The Old Scholar

Chapter 3: Thirteen Years-Old

As the morning sun rose on the plains, The people of the “Riders of The Plains” were celebrating, as today was the day many of the children would become thirteen years old. A milestone in their culture that warranted a tribe-wide celebration. 

In their beliefs, the age of thirteen signified that the children of the tribe had now reached the point where they could actually help and participate in the many workings of the tribe. From helping in the hunts across the plains to helping conduct the rituals and rites performed by the “Seers” and priestess in showing worship to the pantheon, almost everything that the adults were doing was now unlocked for those who reached this sacred age. And on this day, Leilani had just turned thirteen.  

Waking up, her two parents were standing near the table in the cottage, both of them having smiles that were from ear to ear. Both of them had long waited for this day, a day when their daughter would finally properly learn their culture and activities that were so long kept from her. 

“Happy Birthday!” they both shouted as Leilani got up and rushed over to hug them both, all three of them sharing a big family hug

“Thank you Mama! Thank you Papa!” Leilani replied with a big smile as she looked up at both of them her face brimming with happiness. 

“We have a little present for you our darling daughter” Malikei told her as he turned to his wife

“He’s right! Close your eyes” Kalani added as she went outside the cottage

“Ok!” Leilani replied as she closed her eyes and waited 

Hearing the footsteps of the two adults, she felt her shirt and shorts disappear as if magic before she felt something large and thicker than her previous clothing upon her skin, her mind trying to figure out what it was, leaving the young girl excited. 

“Ok open your eyes now” Her mother told her 


Immediately doing so, Leilani’s eyes looked down and saw that her usual grayish pelt shirt and shorts had been replaced with a maroon-colored robe that cloaked her entire body, just stopping short of her wrists and legs. The patterns on the robe were intricate and very pleasing to the eyes, with what seemed to be depictions of her tribe and their deeds, such as hunting across the plains, celebrating the gods, and even exploring the mightly lands that surrounded them. 

“I love it! Thank you!” she exclaimed as she looked up at her parents with a smile from ear to ear, something they loved to see. 

“Fufufu, you are most welcome my sweet little Lei” her mother replied as she ruffled her hair her in a loving manner

“You are our pride and joy, my daughter, don’t you ever forget that” her father added as he bent down to her eye level and locked eyes with her.

“If you are wondering what it is, it’s the sacred robes of our tribe, Each parent must make one for their child and it depicts the daily actions we do as one tribe in order to live in this vast unknown world, it is made with the freshest silk and beast skin that is caught the day before it was made, me and your father had been hard at work making sure this was made just before this day. Your father went out on his own to the mountains in the north and slain a mighty creature there and that creature’s pelt is what that robe is made out of. It is also imbued with a spell I made that directly protects you, making sure that if you ever get into a fight, your opponents will think twice after you beat them up” Kalani added as she took her seat and looked up at her beloved child

“It feels so thick but it’s so light!” Leilani remarked as she twirled around in place

“That’s because it is a pelt of a Crimson Dragon. One of the strongest beasts I have ever faced, but I did not mind my little Lei, as if it was for you. I would do it again” Malikei told her as he stood beside his wife and looked at his daughter 

“Thank you……This is the greatest day of my life…I love you both!” the young girl exclaimed as she felt tears of joy running down her cheeks, causing her to laugh as she wiped them, with Kalani and Malikei quickly joining in to soothe their overwhelmed daughter. 

“We love you more our darling daughter, light of our life” the two of them replied as they all shared another family hug. 


Later in the day, the entire tribe was gathered at the center of the village, the tribal leader, one Chief Talkuneep, the father of Chantook, was standing on top of a stage that had been erected for this very occasion, the drums of the tribe were banging loudly as the many adults performed the tribes dances for celebration and joy. The entire place was lively as the younger children were playing around and watching the performances while the older teens were playing the music and participating in the dances and performances alongside the adults, smiles all on their faces. 

