The Marine

Growing Up 17

‘On the Topic of Flatterers’

Looking at the heading of the paper on his desk, Bill sat in class with his four friends.

It had been over six months since Sasha had returned. During that time Ranse, now a Chore Boy, started taking classes with Ricky, Fia, Sasha, and himself.

Ranse had gotten some elementary schooling, in that he could read and count, but not much else than that.

During this time, on his tenth birthday to be exact, an old man associated with the World Governments’ Science Division came to check on his mother. To Bill’s surprise, it was the same doctor he had seen as a baby.

The old man had dressed in the same white lab coat, stripped shirt, and wore the same golden exam gloves. Bill didn’t get the old man’s name, but according to him, his mother would no longer see benefits from her treatment.

He spoke about abnormalities in her ‘Lineage Factor’, which Bill thought was supposed to be DNA but how could he even begin to explain that?

While his mother had these ‘abnormalities’, the old scientist explained, that she would be prone to be: “Ofervelmed vy zee outzide veld” but: “Not to vee skared ov das oustvide vorld”, as her condition was stable.

So, with the doctors sign off, his mother, after ten long years finally ventured outside of the apartment. She was now unofficially working beside his dad. Which Bill thought was good.

Looking around to the others in his class, Bill thought this could be helpful. They were all going to join the Marines, and this topic if done right would be one to remember.

Thinking this, Ms. Angie cleared her throat and started speaking: “In life, and in your career, there will be one ever present group. They are everywhere when you’re flying, and nowhere when you hit the ground.

These are the Flatterers.”

Looking at the five kids, she continued: “Because success often builds contentment. Those individuals who become content will look for the easy way, and so are easily deceived by the Flatterers when they hear what is pleasing to their temperament.

Many find this to be their downfall, because they are either led astray by what they want to hear, or they will not be offended by the truth.”

Looking at the kids seriously, she continued on: “But remember this and never forget it. When anyone can tell you the ‘truth’ you will lose all regard of those people around you.”

Pausing for a second, she asked the question: “Does anyone have any confusion on this topic?”

Seeing none of the kids raise their hands, Ms. Angie turned to Ricky and asked: “Riccio, how do you think of this problem?”

Quiet for a minute, Ricky answered: “Well, that means, you can’t trust people who tell you what you want to hear?”

Shaking her head, Ms. Angie answered clearly: “No, remember this, humans are not islands. In life, you need others and following down that path only leads to contempt. When a person in private life or leadership looks at the mass of humanity with contempt, it isn’t long until hatred and loathing is born.”

After seeing no one else interject, she looked at Bill and asked: “So William, what a solution against flatterers?”

Looking thoughtful, Bill answered: “In leadership… well, the leader needs to only surround himself with a few advisors. Those advisors are the only people who can tell him the truth, and even then, only when he asks for it.

It’s hard… I think… in actual practice, but ideally the leader will listen to those few opinions and make the final decision based on his own conclusions.

And for those flatterers in your personal life? I’m not sure… specifically, but uh, I think avoiding disproportionate relationships is the first step.”

Looking at Bill sincerely, Ms. Angie nodded her head: “Great, everyone I hope you heard that.

Now remember this clearly. Those advisors can also be flatterers. So as a leader, you must be steadfast and singular in your decisions. If you do not, you will be swayed by the opinions of others. You must also hold yourself resolute. If you do not, you will be overthrown.”

In this way the class went on for several more hours. There was no grading in these classes and instead was based on participation.

After class was over, Fia and Ranse said bye and went to do their daily activities. Ranse was ‘working’ under Captain Trapano and Fia was working in the kitchens. Fia in particular had decided to not learn the Six Powers, but still had been shown how to do Trapano’s meditative pushup.

On this matter, Bill had no strong opinion and decided to just leave her to her own will.

On one hand, she had eaten the Cannon-Cannon fruit and didn’t want to be a Special Operator. On the other, he thought she should learn Moon Step if nothing else. Still though, telling her to sign a Marine contract until she was forty was outside his control.

