world.

Before the outsider church spread, it was as if the outsider church had already existed.

Of course, there had been a cult derived from that primitive religion, but it didn’t last long and was quickly dissolved into the outsider church.

Because there were blessings.

Anyone who believed in the outsider and read a sentence could receive a blessing.

Whether they had no arms, no legs, or were suffering from skin diseases, once they received the blessing, they would have a pure body. After feeling the greatness of the outsider, a completely new doctrine would come.

Believing in a god is humanity’s freedom.

It even recognizes the freedom not to believe in the outsider. The blessing is not something given as collateral for faith. No matter what you do, it was a promise that the blessed person would be fetched by the outsider in the end.

At first glance, this seems like a sentence that weakens faith. If you don’t have to believe, can you just not believe?

However, this sentence truly exerts power when other religions are nearby.

When two religions exist, a comparison is unconsciously made.

Holding similar items, seeking where is more efficient is a primal instinct that humans have held since before the prehistoric era.

The blessed only need to receive blessings and return to their original faith.

But what’s there are people.

When someone’s hair turns purple and their skin becomes white, what will people think when someone stronger and smarter than them, suddenly grown by blessings, appears? Especially if that person used to be worse than them?

They reject.

They ban those with purple hair from entering their territory, saying they sold themselves to the wicked.

What happens then?

They do not enter the outsider church. Because until now, they have been loyal to their original faith, and they merely accepted blessings thinking they would become stronger. They still believe in the local god, yet they face rejection there.

Now, places where blessed people believe in the local god are born.

This is akin to a disease.

For those who are neutral or not on either side, it merely seems like two shrines have emerged.

There’s no big difference for a third party. Still, those who first went to the outsider church feel awkward, so initially, they go to places without purple-haired people.

In that way, they continue to frequent their original places, but at some point in life, everyone will wish for a god.

When that time comes, where is the place that directly helps people most intuitively?

The outsider church.

Once one receives a blessing, most troubles are solved.

Moreover, one can believe in the original god after receiving blessings.

The number of people receiving blessings increases. For instance, let’s say there’s a family. The head of the family has an accident at work. Then they receive blessings and recover.

So, where does the family turn?

To a shrine the head of the family can attend? Or to one they can’t?

Ultimately, where people gather becomes the second shrine. And the first shrine collapses as people decrease due to a culture of rejection.

People gradually become accustomed to the blessings. Of course, at that point, even if they are not aware of it, it’s beneficial to the outsider. Many harvesting periods emerged.

But what truly digs into the outsider religion is the next generation. All hair turns purple. The disparate appearance of the outsider church, living in the same village, has now become the norm.

Because most of them already have purple hair.

Resistance diminishes, familiarity increases.

And as that happens, opportunities arise to learn about the outsider church’s free doctrine. Then they compare. A god that gives something only if you believe versus a god that gives blessings without requiring belief and comes to fetch you in the end.

Which is greater?

Not every village or city will assimilate in this way, but they will ultimately go through a similar process.

It’s not a religion one practices because someone told them to; cultural roots gradually seep into the doctrines of the outsider church.

And just that one sentence about freedom holds.

The place where other beliefs could exist gradually gets torn away.

In a place without faith, there are two miracles.

The blessing is given first, and the price is collected later.

Miracles of other gods require faith first, and the miracles come afterward.

People prefer easy and quick miracles.

Why would anyone go out and pray at a specific time every week? Moreover, many other religions demand a lot of money.

Originally, all religious groups ask for money for various reasons. No matter how much charity they present, they still need money to live in the material world.

But what happens if that is minimal?

In both faith and monetary terms, the outsider church is too strong.

So, it’s not surprising that within 40 years, most of the people on the continent have purple hair and exceptionally white skin.

As the numbers increase, the stigma effect arises.

Even if one isn’t actually one of them, having purple hair and white skin means they are registered as part of the outsider church.

