The Little Spider I Summoned Evolved Into a Pope!

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

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Chapter 510 Get it directly! (Please subscribe, customize!)

But this acting is obviously not enough in front of Tang Mo…

“50,000, your sincerity is there, but there is only one point, so this is the final answer you gave me? 35

“If so, then I’m going to score!

Facing the current Tang Mo of the two little guys in front of him, he said lightly!


“Let’s discuss it again!

Hearing Tang Mo’s words, the sisters who were calm at first were not calm at the moment.

After all, money 607 has not been given to the bottom line, and it is even very far away.

So if they miss out on such a fire because of money..

Then they will really feel distressed, and they may regret it for the rest of their lives in the future!

“Okay, you can discuss it slowly!

In this regard, Tang Mo has given enough attitude!

“Sister, what should we do now, it doesn’t seem that easy for us to win?”

“Otherwise, we can simply give our bottom line directly and forget it, if it succeeds, it doesn’t matter if it fails!

“I really can’t stand the fear!

To my sister, my sister at the moment expresses her thoughts…

After all, the sense of oppression Tang Mo gave them was too strong, and she couldn’t stand it.


“If we present our bottom line in this way, we might lose a lot of money! 35

Hearing her sister’s words, her sister at the moment was also a little hesitant.

Indeed, there is an advantage of going straight out of the way now, that is, you don’t have to worry about it…

But the price of not worrying about it is really not small.

For them, if they can save tens of thousands of high-grade ghost stones, it is still very valuable…(daee)….

After all, this is a top-grade Netherworld stone, one worth billions of existences!

“Then, why don’t we pay him a price of 100,000 directly, we will pay if we can, and if we can’t, let’s talk about it?

“Look at the way he looks now, 80% knows the value of his flames, and a little addition won’t shake him.

“On the contrary, if you make a big deal all of a sudden, it may have an impact on him, so we might save 20,000, what do you think! 35

Seeing that my sister doesn’t seem to agree, the current sister has said another idea!

“That’s it, that’s it!”

After hearing what her sister said, she finally nodded her head slowly.


This way is fine!

“That’s it, have you negotiated it?

Looking at the sister flower in front of him, Tang Mo asked with a smile.

He has a feeling that this deal is coming to an end soon!

“Well, we have discussed it, we are willing to take out 80,000 top-grade Nether Stones, which is already our highest bottom line!”5

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