The New Babylon

Chapter 8 : Newbie Stuff

The next day when Nathan woke up, the sun was already at its zenith.

As he turned around, he saw Nubian who was there waiting for him while holding a leather jacket, boots, and a skirt.

 “ _Boss, I made these clothes for you yesterday but since you were too tired, I thought it was better to show you this today after a well-deserved night's rest. “

Nathan stood up and looked at Nubian work, as he thought deeply.

‘It's … rustic. Well it’s not like I can do better than him, hell every time I think about the word skill, all I remember is that I forgot how to make my shoelaces when I was ten, until I was sixteen. Anyhow he sure can do a lot of things, the more time passes the more I'm surprised at how skilled a goblin can become with time. '

 “_Well I'll put them on, thank you Nubian, a well-done job as always. "

As Nathan put on the clothes and boots Nubian looked at him before saying

“ _ Indeed Boss, I’m proud of my work.

_ You should. Now how is the processing of the meat and hide is going ?

_ Mourzuk processed the beast yesterday instead I tended to the wounded goblin. But the goblins responsible for the tanning and smoking said that everything was going well when I checked on them. Before you ask, we already produced 10 pots

_Excellent, I want you to make some larger oven. We need bigger pots to stock the water, and use some beast hide as a cover for them… And the wounded goblin, how is he ?

_ Well, he is healing surprisingly well. I still can’t say if he will survive but the chance looks better for him.

_ I see … It is good. Well then, now I must find Mourzuk. Ah ! While we are at it, I will make an announcement so gather the goblins.

_ Yes, boss.”

Nathan then started walking around before he quickly saw Mourzouk and Steeve overseeing some weapon making goblins.

"_ Mourzouk, Steeve ! Gather the goblin I have an announcement to make !”

Mourzouk quickly stood up to get the goblins together, but Steeve just silently came to his side and stood there like a guard.

Nathan looked at him for a bit before Grom came and did the same thing. Before he could say anything, Nubian and Mourzuk joined them with all the goblins.

‘Now is the time for some hygiene related reform’

“From now on, every goblin is required to bath in the river at least once per day ! You'r dismissed.”

The crowd stared at him with dumbfounded stares, some of them even smelling themselves. Steeve was one of them. As for Nathan he twitched under their stares.

‘Why the fuck, do they look at me like I’ve turned crazy. It’s basic courtesy to not going around smelling like death.’

After a two long bathing session with two goblin group who came in succession to not let the camp naked of any defense, the water turned brown where the goblins bathed.

When everyone returned to the camp even the air around it felt cleaner.

Around midday the goblins reunited to eat, afterward Nathan spoke to Mourzuk

“_ Mourzuk, I will go back to the tribe’s camp to recruit some new goblins with Steeve. Meanwhile, I want you to organize a small hunting party for small prey and a fishing group.

Mourzuk looked in thought for a second before accepting.

“_ Let me take care of this Boss, there is something I wanted to test for a while now.

_ Do as you want; I trust your skills… Oh and tell Grom to find a new prey for tomorrow ”

Mourzuk wordlessly nodded still looking lost in thoughts before going in the direction of the camp.

 Nathan equipped his bone sword and gathered 5 goblins with Steve and left for the tribe. After walking for half an hour, they reached their destination.

 Nathan placed himself in the middle of a big space where the small groups of goblins always hang out. He then stood on a stone to look more impressive.

He could see the looks of envy when they looked at his equipment’s.

‘Yeah look at me ! I graduated from walking around half naked. I now acquired my newbie stuff.’

Thought Nathan before announcing the reason of his presence.

“ Some of you may already know me ! Just like last time I came to recruit some of you. This time I will only take 10 goblins so come forward !”

The goblins immediately rushed before him. One goblin even approached too close to Steeve’s taste and was welcomed by a javelin right in front of his foot, before sprinting in the opposite direction.

As Nathand looked at the goblins, his eyes focused on the top of their face before his smile twitched as he ran his hand through his hairs.

‘ What a nice view, particularly all those BALDING head’s … it’s almost like someone specially tailored a nightmare for me, or for everyone who lost their hairs for that matter.’

Nathan then cleared his throat and spoke.

“ _ The first ten goblin who came forward, follow us. As for the rest remember that we will come to recruit again !”

Nathan concluded when a one of the dismissed goblins came forward to speak.

‘Oh ? Will this be the baptism of blood of my Dumbslayer ?

“ _ Is there other chance tommorow !?

_ Yes, maybe tomorrow, Or the following day. Just watch out for when we come back.”

Nathan then departed with his new recruit, like last time the crowd parted for him. But he did not see any of it as he was lost in his thoughts

‘Well the good news is that after my last recruitment words may have spread that I promise a bright future for those who join, so I don’t have to say much for them to come with me. As for the bad news, since no one want to oppose me my Dumbslayer rest unused- wait … is that bad news ? Yeah, definitely.’

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