The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1120

Modern princesses are crowded.

Pride Royal Ivy, second-year high school.

“I’m sorry I’m late…! It took me so long to pack…!”

“But I made a lot of them instead!”

“Tiara, don’t swing any further!! That’s why I said I have it!”

We hurried to the rendezvous point, and they waved at us.

It’s okay, I’m laughing while saying I’m not waiting, and I’m exhaling.I came nearby by by taxi, but from there I tried my best.This is more than fifteen minutes late from the rendezvous.I finally caught up with Tiara as I grabbed half of the cooling back I had.

A clear park with spectacular cherry blossom sheets, surrounded by juice and food, was a long-awaited event.

Spring is here. It’s exactly noon on Flower Day and Sunny Day.

“Such beautiful cherry blossoms… it must have been hard for everyone to get a place, right?”

Thank them again for taking the place while landing the cooling back they brought in a little clutter in the middle of the seat.

They were the ones who picked up the cherry blossom spot, a popular spot, while we were making our lunches fluently.You can see a number of groups that might have been competitors just looking around.In the meantime, I can only thank them for securing a place in the middle of the flower view with a seat for the number of people.

“And thank you for the heavy drink!You’ve prepared a variety of different kinds. ”

“I’m sorry to leave the confectionery to you.I’ll pay for it later. ”

I sat on my left and right with Tiara and Stale and looked at the center of the seat again.

Juice, tea, carbonated drinks. And there is a wide range of sweets and junk foods from sour to sweet.I am really grateful because I and Tiara, who were in charge of the lunch box this time, have not been able to make a large amount by the number of people.

Because it was the first flower meeting in this face, I held out my lunch box, but because I held out too much, I only cooked food that took too long.It’s a typical misallocation of time for people who don’t normally cook.

“Of course not, I just bought this one.Rather, I apologize for the trouble. ”

“We’re used to getting up early.”

“It’s just cheap confectionery, but please don’t hesitate to eat it.”

“Dear Pride, this cup is handmade.”

Thank you, and smile back to them gently as you receive.

Column seniors, Eric seniors, and Alan seniors at the university.And Arthur took care of everything from early this morning to shopping.If you also receive each of the cups, Tiara and Stale, Senpai Eric will ask for his favorite drinks in turn.

“? This box… is it you, King Cedric’s brother?I know boulders and good shops. ”

“Speaking of flowers, I thought it was Japanese confectionery… so I thought I’d definitely take this opportunity because it was very delicious after eating before”

Stail looks at a small box placed slightly next to the convenience store confectionery series.

As I noticed, it is a high-end, long-established Japanese confectionery.I can imagine the height with the heavy feeling of the packaging before opening the box.I had a chance to eat it once, but it was a delicious treat from the shop.In particular, Doseiji said that Tiara wanted to eat again with great admiration.I’m impressed you can’t eat here.

“Domyoji Temple was especially delicious.There are enough people over there, so I hope you can call on them. ”

Thank you, and. As everyone in the Knights Department thanked him, he noticed his shoulders trembling next to him.

Tiara, who was in a good mood just now, turned her ear on fire.I wonder if you didn’t like what Cedric liked.Cedric also said to Tiara, who obviously turned his face around and turned away from him, “Did you dislike it…?”he asked weakly. At that moment, my tympanic membrane was about to tear, and I heard a reply of anger saying,” I love it, but I love it. “… after all, he’s dissatisfied with Cedric’s hobbies.Cedric is as pitiful as ever.

But Cedric was laughing at Tiara’s favorite remarks.”I’m glad,” he strokes his chest down so that Tiara’s attitude doesn’t bother him anymore, and now he wants to change his seat.No, it’s not because Tiara’s mad at you for being such an intriguing aunt, but…

“Prince Leon will be here soon enough. Shall I keep Wagashi and your sisters’ lunches until then?Cheers and sweets. ”

We agree with Stale’s proposal.

