The Marine

Growing Up 10

Flying down a long access ramp Bill covered fifty meters while barely touching the ground.

Tomorrow would mark the six-month date since his deal with Captain Trapano, and true to his word, Bill had run as fast as he could, swam as hard as he could, and done as many pushups as he could every single day.

The first time Bill had walked to the docks it had taken him slightly less than three hours. Starting from the hospital, it would take him roughly forty-five minutes to walk the length of each level of the fortress.

By now, he could get from the third floor to his swimming spot, in under an hour.

As amazing as Bill found the speed that he could run, more than anything was the reaction time he had developed. He never failed to laugh when he barely dodged a marine carrying boxes or had to jump over a cart that had just turned the corner in front of him.

He had also become a wickedly good swimmer. He was still not ten-years-old, but he could breach half of his body out of the water using nothing but speed to launch himself.

Even though he was still not allowed to go off base, Bills prowess had steadily accumulated day after day, and he found it truly fascinating that he could measure his growth week by week. At night he would go to sleep exhausted, in the morning he would wake up refreshed and ready to go again.

This sense of progression made it so even if the overweight Captain went back on his word, he would still be thankful. After all, in some regards, he had already stuck his toes into the realm of superhumans.

Continuing to run hard, Bill cut between the largest intersection on the bottom level of the base. Each access ramp was huge, but the largest was the one at the bottom level. This was due to something Bill had been shown that long time ago by Oliver.

The bottom level of the base connected to the shipyard, which in turn held most of the base’s heavy equipment.

Marine Branch SB-T, or just Base SB-T for short, was the largest Marine shipyard in the entire South Blue, at any given time there were half a dozen ships under construction. From what Bill had read during his time in Headquarters, this base could build a Blue-Sea ship in under six months, and completely build and outfit a massive Grand-Line ship in just over a year.

Pushing that thought aside, Bill was not headed over to the dry docks. Instead at the intersection he took a left to run past the docks to where the Marines had a small private beach.

The beach was a medium sized lagoon which Bill couldn’t tell if it were natural or not. It was only a few hundred meters from the docks but due to its shape and location held picturesque clear-blue water and fine white sand.

Although it was impossible to say for sure, Bill suspected that the lagoon was about four meters at its deepest point. He assumed this after seeing a giant man, who was apparently not an actual ‘Giant’, walk around the middle of the lagoon with the water only reaching chest-height.

Running down the beach Bill began stripping his shirt and shoes off. Bunny hoping on one foot at a time, Bill had become adept at undressing himself mid-stride.

As he ran into the water, he heard someone shout: ““Hey Bill!””

Looking over, but not slowing down, he saw Ricky and Sasha building in the sand. With them in sight Bill raised up one hand and shouted out: “Hey guys!”

Matching the shout with one of his own Ricky yelled back: “Can you play today?”

Bill: “Yeah! Just give me some time or come on swimming with me!”

Sasha: “I can’t go swimming today! I have to go home soon!”

By this time, Bill had come up to the water and began high stepping in and answered with a: “Ok! I’ll try to be quick!”.

Bill had sporadically spent time with Ricky and Sasha outside of class, with them even going with him a few times to Headquarters. However, mostly he treated them like little kids.

Which was to say that he cared for them, he was friendly and tried to get along with them - but they were not his ‘friends’ in the traditional sense.

He had met them on his first day of preschool, and by now, the other kids in class had moved away. Some things never changed, and apparently soldiers being relocated was one of them.

Running into the water until it got just past waist-high Bill began to freestyle swim.

He didn’t have any special technique, since even though he had swum in his previous life, he wasn’t a ‘swimmer’ by any means. He had lived in a landlocked State, didn’t own a swimming pool, and so only rarely had the chance to do so.

With that said, necessity was the mother of innovation and over these past months he had developed a pretty good overhand stroke and was very good at swimming under water.

Doing his best to get the most out of his arms, Bill let it all out.






In his previous life Bill had read about runners high. It was a state which people said they got in while doing intense exercises. Back then, he didn’t really consider it. Now he would swear that not only was it real, but it was also almost an enlightening experience.


This was how he, a person with no experience or training, could go from doing doggy paddles to swimming as fast as any Olympic swimmer in six months.

