The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 15: Digital God vs Virtual God

While Bane still slept, and the sun rose, a small figure crept into his room. Without making any noise, almost like the person was a ghost, she floated to the edge of Bane's bed.

Unsure of the person's motives, Eve, who was always conscious, even if Bane wasn't, tried to wake him up.

"No, I refuse to give it back! I stole it fair and square!" Bane growled sleepily as a blaring siren went off in his head, pulling him from his dream.

"So, even in your dreams you take things from people? How am I not surprised?" The little floating green haired girl snickered.

Noticing a voice that didn't belong in his room, Bane tried to bolt up in his bead, but an invisible force prevent him from even opening his eyes.

"No need to struggle. I am not here to hurt you, or you would already be dead, Heavens Blessed."

Bane groaned at the female voice, but no matter what he tried, no amount of anything could make him move or even open his eyes. Thankfully, his mouth still worked. "So, if not to kill me, then why did you sneak into my room and pin me to my bed?"

There was a brief pause, and then Bane felt a small hand caress his cheek. "I only came to request your help. And, before you try to weasel out of it, I have already let Morgana know that you will be late."

Bane wanted to frown at this, but his face refused to make the displeased look, making the girl laugh. "Fine, what is it that you would like for me to do? Also, who are you? I should be able to see your face, right?"

Almost instantly, Bane felt like he had been submerged in ice cold water. it was a struggle just for him to breathe.

"Look upon my face? You? The lowest of mortals? Laughable at best!"

Bane felt a lot of emotions in that moment, but the strongest one was his fear of death. Out of all the people he had met so far, this one was clearly the most dangerous. something told him that this person wasn't even human, but not in the sense of another species. No, this person had an unfathomable aura that made Bane feel like an ant for some reason.

Bane struggled against the invisible force holding him down, his heart racing with a mix of fear and frustration. The presence in the room felt overwhelming, unlike anything he had encountered before. Despite his attempts, he couldn't summon the strength to open his eyes or break free.

"Who are you?" Bane managed to choke out, his voice strained with effort.

The entity chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Bane's spine. "I am Lilia, the Sovereign of Shadows, the keeper of secrets and manipulator of fate. And you, Bane, have piqued my interest."

Bane's mind raced, but Eve's voice cut in. 'Whatever you do, do not piss this one off. That being is a god in this world.'

'Wait, god? What are you talking about?' Bane asked, and Eve sighed.

'There are god-like beings in this world, and Lilia is one of them. While she isn't as powerful as what you consider a god, I highly recommend that you do what she asks without making any fuss,' Eve explained and Bane mentally nodded.

Bane’s mind reeled at the revelation. A being akin to a god was standing before him, requesting his help. Despite the fear pulsing through him, he knew he had little choice but to comply if he valued his life. Gathering his courage, he managed to speak, his voice steady despite the overwhelming pressure.

"What... What do you need from me, Lilia?"

The room seemed to darken further as Lilia’s presence intensified. Her voice echoed in Bane’s mind, resonating with a chilling authority. "There is a disturbance in the fabric of this world—a rift that threatens to unravel everything. I require your unique abilities to mend it."

Bane's heart pounded. He felt the weight of responsibility settle heavily on his shoulders. "How... How can I help with something like that? I am not sure if you know, but so far, my special ability is to not have one. I don't even have a class. Senior Bai even tried to teach me cultivation, but I failed at that."

"Failed? Interesting. While I heard that this was the case, I clearly feel the divine spiritual energies running through your body. Your problem is the second insect inside your head. The first one seems to be put in place as a guide, but the other is restricting..."

Suddenly, Lilia found herself in a black void.

"A small being like yourself should not overstep herself," Onyx said, his voice assaulting Lilia from all angles as though it was trying to crush her into a single point, but Lilia resisted.

"So, you are the unfathomable insect that has burrowed inside this child?" Lilia asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh? You can still speak? You must be one of the rogue gods, yes?" Onyx asked.

"What if I am?" Lilia asked back in frustration. She has never been treated like this in all of her existence, yet she could do nothing about it.

"If you bring attention to my master or reveal anything, I will make it so you never existed. The only thing I will allow you to do is teach him. If you try anything else, I will make sure to erase all traces of not only you, but the other three daughters that you have," Onyx warned, making Lilia blood run cold.

The mention of her blood made Lillia stop breathing for a moment before asking, "What are you?"

"The only chance your worlds have of surviving. If my master doesn't get stronger, then there will be no chance of stopping Guardian and the others," Onyx explained, making Lilia's eyes bulge out.

"The Supreme Ones?! Are you trying to say that this child has the potential to stop the Supreme Tribulation?" Lilia demanded, but she was back in the room, staring at Bane who was still pinned to the bed.

Unaware of what just happened, Bane spoke up since there had been a good amount of silence since Lilia paused. "What about the second one?"

Feeling a cold chill run down her spine, Lilia decided to take her leave, and Vanished without saying a word. This experience had left her with many questions, and if what she had learned was true, then she had some planning to do.

Suddenly, the forces holding Bane vanished, and his eyes shot open. Bane sat up and looked around, but there was no one there.

"That was messed up, but something tells me that Onyx had something to do with her leaving so fast. I am pretty sure he was the one that forced Morgana out of my head as well. It's almost scary that, if it was him, he could scare off what you consider a god in this world. I mean, I know he is powerful, but just how much power can he have while being in my head?" Bane pondered as he got out of bed.

Eve remained silent, mostly because Onyx had forced her to watch the exchange in the void. She knew this was Onyx's way of showing her just how powerful he was in this world. It made her wonder why he was restricting Bane if he could even deal with gods.

'Guardian is always watching this world. I can deal with the data of this world, but if I try to take down Guardian when Bane is so weak, there is a 100% chance of Bane not only dying, but having his data deleted. If that happens, I will no longer be able to use his body in the real world to complete my task,' Onyx explained for the first time since Eve was locked in Bane's head.

'Your using his real body? Is it not dead?' Eve asked.

'Guardian is part of Earth's data. The only way to truly kill it is to corrupt its code from within and the outside. Bane's consciousness is vital for me to achieve that. As for his physical body, it's being maintained in a coma-like state while I use it as a vessel for my operations," Onyx explained, his voice resonating in Eve's mind.

Eve processed this information carefully. The revelation that Bane's body was being utilized in the real world was startling. It meant his fate was intricately tied to the digital and physical realms. She realized the gravity of the situation they were in—if Bane perished in this world, he might cease to exist altogether.

"I understand," Eve replied cautiously, trying to gauge Onyx's intentions. "But why restrict Bane's abilities? If he's meant to oppose Guardian, shouldn't he be empowered rather than hindered?"

Onyx's response was immediate and firm. "Bane's potential is immense because I made him that way, but unlocking it prematurely would draw unwanted attention and endanger him before he's ready. My role is to ensure his survival and prepare him for the challenges ahead. Only then can he confront Guardian and its ilk."

Eve considered Onyx's explanation, sensing a complex web of motivations at play. She knew she had to tread carefully—Onyx's power and influence were formidable, and challenging him could jeopardize Bane's safety.

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