It was Leon who said it would be good to stay for the first time, but if it was a corner, we’d all like to spread it out…. even though we were fifteen minutes late.

The three of us all went out for a drink, and first we put a toast and a glass.And just before that, Arthur was in a hurry and waited.

“Ah, Mr. Harrison, the glass is already empty!Just tell me and I’ll pour it! ”

“I don’t need it”

I need a toast!Arthur replied, pouring the jabberish and the contents of the pet bottle.

Senpai Harrison came to see the flowers with Arthur Crane’s voice, but he sat in the corner of the seat and looked like one Jizo.On the other hand, I’m glad you’re joining us, but I’m sorry that I didn’t enjoy it very much before I started.

Once again, a toast was made when Senior Harrison’s cup was full thanks to Arthur.If you pick a drink with one hand, there are lots of new and limited-time sweets that you can’t stop.Speaking of royalty, we buy a little at the convenience store at school, but the new one is different.Cedric also tastes very pleasant one by one.

“Ha… which confectionery do you like, Senpai Harrison?Sweet or something like that… ”

“I can eat anything.”


I tried to make a sweet presentation if you could enjoy it a little, but it was no good.

Speaking of seniors at school, I’m Harrison, who uses honorific language as a royal family, but I don’t have a chance to speak.Senpai Alan speaks kindly, but Senpai Harrison leaves in a word or two every time.Senpai Alan said he doesn’t hate me… but I can’t read it anymore.

“I don’t really like Harrison.Last time I had a hot snack, I didn’t change my complexion. ”

Alan, don’t play with Harrison.

“That snack, all the knights were spitting out fire….”

“What is such a spicy treat… could you tell me the name of the product?”

“It’s a hell of a kimchi snack with a tenfold increase in seismic spiciness.Arthur took me with him. ”

After all the Knights, Cedric’s questions were answered and Stale smiled bitterly.

Arthur said that he had given it to Senpai Alan.Arthur said he couldn’t eat the rest because it was painful. He ate it because he had a taste of stale and a sense of challenge, but it was down with a bite.I drank tea with quick effect and drank extra sugary tapioca caramel yogurt from the vending machine.I tried to challenge Stale’s reaction too much, but they stopped me and my bitter, unfavorable teardrop with all their might.

I remember the product name of the long confectionery, and I think I also have a little stale on the roots.Arthur said it was hard, and I didn’t lie to him.

“Ah, but, Mr. Harrison, you’re avoiding hard food.”

But I thought it was a recording or a pimple.”It’s troublesome,” Harrison said to Arthur, recalling his fingertips.I’m a little worried about the tendency to avoid hard things from the young.

It seems that I am eating without leaving behind the cuisine provided by Arthur and the food in the dining room, but the texture is preferred to the taste, as if it were my grandfather.If you think so, Captain Column also points out that “lunch will be done with energy jelly.”Suddenly, there was a dining room in the dormitory and I felt really good about the appearance of a nutritious diet for the salesman.

I picked the sweets with one hand of the juice, and now I reached out to the junk’s classic chicken.

If that had been the case, time would have passed quickly.I was about to look around with Tiara, and I saw a young man with pale hair waving his hand at me.

He called me Leon! And he got up from me, and he took the three of them behind him.

“Val and Sefek and Kemet are safe!”

That’s great! I’ll give it back to Tiara, who plays her voice happily.

All the members who are going to see flowers today are here.Unlike everyone else, Val once refused to “flirt with me,” but he couldn’t help but break Sefek and Chemet’s enthusiastic desire to participate.Even so, until yesterday, it was half as likely to be honest because I was so annoyed that I didn’t want to participate because I said, “Why don’t you just go there?”Did you drive me with Leon?

“I’m sorry I’m late. I was called today.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Anyway, one of the chasers has spoken to me again.”