Soon, after a long while of fun, the main event had come. The children of the celebration were all gathered in the center, twenty-eight of them in total, all of them dressed in the same type of robes but with different colors, in the center of the group were Leilani and Chantook, side by side and giggling to one another before Chantook’s father took the stage again. But this time, alongside the chief, were the many “Seers” of the tribe, all of them with colored markings on their faces as they brought forth four large statues made of different colored stones. 

Looking at them, Leilani’s eyes widened as her gazes fell upon the statues, all of them were intricately carved and they were beautiful, nearly lifelike and giving an aura of awe as the entire tribe fell silent as they too had rested their eyes upon them. 

From left to right, Leilani saw a red statue depicting a man with a full beard with an orb being held in hand, that was the statue for Ragneus, the God of Creation. Next to him was a statue made of black stone depicting an elegant woman holding a skull in either hand, that was the statue for Armenakis, the Goddess of Death. On the other side of the “Seers” with a statue made of stone that shines like a rainbow was Dashran the God of the Elements, depicted as a young man with a smile and open arms. Then right next to that was the final statue, a statue made of marble white stone, depicting a young girl holding what seemed to look like tablets, which was easily Santomin the Goddess of Wisdom. The crowd all bowed at the statues before them and a small prayer to each of them was given to ensure their blessings for the next stage of the event. 

“Now my fellow people! Today is a special day!” Chief Talkuneep began as he looked out at the crowd

“Normally, the birthday celebration for an individual is usually held by their close family in the tribe. But today is not one of those days” he added as he looked down at the group of gathered children

“The generations of before and in the present have given us a unique day today, All these children before you, all of them are now thirteen, which in of itself is a milestone within our culture, but the thing I am talking about is that these children before you are the only children who are to turn thirteen this year!” 

The crowd let out an understanding and amazed noise as their chief revealed this information. All of them murmured to one another as they talked amongst themselves about the revelation of such stunning information.  

“Now, as the chief, I have decided that today, we will hold not only the birthday for my beloved Chantook, but instead hold a celebration for all who are to turn and who had turned thirteen this year, today” 

“And now, for the important part of this celebration...The blessing ceremony!” he exclaimed with excitement, causing the drums to rumble again 

“As those of you who have witnessed this before, you know what is about to happen. But those who haven’t, I shall explain” 

Hopping down to the group of children, he smiled as he patted each of them on the head before hopping back up on stage 

“Now, the blessing ceremony is an integral part of the tribe. It was passed down to us by the gods a hundred years ago and our ancestors and us have continued this practice” he said as he looked around at the crowd 

“You will each individually go up here on stage and pray with a “Seer” and wait as a statue lights up for you. But to those of you wondering what if the statues do not light for you, then you need not worry. As your chief, I was not given a blessing by the gods but I still serve them as I know my existence is thanks to them, so need not worry dear children. It also allows the “Seer” to properly take a look at the size of your mana pool again and see if there has been any progress ever since your birth” 

The crowd gathered before him let out murmurs and exchanged glances with one another as they listened to Chief Talknukeep’s explanation and many of them too had remembered that they also did not receive a blessing from the gods but still devoted their lives with the same reasoning as they all saw it as their solemn duty for being their creations. 

“Alright. Let’s begin! Man the drums!” 

At Chief Talknukeep’s words, the drums began to roar as the children lined up and began to move up to the stage and knelt down before the statues alongside a “Seer” who would sit by their side and tell them the prayer one needed to say in order for the gods to hear them. 

“The first one, Tanahutep! Is blessed by Dashran!” a “Seer” called out on stage, as the rainbow statue lit up, with the parents of the child cheering with delight 

“Next, Lasa! Is blessed by Dashran!” the same “Seer” called out as another child was escorted to the stage, 

Meanwhile, Leilani and Chantook were giggling amongst themselves as they watched the people in front of them go up one by one

“Who do you think will bless me?” Chantook asked as she held onto Leilani’s hand firmly, sounding afraid and terrified but also excited. 

