The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1130

II176. Selfish girls are afraid.

If you trace the text with your eyes and read it out, Stale understands that this informant is apparently familiar with the blackness of Jill Vail.

In addition, the information arranged at the time of this letter contained rumors that they and Chemet had not even infiltrated the campus.

Inside, a wrinkle was engraved between Stail’s eyebrows when it reached the “product list” and extremely ominous and offensive words and information.Pride and Tiara, who waited for Jilbert and Stale to finish reading, also stretched their shoulders to create a terrible sense of hegemony that allowed them to rub their skin backwards from the two people in front of them.The conflicting feeling of what was written on the letter, that I shouldn’t read it through my eyes, stretched to my feet.Pride and Tiara knew from their previous experience that they would never let them read it directly.They’ve never been able to see the documents that were provided through Val before.

Pride and Tiara couldn’t even reach into the cup of the table while waiting for the two to finish reading, feeling strangely long a minute and a second.Especially as my skin feels a gradual overflow of black hegemony from the stale, I slightly retreat from them.

Even Kintetsu Knight Alan and Column tied their mouths to the tingling air, while only Chemet and Sefek chewed candy fluently.The questions from Jilbert and the others stopped and I tried to stick my cheeks inside now, and I pounded my tongue on the sweet sweets from one to the next.While watching the two of them in the corner of the room, Val gives up taking the other two overseas deliveries today.

Sefek and Chemet are completely relaxed, and the sun is calming outside the window.When I went, I thought about pushing the two people who were full into the dorm early and then going alone.

He kept listening to Gilbert and the others, but now he waited silently for the story to progress, saying that if we received information from Bayle, an informant here, we would be able to tell the truth of his story again.I’m not very interested in what Kemet says about the senior students who summoned junior students to the back of the school building, but I’m really interested in what Bayle was talking about three days ago.I can be reassured if Jill Vail or Stale tells me that it’s just rumors or nothing to do with school.

When they came to that conclusion, Stale and Gilbert finally finished reading the report.As Jill Vail opens his mouth, “I’ll scratch it,” Stale finally reads the report of the Jill Vail opener.Stale, who listened to him and captured the information in his eyes, remained even sharp.

“First of all, about what Captain Column told me…. roughly, but I got the outline.This may need to be reviewed soon. ”

Smile. The pride’s back remained stretched and stiff on the gill veil with an elegant smile on it.

I’m sure he’s close to the truth before Jilbert smiles so frightened he wants to scream!!If Stale hasn’t read through the paperwork yet, he can be sure that the cold will have hit him more than ever.

From that, the inference that Slasher and Gilbert aligned themselves on the basis of the information was that all the prides were close to the facts known in the game.Pride once again puts his tongue around Jill Vail’s excellence, not just what was actually given to him as information, but how far he would go from there to the truth.

I see, but I was slightly scared of Jill Vail, who was holding the truth in his hands much faster than I expected.Finally, “Well, it won’t be too late to hear from Prince Leon,” Pride understands that Leon’s testimony will certainly remain the king.

“… when that happens, it’s definitely linked to what Chemet was talking about.If the majority of students are looking for the “product list”, they are reaching out to the university…. because it would be a great hunting ground for lower-level children and hard to reach schools for adults. ”

After a quick reading of everything else, Stale digs up the facts as if they followed Jill Vail.

Indeed, Jill Vail nodded to Stale’s reasoning and thought the same thing.And when Chemet answered, as he remembered Stale’s words, “That child was also a junior child,” Pickle and Val’s right shoulder rose.Wake them up from the body that was about to lean against the wall and stare at them on the sofa as they shake angrily into poverty.

Tiara, who was listening to me with her frozen pride, said, “What’s a product list?”Asked Stale, he chose the words, worrying about Sefek and Chemet in front of him.

“It’s a list of trafficked goods.The “merchant” in his hand had been extinguished by the prime minister somewhere before the war of annihilation four years ago, but… it is possible that it has been fired again regularly. ”

After Stale’s killing like a blade, Val’s tongue ran out this time.

He was deeply involved in the war of annihilation four years ago, and I don’t want Sefek and Chemet to get involved again.If you leave the country, you may still see and catch them from time to time, but they have not been involved in the castle in the country for the past few years.

