The Outbreak

C.37 : Hellish Night Pt. 1

"This is Wolf Squad Leader Wolf One, we're arriving at the location we were tasked with." A man got out of the driver's seat, wearing combat clothes and armed to the teeth followed by four others.

"Last known contact with the police in the area was seventeen minutes ago. Be advised, what you are about to face is the equivalent of a super biohazard with arms and legs." Kira spoke over their radio as the five fanned out, guns held tightly as they moved quickly to the last known location of the officers.

"Movement in the shadows." Wolf Three kept their vigilance when a pale shadow flickered briefly in sight before vanishing, and if not for Wolf Squad knowing the vague appearance of their enemies, Wolf Three might have dismissed it.

"The enemy has to know we're here, so why is it so silent?" Wolf Four said out loud, his eyes vigilant. Even if these creatures were far weaker than the Sanguine or Lycanthropes, they were still a dangerous threat to their lives.

"The total amount of infected have surpassed the five thousand mark! At this rate, the entire city will fall!" The voice of an analyst came over the radio, and once again reinforced the gravity of the situation to them all.

"Contact!" Wolf Two opened fire when three pale humanoid silhouettes charged out from a dark building. A few moments later, the Wolf Squad approached carefully, weapons pointed at the creatures.

"Wolf Leader to Command, we've encountered the creatures. They lack the durability the other Carriers are famous for and were killed by our weapons." Wolf One kicked the body over and looked at the black blood trickling from the body.

"Good. We can fight back effectively. Any other observations?" Kira noted that these new creatures weren't as inhumanly durable as the Sanguines or Lycanthropes and felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

"Their blood is black..." Wolf One mumbled as he looked at the black blood pooling beneath the creatures. Kira frowned and immediately thought back to the blood sample she obtained from Oliver.

"Collect samples and retreat. We'll send another Squad to monitor the area, you need to bring me that sample ASAP." Kira couldn't glean anything from the blood sample, but if she had samples of a different variety, she could compare the two.

"Acknowledged. Wolf Squad, fall back." Wolf Three collected a few samples of blood and the Wolf Squad retreated to their SUV but before they could get in, the stillness in the night was broken.

"Fire!" Over a hundred pale deformed bodies rushed out like a tide, some from buildings and others from the rooftops, all surging towards Wolf Squad like a pale tsunami of limbs and teeth.

"Wolf Leader to Command, we're under attack! Over a hundred of them are swarming towards us!" Wolf Team systematically mowed down the closest figures, but for every infected that was killed, two more rushed closer.

When there was less than ten meters left, Wolf One got in the SUV, stuck his gun out the window and layed down cover fire so his men could get in. The infected closest to the SUV didn't stop at all, but crashed into the SUV's side, shaking the vehicle.

"Drive!" The SUV spun around and raced off, but the infected didn't give up and some even leapt on the SUV before it could accelerate, bashing the windows and roof with their sharp claws.

"Leader..." Wolf Four gulped when he saw hundreds of figures swarming out behind them, attracted over by the sound of gunfire. The remaining Wolf Squad fired through the window at successfully dislodged the infected clinging to the car, but at the same time, the windows were shattered by their actions.

"Anyone injured?" Wolf One didn't know how the infection was passed alomg, but due to the fact over five thousand people were infected, he knew it was highly infectious.

"We're in tip top shape Leader." Wolf Five, a woman with a valiant appearance smirked, but the terror in her body that made her want to curl up and hide was forced down because she had a mission that she had to complete.

"Glad to hear. We need to get these samples to Kira and then we mi-" A pale emaciated hand reached into the SUV from outside and grabbed Wolf Four's vest, and with a pull, half of Wolf Four was directly dragged out of the window!

"Four!" From the angle, the infected was on the roof, and none of them had a visual. Five grabbed Four and struggled to keep him in the SUV, while Three grabbed his pistol and fired several rounds at the roof above Four.

A low growl sounded as a pale figure tumbled off the roof and hit the asphalt behind them, even as Five pulled Four back into the vehicle and checked him for injuries.

"Four is uninjured, a bit shaken up." Three examined Four's body and then sighed in relief. No one would want their teammate and family to become whatever those demented things were outside, so he was glad to the extreme.

"Wolf Squad, you're going to pass a barricade made by the police, you have clearance." Wolf One hummed in acknowledgement and saw a hastily constructed barricade on the street patrolled by officers who let the through.

"Command, I don't think any amount of policemen can hold these things off for long. Anyone they manage to kill will just join their side." Wolf One replied to Kira who was occupied with the blood sample she got from Oliver.

"If we don't hold them off, then we can only wait for death. I don't want to sacrifice anyone, but we can't let these things reproduce or the entire city will be overrun. By morning, there may very well be less than ten percent of the population left."

"That quickly?" Wolf Five asked with shock. The city was large, with a standing population of one hundred and fifty thousand people and even more from virtue of those who visit or were traveling.

"In less than an hour, over five thousand people have been infected. It will not lessen and will only speed up because there are more infected to spread the virus. If these five thousand infect three thousand more, those three thousand will join them and accelerate the spread of the virus." Kira spoke with certainty because for everyone one person infected, the defense of the city fell by one and gained a new enemy.

"Remember, these infected don't just kill people, those who are infected will without a doubt join the enemy. Every person who falls tonight will become the enemy meaning we will have less and less people while the number of infected will only keep growing." Kira glanced at Irene on the other side who was armed with a rifle and shook her head.

"This can very well spell the end for humanity's civilization." Kira went back to analyzing the blood sample, wanting to figure out what exactly she could do to help make some sort of difference.

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