The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 11 – Attack on the World Government

The Marine Galleon was several kilometers away. But with Saitama’s strength, it was not even an inconvenience.

“Lets take over a Marine ship. Follow me” Emperor ordered sloppily. They were all still completely nude from all the lovemaking, but it didn’t bother him at all.

With a mighty leap, which seemed easy for him, he jumped from the hill top and landed on the ship in a second, causing the large boat to rock from side to side.

“We are under attack!” yelled a marine as they all scrambled to surround the intruder. The marines were shocked that they were attacked by a naked man.

Half a second later, the ship itself was surrounded by Athena, Artemis, Clara, Zenovia and Tatsumaki, who was also carrying Fubuki with her in her TK field.

Several seconds later, Ultear arrived by airbending, Elsa slid in on an ice bridge while Azula used fire from her arms and legs to propel herself to the boat. The marines were on full alert as they were clearly under attack by this mob of naked ladies and their naked male captain.

“How dare you? You will not get away with this!” said the commanding officer who was a female with pink hair. She was very pretty, wearing her Marine trenchcoat, and underneath that a pink pantsuit which accentuated her cleavage.

“Rear-Admiral Hina! What a wonderful surprise” Emperor said, walking towards her.

“Whoever you are, boarding my ship will be your biggest regret” she said. She stretched her arms and it extended around Emperor and actually going through his body. As her arms came out the other side, he was wrapped in metal bars.

Emperor didn’t stop and walked right to her, shrugging his arms and snapping the bars like rubber bands. Hina was shocked as the naked young man grabbed her and picked her up by her waist, bringing carrying her towards the upper deck to her private quarters.

“What are you doing?” she yelled struggling profusely. She kept binding him over and over again, but he just walked as if nothing can stop him.

“Throw them all off. Don’t damage the ship” he instructed as he closed the door.

The battle was over within a minute the ship was empty besides Emperor’s forces. Marines were treading water all over the ship, looking helplessly at it.

In the meantime, Emperor was “interrogating” HIna loudly. Her screams could be heard even by the marines in the water.

This continued for half an hour before Emperor exhausted her. She was mentally and physically broken by now and lay in her bed semi-conscious with body fluids flowing out from her two bottom orifices.

“I have the eternal log for the World Government Headquarters at Mary Geoise!” he said as he walked out of the Rear-Admiral’s cabin.

"You must be joking" Ultear said seeing what Emperor was dressed in. He wore Hina’s Pink matching shirt and pants, white Marines Trenchcoat and wearing her purple sunglasses and gloves and low heeled boots.

The most glaring thing was that we wore Hina's lacy white panties on his head with his mouth where her pussy was if she was wearing them.

“Such wonderfully soft material. Too bad her panties could not fit my manhood, so I'll use it as a mask instead” he said to everyone as he walked, and the outline of his dick could be seen moving with every step he took.

“Ladies, carry the ship and head that direction” he ordered and the 4 Hypertopians immediately picked up the ship and flew in the direction he pointed at high speeds.

A couple of hours later, Mary Geoise could be seen over the horizon and Pangaea Castle could be seen in all its beauty.

“Land the Ship gently right in front of the castle, then all of you, cause havoc! Try not to kill, but you can rough them up as much as you want” he smiled.

The ship flew in the air and descended at a trajectory aiming at the front of the castle.

“Halt! Or we will attack!” yelled several giant Marines who were guarding the place. Alarm bells rang as Marines came charging out. Many of them were high ranked ones and within moments, even Vice and Rear Admirals were storming out.

The ship landed and skidded on the ground, damaging the hull as well as the ground.

Just as the marines approached, the plank lowered and a young looking person walked down taking his time.

He had purple sunglasses on, over his lacy panty "mask" and was wearing a pink matching shirt and pants, Marine Trenchcoat and purple gloves and shoes. The marines stopped, wondering who this person was. Was he a marine? The shoulder tassels indicated that he was a Rear-Admiral!

Just as his foot landed on the ground, suddenly he disappeared and he reappeared next to the main gate. With a flick of his fingers, the large gate was smashed right through, flying deep into the castle as if it weighed next to nothing. 

Just then, Tatsumaki flew into the air above the ship and lifted all the giant marines into the air, then with a casual flick of her hand, they all flew in all directions, smashing all the nearby buildings.

The marines regained their senses and charged at the ship, with several more chasing after Emperor. Pacificas started charging out of the nearby buildings as did many devil fruit powered marines.

