The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1122

“Comicalizing Volume 2, Thanksgiving.”

“That’s enough for today.”

The uninterrupted sword flash stopped in one word.

Arthur stopped moving with his sword swinging lightly until now.He slowly lowered his sword with a murmur.I don’t think I’ll be able to play another game if I check the time.Even now, if I could just step on it a little more, I would have taken one.

Though it was a match, I thought I could get about one if it was a meeting narrowed down to a sword, but I couldn’t win it once in all.Arthur, who felt stopped deliberately in a good place, grasped the sword again with a little dissatisfaction, and then looked back at his opponent.I can still do it, but I don’t mind lowering my hips to affordable stone.

I thought it was moving lightly, but I wonder if it is still quite hot to not wear the group clothes immediately.As he stared, he smiled and slapped his hand next to him.Arthur had no choice but to hold his sword and then walked towards him, knowing just how to say you could sit down.

“I thought you called to see me, Lieutenant.”

“Talk the way you always do, Arthur.There’s only two of us. ”

With permission from deputy commander Clark, Arthur threw up a little and sat down next to him.

This is the corner of an exercise hall in the Knights’ Exercise Hall.Clark talked to me as I was looking for a place to rest and move my body lightly until my time with Stale.

It was Clark who guided me to the pit when he was invited, saying that nobody was using it at the moment.Having a deputy commander or knight guide you is not uncommon in itself, but Arthur is close to his family.

It was Arthur who had his words in order when he was in the Knights, but I appreciated the arrangement in a place where no one could see him.Having just ascended to the ranks of the Knights, he was hesitant to have the Knights Commander and Deputy Commander join him.I was able to concentrate on the meeting even though I thought I had just gone up to the main team and left the seniors behind.

Once again, Arthur moved around his neck to confirm that there was no one else’s eyes on the spot, and he said again with a broken word, “I thought you were here to make friends.”After laughing lightly at Arthur’s honest remarks, Clark looked up to him.

“I wanted to see how strong you got, but… I heard.I thought we got Roderick back on track. ”

Or else.

Arthur, who finally understood why Clark had suddenly invited him, distorted his gaze into the sky.

Anjaro, swallow what seems to be malicious, and only zero the tongue slapping.Anyway, when I told my father, Roderick, it was also visible to Clark, my friend.

Clark snapped his throat and laughed at Arthur, who hardened his mouth with a “yes”.Rather, it was because I wanted to talk about it that I chose an exercise hall where there was no one, and I saw the time and cut it up.

Even if Arthur was able to confirm that he was definitely building up his strength, there was also a topic that he wanted to hear from his own mouth.

“… I wonder if I could make it to the main squad.I’m still not satisfied with this… because it’s getting stronger. ”

“Then I’ll go out with you again.You can keep trying until you get one. ”

“Bwaah. It’s too luxurious to have a meeting with Temee even though the Knight Commander is too distracted…. but next time, I win. ”

Haha! And now I’m going to give Arthur a short laugh that he still wants to make out with.

Of course, there are parts that I want to wear to Clark, who is also my old friend, but since I can’t fix it anymore, the truth comes before me.Unlike his real father, Clark, who was like his brother, also prevailed over sweetness.I would naturally like to ask Clark, who has been standing shoulder to shoulder with his father for a long time and has been recognized for his ability as deputy commander, to practice as well.And I want to go beyond that one day.

Arthur, who was the youngest to enlist brilliantly in this year’s enlistment exam, had asked him to resume his arrangement with the Knight Commander, who had been solemn until now.

I respected Arthur, Roderick, and Clark, who wanted to take over the army without a fight.But when Roderick told me that he wanted me to practice again as soon as he became a main unit, Clark couldn’t stop laughing for a while.Roderick himself knows that his best friend Clark felt a little bit itchy when he stopped practicing with Arthur.

And then suddenly the relationship resumed, and Roderick, who said that for the first time he called himself “Father”, rarely kept drinking until the night was crushed.Clark recalls that it was a pleasant holiday even now.

