the legendary warrior with a system

training fight goes wrong

[takuya's point of view]

"Sorry san-chan, for bothering you" - I said as I walked with san and maki towards the backyard.

"It doesn't matter takuya-san, I had completely forgotten that I said that" - san replied as she scratched her head in shame.

Previously, san told me that she could help me improve my sword technique, but after knowing that she was coming with us to saitama, I decided to let san get used to the new school a bit to remind him of what she said.

"Tsk, what's the point of learning san-sama's sword style if you can't even fight against a weak mermaid" - maki said as she clucked her tongue annoyed at wasting san's time.

"Don't say that maki, I may be weak now, but what do you know if I become stronger in the future?" - I said calmly without getting upset by what she said, I'm here to train, not to fight with a dwarf.

"Takuya-san, I talked to masa-san so that he can teach you better the sword style that he and I use, he said yes but he will be late because he has something to do." - said san while I was surprised that masa-san accepted that.

"Well, thanks for that san-chan" - I said while smiling happy to be able to train and continue to grow in strength.

"Why not, we have a sparring match while we wait for masa-san?" - San asked while I nodded, it would be good.

"Sure, let's use these shinais..." - I said as I took out two shinais that I have stored in my inventory.

"Eh? Where did that come from?" - Maki asked surprised to see that she took the shinais out of nowhere.

"It's an ability that I have, that allows me to store lifeless objects" - I replied while giving the brief explanation, san also seemed to want to know that's why I said it.

"Oh, that's very useful, takuya-san" - san said as he nodded.

"Well, how about we start?" - I said as san nodded and maki moved away from her.

"Well whenever you want" - I said after putting myself in position, san had also done it.

In that san ran towards me at high speed, I also ran until the two of us got closer and ended up trying to hit each other, but we ended up blocking at the same time.

"You have a lot of strength san-chan" - I said while trying to resist that san didn't push me back.

This simultaneous attack meant the true beginning of the battle.

"YOU CAN SAN-SAMA, WIN AND KILL THAT SEA WORM" - maki yelled while he encouraged san, but I better pay attention to the battle.

At that san and I jumped back and then collided again the shinais while trying to land a blow to the body of another.

Between san and me, the great difference in styles was noticeable.

The sword style that san uses is very good. his footwork, breathing, and sword control were very good.

while my sword style is just a degradation of a true sword style, the footwork, breathing, and movement are not made for real fighting.

also it seems like san had transformed when the fight started, since he hasn't spoken in all this time and has only been trying to win.

I could barely react to block san, my reaction speed slightly better than a normal human, otherwise I would have already lost, because san moves very fast by human standards.

I blocked san's attacks while he tried to look for an opportunity to attack, without much success.

"COME ON SAN-SAMA YOU CAN, KILL THAT SEAWORM!!" - I heard maki yell making me lose concentration and...

"ARGH!!" - I screamed in pain after I received a blow to my forehead, it wouldn't be so bad if it had been someone with little strength, but whoever did it was a mermaid.

"Takuya-san are you alright?" - said san while she woke up from her concentration and approached me worried

"Yes, I think so" - I said as I clenched my teeth because of the pain, I checked the place where I had been hit and it had blood.

"Takuya-san is bleeding" - said san while she was scared.

"here, use this" - i said as i took out a first aid kit from my inventory and gave it to san.

San quickly took out everything I needed and more to clean the wound, put on a cream and then wrap my forehead with gauze.

"..." - I remained silent while San did everything, it had been a long time since I faced a person much stronger than me.

"I'm so sorry takuya-san, I saw the opportunity to win and I didn't realize that I used a lot of force" - san apologized.

"Well, don't worry so much, it's normal for things like that to happen" - I said without taking much importance, I hurt myself many times while training when I was a child.

"As expected, san-sama beat you very easily, even if you last a little longer than I expected" - maki said while she was sitting on a stone.

After that, maki started congratulating san for winning and I kept thinking about how he seemed to have wasted all those years learning the kenjutsu of this era.

I don't deny that it's good, but in this era it was degraded a lot...' - I thought while sighing for all the problems I had to become stronger.

"Takuya-san..." - I heard san speak to me, it seems that maki went inside the house while I was thinking.

"What's wrong san-chan?" - I asked while turning to see her.

"I, I'm sorry about this morning at school" - san apologized.

"It's not your fault, san-chan" - I said as he shook his head, the culprit is mikawa kai.

"No. If I had stopped him he wouldn't have tried to cut you, but I didn't know what to do. When I reacted and wanted to stop them from fighting, Kai-kun had already pounced on you" - san said as he lowered his head sadly.

"Well, san-chan I can't give you a super long speech to make you feel better since I'm not good at it."

"But the only thing I can tell you is don't feel so bad about it, it's not your fault what he did, he just came to help you"

"Although very bad the way he came and he has a bad informant to tell me to kidnap you"-I said while he sighed, I'm bad at this.

"So don't feel bad. But I'd appreciate it if you help me if there's any problem. Now, I'm just a normal human, I can't fight head-on against a mermaid" - I said while smiling. although it hurts it's the truth, I can't fight a mermaid head on.

"Mmm..." - san nodded and seemed to want to say something else, but he arrived next to masa-san.

After that masa-san apologized for being late and then started teaching me the basics of sword style.

The wound didn't hurt that much, the good thing is that I didn't have to make many sudden movements because it was the basics of the basics, at the end of the training I went to take a shower and then to sleep.

'I have a long way to go if I want to be strong' - I thought as I sighed and fell asleep.

[The next day]

I was at school today I thought it was going to be a normal day, but.

"TODAY A NEW TRANSFER STUDENT HAS ARRIVED IN THE CLASS: MIKAWA KAI..." -  my father-in-law yelled as he introduced the new student.


"As I thought!, seto san attracts strange people" - mawari said while he had his head in his hands.

'You're right mawari, you're right' - I thought as he sighed for not being able to deny what he said.

'My quiet days' - I thought as i sighed again for my misfortune.


Takuya is not weak, just that san is very strong.

This chapter was not planned, I just thought about it this morning when I finished writing the previous one and well that's how it turned out.

I don't know if it fit me or not but I'll upload it to prove a point and that is that takuya is humanly strong, but when we talk about beings that can destroy walls very easily. so, he is very weak.

I hope you liked today's chapters.

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