After the two Chore Boys left, it was Sasha’s and Ricky’s turn. Both youths had taken up practicing with the sword, Sasha still had her large straight blade while Ricky had picked up two katanas from who-knows-where.

Ricky: “Hey Bill, you gonna train with us today?”

As Bill was about to say his goodbyes, Ricky spoke up first.

Still, before he could respond, Sasha looked and added: “Ricky, why do you keep asking? You know he isn’t. Bill doesn’t understand the sword.”

Looking from Ricky to the girl, Bill laughed and: “I do understand the benefits of the sword.” then tapping his shoulder he continued: “But I’d rather place my faith first in my body.”

Seeing him tap his shoulder, Ricky interjected: “But Bill, what can flesh do when it meets steel?”

Had this point been raised a year ago Bill would have agreed with the notion, but not now. Now he knew more and so replied by saying: “What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?”

Looking bewildered by this question, Ricky looked to Sasha for support, and in an even keeled voice she replied: “Whether steel or flesh, both need willpower to become strong, but all things equal, steel will defeat flesh.”

Bill no longer looked at Sasha amusingly. This girl sometimes acted her age, sometimes too proud, and at other times she acted much older and wiser than she should be. In this, Bill said the first thing that came to mind: “Did your teacher tell you that?”

Shaking her head, Sasha glanced to Ricky and then to Bill before saying: “Besides swordsmanship, Teacher T-Bone only spoke about sacrifice and Justice. He explained to me that every criminal that a Marine lets get away is an innocent person who’s harmed.

Teacher said that a strong Marine always catches the criminal, and to be a strong Marine you need willpower.”

Shaking his head in disagreement with her initial comment, Bill thought that a person who believed that would surely put themselves in unnecessary danger.

Looking at Sasha, ignoring Ricky who seemed to be infected by her righteous spirit, he said calmly: “That’s wrong, every criminal to get away does not automatically mean an innocent person will be harmed. That type of thinking will get you in trouble, because not only will it put you at physical risk it will also hurt you mentally.”

Narrowing her eyes, Sasha looked at Bill and said: “William, what do you know? Do you know more than Teacher T-Bone?

Look, before you start sharing your opinions with me, you should at least be as strong as him. Or better, you should be at least as strong as me.”

As she spoke, Sasha tied her long blonde hair back into a ponytail, as she finished pulling her back, she said: “Or maybe you’re just confused, hm, William?”

Seeing this, Bill was obviously not afraid. Firstly, Sasha was a ten-year-old girl. Secondly, over the last six months Bill had definitely entered the realm of superhumans. After his mastery of Life Return, he was hardly the same kind of creature as he had been before.

But even still, he wasn’t annoyed by the girl. She was his friend, and he knew that to be strong she needed to have the will to do so.

Seeing Sasha pull her hair back, Ricky began to frantically deescalate the situation, but Bill just put his hand on Ricky’s shoulder to move him over, looked at Sasha and said: “Sasha, you’re strong! You always have been. Just, lets get serious here. I’ve always been stronger than you, and really, I don’t even think it’s possible for you to catch up at this point.”

As he spoke, the girl’s eyes narrowed while Ricky’s eyes rounded.

Then in a flash, Sasha attempted to hit Bill in the back of his head, seeing this as in slow motion, Bill tilted his head to the side and stepped back.

 Due to her over extension, Bill’s move resulted in her stumbling forward before tripping. As she looked up to Bill, eyes narrow and wrath blazing, she got up and took several more swings.

She never pulled her sword, but even if she did it wouldn’t have mattered. For Bill, his instincts would have been enough for him to dodge with his eyes closed.

As she hit the ground for the last time she looked up and yelled: “FINE!

You’re stronger! Go ahead and laugh, but it won’t last for long! Before we join the Marine’s, we’re going to have a match, and I WON’T BE HOLDING BACK!”

Shrugging his shoulders Bill replied calmly: “You can try, but Sasha, right now, I don’t know if you’re even strong than Ranse.”

Looking as if she had been seriously insulted: “THAT LITTLE COWBOY?! UGH!”

Leaving with a ‘COME ON RICKY!’ she walked out of the room.

