The Love That Remains

Chapter 63: You can't possibly do that

Fate smiles when she sees Sung Jun defending Fang Aisa in front of his father. Finally, it's almost there. Two lifetimes, same fate. Fang Aisa looks smug, but she has no idea.

Just when she is about to pull the string, a white claw suddenly appears out of nowhere and scratch her pale wrist quite mercilessly. The red string of fate slips through her hand. She screams and pulls away. Fate shows undisguised hate toward the feline creature who is lazily looking down at her.

"Reis, I didn't think that you would dare to show your face to me." At this moment, she wants nothing but to throttle his neck with her own hands.

"Kismet, I thought that you would be happy to see me." Reis chins up proudly. "After all, you have been chasing me for...I lost the track of time."

"Tch!" Kismet stands up and shakes off the unseen dust from her clothes. "It's quite funny that the god of time will lose track of the time."

"Time will keep going until the world ends." Reis stares at her thoughtfully. "The living might disappear, but time will not disappear as long as there is the universe."

Kismet chuckles when she hears him. "Are you calling yourself the eternal god now? Even a god meet his fate and dies, Reis."

He rolls his eyes at her. "You have been chatting with Death, isn't?"

"At least, he is honest about his motives." Kismet spats at him.

"You have always been an emotional one." Reis gets up and gracefully walks toward the god of fate. "Among us three, you were also the one who made the most messes."

Kismet opens her grey and translucent eyes. She is a blind god, thanks to him. Her only offence? She questioned his work ethics once. So, he decided to turn into a cat and scratched her eyes off. After that incident, he was struck by the heavenly punishment and forced to stay in cat form for a long time.

"I am taking care of my messes. I am responsible for what I have created."

"Is that so? Is this how you take care of your mess?" Reis steps closer to the god of fate. She takes a step back, keeping a distance from him and his unpredictable claws. Her wrists are bleeding. "By making more mess?"

"One war will lead to another one. When the unsecured and paranoid humans find out about the supernatural world, they will never accept it. When the war starts, it won't stop even after a hundred years." Kismet smirks at him. "Humans are like that, Reis. They will always seek power. They have turned this world into a hell. Even fate is useless against these greedy creatures. That's why it is better if the world is wiped clean of these sinful creatures. Then, it can start anew."

"I have a question." He yawns and lazily his paw up. "Are you not afraid of the supreme will?"

The corner of Kismet's lips is curled downward. "What is there to be afraid of? I am not directly breaking any law. I didn't get directly involved in human lives like you. I am only doing my job. If she tries to change the person's fate, it is easier for me to kill them. I will never get punished that way by the heavenly law for being directly involved with that person. You have been using her for the last eight years. Doesn't her actions create more victims?"

"You are too lazy to kill them all. So, I was never worried." He sighs when he sees her self-satisfied expression. "It is better for them to die. That way, you cannot use or torture them. Besides, if they are personally killed by a god, their karma is cleaned and they get a heavenly life in their next lifetime. But you, my sister, get their karma added to your account. Yes, you won't be punished by the heavenly law for directly getting involved with a human. But you have to suffer for their karma."

She is whitened when the words hit her. She forgot about that. Even god has karma points. She grits her teeth and looks into her karma points. The numbers are buzzing red on the threshold. If she kills more humans, she will be dissolved back to nothingness. That's a death for a god. When a god reappears after being dissolved, he is never ever the same.

"Since you broke the heavenly law by turning back the time, she has a part in your sin. She is also a sinner. After her death, she cannot go to heaven or hell. She cannot take part in the reincarnation cycle. Have you told her about this?"

After a long pause, Reis replies, "She doesn't need to go to heaven or hell or reborn again in this world."

Kismet furrows her brows deeply. She asks with confusion, "What do you mean?"

Reis shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. He watches Fang Aisa with his mismatched eyes. Her dark eyes are fixed on Sung Jun. She is curious and amazed by his actions. The guests are becoming tenser as each second pass.

"So easy to get bullied," Reis mutters under his breath.

"Reis, what are you planning?" Kismet cannot ignore his words. If Fang Aisa cannot go to the afterlife, where will she go? What did he do to her? Is he planning to take her with him?

Is he in love with a human?

"I am too selfish to be in love with anyone. The only person I love is myself." Reis can easily read what's going inside her head. "As for what I am planning, why don't you try to use your brain for once? Are you even a god?"

She is enraged by his words. Enough of this filthy feline creature! Looking at him makes her want to throw up. She is ready to cut him to pieces.

"My sister is too stupid." Reis jumps away and narrowly escapes her strings that could slice any living in half. "Does a god need to go to hell or heaven? Does a god have an afterlife?"

Kismet stops attacking Reis. She is too shocked to move anymore.

"You can't possibly do that."

Reis didn't reply to her. He smiles to himself as he walks down the stairs to join the drama.

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