We should be looking for the degree of backwork that connects us to survivors, but we haven’t seen any in the last few years.

Stale said, “But I’m still looking for a list of products.There is no information on the vendor, “Val calmly repeated, but he was not reassured.Remembering the feeling of glare in my stomach, as I stared at them, the inference battle between Stale and Gilbert continued, as if I were leaving them with a star.

“What the hell are you looking for?”And blackmail targeting only product lists and junior students…. perhaps this is also the reason why Captain Column leaves school early and does not attend school. ”

“If a high school student threatens you with silence, they won’t be able to defend themselves.Trust in teachers has not yet been built, and leaving school is, in a sense, a wise decision at the moment. ”

“But if this happens again, the lower class of premature babies, the purpose of Pradest, will not be rescued.We need to deal with this as soon as possible. ”

“Then I wonder if it is quick to slap the main body or pull out the mastermind first.I will also report this to His Majesty the King. ”

“If you can’t twist it right now, protect your students first.Preventing lower-level students would be a top priority if they were targeted.Increase the number of tours or send guards… I don’t want to burden teachers any more ”

“You’re right. Let’s start with that senior student who saw Chemet.”

Pride’s mouth twitched as they approached the truth as if they were playing packed chess in front of each other.

Two people who don’t know the game settings at all are steadily progressing, step by step, as if they were reading a strategy book.Rather than just a few days, Pride was slightly more afraid than praise that he would now reach the mastermind.

Once again, we see the horrors of Jilbert and Stale’s intelligent combination.Even though Jill Vail’s information network has obtained this much information in a few days, it is also terrifying that Stale will assemble the facts accurately with the information presented suddenly here.Originally, I would have crowned myself with prediction, told the truth, and put in place measures that should be taken on top of that.It felt like I was watching you assemble a thousand-piece white puzzle.

Not two people have reached the bottom of the truth yet.Pride also thinks it will be difficult to tie it to a boulder because it is a secret information.However, the vast amount of information now available and even more precisely assembles only the necessary parts from it.If it stays that way, I think it would be better for the two of us to succeed or fail before we solve Nate.

From what I heard from the column, as well as threats from senior students who were also victimized by Chemet, the main reason for this.And if all three of the “Lyers” are connected, it feels like time and these two can solve the problem.

… I have to move about him.

Ultimately, and.

Pride once again carved it into his head.Behind my head comes what I saw in a special classroom.

Only Pride, who remembered the roots of the Farnham brothers and remembered him in the potato formula, knows the truth about all the problems of the present day.In a sense, he is also the closest to the “situation that shakes the school from the ground up” that Pride predicted.

Even as we think about it, we still have a meeting between Stale and Gilbert.Pride left it to Jill Vail, but Stale couldn’t keep quiet when he heard about it.

Gilbert’s strengths were not questionable in themselves, but he wanted to prioritize reducing more student damage than hitting Daimyo, as many students without backing were already in a situation where they had to leave school.And Jill Vail agrees.

Opinions are packed with momentum enough to mistake it for a debate so that they can flow together again.

“So, Dear Stale, it’s hard to parallel both of these at the same time.You may not be suspicious if you increase the number of tours, but if you send more knights or put in place specific measures to deal with the school, the other party may notice this move.If you do, you will be investigated, alert and slow to progress. ”

“But the teacher has already stepped up walking around and still can’t prevent it.There is limited time around Captain Column.Gilbert, you can’t twist Ohmoto right now. ”

“Difficult under legitimate law.The other party also has quite a few things.There are plenty of ways to do this, but even if we don’t have solid evidence yet, it can lead to irreversible results. ”

“If I could talk to Prince Leon, I’d be able to help, but… even if I could talk to Captain Column, it would be difficult to prevent a” school tour “.”

“Yes, to the boulder. If the guard knight packs it, he won’t even be able to tail it, and above all, it’s only a temporary effect to prevent movement there.”

“Then we have to go around more and hold the scene.All we have to do is catch some criminals and throw them up.It may take some time, but if you let me throw up from there, mostly, or even my family name. ”

“I mean, why don’t we just catch all these kids and make them throw up?”


Someone who had not participated in the conversation before was now staring at Gilbert and Stale from the front.