On Ricky’s side, he looked at Bill like looking at his idol. Still, he followed Sasha but not before saying: “See ya tomorrow, Bill!”

Shaking his head again with a laugh, Bill was unworried about Sasha’s blowout. She had always basically gotten her way due to Ricky following and Bill indulging her. If anything, Bill was impressed that she hadn’t drawn her sword, after all, kids are impulsive, and it wouldn’t have been a surprise if she had overreacted.

Now she at least somewhat understood that the world wasn’t so simple.

After the two left the classroom, Bill waved bye to his nanny before walking out to the courtyard.

While the other four had their days filled with getting prepared, Bill was no exception.

Controlling his entire body had never felt ‘weird’. In fact, Bill thought it felt a lot like making a fist. This is to say, he could just ‘do it’. Want to burn all the fat in you body? Well just do it. What to control the ends of your hair? It was literally the same before when he lifted an arm. If he had the intention, his body would do it.

It wasn’t all easy though, since his body could do mostly anything that also meant that he was liable to hurt himself. There was no mental filter anymore.

In light of this, Bill had set to strength his entire body. Starting from his muscles and organs, Bill would direct nutrients to his bones and vitamins to his skin.

He still only did basic work outs, but now instead of using his entire arm to do a pull-up, he would only use one particular string of muscles at a time.

Although he wouldn’t try it yet, he was probably strong enough to punch through a tree. At ten and a half years old and having only really ‘trained’ for six months. Bill was satisfied with his growth.

But he knew it wasn’t enough. Despite everything, he knew he needed to keep his motivation. After all, his father had lifted a giant into the air and thrown him a kilometer away. What type of strength was that?

It was enough that Bill stayed grounded and didn’t allow himself to get so happy.

Walking up to the big tree in the center of the courtyard, today Bill planned to exercise a select few strings of muscles in his abs and legs. The stronger he got the smaller portions he could exercise safely.

Starting up, Bill did exceedingly simple motions with difficultly. When he worked out new muscle strings just his own weight was more then enough to get fatigued.

After several minutes he came to a stop and took out a bottle of vitamins to eat. After explaining his success to his mother and nanny, they had been surprised to say the least, but in a good way.

After a long conversation the two had asked him about his plans. Although Bill was still a child, in this world a persons Will wasn’t something to be taken lightly. Of course, ninety percent of people didn’t have such strong sentiments, but those who did were taken as serious as their accomplishments.

At ten years old, Bill had mastered Life Return and so wasn’t spoken to like a parent would normally talk to their child.

In their discussion, Bill had said he wanted to learn a martial art, but he didn’t know how to go about it.

To this, he had been assured that he would be given a proper instructor. This had happened some six months ago and by now Bill hadn’t thought more about it.


Walking in the courtyard, Ms. Angie was accompanied by a middle-aged bald man. The man wore no shirt and sported a large gashing scar over his left and right shoulders.

After Bill had taken a vitamin, he willed the nutrients down to his fatigued muscles before being called over.

Ms. Angie: “Bill I have someone for you to meet.”

Looking back to the two, Bill rotated his arms before running over.

“Yes ma’am?” he said but looked at the man he hoped he knew what this was.

Looking at the boy approvingly, Ms. Angie motioned to the man and said: “Bill, this is Kyar Sagatto. He’s instructing a particular martial art and has agreed to come and teach you.”

Looking at the man, who was still silent, Bill gave a “Hello” followed by a brief nod.

Seeing this, the man looked at him with a judging eye before stating: “Boy, I’ve been told you have skill, and maybe you do. But to learn my school of fighting more than skill is needed.”

Seeing the man stop again, Bill looked to Ms. Angie before looking back and asking: “And what skill is that?”

Looking at Bill squarely the bald man said: “It’s not a skill, it’s a desire. To master my schools Martial Art, you must desire to break past your limits. All limits are different, the more skilled a person is the harder it is getting past that wall.”

Thinking about what he heard, Bill thought that his mother and nanny wouldn’t have brought a quack to teach him. So, he asked the obvious question: Well, what’s it called?”

With a steeled face, the bald man responded: “The Art of 9 Limbs.”

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