The Marine

Growing Up 15

With still a month to his tenth birthday Bill was running around the town with Fia and Ranse.

Sasha would be back any day, and Ricky was using his time to do what he could. He badly wanted to showboat when she returned. Bill had been unconvinced but encouraged the boy, nonetheless.

It had taken roughly a week for Bill to find Ranse around town after the incident at the beach. When he first saw the boy, Ranse cried and said that Bill had been right. He said that they shouldn’t had split up and as an apology had given Bill his [Junior Sheriff] badge.

Although Bill didn’t want to take it, and went so far to tell Ranse that he had decided to become a Marine, it didn’t seem to matter. Ranse gave badge back, telling him that he would eventually earn it back by joining the Marines and saving Bill’s life.

Shaking his head, Bill just accepted it before telling Ranse all about Fia, her situation, and generally what else he knew about the Marines and the world.

He didn’t want the boy to make an uninformed claim or dream of a fake reality, however when Ranse had firmly reiterated his choice, Bill wasn’t stingy with his workout routines or with what he knew about the world.

In this matter Bill found Ranse to be both quick witted and eager to learn more. The boy had not only accepted Bills advice he also forgave Fia, although the former junior-lawman did make her go and apologize to the shopkeeper even though the man had been reimbursed when she joined the Marines.

Another major incident after Bill’s proclamation was his mother and fathers’ reaction. His mother seemed fine with it, even proud perhaps, while his father was initially still adamant that Bill wouldn’t join.

“What exactly are you talking about? You don’t have a damn clue about the sea.” His dad had said, looking head-on at Bill.

“You think because you can knock out some poor orphan out that you can apply justice?” he shook his head and proceeded to point his finger at his son, “You’re going to go out and get sucked down in a whirlpool. Did you know that there are whirlpools in the New World large enough to fit this base inside of? Well, there are! and that’s what’s going to happen to you. You’ll get sucked right down to the damn bottom.”

As his dad continued explaining various ways that the ocean or pirates would kill him, Bill just silently took it. He believed that kids should show respect for their parents, and so didn’t answer back except for direct questions. Mercifully, it wasn’t long until his mom had spoken in his defense.

It was the first time in his life that Bill saw the two argue, and the argument continued until eventually his mother had started to fade away. After which his father had calmed down while claiming that if Bill joined the Marines to ‘not expect any special treatment’ and that he’d ‘hold Bill down to the Blue Seas for his entire career’.

Ms. Angie had stayed silent during this time.

As Bill had thought of this he also thought about Ranse and Fia. They were impressive for kids, but he knew that in a world of monsters and superpowers, being ‘impressive’ wasn’t enough.

If Ranse, Sasha, Fia, Ricky, and himself were going to join the Marine when they were sixteen, he needed for them to know how to use weapons or learn some martial art.

On this thought, Bill came to a stop. Fia made it to him first followed closely by Ranse.

*Huff huff*

Ranse: “What’s wrong, why’d we stop?” the boy said looking at Bill.

Looking back at him and the girl who were both out of breath, Bill said: “Exercising is good, but I think we need to learn how to fight properly.”

Before Ranse replied, Fia pointed her finger upwards while a hinge formed, and a barrel suddenly appeared. She looked at Bill and said: *huff* “I think I can fight fine, besides; I’m not going to even be a fighter. I’m gonna be ‘Culinary Specialist’.”

Shaking his head, Bill didn’t react. Apparently, Devil Fruits became literal extensions of a person’s body. In a normal situation it would be impossible for an accident to happen. In most cases, it was more likely that a Devil Fruit user would accidentally punch someone in the face than accidentally use their ability.

Ranse: “How are you going to be a cook when you eat all the food?”

Snapping her fingers back in human form, Fia crossed her arms and looked at Ranse: “Commodore Aramaki already said I could.”

This girl, Bill thought, due to her past she refused to go hungry. At first, she wanted to be a ninja to steal food, but now that she was pressed into the Marines, she decided to be a cook.

Shrugging his shoulders Ranse said before Bill could reply: “And I have my six-shooters and cuffs.”

Surprised by this, Bill looked at them and said: “Look, whether or not you ate the Cannon-Cannon fruit, joining the Marines is dangerous. We’re really lucky that we have options. We need to prepare and get as strong as we can.

And do you really think those peashooters are going to stop a giant, plus, how would you even use them to cuff a pirate?”

Looking stumped, but only for a second, Ranse said quickly: “Well, I can also fight using my legs!”

Bill: “Ok, look, we need to find someone to teach us how to actually fight. I don’t think it’s even a good idea to only use your legs in a fight! But either way, we need to do more to get stronger.”

Then for a minute the three fell silent, Bill hadn’t seen any dojos or gyms on the island. His only thought was the fat Captain. However, Bill didn’t want to go back to the Captain before he could feel and at least somewhat control his blood.

Ranse: “There’s Karate Island? I heard you could learn any martial art there.”

Nodding at first Bill then said: “Yeah, but there’s exactly zero chance that we could go.”

Before the group fell back into silence, Fia spoke up and said: “I seen some Marines cutting boards with only kicks.”

Looking first confused, then triumphant Ranse said: “See? I told you I’d be strong using my legs!”

Rolling his eyes, Bill replied: “Color me unimpressed that trained, grown men, can kick through some wooden boards.”

Fia: “They were cutting the boards from like ten meters away. Their kicks were cutting the air I think.”

Stumped by this Bill said defeated: “… well, that IS impressive. Alright let’s go and see if we can learn something!”

With that Bill led the others to the MCT building.

Walking through the large front entrance it wasn’t long before Captain Trapano somehow knew they were there and came out to meet them.

