The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 41

Isla hits Wide.

Wide hits Tisah.

It seems like for a beautiful conclusion, Tisah should attack Isla, but for now, Tisah and Isla are on the same side.

Anyway, most of the soldiers are tired, and suddenly a zealot invades the battlefield.

However, most of the zealots weren’t enemies. They weren’t especially high on drugs, and after a few people died, they tried to run away.

Then Wide commanded the fleeing ones to continue fighting while picking them up, which was a mistake.

At that moment, Tisah shouted that if they repented to Seongsin Church, he would spare them.

By the way, Tisah is a great hero from the Ansellus Kingdom. He’s a relatively noble hero. His reputation that he has built up until now was convincing enough for the frightened believers to turn their swords in a different direction.

Even among them, there were low-ranking Blessed Ones.

It shows just how little respect they had.

But still, the power distribution on the battlefield wasn’t substantial, and the strong ones, including Wide and his subordinates, remained.

It was undoubtedly a dangerous moment.

Usually, they would have had to compromise and retreat due to the losses, but Wide rushed, shoving aside his subordinate who tried to stop him, stating that if he didn’t kill Tisah now, he never would.

You know what?

They have different things to build upon.

If things continue this way, Tisah gains the backing of the Ansellus Kingdom, whereas the Sect of Mira is in a precarious position.

The gap in power will only grow wider.

So, it seems Wide is choosing to ignore the damage to the believers and is on the attack.

More than anything, there were hardly any fighters left on the battlefield. By pushing the attack until sunset, Wide solidified a clear advantage.

It was truly a moment where only the finishing move was left.

But then, it happened.

Suddenly, reinforcements arrived from somewhere.

Tisah hadn’t requested help, yet an army came charging from the south to attack Wide.

Surprisingly, the one who came to assist Tisah was a count.

Listening to him is quite funny.

He claims his movement was for the Ansellus Kingdom’s sake, saying that when facing evil heretics, it was time to join forces.

He must have acted out of his own desires, yet he says such things. However, Tisah accepted it.

But even so, the tide barely balanced.

That’s because the count’s army was also weary.

Wide exploded in anger and condemned the count. However, the count refuted him with a single blow.

Then Tisah and the Count shouted the name of Seongsin Church and charged in.

At that moment, a very cowardly event occurred.

Yes, cowardly.

Light poured down from the sky, healing everyone around.

Eheh hehe

It’s a god.

Yes, clearly a god intervened. Oh, there really was a god?

The priest drew power from his head and used it. I had guessed it was like powers coming from the head in some fantasy, but it turns out I was wrong.

There is a god there.

No need to mention what happened next. Once the injured were healed, the tide turned in an instant, and Wide and his men were defeated.

Realizing defeat was imminent, Wide tried to flee again, but this time a short blade pierced his heart from behind.

It was Isla.

She sought vengeance. However, in return, her whole body burned in Wide’s purple flames.

Burns must be an excruciating pain, yet she died with a smile.

Light falls down.


Two warmths came to me.

Wide, who always wanted to be on top, having been a winner all his life.

Isla, who felt a surge of affection and paternal love after being taken in by Witga after her defeat.

Their story came to an end like this.

However, Tisah’s story continues.

He accepted the turned ones and killed those who fought till the end. Then he returned to the royal capital.

Shortly after, he married the queen and became king.

Why? Simple. He demonstrated a miracle. In other words, the Ansellus Kingdom is a devout Seongsin Church nation. In a moment of danger, the god personally blessed them and defeated the heretics.

And the one who testified to this wasn’t anyone other than the count, who had been Tisah’s foe.

The ambitious count described the situation like a witness who saw the miracle, and no one could deny it.

Deny it?

Of course, there weren’t any who hadn’t, but those who did were beaten and killed as heretics.

And no matter how old they grew, the all-purpose labor force king who could watch through the night was born.

After that, he held a wedding ceremony with the former queen, accepted concubines, and got a massive scolding from the queen.

Nevertheless, he managed to have children and lived well.

Meanwhile, Andrew steadily expanded the Sect of Mira.

Perhaps having learned from Future Hope Church, he no longer rushed but gathered people slowly, adjusting not to exploit too harshly while increasing the church’s influence.

And while doing so, he tasked his subordinates to prepare to call the god.

On the day Wide took his subordinates to attack Tisah.

Andrew hadn’t sent his subordinates. Thus, there were still Blessed Ones remaining. Among them were those who had learned Yasle’s magic. Not just one, but several.


That’s right.

They prepared to summon me.

Not bad.

Since they know my face, it would be easy to move once summoned.

He took his time preparing an offering.

But it failed.

However, a summoning ritual created through the cross-verification of several people failed.

Everyone was greatly disappointed.

But that wasn’t the problem. If it fails, they can just try again, right? The opportunity itself became perilous.

They fell into a greater crisis.

The Blessed Ones were being murdered one by one.

I had no idea what was happening. Even looking into the memories of the deceased didn’t reveal how they died.

Their heads just popped off, and they died.

Even the last Blessed One left alive died in terror. Still, something was clear. Until all the Blessed Ones from Andrew’s sect died, not a single commoner expired.