“I don’t know, but whoever does bless you, or even if you are not, I am still happy to be your best friend!” Leilani replied as she too was sharing the same mix of emotions 

“Don’t say that! Otherwise, I won’t be blessed!” Chantook commented as she pouted at her friend's words

“Hehehe, don’t worry about it, even if you don’t, I heard that your dream boy Marahatep is interested in you regardless” Leilani replied with a grin as she pointed at the young boy to their far right, who looked at both of them and smiled at Chantook, causing her to face to flush as she looked away. 

“S..Shut up Lei” She mumbled as she felt embarrassed, causing her best friend to giggle

Soon after, it was their turn, The last four children before them unfortunately did not receive any blessings but to them it was okay as they all heard the chief’s words, knowing that regardless of their blessings they would still do everything in the name of their gods. Although the two of them were getting more and more nervous, the sight of Leilani’s mother walking up to escort her daughter calmed her and it also calmed Chantook as Kalani gave her words of reassurance and calm. Now standing at the staircase leading up to the stage, Chantook was the first to go, escorted by her own father, and kneeled before the statues. A “Seer” then came and kneeled beside her, mumbling the prayer into her ear which she repeated verbatim. As she finished the prayer, she, the “Seer”, her father, and her best friend all looked up at the statues, A long pause came and even the drums fell silent as everyone watched with baited breath as to if the chief’s daughter would be blessed or would she be just like him. 


Chantook was on the verge of crying but the sudden glow of red coming from Ragneus’ statue changed all of that into shouts of joy as she began jumping up and down. The “Seer” next to her rose to her feet and faced the crowd 

“The first of the day! Chantook! Is blessed by Ragneus!” the “Seer” loudly proclaimed, causing the crowd to cheer and clap for the young girl, Even her father was jumping up and down in jubilation with her mother as they were overjoyed at the outcome. 

“What if none light for me?” Leilani asked as she looked up at her mother

“That won’t change anything. You will still be our daughter and the light of our life” Kalani answered her as she planted a kiss on her head and began escorting her up the stairs. 

Kneeling before the statues, her mother kneeled next to her 

“Recite this my daughter, “I present myself to thee gods of the world, for I am a humble servant who wishes to be heard” that’s all” Kalani said with a smile as she looked at her

“Ok Mama” Leilani nodded as she took a deep breath 

“I present myself to thee gods of the world, for I am a humble servant who wishes to be heard” she recited under her breath as she closed her eyes and bowed her head 

As she finished the prayer, she waited patiently, the sounds around her slowly fading into nothingness, leaving her in a peaceful and tranquil silence.


Noticing that the silence was too long and that she could no longer hear anyone, Leilani opened her eyes


“Woah” She uttered as she found herself on top of a sea of black mass, but up above her was nothing but darkness

But as she marveled at the wondrous sight, the ground began to shake under her

“She’s here! She’s really here!” A young man’s voice shouted, causing her to look around and find the source. 

Her eyes were filled at the sight of a multicolored star streaking through the sky, like a beautiful comet that boasted colors so bright the darkness illuminated itself in the same color

“Really? She’s here?! Where?!” An elderly man’s voice soon followed and materializing behind the multicolored star and began following behind at a slower pace 

The stars then flew fast above her, causing her robes to ripple and flap as they passed her by, with Leilani covering her head and ducking as they did so. And as they flew back up into the sky they swirled around one another in perfect unison, making a double helix as they flew higher and higher before exploding into hundreds of beautiful multicolored fireworks that painted the black sky and turned into a sea of neverending stars of immense beauty. 

Suddenly, manifesting before her were two larger-than-life figures. One was a crimson red that formed an older-looking gentleman dressed in philosopher robes, with a large beard on his face that complemented his more experienced and wise demeanor, while the other was a multicolored figure whose colors shifted around every time they moved, sporting a robe that was the same as hers, the young man looked dashing and expressive, wearing a big smile on his face as he was looking down at the mortal before him. 