Trapano: “So you’re back already?” the fat captain looked at Bill before continuing: “Hmm, you definitely haven’t done what I told you, so why’re you here?”

With a smile Bill replied: “Didn’t you say I could use the equipment here to work out?”

Giving an amused snicker, Trapano answered: “I did but remember young man, you told me you wanted to know how to gain true strength. The equipment here won’t really help you until you do as I said.”

Bill: “I feel like I’m close, I can feel most of the movements of my body, but I’m not here to use the weights. I wanted something else.”

Looking somewhat interested Trapano looked at Bill and his friends before asking: “What’s that then?”

After this, Bill explained to Trapano the intentions of him and his friends. He explained what had happened on the beach and that they wanted to use the few years they had left before signing up to get ready for anything the ocean had to through at them.

Bill: “Then Fia here told us she saw some Marines using leg techniques that cut through the air. So I figured you were our best bet.”

The fat Captain had unsurprisingly known about the beach incident but listened in silence, nonetheless.

Trapano: “So, you’re going to become a strong Marine, eh? I’m sure your father disagrees.”

Bill looked at the Captain and said: “He didn’t but I told him I knew what I needed to do. I won’t be able to enlist until I’m sixteen but that’s the plan.”

In response to his answer Trapano looked approvingly of the answer. He put his hand on Bill's shoulder and gave a soft shove: “Good for you kid, and your friends too.” He said looking at Fia and Ranse before continuing more formally: “The martial art this Chore Boy had seen was one of the Marines Six Powers, called Storm Leg.

It trains the practitioner to kick at a high enough speed to compress air in the form of a sharp blade. The strength of the blade is proportional to the strength and speed of the kick. It’s practical use in combat is obvious. Less obvious, is the fact that it can be used with any properly trained limb.”

Looking over to the wall Trapano glanced back at the trio and said: “Observe.”

Then with a flick of his wrist a visible cyclone of air was launched over and hit the wall with a ‘swoosh’.

“Let’s take a look” he said walking to the impact spot followed by the kids.

As Bill got closer to the wall, he could see a clear cut. The cut was roughly the length and width of a finger.

With the ‘woahs’ and ‘ahhs’ coming from Fia and Ranse in the background Bill looked at the fat Captain in a new light.

He was about to ask the obvious question before Ranse beat him to it and yelled: “AWESOME! What are the other types of Six Powers?”

Captain Trapano was the Head Drill Instructor for the South Blue, his position and ability were considerable, but still, in the face of three kids who were looking at him like as a hero he couldn’t help himself.

So, he showed each of the Six Powers one by one. While he himself hadn’t completely mastered them all, due to his position, he had to at least know how to train others in them to basic proficiency.

After his demonstration, Trapano huffed and said: “It’s also important to remember that Moon Step, Storm Leg, Iron Mass, Finger Gun, Paper Arts, and Shave – while all amazing – are all part of a wider martial skill. That skill itself is just part of a wider, indeed never ending, world of martial arts which encompasses the fusion of mind and body.”

As he finished the presentation and his speech Bill naturally asked if he would teach these to him and his friends. With what the Captain had shown here, Bill thought the danger posed by sea monsters and Devil Fruits seemed possible to lessen somewhat.

To Bill’s question Trapano answered strictly: “The Six Powers are the official martial arts of the Marines, I can not pass them to anyone not already in the organization. Furthermore, to be authorized to learn legally, a Seaman must sign a twenty-year contract of service.”

Looking at the trio he continued: “This means, the earliest you could retire would be the age of thirty-six. Some exception can be made.” He looked at Fia before continuing: “For example, a Chore Boy can sign an additional promissory contract of sixteen years. Meaning a Chore Boy can be authorized to learn the Six Powers, at the cost of having to serve until they turn forty years old.”

As he continued on about the ins and outs of learning this superhuman martial art, Ranse was excited while Fia remained somewhat interested but mostly neutral. As for himself, Bill knew it was probably a dead end, because even if his mother had supported his idea to join the Marines, he would never be able to be a Chore Boy just to learn this.

He wasn’t Fia, who had a useful Devil Fruit. So even if he became a Chore Boy, he would be scrubbing decks.

Finishing up his explanation Trapano ended by saying: “While it does seem like a long time, remember, those who master the Six Powers are bound to uphold greater justice while to be promoted through the ranks earlier than those who haven’t.”

As Trapano quit speaking, Ranse ran home. Bill didn’t think it was likely that a parent would allow their nine-year-old to make a twenty-four-year commitment.

‘But this is a different world’ He then said to himself. At least on Vallipo Island, the Marines held a lot of respect. There was some chance that Ranse could convince his parents.

Looking at Bill, Trapano pulled out a communication snail and called another Marine. The Marine who arrived wore a large white hat and had a clean-shaven face. Looking over Fia he said: “This is Culinary Officer Cibo, Chore Boy Fia, you’ll think over what’s been said here. In the meantime, you’re to help in the kitchens for the rest of the day.”

After the two left, Bill was left alone with Trapano. The man looked at him and said: “Ok, show me what you can do.” Before motioning to Bill to start his exercise.

Nodding in approval as Bill did his handstand, the fat Captain stayed attentively silent. As Bill finished, he looked at him and said: “I can’t teach you the Six Powers, I know you want to know them, but regulations exist for a reason.”

“However.” He said as steam started rolling off his shoulders.

As he spoke, the fat Captain became thinner and more muscular: “What I can do is explain one of the most important techniques you can learn in this life.”

By now, to Bills final surprise, the Captain looked as if he had lost one-hundred pounds of fat and became an Olympic bodybuilder.

Still looking at Bill he said: “This technique is the actual foundation for everything, and it’s called, Life Return.

I can’t explain this technique in words. So, I’ll show you.”

With that, Bill began his journey to true strength.

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