The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 22 Cloud Gathering

The old Bolton ignored Bartley's request for help and refused to send troops. This matter is insignificant.

To put it mildly, Bartley is only the insignificant fourth in line heir of the Phelan family, and this hunt is completely private and has nothing to do with Bastille.

It is reasonable to rescue or not. After all, the most important task of the Bastille is to garrison the Bastille to prevent the Andes mountain people from coming out of the mountain to cause disaster.

To put it more broadly, Bastille ignored the authority of the Faerun family, failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the vassals, and deprived the vassals of their rights, which is justified.

It doesn't matter whether it's a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement. Kleist sighed, We would have fallen into a trap if we didn't stop that young master from entering the mountain. If the old duke didn't move us now, It also gave the other party an excuse, and it became an excuse to move us in the future.

What do you mean, let's send troops to rescue? Old Bolton frowned. He was deeply wary of sending troops to the Andes Mountains.

Because the Andes Mountains are too big, stretching thousands of miles from north to south, and stretching more than two thousand miles from east to west, the entire area is larger than the Asia Minor Plain. How many Andes mountain people are hidden in it, even if he is an old hunter People can't tell.

Anyway, they have been here for more than 30 years, and the number of slaves captured from it every year is 20,000 to 30,000 in the worst year. It is nothing new to say that it is more than 50,000 in a year, but the Andes mountain people The number seems to have never decreased. In recent years, there have been many incidents of Andean mountain people who bypassed the Bastille and went out to cause trouble.

Now the main disadvantage of the Andes mountain people is that there is no powerful force to integrate them, and they are scattered in the mountains, whether it is the Byrons in the west, the Kentana barbarians on the Kentana ice sheet in the north, or the northwestern Austrian people. The Odin orcs on the prairie can bully and bully them.

These old Bolton seldom organize troops to sweep into the mountains. What he fears is that he will beat those mountain people too hard, and then a hero will emerge and raise his arms. Those mountain people will gather like locusts and drown the Bastille. , submerged the entire Manyu army, and finally submerged the entire Arshan continent, such a situation appeared in his nightmare more than once.

Soldiers must be dispatched, but whether they can be rescued is another matter. Kleist's unchanging smile seemed a little eerie at the moment.

Eriksson, the bull, looked at a loss and didn't understand what Kleist meant, but Bolton understood everything, he patted Kleist's shoulder with a big smile and said: People who have read books can think fast. , That’s right, we not only need to rescue, but also do so with great fanfare, and I will personally lead the troops.”

Why bother Lord City Master, give me a thousand guards, and I promise to bring them all back safely. Eriksson the Bull patted his chest and said, Those mountain people live in very scattered places, and it is inconvenient to transmit information. As long as we move quickly enough without too much trouble.

Old Bolton, who already had a solution, was in a good mood, and said with a smile: Listen to you, this matter can't be entrusted to you. Go and gather your manpower. It doesn't need to be too many. Two thousand people are enough. Personally carry at least ten days' worth of supplies.

Obey. One of the biggest factors that Eriksson, the Bull, is deeply loved by the old Bolton is loyalty, even if he doesn't understand his orders, he does it first, and he is very efficient.

It only took half a day to mobilize all the manpower Bolton needed. After all, Bastille is a military city, and there has been constant friction with the Andes mountain people. The defenders are Bolton's private army, no matter in terms of training or equipment Compared with those noble private troops who have not fought all year round and are about to rot, they do not know how many times stronger, and they can be called elite.

In the early morning of the next day, the defenders of the Bastille, under the leadership of Old Burton himself, drove out of the Bastille in a mighty manner, and drove towards the Andes Mountains along the ancient Jacob River.

Neither Kleist the Fox nor Bolton Old Bolton expected that someone had already woven a big net in front of them, just waiting for them to jump into it.

In the final analysis, they still didn't take the Andes mountain people seriously. Even though old Bolton knew that the Andes mountain people had great war potential, the current situation had been maintained for too long. There won't be much change in a short period of time, and they are more concerned about the threat from the Duke of Faerun.


The first person to join Sean was none other than Marshall, whom he sent out to contact the helper at the beginning. The number of people he brought back directly was not too many, only about 200 people. These people had one thing in common—— —Young, the oldest is no more than twenty-five, and the youngest is only thirteen or fourteen.

They are all the direct descendants of Xiao En, who have grown up with Xiao En. They are either the orphaned children who followed Xiao En, or the orphaned children who grew up and went out independently. Without thinking, he dropped what he was doing and rushed over immediately.

Only a small part came here. In order to give full play to their own value and help more children, these orphaned children did not gather together, but went to different villages in twos and threes. The nearest ones were separated by three or five miles. It is normal to be separated by miles and miles. Marshall gathered so many people in such a short period of time, which is fast enough.

