The misadventures of the necromancer

Chapter XXXV

Chapter XXXV

“Look, that must be Central Crossing,” Blondie declares while pointing to a cluster of structures in the distance.

Finally, they had arrived at Central Crossing. This journey seemed never-ending. In his mind, whether the eggs had an expiration date had become an increasingly present question.

For some reason, he started considering the possibility of giant spider eggs spoiling. He doesn’t recall ever ending up with spoiled eggs. But he recalled that various food items with eggs spoil quickly. This led to this notion appearing in his mind. The thought of his valuable eggs becoming worthless scared him.

Going back to Dantar to get new eggs was an unpleasant idea. As such, his anxiety about arriving started growing, making it harder for him to recall other spells Nero might have. Not that his previous efforts had yielded great results.

“Yes, it must be,” says Grumpy, agreeing with his friend. He seems different, somehow calmer and less grumpy.

Which makes it harder to understand him. Nearly being lynched for something he didn’t do should change a person. But becoming calmer is something he cannot understand.

Personally, he thinks that if the same had happened to him, he would have become even more distrustful and grumpy. But it's not as if these two are innocent, pure as snow.

Grumpy might have been innocent of the girl’s death, but the two carry other sins just as or more severe. Maybe surviving again has calmed him down.

But what is really important now is that they can sell the eggs so he can get his hands on something that won’t spoil. Gold!

This hope makes him start walking faster, causing the group behind to speed up.

Soon, he notices caravans ahead of him. This makes sense since Central Crossing is supposed to be one of the prime places for trade exchanges in this region, something that matches his memories from the game.

Despite not remembering the city’s name, this location in the game had a trading area where various trade routes converged. Although it was just a place with a handful of NPC merchants, it was a great spot for an adventurer to resupply before heading to one of the more inland ruins or preparing to return to the coast.

But truthfully, he no longer remembers well. With the expansions making the map grow, he and his friends found other points of interest. So, we didn’t spend much time around here.

Which helped lessen his surprise at seeing the number of structures in front of him.

Tents! What should be dozens if not hundreds of tents spread out. In what seems to be the center of this cluster. He can make out what looks like stone walls.

What in his memory were some huts surrounded by poor wooden palisades pretending to offer some security is now this!

“Wow, this place has grown!” escapes him in his surprise.

“Nero, have you been here before?” Blondie asks excitedly.

He has to think a bit before answering. After all, he had never really been here. He had only played a game that seemed to be the basis of this whole world. But physically interacting with this world that never happened.

“No, I’ve never been here. This place is just different from what I counted on.” Really is the most honest answer he can give.

Beside Blondie, he can see Grumpy looking seriously at him, giving the impression he doesn’t quite believe the answer. But none of that matters the important thing now is figuring out how to sell the eggs in this city.

“What do you know about this city?” He has to ask because the difference between what he sees and his expectations is simply too great. Besides, it’s largely for this kind of information that he kept these two around until now.

The two friends exchange looks until Grumpy responds. “Almost nothing. We’re not from here. In fact, we’re far from the areas we know.”

An incredibly frustrating answer, but to be fair not completely unexpected. After all, they traveled for several weeks. And considering that thanks to the undead mule, they must have maintained an impressive speed. Expecting them to have detailed knowledge of a place so far away from their home is kinda unrealistic. But it would have been very convenient.

“Maybe we can ask someone?” suggests Blondie. The idea is not bad, especially considering their ignorance.

“He’s right,” says Grumpy, supporting his friend. And lacking a better idea, he nods his agreement.

So they continue moving forward, trying to find someone to question. But this increases the main risk they run. The closer they get to the city, the more people they might have to interact with. And that increases the risk of someone noticing the true nature of the mule.

The biggest asset they currently have is also their biggest problem. The mule due to its nature, doesn’t need to eat or rest. It’s also an extraordinary bodyguard. But the second people discover it’s undead, it will mean trouble.

That had been the main reason for them to avoid large groups of people. Only in some cases did they take the risk of entering some villages. But taking care to prevent anyone from getting close to the creature.

If Central Crossing had been as he remembered. They could take that risk again. But the size of the city he sees makes him uneasy. The risk is too great.

Adding to that problem there’s no way he can use some spells to scare a city this size into not lynching them for practicing necromancy. In fact, he suspects even trying will guarantee the lynching.

