The Monkey King

Chapter 25

Chapter 24:

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the house.

This made the monkey’s heart jump to his throat.

“Going to act?” He quietly clenched the wooden stick in his hand, which was the only weapon in his hand.

Footsteps finally stopped in front of the door.

Immediately, the monkey dodged to the side of the door and raised the stick, ready to lose one of his legs if he dared to kick the door.

But the expected attack did not happen.

“Dong Dong Dong…”

There was a quick knock on the door.

“A sneak attack and knocking on the door? Are these people a gentleman or stupid?” Monkey thought.

“It’s me! Open the door!” This is the sound of wind chimes.

opened the door, and the monkey saw the wind chimes looking around and panting in a panic.

She squeezed through the door quickly, carrying a large bag of things in her hand.

bolted the door, turned around, and the monkey saw the wind chimes pouring out of the bag full of strange things on the table!

“What are these?” the monkey asked, dumbfounded.

The wind chimes turned over quickly, took out a short golden iron rod, and threw it to the monkey.

“These were given to me by my master and senior brother, and they all came from magic weapons!” He grabbed a short wooden sword, and the wind chimes hurriedly hid beside the monkey.

“What are you doing?” The monkey weighed the iron rod that was only one foot three inches long. He had no doubts about it being a magic weapon.

Seeing the cute little girl biting her lip and holding the wooden sword, her eyes fixed on the door, the monkey was amused.

“You can still laugh?” The wind chimes were almost crying: “Do you know how many of them are there? I ran to find the master, and the master said that he hasn’t beaten him yet, so he’ll talk about it later. I… I had to come by myself. ”

Looking at the anxious appearance of the wind chimes, the monkey’s mood suddenly relaxed a lot: “It’s just a beat, do they dare to beat me to death in this view? Hmph.”

Outside the house, a bunch of Taoist priests squatting in the grass were whispering.

“Did you see that the wind chimes of the four princesses, Master Uncle, went in. I really don’t understand why she protects the monkey like this.”

“Then do we still do it?”

Suddenly, everyone’s mind couldn’t help but the scene of Feng Chi’s senior brother Yue Zhao taking her for a walk in the temple a few days ago.

Although she has never been coddled, the title of “Four Princesses” of wind chimes is not fake.

Injuring a wind chime is no fun, not to mention Subhuti’s love for her, not to mention her master Qingfengzi as Subhuti’s first apprentice, just that senior brother Yuechao is a well-known stubborn stubble, and he will never take revenge. Soft hands.

As if he had expected it a long time ago, when he came back a few days ago, he even brought wind chimes around the Taoist temple. He was intentionally reminding everyone not to behave unruly to his junior sister!

There are a hundred ways for a cultivator who refines the spirit to return to the real world to kill a group of cultivators who concentrate on the Qi realm. This is common sense!

After being silent for a long time, I don’t know who in the grass said first: “First… Look at it and then.”

Everyone was silent.

After watching this, I watched it all night and was bitten by mosquitoes all night.

The night passed without any danger, and when the sky was slightly bright, the monkey felt that the Taoists who were in ambush were quietly leaving one by one.

Another start of the day.

The entire Taoist temple was discussing in whispers, and the pair of eyes looked at the monkey with a smile, as if they were waiting to see how he died.

At noon, Subhuti posted a notice on the wall: “Burning within the contemplation is prohibited. Violators will be severely punished.”

It is said that a group of people were outraged and shouted that Subhuti was favoring the monkeys. The troubled person casually asked the Daoist disciples who came to post: “Then if someone violates other prohibitions in the temple, the disciples will only take action to stop them, but will they still need to be severely punished?”

That Daoist disciple was already prepared, raised his head, and shouted in a long voice: “In this case, Master has something to say, another discussion!”

Everyone suddenly realized.

Well, the rules of the game are set.

Subhuti means: If the monkey wants to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion at night, you are allowed to beat him hard. If the monkeys don’t plan to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion at night, if you do it, then don’t blame the old man for heavy punishment.

In a way, this is not stopping at all, but encouraging!

Hearing the news, the monkey’s teeth rattled.

“Does this old guy like watching movies that much?”

But he can’t do anything about it. Now that he is under the control of others, he can’t do anything about how Subhuti likes to play.

What can be done now is to endure, endure, as long as you learn the seventy-two changes, you will not be afraid of anything.

The monkey didn’t go out all day, just meditated and practiced in his cabin, and when he was tired, he turned to look at the pile of copied books.

Since no one systematically taught these immortal knowledge, the monkeys could not even recognize books before, which directly led to the accumulation of “useless books” in the house.

