The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 022 – Settlers V

The two women sat in silence for a moment, glancing at one another. Teyva fidgeted, she wasn’t sure how she was going to explain to the elder exactly what she was doing in the woods. Azrael had a perfectly acceptable story to tell, at the very least. To her relief, Azrael spoke up first, straightening her back and leaning forward a bit to look the elderly orc in the eyes. Teyva glanced down when a small sound caught her attention, Azrael’s foot; tapping beneath her crossed legs. Was she nervous?

Azrael explained her role in the service of the King of the Azar, her mission to the human lands and how they repelled her before she could get close. She told the story of her flight back through the woods and her arrival at a strange cavern. That was when she glanced over at Teyva and gave her a meaningful look; “When I descended for shelter I found this woman here alone in a Tomb hidden beneath the cavern. She had very little memory of where she had been before then but was able to assist me in dealing with the humans. We decided to travel together after that. I wish to take her with me to Osan and see if the Magi there can help her.”

This was the first Teyva was hearing about getting help from anyone, but she figured it was a bit of a white lie on Azrael’s part. The old man glanced her way and squinted at her, his eyes raked up and down once before he tilted his head; “And you? Is this true?”

All of it was true, there was a lot omitted though, she admitted to herself. “Yes,” Teyva said, “I remember very little except flashes of a city, vague images, and the name of my people.”

The old man’s eyes sparkled a little and he grinned; “I was about to ask, and I mean no offense by this, but what exactly are you, stranger?”

Teyva shook her head, if what she knew about the Labyrinthians and her own personal title was any indication, she was the only one of her kind that people had seen in many, many years. It wasn’t a surprise that no one would know what she was. “I am called a labyrinthian, apparently,” she tried to roleplay it up a little, letting her imagination do the work for her; “We had a queen once, and the tomb Azrael here found me in was hers. I know little more except that my appearance is apparently kinda scary to some,” She added, scratching at her nose.

The old man went quiet for a long time, his eyes narrowed. “I have never heard of these ‘Labyrinthians’ as you call them, very strange,” he rubbed his wizened chin and cracked a grin; “But you would have to try harder to scare this old man with a few pointy teeth!” He laughed, slapping his knee.

He looked between the two women before nodding; “I believe you, very well, you may stay here for a night.”

Azrael and Teyva looked at one another and let out a sigh of relief.

“However!” The old man raised his voice to cut their moment of relaxation short; “I would ask a favor of the Warden and her Labyrinthian friend.”

“Azrael Unabi,” Azrael insisted, “Just Azrael is fine, please, master Sorcerer,” Azrael said, inclining her head.

“Teyva Akura,” Teyva quickly added; “Just Teyva here as well.”

The old man grunted and nodded, giving Azrael a sidelong glance before returning to his topic; “The wolves of these woods have been the least of our problems. There is something terrible haunting this place and we have found its source to the south. My men return with woeful wounds and illnesses; they can be cured with my magics but it wears on our morale with the attacks happening every night. I fear one day they will come to our very gates soon.”

Teyva frowned; “I didn’t see a lot of guards out there, you don’t have enough to spare to deal with it on your own.”

He gave her a toothy smile and pointed in her direction; “Ahh, quick on the uptake, yes, my concern is protecting the civilians inside the walls. I cannot send my sons and daughters into the unknown.”

“But strangers with weapons would suit you just fine,” Azrael said stiffly; “That is quite an ask.”

“I will not blame you if you decline, but I cannot express how much your help would be appreciated,” The old man said, and to their surprise, he inclined his head; “Even if you can only find the truth of it; please, seek out that place and return to us.”

Journal Update!

[Horrors of the Green Sea]

The Elder of the Orcish Settlement, Yol, has asked you to unveil the truth behind a series of attacks by mysterious creatures south of his village. He implores you to destroy the source of the attacks if you can. Failing to do so may lead to the destruction of the settlement.

Find the Aberrant Glade
Learn the Truth of the Glade
Special Objective: Destroy the Source of the Green Sea’s Corruption

Reward: Experience, Variable Reputation Gain with Orcish Settlement, Unknown Additional Rewards

Accept the Quest?: Yes / No

Teyva stared at the prompt. Azrael looked her way and made a face but said nothing for a moment. Teyva let out a breath and looked toward her companion; “We should try, at least.”

Azrael shook her head, a small smile stretching across her face; “I had a feeling you were going to say that,” She rolled her shoulders and nodded; “Alright, we’ll go in the morning, that would be best; yes?”

The old man nodded gravely; “Yes, those dark things only prowl under the light of the moon.”

Teyva looked over at Azrael and then back at the old man; mulling over what she was about to add. Azrael seemed settled but Teyva wanted to sweeten the pot a little bit; she wanted to accept the quest but she felt like this was a lot of danger for ‘unknown additional rewards’. She turned to the old man and leaned forward.

“Can you teach me magic? Sorcery or whatever it’s called,” Teyva asked.

Azrael gasped; “Teyva! You don’t just-”

The Elder held up a hand and looked Teyva in the eyes, a grin spreading across his face; “You want to negotiate a reward, do you?”

