The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 13 – Club selection (Part 1)

After tuning up a few things with Hajin about the general plan, I got back to my dorm, while he went to train. He offered me to go with him, but I declined, since at this our there would be a lot of cadets there.

It was already past 20:00, so I prepared something to eat, a sandwich, as I only had a lot of chocolate milkshake on the coffee shop.

“Well, guess that wasn’t so bad. Hajin now shouldn’t have that ‘I’m alone on this’ feeling, which would help him greatly. Though I still felt he sees this as a novel, and not a real world. And sooner or later, that would come back to hit him hard. Nothing I can do about it. Everyone should experience things on their own to truly understand.”-I said, while I finished my sandwich.

Standing up, I went to change my clothes, from my cadet uniform to my normal training clothes, which is basically some jogger pants a t-shirt and a hoodie. The reason I always wear a hoodie or long-sleeved shirts or sweaters is because I have something like a tattoo on my arm, and it goes all the way from my wrist to my shoulder blade, do you imagine what it would be like to let people see that? No thanks. Not while I can evade it.

While I finish changing myself, the time is still 21:20, which is a little soon for me to go to the training center.

“What to do… Oh right. Let’s decide which clubs I will enter. Then I’ll just need to inform Hajin about my decision…”-I said while looking around for my laptop.

“Let’s see, I think I saw an app around here that could be useful.”-I said to myself while looking at the laptop’s screen. “Ah, here it is.”- I said as I finally found the app with Hajin’s setting.

I also looked for a notebook and a pen to take some notes. It allows me to think better if I’m writing things down.

“Tomorrow’s classes are all theory, so there’s really no problem with that, Wednesday is anti-personal training… I would probably need to pair with someone to spar… But the problem is, who? I just truly know Hajin, and with his ‘Training gun’ the instructor won’t leave him train with someone else… Maybe Mark, or Rachel, nah, Rachel isn’t available for that. Well, I guess I’ll need to wait for that day to come, worst thing worst, I train with whoever is free of partner.”

Then, after that it’s just regular classes. Also, today is the start of the second week of we novices being here… Even when we hadn’t any class last week, this still counts as our second week, and that brings a nice event.

“That’s right… tomorrow is club promotion. Every club would be around Cube trying to grab the attention of some freshman. And that brings me to my initial question. Which club or clubs should I join?”

Thinking about. Selecting the same clubs as Hajin would be a nice idea. Not just for information gathering. But also because a lot of events happens around those clubs.

“Well, let’s check first which clubs he is going to choose.”-I said while looking at the settings from the novel Hajin wrote.

“First of all, I know he chose three clubs. Each one because important characters also were there. Let’s see… summarizing the info I got that he will choose Hunting Club, Traveling Club and Academics Club.”

The reason being that Hunting Club had Chae Nayun and an important event happening there. There’s also Traveling Club, with Kim Suho, Chae Nayun again, Yoo Yeonha and Yi Yeonghan. Finally, Academics Club had Yoo Yeonha, but not only because of her he will choose it, like in the Hunting Club, an important event will take place there.

“So… I’ll obviously take the Traveling Club. I like traveling, and even more when it is in another world, even if it is based on my own world. Also, Hunting Clubs seems really nice, and if I don’t remember incorrectly, they would go on pause after the accident. It would also help fight some monster from this world.”-I think while writing down my choices in the notebook.

“Mmmm… About the Academics Club… Well, I have no reasons to get close to Yoo Yeonha, and Hajin would probably do a nice job about the accident taking place there. So, Academics Club, out! Don’t want to sit in a boring class to listen to some bastard’s talking as if he knows everything. I would probably kill after a few interactions…”-I thought, finally scratching the Academics Club from the list of possible clubs to join.

“Also… About that… I still don’t know if I should intervene in that accident. I mean, yes, people would die. But that accident would bring Kim Hajin and Yoo Yeonha closer. I can’t let that go astray… So… I’m really sorry for not being able to save you…”

While thinking about the upcoming events, and if there’s some way to act or anything, it became time to go to the gym. 22:15. Perfect time for me. Less people in there, and even less after I finish my warm-up.

“Let’s start going then.”-I said as I stand up to prepare.

I grab some water bottles and a towel to go. I’m not one of those who usually wash himself in the gym’s shower room. Call it whatever you want, but I’m just not accustomed to change in front of unknown people. Add that I have a big tattoo that I don’t want to openly show, and you got a perfect “go wash at home after gym” kind of guy.

Getting out of the dorms I start with a light running to the training center. Right on cue to see Hajin coming back from what I assume was his training session. Hi looks really tired, as if he went to hell and back. Well, maybe not that much tired.

“Hey! What’s up?”-I call for him while getting close. Nothing bad in getting a few minutes later to the gym. Even better.

“Huh? Oh… Hey.”-Answers him with a face of someone that’s completely tired and ready to go to bed and don’t wake up until next day midday.