Even so, they continue their way the need to sell the eggs and possibly buy some things is too imperative.

Already too close to the sea of tents for his comfort, they finally encounter someone. A fat man with a reddish color on his face, indicating he probably likes to drink a bit too much, is walking toward them. Grumpy takes the opportunity to step forward and greet him.

“Good morning, friend. Could we ask you a few questions?” Grumpy asks amiably.

“Of course. New to Central Crossing?” The man says with a big smile on his face. Contrary to what was expected, the man doesn’t seem drunk. But either way, considering the color of his face, he wouldn’t want to be his liver.

“Yes. We’re from a bit further south. And this is our first time in your beautiful city. As such, we have some questions. That is, if we’re not disturbing you?” He can never cease to be impressed by Grumpy’s charm. He can keep a cordial dialogue without sounding to be sucking up. Something that Blondie for example can’t do that well.

“Oh, you’re not disturbing me. I was just checking if some friends were arriving. But it seems they’re delayed. So I have some time to talk.” The man responds still with his big smile. Leading to the conclusion that this must be one of those people who love to talk and see any opportunity to do so as a good one.

The man observed them, and his smile faded as some concern showed on his face.

“From the south? But there are only three of you and just one animal.”

“Ah, yes. But we’re young. And as my grandfather used to say, it's the best time to take risks.” Once again, Grumpys's quick tongue came to the rescue. It almost amazed him how he couldn't use it to save himself in the village. Of course, as proven, he didn't stand a chance there. But still, the guy when he whats can talk.

“Oh, that's a good one. I'll have to think about using it myself. Still, you should be careful. It's better to join a large caravan, especially if you continue inland. Some tribes can be aggressive.” The man quickly regained his good spirits.

“Thanks for the advice,” Grumpy said, appeasing the man.

“Yes. But you're more interested in your questions, aren't you?” Grumpy responded with a nod of his head.

“Ah, the vitality of youth! Then go ahead, ask your questions.” To him, it seemed like a strange comment from the man. He might be large, but he didn't seem particularly old. He wouldn't have given him more than forty years.

“Thank you,” Grumpy began politely. “We are new here. And well, we have some... exotic goods.”

With Grumpy's hesitation, the man let out another joyous laugh and began to speak. “I see. You want to know the best place to make your sale.”

Grumpy just nodded affirmatively.

“Really, with just one pack animal, it didn't make sense for you to be like most merchants who want to buy wool and leather from the tribes. But the best place depends on what you want to sell.” Before Grumpy could say anything, the man raised his hand and continued speaking.

“It doesn't matter to me what it is. And it's not a good idea to talk about it like that in the middle of the street. You never know who might be listening.” The man said this with a wink to ensure they understood the risk.

“In any case, if it's something exotic, as you say, the best place is inside the walls. The merchant tents outside the walls are just for buying and selling with the tribes. It can be a good place to explore after your business.” The man paused slightly while using his hands to indicate the sea of tents.

"Tribes?" He couldn't help but ask, as he couldn't understand what tribes the man kept talking about.

The man paused his speech surprised by the question. Which apparently confused him. "I'm talking about the tribes of the Alcantara Plain."

The man really seemed unable to understand the question. But in any case, he ended up answering it.

The tribes of the Alcantara Plain, or as he liked to think of them, the pseudo-Mongols. In some expansion, they decided to add the Alcantara Plain. And to populate it, they created a series of nomadic tribes that roamed it, as the Mongols did in the real world.

But the Plain itself ended up never being fully utilized. Apart from the tribes that occupy it, the only point of interest ended being the gigantic ruins in the mountains on the other side of the plains. Supposedly, these ruins were going to be very important, but nothing came of it. Then the game developers ended up focusing more on the north, and after that returned to the territories near the coast.

As such, the plains ended up, becoming a large empty space waiting to be utilized, but without much to offer. He, kind of remembered, there being some missions involving the tribes, but he couldn't recall the details.

But it seemed strange to him that the tribes would come here. This place was still far from the Alcantara Plain.

Seeing his interlocutor's confusion, Grumpy intervened. "As I said, we come from the south. And my companion doesn't know much about your city."

Hearing this, the man looked him up and down and seemed to reach some conclusion.