Can there be “useless books” in the Sutra Collection Pavilion?

Of course not. The so-called “useless books” only refer to those books that are biased towards enlightenment.

Compared with the Way of the Practitioner, the Way of the Enlightened One is more complicated, and Subhuti himself also cultivates the Way of the Enlightened One, so there are more related books.

But nowadays these book monkeys read them one by one, and even if they didn’t understand, they would memorize them by rote.

You must know that his current opponents are all enlightened Daoists. If they don’t know anything, they will be considered dead if they don’t know anything?

After such a tossing by Subhuti, the monkey can be considered to have learned the horror of the Way of the Enlightened One—a soldier will not die!

In the afternoon, the monkey suddenly heard the sound of ding ding dong dong outside the house.

I opened the door and saw that a Taoist was climbing so high that he was repairing the abandoned wooden house next to him, while the other two Taoists were moving things into the house from a trolley.

The wind chime standing at the door with a broom saw the monkey come out and said cheerfully: “I moved here!”

“What are you doing here? Does the master agree?” Monkey asked in confusion.

“Protect you!” Fengling waved her small fist and said: “I went to check, and they are still more afraid of me. As long as I am here, it will definitely be useful. As for the master, he is an old man, he doesn’t care about such trivial matters.”

Monkey probably understood what she meant, and he still knew the status of the wind chimes in the view. The problem is, when it comes to the background of this senior, the monkey’s background is definitely not lower than the wind chimes, but…

“Why do you think people and people are so different from each other?” Monkey couldn’t help thinking.

And this needs a little girl to protect it, it’s a bit shameful to say it.

But the monkey did not refuse.

Monkeys spent the next month cultivating in the room and did not go to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. They just wanted to reach the Divine Realm as soon as possible. As long as they did, the unarmed Daoist disciples who were lying in ambush outside the house would no longer be a problem!

During this period of time, the wind chimes accompanied him every day.

The days passed without any surprises. Since the monkeys had not moved for a long time, and I don’t know if it was a trap, there were fewer and fewer Daoists guarding the door.

So, the monkey was eager to sneak into the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion again.

In those days, every time he absorbed spiritual energy, he found that his body was in boundless pain, and the tingling sensation spread to every corner of his skin. The more spiritual energy he absorbed, the stronger the pain. It was pain that seemed to come from the depths of the soul.

What is even more frightening is that this feeling intensifies day by day with the practice.

This situation nearly broke him.

He knew that he had reached the threshold of the God-Saving Realm.

But this was different from what he knew. In the book he was in, it was only recorded that the body would feel uncomfortable when entering the Divine Concentration Realm, but he did not expect the so-called discomfort to be so intense.

Thinking about it, it was because of the monkey’s own constitution. He absorbed spiritual power with all his strength, and the speed was dozens of times faster than that of other immortal cultivators. Of course, the severe pain suffered is also dozens of times.

The most terrifying thing is that this pain is growing exponentially as we get closer and closer to the critical point of concentration and acceptance.

In the beginning, it was just pain. With his firm will, he could endure it, but every time he finished his practice, he seemed to be running for dozens of miles, sweating profusely and almost collapsed.

However, as the cultivation ground progressed, the originally tamed spiritual power within the body seemed to be surging and agitated like a fierce beast, as if it was about to tear the body and drill out.

After several times of repairing to the extreme, the fresh spray was sprayed out, and the pain passed out, and when I woke up, I saw the wind chimes with red eyes.

This makes the monkey wonder if he will go back to the West before he cultivates his supernatural powers.

In fact, there is also a way to alleviate this “discomfort” in the book Monkey’s hand, and that is to take Shendan. But alchemy is the work of a high-level immortal cultivator. Moreover, Monkey is practicing the way of the practitioner. The alchemy will never be related to him, and the wind chimes are not enough.

In desperation, the monkey could only start the idea of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion again, hoping to get one or two more relief methods from it.

However, the existence of wind chimes is not only feared by the hostile Daoists, but also feared by monkeys.

Can she watch the monkey go on an adventure without absolute certainty? Several times the monkey was about to set off at night, but the wind chimes were all fully armed and followed.

In the end, the monkey can only give up his mind. He had to reduce the speed of absorbing spiritual power to ensure that the pain was within the range he could bear.

Even so, with the passage of time, the time that monkeys can use to practice every day is getting shorter and shorter, and the time they need to relieve pain is getting longer and longer, and the time to step into the realm of God is postponed indefinitely.

One morning a month later, when the wind chimes and monkeys were practicing in the house, the door rang loudly.

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