“Maaaan, you look really bad, what happened to you? Too much tired from training?”

“Yeah… You can’t be asking too much from someone who barely did any kind of physical activity, scratch that, who did nothing physical active back on Earth… What about you? Going to the training center?”-He says, looking at my outfit.

“If the circumstances where different, I would tell you to take it slow, training shouldn’t be done in a hurry, or you could hurt yourself. But right now, you DO need to start forcing yourself a little, I’m glad you’re doing it. And to answer your question, yes, I am. I prefer these hours… less people.”

“What? Don’t like crowded places?”

“Precisely. I’m the kind of guy who goes to a gym at 2:00 just to be alone, well, at least as alone as possible, some people really like to stay up late haha. Though, lately,, I was more of the kind who goes to a park or somewhere like that, complete solitude. Also, the kind of training I did was somewhat different.”

“Man… You seem like the kind who likes to be alone…”

“You think so?”

“Yes… Anyway, the training room is almost empty, a lot of cadets are already gone to their rooms or other specialized training facilities. I’ll go back to my room, I need to rest as soon as possible or I won’t make it to tomorrow’s morning class… Bye, good luck with your training, whatever it is.”

“Perfect. And okay, good luck with resting, you sure seem like you need it.”-I said, finally reassuming my light running to the training center while Hajin drags his tired body back to his room.

[Rank 915, Cristopher D. Lamas, Confirmed]

Said the door’s robot once I used my smartwatch on the electronic pad. I enter the place and the first thing I noted was that there’s almost no one here, barely a few cadets that seems like they already finishing and no one else.

“Scratch that, she’s here again. Three days in a row. Seems like she’s the kind to go training late huh. Well, nothing to do with me.”- I thought, noticing that my classmate, the girl that I saw since the first day coming to this training facility is doing a light warm up to start her trainings.

She’s probably 1,62 meters tall, long auburn hair tied in a ponytail, with slightly chubby cheeks on a slender face, and dark brown eyes. She doesn’t seem to be Korean, with a slightly tanned body, giving her a look from the south, and nice figure. Really, nice breast, not gigantic, but big nonetheless, and a nice ass, toned, mind you. Her midriff is also toned, so she does train a lot for what I can see.

“Yeah. What a nice view.” Oh man… I’m getting distracted. Should start running on the treadmill. Thankfully, I don’t have to lock my eyes on her to be able to see her well, or she would think I’m some kind of pervert, which I sometimes do think I am, but hey, when you live as long as me, you just learn to naturally appreciate art. And women body, is art. At least in my own subjective definition.

And to be honest. Damn Hajin. Why does almost every woman here is some kind of beauty? Really man… I know that mana can naturally make people more “beautiful”, but this is another thing altogether…

Getting on the treadmill, I start my running session, this time at a 90 Km/h speed, and for at least 45 minutes. I have to keep bringing up the intensity, even if it’s a warming up.

While I was running, I noticed that the girl entered the gravity chamber again, as she had been doing these days. “Let’s see how much time does she endure today”. Last time, she barely endured 6 minutes. Though, that’s more than the first day, so I assume she’s quickly adapting to it.

I start the music app on my smartwatch and put on some wireless headphones I bought in Amazing! Last time. Really. Hajin. Choose a better name dude!!!


“Solence is really nice for a start.”- I thought while getting up my focus on the music.





Just when I was running for about 8 minutes, I noticed the girl going out of the gravity chamber.

“She went up two minutes, not bad.”-I thought to myself before focusing again on my music, at least until I sensed she was coming to the treadmills, the one just beside me.

As I reach to my smartwatch to look for some song of Falling in Reverse, I saw that she’s setting up and starting the treadmill, and suddenly turns to look at me.

I answer with a look of my own and slightly nod, getting back to do my own thing, not before seeing her answering my nod with one of her own.

She starts running, slowly at first, but continually going faster until she got at a running speed I assume is between 40 or 50 km/h. Not bad for a cadet, considering I should be at least twice or even faster than her.

After my 45 minutes running, the treadmill slowly stopped, and I got down from it. Drinking some water and reaching for my towel to dry my sweat off. While doing so, I noticed the girl is also going down from the treadmill, almost panting.

Seems like she didn’t put a timer and just went for a run until she tired herself out. I do have to say, she did slow down midway, so I guess that’s why she endured until I finished, almost 30 minutes running alongside me.

*panting… panting*

“huff… huff… ho-how… did… you run… so fast… for… so long… huff… huff”-She suddenly said to me when I’m already going to the weights.

“Huh? Why you ask? Wait… were you trying to match my timing?”

“huff… huff… also… your speed… huff… huff..”-So she says while almost falling on her butt dead tired.

“Well… You shouldn’t do that next time… Look at you… You’re dead tired. And you even went out of the gravity chamber recently.”-I tried to advise her.

