The Old Scholar

Extra: To Fight An Immortal



Set about two thousand or so years before the present and a few decades right after she had dropped the hammer on the Leviathans, Leilani was still wearing her flowing white dress and a veil with a sash that concealed her face and eyes. Although they were actually one-sided in reality, allowing Leilani to see in front of her while blocking others to see her own eyes. 


The sky was shining brightly down on Imperia Academy, class was in full swing across the campus, and inside her office was Leilani, filling out paperwork and looking over the reports given to her by the various kingdoms across the world, today was different as she had heard that the supposedly dangerous supercriminal named Icarus had struck again, bombing the Imperial Palace in the Volksline Empire and stealing a massive portion of the treasury to fund the criminal organization known as The Sparrows. Although not as concerned like the rest of the world as she had full faith in the power of her spells and defenses she had set up inside Teleportation Town and University Town, she was still concerned for the safety and well-being for not only her students but for the people of her home continent and especially the people of Partoba. 

"What a fucking think he would strike so boldly" Leilani muttered as she read the report from the Volksline Imperial Chancellory 

She remembered reading the previous reports about this supercriminal and that he had struck the largest and most powerful nations on each continent except for her own, something she felt would soon be rectified as she thought that the next target for this supercriminal was her own homeland and even possibly, her university. She knew what Icarus looked like, the Kingdom of Vyats was able to snap a crystal picture of him during his raid on the royal treasury, and it seemed he used his image to inspire terror in his enemies and boost his own image through his criminal organization. She also remembered that Icarus had a modus operandi, in which he would fly undetected into his target and then leave a sticker of a sun when he fled that served as his calling card. 

"Rat bastard son-of-a-bitch. If he or his group tries me then they will all die" Leilani muttered as she placed the report down and stood up, turning her gaze to the large glass window behind her and looking out at the academy


Suddenly, in the skies above, she saw someone materialize out of nowhere, she zoomed in with her eyes and saw that it was Icarus. This made her angry, very, very angry as not only was it still class time, but the bastard of a criminal had decided to do something with her academy, and that thought alone made her blood boil. Her mind went through so many actions she could take immediately to stop the supercriminal here and now, her anger seething with the desire to stop him before he could even set foot on her beloved soil, but then, it all went away when a certain thought came to her, a thought that made her smile like the devil and purposefully disable the numerous barriers and defensive spells in place. 

She smiled as she saw him turn invisible, and although it would work with others, he would not escape her sight and she watched as Icarus landed unseen by the student of the academy in the middle of the garden before the building that housed her office. She watched as the supercriminal ducked and weaved with his impressive reflexes and skills in invisibility to not bump into anyone and expose himself, her heightened senses keeping track of him as he made his way to her office, quickly getting into position to try and be surprised when he suddenly came into her office. 

Leilani had her unreadable expression in place as she sensed him open the door, her head shifting up and seeing nothing, acting with a shrug as she turned her gaze back down to the table, she could sense him near her table and when he was in the middle of the room, she continued her ruse to be none the wiser and when she turned her gaze back up again, she saw a man sitting on the chair in front of the desk, he had tanned skin with short but spiky purple hair, he had a scar on his right left cheek, his brown eyes staring at Leilani accompanied by a very cocky smile as he picked his teeth with a sharp dagger. 


" you are finally here" Leilani said with a deadpan delivery, trying her best not to just burst out laughing 

"Hoo? Where you expecting me, Miss Dean of Imperia?" Icarus asked with a deliberate mocking tone 

"Anyone smart enough would have predicted you would have come here by now...but I am confused as to why my academy, care to enlighten me?" Leilani asked as she put her pen down and leaned into her chair 

"Heh, simple really. I wanted to show to the world there was nowhere I could not be, even if it was supposedly the most prestigious of places in the world" Icarus added as he leaned into his chair 

"Uhuh, and how did you find it so far?" Leilani asked 

"Pathetic by all accounts, no defensive spells, no barriers, no nothing! I was able to sneak into this building without anyone sensing me, hell, if I was an assassin, I would have killed you by now considering you did not even notice me, so be glad I ain't because I came here to be civil, to have a chat with you, so consider yourself lucky" The supercriminal added with a smug look, a look that almost forced Leilani to drop her face and kill the dude right now

"I see, I consider my luck then" The Dean replied, her anger and disgust in the tone going unnoticed by the bastard 

"Hmph, serves you right. Now, onto business. I have heard from multiple confirmed sources that your academy is being paid for by every single continent in the world, now, that is a lot of money. Money that could be used for more...better purposes, like feeding the poor and those in need or-" 

"Or those who serve in your organization. Don't give me that bullshit, I have heard this sob story before, you claim to be giving it back to those who truly need it but in reality, you are paying other criminals to do crimes, allowing the cycle to continue and not actually solving anyone's situation except your own" Leilani cut him off as she rolled her eyes under her sash 

"Heh, so you know the truth huh? That is interesting....well, since I can't win you over with my story, then how about a duel?" Icarus said with a confident smirk as he brandished his dagger 

"Hmm? And what are the terms for this so-called duel?" Leilani asked as she crossed her arms 

"Simple, winner gains everything, loser dies" He answered with a smile as he balanced the point of the dagger on his finger 

"I see. But I assume there is more to that, isn't there?" Leilani asked

"Oh your so smart Miss Dean! Of course, the duel will be taking place inside my personal dimension, unless of course you want it out here where your students will be harmed" Icarus asked with a smirk 

"Deal" Leilani replied with a snarl, something that made Icarus chuckle 

Snapping his fingers, a white portal opened up beside him when he stood up, a smirk on his face as he gestured to his opponent to follow him in. And once the duo stepped into his personal dimension, his eyes widened and a feeling of dread filled him as the usually white dimension he made was now purple and black, with swirling patterns that gave off an aura of fear. He turned his head and saw the portal close behind Leilani. 