Valje Leon also laughed with her eyebrows down, saying to Tiara that she was puking, but she didn’t deny it.

First prince of the kingdom of Stream Anemone.I can’t believe I get a big call till the holidays.

In spring, I think Leon in particular is a calling season.The graduation ceremony was confessed by seniors, and after the admission ceremony, the freshmen confessed and rushed.Stale, Cedric, Tiara… well, for some reason I’ll confess, but Leon has a particularly high rate of assault.Essentially escorted, but still fans chasing and enthusiastic following.

Cedric was amazing at first, but… it seems that he became too famous on campus for his fierce attack on Tiara, and the number of challengers dropped dramatically.Well, if my rival is a cute tiara, I’ll break my heart, so I know how it feels.I’ve never seen anyone who’s likely to win.

While sitting in a box of famous Western confectionery shops with Leon as a souvenir, Sefek and Chemet were invited into the cake and chicken.Sweets! Senpai Eric handed the wipes first to the chickens who blinked and reached out.Val also tied his legs next to Leon in a way that was pulled by both of them.

Don’t you have any alcohol to watch flowers?

“Alcohol is forbidden for minors.”

You must be 18!? And, angry from me, Val is completely in the ear of the horse.

I really want you to stop the habit of trying to set up alcohol at all costs.Sefek and Chemet live together, so it’s too much.Senpai Alan and I are old enough to drink alcohol, but he didn’t bother to let us through.

Phew, I threw up again and exhaled on Val.Chemet gave Val a cup of tea, and he was in a bad mood just because he ran out of alcohol.

Anyway, we finally decided to show off the contents of the cold backpack with a suggestion from Tiara that we would eat the staple food where everyone was gathered.

Starting with a lot of meat-rolled onigiri rice balls that have appeared in the old Japanese story, from the classic fried chicken to rose tomatoes and salmon, egg grilled in a stew in the form of flowers, bacon potatoes, edamame croquettes, and apple rabbits and compotes for dessert.This is a masterpiece of luxury lunch.I’ve hardly ever made many types at once.

Whoa whoa whoa! And Cedric and the others shouted and stretched out their chopsticks.Some people had chopsticks bumped into each other, but everyone dared to take them from the dishes that bothered them.

Cefek, who chooses dessert first, is cute.Val was picking croquettes with one eyebrow raised as Chemet chewed the meat-rolled rice balls.I’m in a better mood than before.

“Arthur, eat half. I can’t eat everything.”

So you’re half here, too?

Stail, who takes the onigiri in his hand, and Arthur, who takes the rice ball rolled with meat, hit him in the eye.

Arthur may be able to eat well, but as always, half of them are friendly and smiling.Hey Nai-san split the stale in half by hand beautifully, but Arthur, who had difficulty splitting the meat roll by hand, ate half with a bite and gave it to the stall.It is indeed easier to cut with a knife.

“After all, when I say lunch, it’s fried chicken.Eric! Get the croquette, too.Val will eat it all. ”

“Okay, tell me if anyone else wants it, I’ll take it myself.”

Captain Alan, in a sense, assertiveness.

Val focuses on attacking what he likes, unlike others, and the number is decreasing in just one place.Sefek said, “You’re taking too much! I got angry, but I didn’t put it on my teeth at all.Well, I don’t care because the croquette was made for him.Demand for fried food is still high.

“Val, why don’t you eat something else?This stew is also exquisite. ”

“Don’t take it off my plate, Leon.”

“You’re just taking too much.”

See, instead.

The clever Leon, who caught the croquette from Val’s plate, stowed the stew instead, while performing a slightly rude offensive and defensive battle with each other.

I think that all the vegetables are of concern to Leon and Val’s nutritional balance.Val glanced at a tooth like a fang, but eventually he threw it into his mouth…. while the croquettes on the plate were also seized by Sefek and Chemet.

But there is no doubt that the stew is exquisite.I was the main flavor, but all the cute shapes were cut and boiled.