“AIEEE! It’s really her! Ragneus look! It’s her!” Dashran shouted with glee as he tugged on the sleeve of the red figure

“I can see her! I can see her, cool yourself Dashran, we’re supposed to be the cool gods here you know? We have to make a better impression before those other two show up” Ragneus scolded as he bopped the excited god on the head

“Oww! Ok, ok I get it! fwwooo…Hi there little Leilani!” Dashran greeted her with a wide smile 

“Hello” Leilani smiled back as she gave a small wave

“Hooo, our creator really brought someone with good greetings. I like her already. Hello there, I am Ragneus, and my fellow god here is Dashran. It is a pleasure to finally speak to you little one” Ragneus greeted as he bent down as smiled at her 

“It is a pleasure to meet you too, it is also an honor to finally meet both of you” The mortal girl smiled as she bowed her head before the two celestial beings.

“But there is a problem here isn’t there?” Dashran stated as he looked at her with a confused look

“Hmm? What do you mean?” Ragneus asked

“She’s a bit too young no? And she’s so tiny” 

“Yeah she is isn’t she” 

“H-hey! You can’t say that! I’m tiny because I just turned thirteen! I’ll grow as tall and as beautiful as my mom I’ll have you know!”

“Oh I know you will, but Dashran does have a point, you look way too young to look like the person who will help save this world” Ragneus replied as he picked her up and placed her in his open palm. 

“Oi! Don’t be like that to her you two” A young feminine voice angrily scolded them from the void

“Indeed, it is really unbecoming of gods like you to do such a thing, to the mortal that has been assigned to help us no less” a more mature feminine voice added also from the void. 

Looking up at the sea of stars, Leilani saw one that was pristine white and one that was abyss black streaking across it and flying closer to them, their voices giving her an idea of who was just about to show up. 

“Uh oh, they’re here” 

“Dang it Dashran! You ruined our attempt to have a favorable first impression!” Ragneus shouted

“What are you blaming me for you old coot! You’re the one who added to my comments!” Dashran countered as he looked shocked at the sudden blaming

“oLd CoOt!? Why I oughta unalive you now you disrespectful brat!” The God of Creation shouted as he placed Leilani on the ground and began raising his fists in a cartoony fisticuffs manner

“Bring it on old man!” The God of the Elements replied as he did the same, the two of them leaping at one another and beginning to tussle

Although they were fighting, Leilani could only see a cartoonish dust cloud that would usually be put on screen when characters fought. 

“Sorry these two got to you first dear Leilani” the black star apologized as it hovered near her

“Yeah, we’re sorry we got here late. Those two left without us” the white star added as it too hovered near

Then, the two stars transformed into two women who were still taller than the young mortal, One of them was an older woman of ethereal beauty with hair that was dark as midnight and floating freely behind her, with pale skin and dark lips and black eyes, she could captivate anyone who had gazed upon her. Cloaked in a flowing white dress and wielding a large white scythe in one hand was who Leilani guessed was Armenakis. Meanwhile, the other figure formed into a young woman who had flowing silver hair tied in a bun, with a pair of round glasses resting on her nose, carrying a large book and quill in one arm and dressed in a shorter gray dress, giving Leilani the impression that this was Santomin. 

“It is a pleasure to meet both of you” Leilani greeted as she bowed to them, 

“Ohoho, so formal. I am flattered” Armenakis commented as she patted the young mortal on the head

“It is also a pleasure to finally meet you too, we are going to get along in the future” Santomin added as she inspected the young girl in front of them

“I have a question though” 

“Of course little Leilani speak it” Armenakis answered

“If I am here, is time moving normally back there?” the young mortal girl asked

“Oh no. Rageus stopped time, so you needn’t worry about that” Santomin answered her

“We are happy to have you here little Leilani, we hope that we can build a very fruitful relationship with you. To save our world and our creations” Armenakis stated as she gave off a mature and wise aura 

“Indeed, although it may not look like it at a glance, all four of us really love what we have created and wish to ensure its survival. To that end, we trust you immensely to fulfill what our creator has told us what you promised her” Santomin added as she smiled at her

“I will do my best. And I also want to see this world become even more than it is already. Hopefully surpassing my previous one” Leilani replied to them with a smile on her face. 