He then felt the multiple clones he had placed around the world in the strongholds of his organization reunite with him inside the dimension, before falling to his knees as he felt immense pressure pushing him down and holding him in place, causing him to grunt as he struggled to fight the overpowering force. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You fool!" Leilani cried out as she began to laugh, the sound of which was confusing to the supercriminal as he was trying to understand what was happening, finding himself unable to speak 

"Did you honestly think that I was just going to let you do as you pleased in my academy?! in my home?! By the Gods you are an idiot!" Leilani mocked as she stood before him, a devilish smile on her face as she summoned forth a pitch-black magic crystal the size of a pristine black-and-white football 

{Oh little Icarus, you had your fun} 

{Oh little Icarus, but your time is done} 

{Oh little Icarus, you have come far} 

{But oh little Icarus, you shall be scarred} 

{It will not be a little scratch} 

{Nor a small bite} 

{Instead little Icarus, you will vanish from sight} 

{If you thought yourself you would win this battle} 

{I am afraid to tell you, you won't survive} 

{As when you threaten me, little Icarus} 

{Your demise will come, and I have arrived} 

A/N: Leilani was speaking in her native tongue from her old world

Icarus let out a confused expression as he tried to decipher the words the woman before her was speaking, still trying to talk and let out a sound but seeing his efforts were not bearing any fruit, he tried to use his numerous magics but found everything unresponsive, even the warm feeling of his large mana pool was now replaced by nothing but the coldness of the void. 


His eyes then widened as Leilani placed the black crystal in his hand, her magic forcing his hand to clutch it tightly, the smooth crystal feeling being the only thing he could feel other than the massive amounts of pain and pressure all over his body. His eyes locked onto the woman before him, a scowl on his face as he tried to think of what went wrong and where, what had happened to get him into this situation, all he could think of was how the hell did the woman before him, a woman who didn't even notice his arrival, do this to him. 

"I bet you are thinking thoughts of "how and why no?" Well, I can tell you. You see, I sensed when you materialized above the academy, I wanted to end you right then and there but I decided to let you into the academy, I must say, I was intrigued to who you were in person and I am let down by so much in all honesty" Leilani began as she conjured up a chair and sat in front of him

She watched as Icarus' eyes and expression shifted from anger and frustration to realization and then fear, filled her with delight. A devilish curve in her lips as she savored the taste of fear in the air, although something she would not openly admit, she enjoyed watching things struggle before her might, something that she reveled in seeing their faces before she would kill them, but this was only to people who truly brought about this beast hiding inside her. Which was rare. 

"Ahh, I remember reports talking about how you enjoyed seeing the fear in the eyes of your victims before they meet their demise, so I shall do the same to you. In your hand is a magical weapon made by yours truly, I always wanted to test its effects and now I have you. So prepare to die Icarus, and I do not recall a similar story in this world so you wouldn't get this but, you flew too close to the sun and now it will burn you" 


Suddenly, there was an audible click from the crystal before a bright flash of light and then a roar of an explosion followed. What detonated in the hands of Icarus that vaporized him on the spot was the magic equivalent to a nuke, modeled after the strongest bomb from Leilani's old world, The Tsarina Bomb, a bomb so deadly it could destroy an entire continent. And she made a handheld, condensed, and magical equivalent, smiling as she stood only a few feet from the explosion and tanked the whole thing without even a flinch, all the while she smiled and cackled like a mad woman as she saw, heard, and felt the magical nuke go off. Normal people would have gone blind from the bright flash but Leilani suffered no such thing as her heightened physique and her magical barriers prevented anything happening to her. 

When the blast in the dimension subsided, there was nothing left of Icarus, his clones and his original body were all combined into one and they were all annihilated via vaporization from the blast, even crystals that held fragments of his soul were crammed into the original, making sure that there was no way he was coming out of this alive. All due to Leilani snapping her fingers and casting a spell right as she entered the dimension behind him, with her also messing with Icarus by simply changing the color of his personal pocket dimension. 

"Haaa....lovely" She muttered as she stepped out of Icarus' dimension and entered the world again, plopping herself back in her office

"Feisha!" Leilani called out, with the arachnia secretary poking her head through the door and then entering the office 

"Yes Master?" 

"These files, hand them out to every single ruler in each nation that was struck by The Sparrows, this is detailed information on the numerous informants, field agents, sympathizers, bank accounts and the like, tell them to arrest and execute them on the spot, hold no trials. That is an order from me" Leilani said as she handed her stacks upon stacks of files, filled with information gained by reading all of Icarus' mind while he was still alive 

"It shall be done Master" Feisha replied as she sucked all of the files into her item box and then scuttled out of the room 

Leilani then smiled as she sat back in her chair and then continued her paper work. 

And true enough, the entire Sparrows criminal organization would be hunted down in a single week, with no survivors.

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