The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 1890 The most brilliant collapse

"From then on, Senior Gu had to face up to Cang Yan's seemingly unrealistic ideals. After praising his current achievements, Senior Gu asked him what he would do next."

"Cang Yan's answer was to disappear."

Everyone was puzzled.


"Why disappear?"

"Shouldn't we strike while the iron is hot? Promote the model of Qianye Continent?"

Sage Tianshu shook his head: "Cang Yan said that the current peace of Qianye Continent is half due to his own philosophy and half due to his own strength and pressure. It is easy to collapse without him. However, in his ideal world, there is no need for people like him to stand in the open to maintain it. Let the whole world form its own self-consistent development. So he plans to gradually disappear until he completely disappears from Qianye Continent, so that Qianye Continent can still operate harmoniously without relying on him."

Shu Han listened and sighed: "Something is going to go wrong!"

Everyone looked at Shu Han, not knowing what Shu Han meant by this.

Shu Han said to Cai Tou: "Cai Tou, do you still remember the Heavenly Dao Era that Su Qi Wang mentioned?"

Cai Tou nodded: "I remember that when the Heavenly Dao Master of the Immortal Realm was alive, he eliminated the conflicts and barriers between the four major races and created an infinitely prosperous and harmonious Heavenly Dao Era. However, the Heavenly Dao Era quickly collapsed after the Heavenly Dao Master left, and the Immortal Realm fell into greater chaos."

"I think the collapse of Qianye Continent is related to Cang Yan's disappearance!"

Shu Han said with certainty.

Tianshu Saint nodded and praised: "Friend Shuhan is indeed able to see the big picture from the small details. The problem is indeed budding at this time."

"Cang Yan also knows how important he is to Qianye Continent, so he disappears slowly and gradually reduces the number of times he appears on Qianye Continent. At the same time, he also occasionally warns other clans that are eyeing him covetously. And he himself gradually puts the focus on educating the clans of other continents. Gradually, Cang Yan became a legend in Qianye Continent. Even without Cang Yan, Qianye Alliance seems to be running on a normal track."

"But decay often occurs in dark corners that are unknown to the public."

"First of all, Qianye Alliance does not have Cang Yan's cohesion, and they will increasingly conflict with each other for interests. At the beginning, it was just a small-scale conflict over petty gains, and then this conflict of interest became more and more serious. The conflict is getting more and more intense. "

"However, this conflict is still hidden under the overall harmony of the alliance, and Cang Yan, who is far away in other continents, cannot detect it. "

"The other big clans that are eyeing the Qianye Continent are also watching the Qianye Alliance. Although they are afraid of Cang Yan, Cang Yan has not appeared for a long time, which gives them a fluke mentality. Gradually, they began to secretly support their own forces and split the Qianye Alliance. "

"At that time, the Qianye Continent was like a high-temperature furnace. The furnace of the alliance tightly trapped the blazing flames inside. However, the flames burned more and more vigorously, and the internal pressure became greater and greater. The final outbreak will be extremely tragic. "

"If it were other continents, the worst case scenario might be a war between all races. Although it is tragic, there is still room for maneuver. But the Qianye Continent is different. There are four The Thunder Crystal Mine is interconnected! The quantity is huge! Even after a million years of mining, there is still no end! "

"At the beginning, the people of Qianye Continent revered this crystal mine as a ghost. Although mining accidents often occurred, they were only local explosions. However, the alliance has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the joint mining of all races has long connected the underground mines of Qianye Continent into a whole. The slightest carelessness will cause a chain explosion. "

"When the pressure within the Qianye Alliance was brewing to the extreme, coupled with the instigation of other continental races, an epic war broke out on Qianye Continent. The alliance of hundreds of thousands of years has made the level of Qianye Continent monks leap to several levels, and the destructive power of the war is also the greatest in history! "

"The ten thousand races that had previously assisted each other began to fight a life-and-death battle for territory. And this time the war The situation became even more crazy and tragic, because of the instigation of other major clans, which made them evolve from fighting for territory to genocide. "

"But the alliance has been implementing an equal distribution for a long time, so the strength of the major races is similar, and both sides are injured for a while, and no one can do anything to each other. In such an extreme hatred, some people even choose to directly detonate the Tianlei Crystal Mine on a large scale, and they will destroy the opponent at the cost of heavy losses! "

"Senior Gu doesn't know the specific situation, but only knows that this war came and went quickly. The uncontrolled hatred caused the uncontrolled explosion, and finally ended with all the Tianlei Crystal Mine in Qianye Continent being detonated. "

"The scale of the war is rare in the spirit world. It not only attracted Senior Gu, but also Cang Yan, who was traveling and teaching outside. However, when they appeared, everything was already beyond redemption. "

"At that time, Senior Gu and Cang Yan returned to Qianye Continent at the same time, and all corners of Qianye Continent were submerged in a shining thundercloud. Although the explosion of the Tianlei Crystal Mine was terrible, it was nothing to Cang Yan and Senior Gu, and they could suppress it with a backhand. However, the Tianlei Continent is a chain of mineral veins, and one move can affect the entire body, not to mention that the races of the Qianye Continent began to use spiritual ore explosions to eliminate their opponents. In the end, their actions ignited the core mineral veins in the innermost part of the Qianye Continent, and a world-destroying catastrophe was born. "

"The thunderclouds that spread across the entire continent trapped all living beings in it. When they realized that something was wrong, they had already stepped half a foot into the gates of hell. All living beings were terrified and in awe, and welcomed their final death in the thunderclouds. "

"With strong cultivation, power and influence, he wanted to take the time-space tunnel to leave Qianye Continent. However, when the world-destroying catastrophe was born, time and space had already been distorted. Those who entered the time-space tunnel, even those who were strong enough to survive the catastrophe, were strangled by time and space and thunderclouds under the pressure of the collapse of the entire continent."

"All the land cracked at the same time, and thunder dragons thousands of feet long danced freely from the cracked earth, dancing a terrifying dance of destruction. Then the entire continent began to heat up in thunder, the ocean evaporated, the lakes and rivers dried up, the earth quickly melted into magma, and trillions of creatures with low cultivation wailed and died in the high temperature. The next stage of the catastrophe could not be seen."

"After the high temperature, there is a thunderstorm."

"The countless thunders that surged into the sky turned into fierce thunderstorms on the earth. The land was splashed with thunder and lightning, and every drop of thunder and lightning that hit the ground caused a huge explosion, blowing the already fragmented continent into isolated islands floating in the magma. Countless monks were blown into pieces in the thunder and lightning, and annihilated in the magma. "

"Thunder dragons continued to emerge from the ground, and the thunder and lightning continued. At this time, more than half of the creatures on the Qianye Continent have died, and the remaining creatures will be lucky enough to see the most spectacular scene in the spiritual world. "

"Dense white light pierced out from the ground, dispersing the blue and white of thunder, diluting the red of magma, penetrating all creatures, and rendering them all snow-white. In an explosive white light, the biggest explosion in the spiritual world exploded! "

"The Qianye Continent floating in the sea of ​​spiritual energy exploded in a dazzling and rapidly expanding white light! "

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