This is just the beginning. Although Marshall is back, more people have already contacted him. It won't take long for them to arrive one after another.

The people who arrived in the second wave were not McGee, the Skull Crusher predicted by Sean, but Clayton, the Scavenger who was relatively far away.

Listening to the nickname of scavenger, one thinks of a middle-aged man with a pale face and gloomy expression.

But the reality is very different. Clayton is indeed a middle-aged man, but he is tall and has a voice like a bell. He often hears his voice before seeing anyone. He is not clean and tidy like a mountain man, but A nobleman of Byron, people like him at the first sight.

However, Sean, who knows all about the nasty things the other party did in private, will naturally not be deceived by the other party's appearance. The reason why the other party came so quickly was neither because Sean had treated his daughter before, nor Because of the national righteousness he swears in his own mouth, he smells the smell of interests.

Once Xiao En's plan is successful, the power structure with a radius of hundreds of miles will be changed at that time. How can Clayton be missing at such a critical moment.

The most important thing is that with him or without him, Sean has a great chance of success. What he likes to do most is not to give help in a timely manner, but to add icing on the cake. To use his motto, always stand on the side of the winner.

One advantage of dealing with this kind of real villain is that as long as you can ensure that you are the winner, the other party will not easily risk rebellion, because it does not conform to his life values.

Clayton the Scavenger brought a whole two school guards (six hundred people), but the quality of the personnel is uneven. There are old hunters with gray hair, half-sized boys with unfinished breasts, and young A strong archer.

The equipment is also uneven. There are people wearing double-layer leather armor and holding excellent carving bows; there are also poor hunters wearing greasy animal skins and holding low-quality homemade hunting bows.

This situation is really normal among the Andes mountain people. The half-safari and half-farming people are destined to be unable to support a large-scale regular army. Even Clayton the scavenger, who is nearly a hundred miles away Neither can the hero.

There are at most a hundred elites belonging to his lineage, and the rest are mountain people in his territory. They are recruited temporarily, and not only bring their own weapons and equipment, but even their own rations.

Although there are more than enough Andis longbows in stock, Sean has no plan to help them change their clothes. People like Clayton the scavenger will never be well-fed. To change clothes for his people, meat buns beat dogs, there is No return is a trivial matter, and it bites you back at a critical moment to make you feel miserable.

It wasn't until he saw McGee the Skull Crusher that Sean let out a long sigh of relief and smiled.

His young army has not yet become a force. Although the quantity and quality have reached a certain level, they have never seen a real battle. They stay at the level of soldiers on paper, and they can only become an army after a lot of practice. This time they will definitely not be the main force. See the blood, gain insights, and prepare for the future.

Not to mention the scavenger Clayton, never expect him to charge forward. If the situation is unfavorable, if he doesn't beat him up, it will be considered righteous. If he is not afraid of him making small moves behind his back, it is better to keep him close to watch. Sean will never send People please such allies.

Mackie the Skullcrusher and his Legion of the Rampage Mountains are central to his plan.

Skull Crusher McGee, who has half of the Kentana barbarian blood, is so tall that even Sean, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, has to look up at each other every time.

What Sean hates the most is that every time they meet, McGee likes to express his enthusiasm with a bear hug. Every meeting is a double torture to his body and spirit.

In front of the other party, the physique I was proud of was no different from that made of fragile glass, and there was a click sound under the arm that was three-thirds thicker than my thigh, making people wonder how many were broken.

Compared with this, the most terrible thing is the strong body odor of the other party, which is formed by the fusion of low-quality ale, food, maleness, and bloody smell after fermenting for an unknown period of time.

Even in the face of all kinds of rotten corpses, Sean did not change his face. Every time he faced this smell, he was in pain. In addition, after rubbing on the black chest hair like steel needles, Sean felt that he The whole face is itchy and unbearable, and I don't know how many bacteria and viruses took the opportunity to enter.

Fortunately, this is not the first time the two have dealt with each other. Sean was prepared for it. He smelled the smell of meat stewed in the cauldron, so McGee stopped torturing Sean. , not only gnawed clean the outside, but also smashed the bones, sucked up the bone marrow inside, and finally spit out the bone scum, even the dogs would not eat it, because all the nutrients had already been eaten. Was cleaned up by the other party.

McGee squatting next to the cauldron was like a bear, a whole team of food went into his stomach, but in exchange for a sigh that was just at the bottom, he said indignantly; If you talk about this in your mouth Chew your head, it’s still the authentic one made by your kid, what those idiots made is a pile of dog food, how about it? Have you figured it out, go back to the water village with me, as long as I can eat such a delicious meal every day , I promise to make you popular and hot, and if anyone provokes you, I will crush his head with my own hands.

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