“Ah, ahh… King Cedric’s brother, if you like.I don’t have enough vegetables… ”

“Oh, oh, oh, I don’t like it.”

Tiara turned her face to the opposite side and offered Cedric only the stewed vessel.

Tiara is an angel who cares about Cedric’s nutrition even as she pours hot air on her face.Besides, the stew is the one that Tiara prides herself on making best.

Floral, heart, rabbit, and Cedric’s chopsticks also seemed to be delighted before the impressive masterpiece of the feminine power Tiara.

Cedric, who was with us and neglected as a royal character, would be an extra novelty and delight.I’ll tell you later that the simmered dish is the most handmade by Tiara herself…. before eating, I praised the cute shape of vegetables and praised the flavor, but I kept turning away from Cedric.

Well, I’m happy I didn’t miss it.I lost sight of the croquette and fried chicken while they were watching.Don’t be afraid of the popularity of fried food and meat.

“This egg grill is also delicious.I’ve had it before, but I still like it the most. ”

“Great! I tried the same flavor today because Senpai Eric praised me so much for the sweetness last time.”

I’m also delighted and proud of Senpai Eric, who praised me again with a smile.

All of us have shown our handmade dishes several times before, but when we made two kinds of egg grilled soup and sweet egg grilled before, the sweeter one was greatly admired by Senpai Eric.I didn’t know which flavour would please me, and I was worried about two kinds of problems, but I was sure of one choice because I was complimented by Senior Eric.Both I and Tiara liked sweetness, so I was glad to include it.

Maybe it was an unexpected meal from me, but Senpai Eric dropped the egg grill on the plate with his eyes round.Was it embarrassing for a man to realize that he liked sweetness? Alan smiled sharply next to Eric, who made his cheeks twitch and burn.

From the sound of a fading voice saying, “Thank you…”, I may have been afraid you had distracted us.You don’t have to worry about it because we just wanted Senpai Eric to be happy with it.

“Ugh…! Ah, how about any of you?I’ll take anything before it’s gone. ”

“I don’t need it”

Senior Harrison flips away at Senior Eric’s concern, asking in a hurry with his face red.

Senior Harrison, who doesn’t try to serve anything on his plate after spreading confectionery or lunch, keeps a cup of tea in Jizo with one hand.

Then Senpai Column handed Arthur another plate with several kinds of side dishes.

“Arthur, I’m sorry, but give it to Harrison.It is only rude not to eat any food at all.And I’m not hungry. ”

Certainly, I don’t think a person who eats energy jelly for lunch will get hungry because of the knighthood’s exercise.

The plates entrusted to Arthur, who was close to Senpai Harrison’s comparative seat, were arranged in such a way that the dishes were not mixed with the flavors, from vegetables to meat.Yes! And Arthur picks up the second meat-rolled rice ball and walks up to the end of Senpai Harrison.

“Please eat it at once.That’s why Pride and Tiara made it for me.This fried chicken was really delicious. ”

“Then you.”

No, it’s for Mr. Harrison.

Did you think about Arthur’s recommendation? I can prevent the fried chicken from sticking it in Arthur’s mouth with chopsticks.

Arthur likes meat and fried food, but it seems he refuses it here.When Arthur refused, Senior Harrison threw deep-fried chicken into his mouth with great grace and without expression.I don’t know if it tastes good or bad anymore.

Even if Arthur asks what to do, he laughs bitterly at Senpai Harrison, who only answers, “It tastes like fried chicken.”Well, there’s no doubt about that feeling.

Arthur poured tea into the cup before returning to Harrison, who threw the dishes into his mouth.When I came back, my eyes were rounded by the fact that several more kinds of dishes had disappeared from the lunch box.

Senpai Column said, “I’m sorry,” and gave me his plate, which was secured, and I instantly dazzled my eyes.In addition, Senpai Eric is also ripping off his own plate.