Zilbert and Stale simultaneously stopped talking to Sefek and Chemet, who had been sitting on the sofa with their heavy hips up since the story began to get incandescent.Turning slowly towards each other’s faces, Sefek looked back and threw a cookie into Val’s mouth.

Nobody complains now to Val, who lends himself a meal cuss on a fine sofa with Daddy.I understood the intent of Val’s words to sharpen his sharp gaze, peel teeth like teeth, and shine his eyes without saying anything more.

Pride, who had a hunch since he approached the sofa, spasmed his face thinking, “No way.”

I didn’t expect him to offer his help, not just Column and Jilbert.

Students who are infiltrating the school.Moreover, if he dressed up as the most senior student in the third year of high school, he won’t be noticed, even if he is witnessed in a brawl with the students.It’s just a matter of troubled children.And it’s the only place where you can walk around the school freely, whether you’re on holiday or in class, and you can’t be suspicious where you’ve already skipped class as a problem child.

It would be helpful if he moved.I’ve always thought of that as pride.However, even if you’re just infiltrating the school, you can’t ask me to move even further.It was unexpected for her that he volunteered to act as if he were doing so for the security of the school.

However, the living quarters of Sefek and Chemet.In addition, Val was hoping for an early resolution beyond being forced into the product list.For that reason, I swallowed a little trouble and had no choice but to meditate.

Pride and Tiara understood without saying that Val was trying to move for Cefek and Chemet, not for justice.

“… oh, that’s it. If we can keep our students from getting hurt any more, we can concentrate.”

“You’re right. If that happens, can I promise you an early resolution?”

I am convinced that everything was on their palms with this unmistakable smile on the side of the black-and-white designer and genius strategist.

Despite not pointing to himself, the cold thing ran through his spine in the four eyes of Gillan and Glow. Pride accidentally grasped both fists that were lowered on both knees.Tiara also pointed her lips at her brother in trouble thinking of her “bad face”.

If Arthur had been here, he would have definitely turned his face into a creepy smile.That’s when they started asking questions.

There was no meeting while the words were superimposed, and the two men’s intentions were one.We both knew that the opponent could lead us to believe that Val was the best person on the scene, even if he didn’t say so.If the facts derived here are put to words, Val will surely offer to cooperate.

School is an important new institution for pride.And if Sefek and Chemet get tangled up, there’s no way he’s standing still.Furthermore, the behavior presented to him is simply “crushing defective students”.When traveling abroad as a courier, catching people from the backyard and handing them over to the Knights is not much different.Moreover, in view of the “permission” that Pride has fortunately already given to Val, there was no better role for him.

The two laughed and Val also felt a little bit fitted, but that’s why I don’t feel like kicking.Not to mention guiding myself, if it really solves everything during my infiltration.After the infiltration of pride, I want to eliminate all the troublesome anxiety elements to push the two into the school with confidence.

“The use of special abilities”

“If they don’t notice, how about a license to use it?Well, I don’t think you’re going to be able to defeat 18 little kids with the permission you got from your sister. ”

“Hate, my body is still a kid.Don’t hesitate to use it. Perfect for distractions. ”

“That’s the deal. I’ll promise you the reward in whatever way I can.”

And finally, we’re going to ask for permission from Stale to Pride.

Pride could only return “yes” with a dull voice before an exchange that could only be heard between Val and Stale.Your firm face is still stiffening up, making your cheek muscles twitch.

Val, who smiled instantly as soon as he saw the official permission from his lord, Pride, made him say with a smile, “It seems a bit enjoyable.”To his remarks, which are completely unpleasant, Pride feels a cold sweat on his back and reminds him, “Don’t overdo it to ordinary students.”

“Will Val manage?!”

“I’ll help you, too.Val, I’m worried about you. ”

Kemet and Sefek climbed up from the sofa to Val behind their backs as the story gathered together.Wow, don’t bother, they pulled Val with their arms from both sides to annoy him not to get involved in school.

Pride lifted the cup with his faintly trembling fingers because of its length, which seemed unlikely after the noisy talk.

… that defective student saved my life without Kemet getting hurt.

That would have ensured that there would have been retaliation from the guardians on board.Just imagining it in his head, Pride swallowed the words with tea.

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