"Yes, of course, I understand. Not everyone can know the greatness of Central Crossing." The man's look made it clear that yet another person thought he was a beggar. He couldn't help thinking that he really needed to buy some clothes. After all, he couldn't keep being dressed in rags. Maybe today was the day to fix that.

"But as I was saying, the best thing would be to go to the main street that leads to the fortress. The street is mainly occupied by goldsmiths, but several of these shops do trade in a vast variety of things. If they are valuable. You should try there." the man concluded.

The three of them almost simultaneously looked at the distant walls surrounded by the sea of tents; getting there wouldn’t be easy.

Seeming to read their thoughts, the man spoke again.

“It seems difficult to get there, but it really isn't. Keep following the path. From here, you’ll have to go around the city a bit, but eventually, you'll reach a stretch going directly to the gate on this side of the city.” As he spoke, he pointed in the direction they should follow.

“The stretch is completely flanked by merchant tents. The biggest problem is that sometimes it's completely obstructed by people coming and going. Fortunately, you should, still have a few days with fewer people, so it’s easy. The bulk of the tribes haven't arrived.”

The explanation solved one problem but not the main one. Not that their interlocutor knew that. He really couldn't complain this gentleman had proven to be extremely helpful.

“Yes, yes. Thank you for the help, sir...” Grumpy thanked cordially.

“Ah. Yes, we haven't introduced ourselves. I am Gregory Vantub.” the man responded, or more correctly, Mr. Vantub.

“Yes, indeed. Well, Mr. Vantub, my name is Adar, and once again, thank you for your help.” Grumpy continued to speak.

“Gregory, please, Adar. Well, I wouldn't mind continuing to talk. But my friends are arriving.” Gregory craned his neck, looking into the distance at a group appearing far off.

Wisely, Grumpy took the moment for a farewell. “Well, in that case, we won't take up more of your time. Once again, thank you. And goodbye.”

And so, with a brief exchange of farewells, we continued our journey.

After gaining some distance from Gregory, Blondie spoke.

“So what do we do?”

“What can we do, we’ll have to go into the city. The problem is...” Grumpy responded, indicating with his head the mule following behind them.

“Yes, exactly. So what do we do?” Blondie’s question was clearly for him to answer.

It was a great question, what to do now? Considering the problem the mule represented.

“I think we should do what we did before,” said Grumpy out of the blue.

“What, take the mule to a stable?” asked Blondie.

“Not stables. But I think we should act like we have nothing to hide. There are many pack animals here. No one will look too closely at one more. And well, the mule looks normal even to me, who knows better.” Grumpy argued quite reasonably.

How, many times had he heard that the best place to hide something is right under people's noses? No one here expects to see an undead, so it’s hard for them to see one.

This just left the choice of who does what. And even for that, he already had some ideas.

“Grumpy is right. The best thing is for you to stay around here with the mule,” He said, turning to Blondie.

“And what do I do here?” Blondie asked somewhat timidly.

“Nothing. The important thing is to keep moving. But in a way that no one pays too much attention to the mule. If anyone asks, you explain that you’re waiting for someone. Which will even be true.” Blondie listened attentively and became very serious.

“Right, I will protect the mule from strangers,” he concluded, and not finding a reason to disappoint him, he just nodded in agreement.

“And me?” Grumpy asked calmly, which sounded strange due to the lack of his usual anxiety.

“You and I will be trying to sell a bunch of eggs.” The most direct of responses. And to him, the most sensible. Grumpy had many flaws, but of the three, he was the best trader. He just had a tendency to get into trouble, which led him to add a little commentary, “Just make sure I keep the money this time.”

This time, Grumpy reacted, seeming annoyed, but honestly, there was no way he could argue against it.

“But what do we do when night comes?” asked Blondie.

“Night! If all goes well, by nightfall, I expect us to be far from here...” As he spoke, a dog, that had approached them began barking at the mule. The mule unconcerned just looked at the creature. Making it start to back away.

The animal must have started to sense the truth about the mule. A truth that would prevent them, from spending the night anywhere near other animals. Within the day's mess, the mule could still pass unnoticed, but he didn't feel confident trying it at night.

“Nero is right. The best thing is to hurry up and not be here by nightfall,” Grumpy said to his friend, who nodded silently in agreement.

“Right, then let’s go,” he concluded to the other two.

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