“Oh! I have another question”

“Ask away”

“Don’t you guys have like angels or helpers or something?” 

“Ahh, well. That depends on who it is you're asking, Armenakis has her angels of death, Dashran has his elemental spirits, I have my angelic scholars and Ragneus has his “kin of creation” basically angels that are in charge of creating new species and other such things, whether they are animals or beasts” Santomin answered her again

“Hmm? Is someone calling me?” Ragenus chimed in as he pushed Dashran away and began making his way to the three girls, dusting himself off from the scuffle with Dashran doing the same. 

“Right right. Before you ask Leilani, our creator is currently in a meeting with her master. She will come by when she is done, so while we are here waiting for her, you can ask us any question you want. Given that the question will not fry that mind of yours” The God of Creation stated as he looked her in the eyes

“Oh! Ok, umm…why demons though?” She asked as she turned to Armenakis, who was surprised by the question


“Why demons? You call the things you created demons…why? Wouldn’t something like “void kin” or “those of the void” be cooler?” 


“It’s because she found it cool” Santomin quickly answered as The Goddess of Death was thinking

“Huh! Don’t tell her that!” Armenakis exclaimed as she flushed red

“Cool? What do you mean?” 

“When this world was still under construction, Armenakis took a trip to your previous world. Specifically in a nation called Japan. She spent several years there and learned…many things” 

“Oi! Oi! Oi! Stop it!” The flustered goddess shouted as she tried to cover Santomin’s mouth, who easily dodged her attempts

“When she was told to make a name for her creations, she took inspiration from the many books, and games she had experienced and decided that the term “demons” would be the best” Santomin finished with a wry smile

“Like a true middle schooler” Leilani remarked as she giggled 

“Hey! No, I’m not! I named them “demons” because they came from the realm of death! It sounded cool ok!” Armenakis shouted as she defended her naming conventions, The mature air surrounding her initially now disappeared 

“Huh, sounds like someone couldn’t be creative enough” Ragneus remarked with a smug face

“Oi! Don’t give me that Mr. “I created everything so I will take selfies of me and my creation!” They looked so bland and uninteresting!” 

“H-hey! How’d you know that!” Ragneus remarked as the information caused the other two gods to burst out laughing, even Leilani. 

The sight of these celestial beings responsible for taking care of the world filled her with a sense of happiness that these were the gods she would be working to help in the future, happy in the knowledge that they seemed to love this world and were not like those gods she read in the novels that they were just entertaining themselves as the main reason they helped their creations. To her, these four really do enjoy their jobs and want to ensure the survival of their world, and to all the mortals who were living in it. It was a damn good thing for her to see. 

“Alright, while we wait for our creator. The four of us will each take you to our own personal domain where you can learn more about us” Ragneus stated as he stopped bickering and looked at the young mortal

“Alright! I am ready to learn!” Leilani replied excitedly, the prospect of learning more about the intricacies of the world filling her with joy

“Alright! First off is me, come, through the portal!” The God of Creation added as he summoned a bright red portal and went through it, the other gods gesturing Leilani to follow. 

With a deep breath, Leilani nodded to them and ran head-first into the portal, knowing that whatever was on the other side was going to be amazing.


A/N: Hello! and here we have another chapter, this time finally showing the pantheon and Leilani meeting! I am thankful you guys like this series despite the small amount of chapters so far but rest assured, this story will continue to have chapters! anyways, let me know what you guys think and as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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