Teyva nodded; “One night's rest is a wonderful gift, and I appreciate it, but this could be seriously dangerous. I promised to help Azrael get back to her home alive and going to this place sounds like a good way of breaking that promise.”

Azrael shifted in her seat but said nothing, the old man leaned back and gave Teyva an appraising look. It was like he was seeing her for the first time. He crossed his arms and leaned back, looking up to the ceiling as if in deep thought. Teyva mentally crossed her fingers; worse case he could be offended by this and send them away for even asking. Though given how jovial he had been she doubted he would be that cruel. If he simply said no then Teyva would refuse the quest; she wanted to get through these woods alive, after all. No reward, no risk.

She glanced toward Azrael, wondering why her friend hadn’t spoken up. She deserved a reward too. The old man cleared his throat and looked back down at them, fixing Teyva with his gaze.

“Very well, should you eliminate the source of these creatures I will give you what you need to learn sorcery,” The aged orc said and grinned at her; “Are all you Labyrinthians so shrewd?”

Teyva smiled sweetly; “I’m the only one I know.”

He barked out a laugh; “Then that would make you all of them now wouldn’t it!”

Quest Update!

[Horrors of the Green Sea]

The Elder of the Orcish Settlement, Yol, has asked you to unveil the truth behind a series of attacks by mysterious creatures south of his village. He implores you to destroy the source of the attacks if you can. Failing to do so may lead to the destruction of the settlement.

Find the Aberrant Glade
Learn the Truth of the Glade
Special Objective: Destroy the Source of the Green Sea’s Corruption

Reward: Experience, Variable Reputation Gain with Orcish Settlement, Unknown Additional Rewards
Special Objective Reward: Spelltome of Basic Sorcery

Accept the Quest?: Yes / No

Teyva accepted the quest and gave him a nod; “Thank you Elder Yol,” Teyva said.

The old man narrowed his eyes; “I never gave you my name, girl.”

She winked at him; “No, you didn’t.”

He chuckled again and waved his hands in front of him; “Wicked thing!” He laughed; “Go now! Get your rest, recover, and we will see you off in the morning! My son should be waiting outside,” The old man barked. As he did, the door behind them opened with a quiet whine of metal hinges and Elat poked his head inside. “Yes, yes! I’m talking about you boy! Now take these two young ladies to a place where they can rest and eat! They are welcome tonight in our home.”

Elat inclined his head; “Yes, sir,” He stood up straight; “Ladies?”

Azrael bowed deeply to the Elder before standing; “Thank you, Master Sorcerer,” She dipped her head and slipped out to stand with Elat. Teyva rose to do the same but the old man beckoned her close.

She leaned in and he dipped his voice low; “Take care and return to me alive and I will teach you to conceal those Aspects of yours, little godling.”

Teyva froze, her eyes going wide. “I’m not a-”

“Begone! I’m tired!” The Elder barked, waving her away.

Teyva sighed and bowed once, thanking him before she turned away to join Azrael. Azrael frowned a little at Teyva’s face when she stepped out but said nothing. Elat looked between the two of them and then back at the door to the Elder’s hut.

“You must have made a good impression, it’s good to hear him laughing. The past few nights have been hard on him,” Elat said, scratching his chin, a little bit of stubble starting to show. He gestured for them to follow him as he began to walk around the building and toward the north side of the settlement.

“So we heard,” Teyva said, “He’s asked us to look into what’s going on in the south.”

Elat glanced at her but didn’t stop moving, they left the round-a-bout and back into clusters of wooden buildings. Teyva saw a few small shops, a butcher and a fletcher were settled right next to the other. A pair of small orcish children ran by, laughing, some women were sitting together in front of what looked like a larger residence and talking quietly with one another. Gossiping probably.

“You’re just going to volunteer, just like that?” Elat asked, waving at a few of the passersby.

“I asked for a reward,” She said, glancing over at Azrael who looked a bit distracted, the Azar was taking in the sights; not really paying attention to the conversation.

“And you?” Elat asked, also turning toward the Azar.

Azrael snapped her head around and shrugged; “I am not interested in a reward. A warden’s duty is to expunge threats and dangers to our realm. This may not be the territory of my King but I won’t refuse if asked.”

So that was why Azrael hadn’t spoken up, Teyva shot her a smile and Azrael looked away, scratching her nose awkwardly. The two of them walked in silence behind the big orc until they arrived at a small building at the edge of town. The outer wall was only a few feet away when they came to a stop and Teyva took a second to look it up and down. She could barely see the seam between the cleaned logs that it was made from. It was seriously sturdy.

“Here we are,” Elat said, nodding his head to them, “Some food will be brought to you this evening, for now, try to rest and recover.”

“Thank you Elat,” Azrael said, reaching out to shake his hand. He accepted the gesture and departed with a nod to Teyva. Teyva watched him go, then turned to look at Azrael who seemed to linger for a moment before snapping to attention, she frowned at Teyva again and crossed her arms. “What?”

Teyva grinned; “He your type?”

Azrael’s eyes went wide, “Shut up! Get inside!”

Teyva burst out laughing and walked past an irritable-looking Azrael, opening the door and stepping inside.

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