The Little Spider I Summoned Evolved Into a Pope!

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 523: The Way of the Emperor, Tang Mo is here! (Please subscribe, customize!)

To men, women say!

“It’s very simple, the first rule is that we should run now, and now the so-called Mr. Tang has not come!”

“We still have a chance. As long as we leave the Nether City, we have the possibility to survive…”

“After we go out, it’s a very simple thing to use our savings in the ghost town over the years to live well!

“Of course, there are also difficulties, that is, from that moment on, we will be hunted down by ghost towns forever!

“At the same time…the existence that drove us into the ghost town in the past will come to trouble us again!”

“Our days will become erratic!”

“Then what about the second one!”

Hearing the man’s words, the woman frowned slightly.

If she could, she really didn’t want to do this, it was too tiring for such a day.


If there is really no other way in the end, then she will accept such a destination!

“There’s one more!”

“That’s even easier!”

“To surrender to that lord, surrender in all respects!”

“Let’s dedicate all our belongings to that lord, and from now on, we will be that lord’s two most loyal dogs in the ghost town~~! 39

“It’s impossible for an adult like that to stay in the ghost town forever…”

“So, if he has assets here, he must hope that someone can handle it for him!

“And we are actually the best choice!

“Well, why do you say that?”

“Didn’t he have that Xiao Liu, Meng Fei and Mu Qingfeng…

“There are so many people who want to help him take care of it, why are we the most suitable?

Hearing this, the woman’s brows furrowed slightly.

This is actually possible…

But she couldn’t figure out why!


“the reason is simple!

“That Xiao Liu is indeed loyal and there is no problem with it,

“But he’s always just a small role, he can’t stand on the stage, and his ability is completely insufficient!

“He can be a sidekick, but he is not qualified to take care of the legacy of the two of us in the ghost town!

“As for Mu Qingfeng and Meng Fei, their abilities are enough.

“But they also have an Achilles heel!

Said that the man smiled slightly…

“Achilles heel?”

“What is it?”

Women can’t understand it!

“That is, they are too close to the Nether old man!”

“Walking too close to the Nether old man? This is also a problem…

Hearing this, the woman’s doubts became more serious.

What is this all about!

“You don’t understand, now that he is here, the old man Nether and these two guys naturally won’t do anything..

“But what if he leaves, if someone from Netherworld wants to do something, or if these two have to do something, who knows?”

“々`But if it was the two of us who took over, the ending would be completely different!”

“These two are natural surveillance…

“Once we do something out of the ordinary, they can report to Mr. Tang immediately!”

“So, we don’t dare, we’ll only be here to help him do things!”

“And this is the way of balance under the royal family, and it is also the reason why every king will not let his own family dominate!


(Wang Dezhao) Mr., this is it!

After a few minutes, the two servants and Tang Mo finally came to the place where the highest level of the entire ghost town was gathered.

As for the inner layer of the ghost town, the current Tang Mo actually only has contact with the ghost old man, but it is actually enough!

The first update today!!! There are ten more updates!!!!!

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