“huff… huff… That’s… my problem… huff… huff…”

“Well, how long or fast I can run is also my problem, why would you even need to ask me? Or try to keep my pace even…”

“huff… huff… I… Just… Tried… To train… Harder… huff… huff”

Really… I won’t be surprised if she falls any moment now…

*Sighs…* Here… have something to drink first. I won’t be surprised if you fall on the floor any moment now.”- I said while giving her an extra bottle of water I had with me.

“huff…huff…”-She only stares at it while painting… Maybe she has her own? Or just don’t want to grab someone else’s water? OH!

“Don’t worry, as you can see, is not my own, just an extra bottle I always have with me.”-I said while bringing up my own used bottle.

“huff… huff… I’m… not worried… about that… huff… huff… It’s just… so sudden… didn’t thought…. you would offer me water… huff… huff…”

“What? Been in a rough environment when no one even offers a little bit of water? Just take it. I’m getting tired with my arm up.”-I answered to her stupid reasons. And she indeed took the bottle from my hand.

*gulp… gulp… gulp…*

She didn’t stop drinking until a little more than half of the bottle was empty.

“You sure were dry huh… Well, you can keep the rest. I’m leaving to the weights.”-I said while turning around.

“Wait! Thanks for the water… I’m Olivia, by the way…”-She suddenly introduced herself after catching her breath.

“No problem, my name’s Cristopher.”-I said glancing sideway to her before turning again to leave.

She followed me god knows why.

“You didn’t answer my first question, how did you run so fast for so long? You were there even before I went out of the gravity chamber, and didn’t matter how much I forced myself, I couldn’t get at your speed.”

“Again. You shouldn’t try that in the first place…”

“I want to be stronger. And if I can’t beat a nobody on running while I’m a sharpshooter… Then I’m doing something wrong…”

“Hey. Thanks for the nobody part.”

“Don’t get offended. I know for sure you’re not one of the top rankers. I’ve memorized them all so I can try to catch up to them.”-Answers her… As if anyone outside the top ranks is mere trash…

*sigh* Hey… I’m telling you this for your own good. Don’t always focus on numbers. That would stop you from actually growing, and don’t use other people to measure yourself, that won’t do any good to you. Though… I don’t really care, in the end, is your own problem, so do as you wish. I’m going. You should do your own thing.”-I said, turning completely around and going to the weights.

“I swear, if she tries to stop me once again, I’ll just leave the place”-I thought while walking, sensing that she’s still looking at me with a somewhat wishful expression, as if going to call for me in any moment. Thankfully, she didn’t, and I could start working out with the weights. Though, to be honest, I’m working more my resistance and energy control than anything else.

How would I do that you ask? Easy, forcing my mana into the bar, trying to increase their weight while simultaneously protecting it from any damage. Basically, I’m reinforcing the center, while adding exactly the same weight to the left and right. This way I can keep training my physical resistance, while managing control, which is one of the three important aspects of mana.

For the record, the other two are quantity and potency, though some people call it quality. There are a few other factors you could take into account when talking about mana and magic power, but those three are the base.

After finishing my training, I grab my towel again, and prepare to go out. Just to see the girl from before, Olivia, waiting at the door while looking my way. *sigh* this will be such a pain.”-I thought as I slightly make my way to the door.

“Aren’t you going to wash or anything?”-Asked her.

“Not here. Why? Would you want me to?”-I answered half-jokingly.

“No. It’s just that you stink.” She said while furrowing her brows.

“Well, then why are you here? It’s not like I was the one to tell you to wait for me.”-I answered, a little annoyed.

“You still haven’t answered my question from before. So, I was waiting for you.”

I facepalm myself and drag my hand downward my face… Really. What’s with this girl. Why is she so persistent on such a little thing?

“Couldn’t you just leave and keep training by yourself until you can run at the same speed? What are you expecting me to say? How do I train or something? It’s useless, you won’t be able to train the same way as I do, we are, after all, different. Now, if you may, please step aside so I can leave.”

“…*stare*… I don’t know why can’t you just say how to train to become that fast. You cheapskate.”- She said while glaring at me with her eyes furrowed.

*sigh*… Whatever, I’m done talking to you, see you.”- I said while forcefully shoving her aside and exiting the training center.

“H-hey! WAIT! I’m not done with you. Answer me!”-She ran behind me while screaming

“Forget it already, would you? And you better go to your dorm. Is already way past 22:00, we can’t be interacting like this.”

“FINE! But you’ll see. I will get to run as fast and as long as you. Even more than you. You cheapskate.”-She said, finally stopping.

“Whatever you want to do. It’s not my problem. But you should first try concentrating in your gravity chamber’s training. You’re really bad at that.”

“…I know…”-She suddenly turned quieter, whispering loud enough for me to barely hear her. And I do have a really good hearing.

“Seems like there’s some problem there huh… Well, it’s not MY problem.” I thought as I went directly to my room, to prepare myself for tomorrow’s club promotion.

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