The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 44: SSR Weapon (1)

"What a waste of the name 'Azure Sky'. Who would have imagined a Namgung cowering like a bug in a hole?"

"Hahaha! Isn't this just like those Orthodox Faction fools, clinging to their empty fame?"

"They spout all that hypocrisy, but look how scared he is when death comes knocking."

"We've wasted precious time thanks to this."

Their words pierced his lungs like daggers.


He knew it too.

That his current actions were unimaginable for a martial artist of the great Namgung clan.

Even if it had allowed him to survive by evading their eyes...

Was it perhaps due to his own shame?

He bit his lip, unable to refute their loud taunts clearly meant for his ears.

-Jin... You must survive at We can always rebuild the clan later. But in order to do that, there needs to be you. So, you must live on.

These were his father's words on the day their clan burned due to the Demonic Sect's schemes.

"Seeing as he's not even responding, he must know it too."

"Hah! If only everyone could see him like this."

"At this point, he should know better and crawl out with his own two knees."


Was it truly right to endure such humiliation just to survive?

He still didn't know. All he could feel were his heavy shoulders.

Even if he survived and rebuilt the clan, how could he recover their trampled dignity and honor?

Was he enduring this shame only because of his father's last words? Or deep down, did a part of him want to survive, no matter how ugly the means?

Countless thoughts left behind self-reproach and deep scars.

But he soon realized that even such worries were a luxury.

He had no choice.

He drew out the Formation Talisman his dear friend from the Zhuge Clan had made as a joke, and stood up.

Right. No matter what, he couldn't just lie down and die by their blades.

At the very least, he should die swinging his sword. That way, he could be a little less ashamed before his ancestors.

Namgung Jin tightly gripped the sword at his waist and slowly emerged from the underground cave. Even as he squeezed his body through the narrow passage barely wide enough for one person, he couldn't help but feel shame.

Then he noticed the Formation Talisman and a black dagger, one shaku(1尺, 33cm) long, left behind in the cave he'd just exited.


At a glance, it looked like a flat dagger shaped like a dark thorn. The long, triangular blade was densely engraved with wave-like patterns resembling fish scales.

For some reason, the people around him had reacted with congratulations and envy, but he couldn't really see why just based on its appearance.

Moreover, it was a dagger. Not exactly a bad weapon, but he was still a martial artist of the Namgung Clan. An unfamiliar weapon would only be a burden.

Yet for some reason, he couldn't easily dismiss it.

Was the Administrator some ordinary person? His every action had stirred up the entire community like a maelstrom.

Something prepared by such a being could not possibly be ordinary.

Namgung Jin carefully grasped the dagger.

Cold and chilling, yet…

Light as a feather.

Ting- Ting-

A clear metallic sound rang out as he flicked it a couple times with his finger.

Was this strange sense of expectation unavoidable?

But he was conflicted.

This might be his last chance to wield a sword in this life.

It could perhaps, no, certainly be the last moment for the great Namgung Clan's swordsmanship to dance in the heavens.

Shouldn't he then proudly display the banner of Namgung with the beloved sword he'd received from the previous Clan Lord and used for 7 years?

As he emerged from the cave covered in dirt and dust, about fifty martial artists were looking down at him.

"Even the Beggar's Union wouldn't stoop this low, right? He’s even worse than vagrants. Kekeke."

"Hahaha! To think this is how the Namgung Clan ends!"

"Those hypocrites with their noses always in the air."

"Drag him out!"

"Yes, Vice Captain."

A young man about Namgung Jin's age approached with a swish of his jet-black martial arts uniform.

Fierce black Qi seethed throughout the body of the youth, who seemed to be at the same First-Rate Realm.

His smug face made Jin's blood boil. It was as if he was saying, 'I'll crush you and earn everyone's approval.'

At least Namgung Jin didn't draw his sword to show off. He didn't think it proper for a martial artist's mindset, regardless of Orthodox or Demonic Paths.

What frustrated him was that the punk's Inner Qi levels was certainly not below his own, and-



That his own body wasn't in a normal condition.

Namgung Jin's beloved sword flew through the air and clattered to the ground. His wrist tingled from the recoil. He'd reflexively drawn his sword in response to the surprise attack, but clearly lacked the strength.

Losing one's weapon during battle was the worst thing that could happen to a martial artist. It showed just how abnormal his body's condition was.

"Hahaha. Did you see that? He is like a flower in a greenhouse. Look at this fledgling with no real combat experience stubbornly sticking to textbook movements. Isn't he the perfect example of those Orthodox Faction weaklings?"

Namgung Jin bit his lip at the young man's words, who was clearly trying to elicit a response from the spectators.

His desire to show off as an experienced expert was obvious.

And it wasn't like his words were wrong either.

"Haha. You are no different from a clown with a sword. The title of martial artist is wasted on you. Why don't you try juggling instead! Hahaha."

The punk’s Heart-Shattering Claw Technique sliced through the air once more. The sharp claw-like weapon flooded Jin's vision as it rushed in.

Seeing the vicious smile behind the approaching claws, Namgung Jin realized the punk's true intentions. He was deliberately avoiding vital points, intending to go as far as to humiliate and degrade even Jin's death.