Of course, the training wasn’t done considering he kicked up more water than a jet ski.

Still, Bill thought with a smile, once he had some proper instructions, he may be faster in water than on the land!


After going for fifty breaths, Bill switched from overhand strokes to doing backstrokes.

This was a move that he wasn’t so sure about, but decided to do it since he had seen that whenever a person was saved from drowning they were usually taken out of the water by a person swimming backwards.

While his backstroke was nowhere near as fast as his overhand, it was much more stable and seemed to take much less energy.

After backstroking to about where he started, the cycle continued until his arms started to burn.

Deciding not to push himself too hard, Bill swam to shore and ran to the kids.

As he neared the duo, he had a slight smile and spoke first: “Hey fellers, I tried to be quick. So, Sasha why do you have to go home so early today?”

Looking up from what they were doing Sasha answered with excitement: “My aunt is getting married, and so we’re going to go to the wedding.”

Bill: “Oh that’s nice, so you’re traveling to Roshwan Kingdom?”

Sasha: “See Ricky! I told you HE would remember where I’m from.”

Seemly startled that he was called out Ricky responded: “How the heck was I supposed to remember?! None of US have ever been off of Vallipo Island!”

Sasha: “Yep, I’ll be the first. Don’t worry, I’ll bring y’all a souvenir!”

Still slightly smiling, Bill asked the question he knew she wanted to be asked: “So what exactly is Roshwan Kingdom like?”

At this question Sasha’s narrow eyes rounded and said haughtily: “Well, as you know, my grandpa is a Boyar. His castle is three times larger than this Base. It snows a good part of the year but has the prettiest Spring in the whole South Blue …”

Unable to stand her bragging Ricky’s face fell lower and lower.

Looking back and forth between Sasha’s bragging and Ricky’s face Bill knew this wouldn’t last much longer.

“… In fact, the fibers made out of that very yak hair is used to make the robes of pretty much every king in the worl” “NO it isn’t!”

Sasha: “HUH?!”

Ricky: “Your grandpas castle is not three times larger than this Marine Base and there aren’t ‘icy bears’ that control the mountains and he doesn’t make all the cloths for the world nobles with that ‘Shaggy Yak’ hair!”

Word by word Sasha’s eyes had narrowed, by the time Ricky finished she looked at him like looking at her worst enemy. With a deep breadth she said: “Those Icy Bears do so run-in gangs and control the mountains. If you don’t believe me then I’ll just have to teach you.”

Balling her fist up, Sasha awaited Ricky’s response.

Realizing that he may had spoken without thinking Ricky replied the only way he knew how: “N’now look Sasha, y’you can’t use violence just over words. That’s not what a Marine does!”

Hearing his reply, Sasha's eyes slightly rounded out before snapping back: “Oh I never said anything about violence, so unless…” her lips turned into a slight smile before continuing: “Unless you’re guilty of something? Or else, why do you think there would be violence?”

As the little girl spoke her eyes lost their sharpness, her smile widened a little more, but her fists remained clenched: “So are you guilty? Or maybe are you just confused? Hm, Ricky?”

By this time Ricky had placed Bill completely between them. Bill had to give it to the boy, what he may lack in courage, he made up for it in craftiness. After all, even though he had been standing here, he had hardly noticed of Ricky moving to get him between them.

Ricky: “W’well maybe a was a bit confused, uh, I guess?”

Ending his reply with an awkward *hun hun* laugh, Bill could tell that Sasha knew she had won.

Sasha: “So then there are Icy Bears who run mountain gangs, and those bears do stand on two legs and dress in coats?”

At this point Bill wanted to see how Ricky would respond to Sasha’s outlandish claims, but upon seeing the boy send him a pleading look he decided to step in.

Bill: “So who makes the coats for those Icy Bears?”

Switching her gaze to Bill, who wasn’t affected by the glare of a nine-year-old girl, she responded: “That is what those gangs steal. You can’t go into them mountains wearing coats or they will come and take them.

When people go outside during the winter, they have to wear blankets. Since there are no coats my grandpas’ men can’t get rid of those Icy Bears after all you can’t fight wearing a blanket!!”