It’s akin to generalizing that Muslims are terrorists when seeing Muslims where the outsider once lived.

From the victim’s perspective, if you say all Asians in a foreign place are Chinese or Japanese, it might be a bit easier to understand.

And the scale sometimes draws in even larger crowds.

There’s a saying about manipulating public opinion, and living in modern society, one learns about it through experience.

Exploring the term McCarthyism and related matters wouldn’t hurt either.

Whether the truth or falsehood, groups sometimes commit ignorant acts lightly.

In the middle of the continent, there are the Ahu Jungle and Skad Rocky Desert.

It took less than 30 years to paint all the eastern regions with purple hair.

When 60 years had passed since the outsider died at the holy place, most of the people on the continent turned purple.

Unfortunately, that’s how it came to be.

One day, people started hearing a cracking sound. Yet nothing happened.

So people thought maybe some natural disaster or something big occurred far away.

Since it was still a time when people approached things scientifically from the faith perspective.

Of course, it was just as humanism based on outsider church doctrines was sprouting.

Yet during that era, it was easier to blame the gods than to find the cause of that phenomenon.

Some did seek to understand, but they could not track down the source of the cracking sound.

Over approximately 8 years, the cracking sound grew more frequent, and people became accustomed to it. Thus, their last hope vanished.

But there was someone who had heard that sound before.

And there was one who knew what it meant.

Now in the sub-basement of the outdated outsider church headquarters rarely used anymore,

It was close to a hunk of meat without a human form, but it was once a person.

Several generations ago.

A person who went by the name of the Witch of Joy, Hyungkesuni.

There was a human who had already had their mind wrecked by torture like breathing. A young woman approached that place.


She hadn’t aged. People assumed she remained so because she was a saint, but she knew what abilities she had.

Some of the blessings give special powers.

That was the ability to not deteriorate until she killed Hyungkesuni. Next to her stood a middle-aged woman with white hair.

Her name was Rebecca Rolfe. After nearly 200 years, she had finally begun to age.

Of course, she still was short.

Rebecca approached Hyungkesuni.

“It’s been a while, old witch.”


From behind her, a cracking sound was heard. A very unsettling sound. And Hyungkesuni, who had heard it before, opened one eye left in her leathery skin.

Incapable of smiling due to lack of muscles, she pondered about the sound she just heard with her only remaining ear.

Long, long ago. Before the suffering started in the depths of hell, this sound existed when something truly terrifying was about to happen.

The outsider was here.


That sound echoed again.

As a heavy object went up, unable to endure the weight, it made a sound like a shattering glass plate.

“It’s finally time for the end; I’ve come to say goodbye.”

The witch looked at the smiling Rebecca. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t. The articulate organs were long gone.

She wanted to smile. Yet it had long been agonizingly taken away from her body.

All she could do was fill her eyes, the window to her heart, and gaze at Rebecca with terror.


A sound of something unable to hold on and breaking was heard.

In that moment, Hyungkesuni felt the burning pain she had experienced hundreds of times. Dakota plunged a burning sword into Hyungkesuni’s body.

But that was the last moment a person could do something.

Do you recall when the outsider blesses someone, they embed themselves in that person?

When the outsider comes into this world, do they remember the cracks that occur as if they break under some heavy weight?


They were thrown outside the world.

No, not just them. All living beings in that world fell in one direction. The glass container known as the world shattered under the weight of the items inside and plunged into an abyss.

It was closer to the entire space moving to a server rather than simply going down.

Descending into a place that grew older, deteriorated, and was on the brink of extinction with a light.

For the beings of a world now falling, there was no world to protect them anymore. They fell into countless worlds.

Not merely living different lives. Some shone like light, while others scattered like paint.

As they leaped from one world to another, they experienced an environment changing wildly again and again. Down. Down. Down.

And then the bottom.


Exactly at the surface, they touched and sank below.

And right after, an incredible chill penetrated deep into their souls.

To summarize:

The divine being was right.

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