“Blu, does Pride want anything too?He made it for me. ”

“Ah, well… can I have the bacon potatoes in front of me?I’m a little confident. ”

Sweet to Senpai Eric, who cares about you, she gives you a plate and asks for it.

The potato is also a confident piece made secretly with a rustic feeling.I tasted it separately from bacon, but now it’s the first time I’ve eaten it together.

After Eric and Senpai approached me, the competitive rate of bacon potatoes jumped suddenly to see if the confident remarks worked…. perhaps you just took care of me when I said I was confident.

But even if I tried it myself, it was pretty good.Although it is cold, the feeling of flaking also appears properly, and I admire the self-portrayal if I don’t take it to popular chain stores…. Speaking of which, there were fries with the sweets and chicken I was spreading earlier.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Alan, can I have your potatoes?”

“Hmm? Oh, this way.”

When I spread my lunch box, it got farther because I put confectionery and chicken on the edge once.

I noticed it near my knee and Senpai Alan noticed it right away.He cleverly folded the dish he had in his hand and took the potatoes with his free hand.I also received the potatoes offered with my arms stretched out with my mouth.Even if you behave badly, you don’t have to worry about this face.

“… pride. That’s why I don’t want to be taken lightly.”

Hah… even though Stale was quick to get mad at me for exhaling.

Alan is just as angry with Column as he is with “I told you not to be too comfortable with the princess.”

But I’m also halfway with Arthur and I’m sorry.Some Leon kidnapped Val from his plate.Stale is common at home with me and Tiara.

Senpai Alan also laughed and said, “No, it’s usually the wish of the person in school.” He turned his eyes on Leon and Cedric and refused.Soon after enrollment, Senpai Alan was the only one who dropped his honor quickly to our royal family who wanted us to treat them normally without any concern at school.

I apologize to Stale for being rude and for seeing the flowers.I don’t go to dinner, ceremonies, or television with boulders.

If you take the remaining half of the potatoes and throw them in your hand, Tiara will now say, “Onee-sama!”and apple rabbits.I bought a good apple so this one is also delicious.

I swallowed the contents of my mouth and then put the compote on the tiara, and my cheeks were stretched out with a cute mouth…. I was looking at Cedric with a little envy, but I want you to forgive me.

“Pride, have you eaten yet? It was really delicious.”

“Until Prince Leon…”

Leon gave me the rose tomato salmon with a smooth smile on his eyebrows.I’m sure you haven’t eaten either.

I thought it would be good if I put my mouth on the chopsticks that I gave you, but I got nothing from putting a little food on my lips just for dexterity.Yeah, this is delicious too.

When I looked at the lunch box, I thought that tomato salmon had already disappeared and maybe I had the last one.But Leon didn’t seem to mind the smell and mood.Maybe you saved it for me just like Senpai Column did.

Instead, I said, “Can I have your apple, too?I was hoping that I would stab it with a fork and give it back, and I ate Leon directly.I knew Leon liked this kind of rudeness…. even the way I rode the apple was colorful, and I was accidentally thrilled by the long eyelashes and the glorious air nearby.Roaring sharply, I smiled and spread the fragrance, so my face became extra hot.

Next to Leon, Cefek and Chemet are eating with each other beside Val, who is mixed with shortcomings…. it’s kind of embarrassing to think that it’s being imitated.Sefek is a junior high school student now.

The masterpiece, combined with Tiara, was eaten beautifully in less than an hour.

At the end, we took a breath of tea with the cake Leon brought us and the Japanese sweets Cedric brought us.

Both are surrounded by pink confectionery and look up at the blooming cherry blossoms and petals.Even the tea in the pet bottle was luxurious enough to feel like luxurious egg dew.

… the sweets, the staple foods, the desserts, and Tiara, who got hungry, couldn’t move for a while.

Apart from the limited-dose stalls, the stomach-eating men became very envious.

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