Several figures shot out of the ship. The four Hypertopians shot out at super speeds knocking out several giants, and Tatsumaki hovered over the ship like a god, her terrifying power forming a tornado around the square.

Elsa and Azula jumped out, attacking on either side of the ship with fire and ice.

Emperor burst through the front door and charged into the castle, immediately searching for a particular room. He summoned Fubuki and Ultear to create trouble in the castle too.

With his superspeed, it only took him minutes to find what he was looking for…. Dr Vegapunk’s lab. After smashing the guards and causing an evacuation of everyone in the lab, he looked at Vegapunk’s computer database.

He immediately accessed the files on Devil Fruits and Lineage Factor, copying all of Vegapunk’s research.

“As I suspected! He has researched and kept files and blood samples of all the Devil Fruits that the marines have, including the admiral’s and all the Shichibukai too. Prisoners of Impel Dawn too? Hahaha! What a great find!” he said, reading through the research.

He requipped all the blood samples, research files and even all the machines, leaving the laboratory completely bare.

Satisfied, he walked out of the lab, walking through walls as if they weren’t there. He took his sweet time escaping, as if he had all the time in the world as sounds of a loud battle could be heard throughout the castle.

He walked past to the main hall where Ultear and Fubuki were back to back facing several Devil Fruit using Marines and unsummoned them. They both started disappearing to the surprise of their opponents.

“What happened? Look there at the man in a Rear-Admiral’s dressing”  a Marine said, pointing at him.

Emperor ignored them and jumped over them, smashing through the wall leading outside.

When he landed outside, he saw Elsa and Azula still fighting, but they were injured as several Pacifica’s surrounded them. He made them vanish too as he unsummoned them.

He then jumped and landed right where Elsa and Azula stood, smashing the Pacificas like pins by a bowling ball, then jumped into the air where the most intense battle was.

Tatsumaki was fighting Fleet Admiral Sakazuki while Artemis, Athena and Zenovia were fighting the Admirals Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryoukugyu each. Clara shot back and forth fighting several vice-admirals and Pacificas.

Emperor smashed through Sakazuki, smashing his body to bits. Sakazuki was fortunate that Emperor didn’t know any Haki, but his physical strength alone caused Sakazuki to be totally incapacitated for a short while.

“Tatsumaki! Lets go” he said as he jumped towards her. She grabbed him with her TK and they zoomed away in the air. 4 streaks of naked flesh flew at superspeeds after them. They were of course Clara, Athena, Artemis and Zenovia.

Several Pacificas that were still functioning lined up and shot lasers from their mouths.

“Do you think you can get away?” Kizaru said as he prepared to chase after them.

Emperor turned around and gave him a stare, a stare that showed his intent to seriously punch him.

Kizaru froze, feeling as if his death was eminent, and started sweating profusely as his heart palpitated rapidly.

“What are you doing?” Sakazuki yelled at him as he was pulling himself together. But by now they had disappeared into the horizon.

Kizaru looked fearful. He has faced Haoshoku Haki before, but this was the first time a presence could cause him to nearly shit his pants.

“Fleet Admiral!” yelled somebody from the ship.

“What is it Smoker?” Aikanu looked at Vice-Admiral Smoker who stood by the door of the ship and landed next to him.

Inside, Rear-Admiral Hina lay on the bed stark naked in a prone position. She was unconscious, with cum flowing out of her mouth, pussy and anus. Some could even be seen flowing out of her nose.

“Bastard!” Smoker said under his breath.

“Who were they?” asked Aikanu.

“It is unknown. We’ve never seen those criminals before. Are they even pirates?” replied an intelligence officer.

“Find out!” yelled Aikanu.

“That group is fearsome. They took on the whole base and escaped without a scratch” said Fujitora.

“Find out what they came for” ordered Aikanu. “Yes sir!” yelled all the officers around him.

Aikanu’s face was red with rage. This was the first time he has been humiliated under his watch.

The attack was kept under wraps, as the World Government did not want the world to know. But the Marines released a bounty for the “Panty Pirates’ wherever they were.

Emperor's sketch had him wearing white lacy panties on his head with a bounty of 600,000,000 Beli and known as the Panty Pirate while the other girls remained without pictures, only vague bounties of 400,000,000 Beli and described as "Powerful and naked"

Aikanu blew his top again when he saw the wanted pictures.

"Is this a joke to you? You don't have their names nor proper descriptions?" he yelled. But the marines doing the posters could only say that they were gorgeous and nude, and not much else.

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