You think things will go your way?!

Namgung Jin pulled out the dagger from his chest and leapt straight at the punk. He unleashed the Stab of Mutual Destruction, disregarding even death itself.

Even if it cannot be honorable, I will not let you mock even my death!

But was it because the dagger was too short? Or was it because his condition wasn't in good health?

The punk easily avoided it by twisting his upper body before the dagger could reach him.

Damn it! If only it was just a bit longer!

"Is that one of the Mutual Destruction Movements from the Sword of the Boundless Azure Sky?"

"Seems like it's my first time seeing it in person."

"Hoho. My oh my, those Orthodox Faction fools. Even their Mutual Destruction Movements are so by-the-book. Tsk tsk. Isn't that right, Blood Soul Sword Bi-Gwang?"


The Demonic Sect's Namgung Clan Pursuit Team was an elite unit consisting of a Transcendent Realm Captain, over ten Peak Realm Vice Captains, and more than three hundred martial artists.

And Blood Soul Sword Bi-Gwang, the strongest among the Vice Captains, was tacitly leading the unit in place of the lazy Captain. As part of the the Blood Demon Sect Leader’s direct line of descent, Bi-Gwang's status was extraordinary.

That's how desperately the Demonic Sect needed the Divine Relic sleeping in the Namgung Clan's secret vault, and how much attention they were paying to it.

It was none other than the Heavenly Demon Sword! They had to recover the legendary Heavenly Demon Sword.

"Vice Captain Bi-Gwang? Why are you so quiet?"

"Haha. Come to think of it, I heard that young man was close to Vice Captain Bi-Gwang."

"He did seem quite skilled even among First-Rate experts."

The source of this is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

But for some reason, Vice Captain Bi-Gwang, who usually became talkative when praised, was silent with his eyes wide open.

"Vice Captain Bi-Gwang?"

That's when it happened.

"Vice Captain Bi-"

The voice of another Vice Captain who noticed something odd about Bi-Gwang was cut off.

It was just as Namgung Jin and the Demonic Sect martial artist clashed once more.

Sruuk- Pshht-

With the blowing wind, one Vice Captain's head slid off and fell, and a stream of blood spurted from around Blood Soul Sword Bi-Gwang's heart before he collapsed with a thud. free𝑤

"Huh? Uh?"


"Vi-Vice Captain Bi-Gwang?"

An eerie silence descended among the Demonic Sect members. And then...



Suddenly, perhaps three or four martial artists started collapsing, blood gushing from their chests. Without any warning. Not even a trace of internal energy was visible.


"Wh-Who is it?!"

"What's going on!"

Namgung Jin, in the midst of battle, had no idea what was happening. But for the watching Demonic Sect members, it was nothing short of a calamity.

"Whoever the venerable expert may be, please show yourself."

"You seem to be a hero of the Orthodox Faction. Let's see your face and talk. Though our factions differ, we know how to respect our seniors."

The Demonic Sect Vice Captains were extremely tense. Surely it must be a hidden Master beyond their reach.

A sneak attack that even Peak Realm experts couldn't sense! And from the Orthodox Factions no less!

No answer came, even until the end.

Meanwhile, Namgung Jin felt something odd even as he swung the dagger.

What is this? Am I imagining things?

For a moment, he felt a strange sensation as if the blade was extending. But since the dagger was light as a feather, he thought it must be his imagination.

This bastard’s Movement Technique is nothing to scoff at!

The opponent easily avoided his attacks, twisting his upper body and using light Footwork.

That's when the bastard turned his head, distracted by the commotion around them.

An opening!

Namgung Jin swung the dagger horizontally in a wide arc to cut the punk down.


"How clumsy. Do you think I, from a mere attack like that..."

The punk avoided the killing blow by pulling his body back sharply. Unlike before when he just twisted his upper body to dodge attacks. Not just his Movement Technique, but his Footwork was extraordinary too.

Damn! Is this the end?

He had no strength left to move.


Only then did Namgung Jin notice his surroundings, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Wh-What is going on?!"

Everything around was sliced up as if cut by a giant blade. Even the ground and rocks weren't spared.


And the opponent who had dodged started separating into upper and lower halves.




Namgung Jin couldn't understand the situation for the life of him.


"What a complex passage. It is as messy as a tangled spider web."

It was unlike the 《Great Sephiroth》.

"At any rate, it seems to have been connected here..."

Kriella finally managed to find traces of the Dimensional Passage and locate the culprit. One could say she got lucky.

"I should deal with this quickly and return."

Dimensions outside Sephiroth were like the deep sea, and staying too long was bad for her Divinity. Not only was there contamination, but being out of reach of the 《Great Sephiroth》, the touch of Mother, was rapidly draining her Divine Power. If more time passed, she might not be able to return.


That's when Kriella's eyes fell upon a woman with starlight hair.

"Wench! Do you know where this is?"

A woman who gave off an inexplicably chilling feeling.

But what did it matter!

After all, she was Kriella, the great Supreme God who presided over an entire /genesisforsaken

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