Hearing the obvious logic flaw Ricky was about to blurt something out, and seeing this Bill continued: “Oh yeah that makes sense. Who can fight just wearing a blanket?”

Looking victorious, Sasha looked from Bill to Ricky and said: “You see Ricky, even Bill understands. He’s not confused, are you still confused?”

Defeated by this, Ricky had no choice but to reply: “No I’m not confused, now I’m just worried that you’re going to get mugged bear-handed.”

Letting out a laugh before Sasha could respond to Ricky’s obvious sarcasm, Bill then asked: “So how much longer do you have before you’re leaving, and about how long will you be gone?”

Sasha: “We’ll be leaving shortly; the trip is only supposed to be a few months. My dad said he had been saving his vacation just for this.”

Bill: “Are you leaving on a Marine ship?”

Shaking her head slightly, by now she was back to normal, and Ricky had positioned himself beside rather than behind Bill.

Sasha: “My grandpa is sending a ship to pick us up.”

Ricky: “Well, are you gonna sail straight there or are you gonna stop off anyone else?”

In this archipelago world it was rare for ships to sail directly to and from a single destination. Bill wasn’t sure about the Grand Line, but he did know that Blue Sea routes followed routine shipping lanes.

On one hand, these shipping lanes did attract pirates. On the other hand, sailing out into the open ocean was extremely hazardous. Sea Kings, while rarer and smaller than those in Grand Line, did exist in the Blue Seas, and furthermore there was danger outside of the water too.

From what Bill had read, this world’s weather patterns could be unpredictable. Without the proper preparations sailing into open water was an accident waiting to happen.

Sasha: “I know we’re stopping for a couple of days at Centaurea but that’s like halfway to Roshwan Kingdom so I don’t think we will stop anywhere else.”

Nodding his head with this plan, Bill then asked: “Will there be any escort with your grandpas’ ship?”

Whether due to her age, willfulness, or Bill’s overestimation on the danger of the ocean, Sasha was completely confident: “Pfft! Why would we need an escort, isn’t my dad is coming with us? He’s not a Captain for nothing! And plus, since Commodore Aramaki is here what pirates are even left?!”

Deciding it was best not to pursue this topic with a nine-year-old girl, Bill just decided to trust that the adults knew what they were doing.

After all, though his father was amazingly powerful, he couldn’t be everywhere at once. He had assuredly not rid the South Blue of pirates.

Bill: “Ok then, hey let me get my cloths and I’ll be right back.”

With that Bill went to get his cloths and decided to spend the rest of the day with Sasha and Ricky until she had to leave.

After a while the boys followed her home, they greeted Captain Zima and waited until the family was leaving. Although it wasn’t a Marine ship, the boat was still able to dock at the base due to the fact it was owned by a nation allied in the World Government.  

This was the first time Bill had ever seen a non-marine warship. It was smaller and interestingly had what looked like a copper bottom.

As Sasha boarded the ship, Bill and Ricky waved her off.

As he looked over to Ricky who was in tears, Bill said: “She’ll be back before we know it, hey, want to go swimming?”

Thankfully at this offer Ricky wiped the snot which was all over his face.

Still dejected over the goodbyes Ricky said quietly: “Well, I can’t keep up with you…”

Bill: “Don’t worry, I’ll slow down. Besides, you’re a really fast swimmer! I’d bet you would be as fast as me if you tried.”

Shaking his head, Ricky replied: “You got too fast. I used to be faster than you, but now it’s not even fair!”

Seeing the boys spirit lift by the second, Bill laughed and replied: “I told you and Sasha to start swimming with me, she did it some days, but you only did it a couple of times!

Hey, I have an idea, why don’t you practice while she’s gone? Then when she comes back, you’ll be able to outrun her if nothing else! haha”.

Getting pumped with Bills reasoning, Ricky enthusiastically replied: “Yeah! By the time she comes back, she won’t be able to touch me!”

Bill: “Ok let’s race to the beach!”

As soon as he said these words Bill rushed off, to Ricky’s yells of being cheated.

Tomorrow Bill would meet Captain Trapano, but today he would keep Ricky company and show him the routine he had kept for the last six months.

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