In other words, they evidently targeted the Blessed Ones to kill.

So ultimately, I don’t know what happened to Andrew afterward.

I had no perspective to see.

And it wasn’t just him who died.

A Blessed One who somehow survived and fled far away also perished.

They died one by one.

Among them was someone who had attempted to summon me, which is truly frustrating.

It felt like they could have almost succeeded a few times.

So I could only watch repeatedly as my harvesting period vanished suddenly.

No, if that’s the case, go to Tisah!

He’s the most famous Blessed One, right?!

Why are you killing the flee rats in the remote areas? No! My clients who barely crossed over!

How sad.

Filled with rage over the memories of those murdered and the perspectives of those still alive, I fervently searched through them and made one realization.

As I looked closer, a curiosity arose.

Did their attempts really fail?

Did they all fail due to some mistake? Those who were smarter than me interpreted Yasle’s magic and summoned me?

It’s strange.

Are they possibly being interfered with?

To prevent me from returning over there?

If that’s the case, I need to change the type of advertisement. Let’s leave it in a book.

Yes. That’s right.

If they are precisely targeting the Blessed Ones, then it would be fine to set the stage for someone who isn’t to summon me.

With a book, an unspecified multitude can summon me. Why hadn’t I thought of this? This is a good idea. If I go to another world, I should leave a book there too.

However, this is still not enough.

I have too few people who can give blessings. Can’t I do it remotely?

Not just harvesting but increasing people who receive blessings on my behalf.

Next goal, I’ve set it.

Creating blessing agents.

But no matter how I thought, I just couldn’t grasp it.

Time just continued on.

Now, it’s been so long it’s hard to tell whether the suddenly dead ones were murdered or died of age.

Now Tisah is undeniably a great king. He didn’t just rebuild the Ansellus Kingdom; he made it even greater.

Not just the Ansellus Kingdom, but most kingdoms east of the Skad Stone Desert now believe in Seongsin Church. And a kingdom ruled by one who received direct blessings from a god has emerged.

The Ansellus Kingdom grew significantly as it absorbed the surrounding small kingdoms.

However, he relinquished the throne to his son, who had the same purple hair as him when he reached the age of sixty.

Thanks to his regenerative ability, he looked remarkably younger than sixty. In other words, he was still vibrant, but he passed the position to his son.

And he lives honoring his deceased wife, along with his still-alive wife.

More time passed. All of his wives had departed first.

And when his son passed the throne to his grandson and retired like his father, no matter how regenerative he was, perhaps he couldn’t withstand the strains of modern times, and he, too, begins to perish. Surrounded by his son, daughter, and grandchildren.

Exchanging last greetings, he closes his eyes.

And the final flame of life extinguishes.


The time has come to fulfill the contract.

I said this.

“I’ll give myself to you. In return, after you finish everything later, I’ll take everything you have at that time. How about that?”

At that time, I’ll take everything you have.

Until then, I thought getting warmth from Tisah was all I needed. But not so.

His children. His grandchildren.

The line extends from him and connects to his descendants.

I can hold onto this. The ones blessed by the god are all there. Originally, it would be right to take just Tisah’s warmth. That would be the safe choice.



Don’t like gods.

I reached out to everyone.

Yet, similar to what I saw from Yasle before, a different atmosphere surrounded Tisah’s light.



The contract comes first.

I shattered the veil and grabbed everything he had built all at once.



A crack appeared from the center of Tisah, shattering like glass. And that crack penetrated all his descendants. Though threads of cracks were embedded in their heads, it seemed like no one noticed.


The holes grew larger.

While the sensation of being pulled upward wasn’t as it had been last time, it felt like I could reach up and step onto the ledge of a high place.

So, I did just that.


There wasn’t an actual sound of breaking.

But a massive hole formed with the veil that enveloped the light, and I grabbed it and entered.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar room with Tisah. Turning around, I noticed people whose heads were covered in dark purple spheres. There was no light, no warmth, but they stood there with their heads transformed into surreal, dark purple spheres as if from some horror game.

Looking down, broken glass stretched all around, and that hole replaced Tisah’s upper body. Like flowers placed on top of his lower body.

Inside the hole, I saw not blood and flesh, but an endless darkness.

So, I came from there.

Going over to a nearby window, I saw a broken polygon emanating random glowing shapes.

Is this my appearance?

Can’t it be a bit cooler or prettier?

Oh! I’ve become Rebecca.

Yet, even more so than when I entered Rebecca’s body, I feel a sense of freedom.


At that moment, a nearby window shattered, and a silver-haired girl riding a skull staff from long ago came in.

She looked around and plopped down right where she stood, fixing her gaze in one direction.


Right to me.

I walked towards her. And after a long time, I greeted her.

“Hello, Witch of Joy.”

Hyungkesuni smiled brightly. Afraid, but that was the only expression she could manage when scared.

“No, in this case, I have to say it like this?”

I went over to her and squatted down, matching her eye level.

“It’s been a while. I’m glad to see you again, Hyungkesuni.”

Eheh Hehe.

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