Clark’s laughter slowly subsided… and Arthur kept waiting with a grumpy face, but I felt uncomfortable with Clark, who wouldn’t resume the conversation even if he was silent.Your right shoulder twitches and moves freely, turning your face to the right with a sense of sight.It turns out that Clark, who had been laughing joyfully before, is now just looking at himself with a quiet smile.

Not uncommonly, Arthur stared back with his lips pointed a little.If you narrow your right shoulder and say, “It’s okay,” you’ll get a short, calm voice back.

“Me too… I’m so glad I made it with you, Arthur.”

“………… Ugh!”

Arthur’s ears get hot when Clark says something embarrassing.

I still think I can’t beat Clark.No matter how delicate you are or how grown up you are, Clark will only see you.When I look at my face, there is no repair there, and there is a sitting place where I sincerely enjoy the time I have with myself.At the very least, I wanted to win with the sword’s arm, but I regretted it too much when I thought that I had just lost the battle.

“Are you used to the battalion exercises?It’s not like when you were a recruit. ”

“… nothing. I saw it when I was a recruit, like preparing for the main squad exercise…. I haven’t been able to talk to the Eighth Corps at all. ”

Just get killed.And finally, when I did it with a tired voice, my throat rang again.Arthur is no exception, and Clark knows that he is baptized by the Knight Captain.

I was surprised when Arthur decided to join the Eighth Corps, but for now, he’s safe without major injuries.Having read Harrison’s report on the Knights, it doesn’t appear to be a significant problem so far.Judging from what Arthur has just said, I guess relationships are more troubling than exercises.

The Eighth Squad is special.Originally, there wasn’t much conversation between the crew. ”

“Little cum, right? Not at all.After Captain Harrison came to kill me, he said a word or two, but then he disappeared. ”

“That’s the guy.”

“But it’s no problem for the rest of the team to be so good.Gil and Steve were there, Captain Column got on board right away, Lieutenant Nolan pointed it out to me during the joint exercise, Mr. Scott invited me to dinner, Captain Alan invited me to make arrangements and practice, and Eric used to talk to me when I was a recruit, and even today…. ”

If you use words while remembering each other, your shoulders and nature will also relax.

Clark slowly closed his eyes as he listened to the names of the knights who came out of Arthur’s mouth one after the other, even though the name of the Eighth Company did not come out.

That’s right, good, that’s right, it looks fun, above all.When I listened carefully, one by one, I smiled comfortably at the mouth.Dare to close your eyes, sharpen everything else and listen.

The familiar voice of Arthur was soft and enjoyable every time he spoke, just because he didn’t realize it.Clark realizes that the feeling of the wind hitting his cheeks and the unique smell of iron in the exercise hall make him a knight again.I talked to Arthur many times, but I chewed up the happiness that I could talk to him naturally in the Knights’ Exercise Hall without a sound.

He is definitely here.And here I am.

When he was young, he was the place he most admired, and he looked like he admired him, telling him about the knights, not what his father told him, but about himself.

As much as time permitted, Clark even listened to the pleasure.Confirming that the boy who yearned for knights had become a fine knight, he simply smiled quietly.

As time went on, Clark opened his eyes lightly and checked the clock there.I realized it was about time for Arthur to meet Stale, and with his usual smile, he glanced at his friends with the same pale eyes.

It’s about time I left. Mr. Stale will be waiting for you. ”

Ahhh, Arthur, who raises his watch briefly, realizes that he’s obsessed with the story.If you lose your nervousness, you’ll talk too much to Clark.

“I won’t be late for your feet,” Clark said to Arthur, who stood up in a hurry and was ready to leave with his band clothes on his side.However, the rendezvous was with the King’s Residence and the opponent was not a friend of the First Prince.That’s the only reason I don’t want you to wait.

Clark raised his hips to see Arthur as he went back to the deputy commander’s office, and called out lightly to Arthur, who was ready.

Let’s go, Arthur.

“Ugh… Thank you for hanging out with me, Clark” Deputy Commander ”

As soon as he switched, Arthur laughed again as if nothing had happened.

Such a discipline still resembles Roderick.

Arthur also twisted his neck to Clark, who snapped his throat and laughed.

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