the legendary warrior with a system

Explanations, questions and answers.

"Nice to meet you, takuya kanbara, I introduce myself, I am the god who rules the realm of void, the god king of void Alexander Necron, I am also the person who reincarnated you and the one who gave you this system. You can tell me Alexander, it will be easier this way". - the god appeared... alexander.

"H-hello..." - I greeted as my headache went away.

"Well... I don't have much time, so I'm going to tell you what's going on, please don't ask questions until I'm done talking." - He said as I nodded, trying to make my headache go away quickly.

"You have been chosen by the DigiVice to help us find the digi-spirits of the 10 legendary warriors that were lost in the multiverse, so to facilitate your search I have created this system that will help you more easily enter different worlds to find them" - he spoke while pausing so I could understand what he was trying to tell me... at least the headache subsided and I can think better.

"Using DigiVice I managed to decrease the list where you can search, now the system shows you possible worlds with a 70% chance that any of the hidden digi-spirits might be there, unfortunately I can't tell if they are there or not, you will have to enter the world and the system although it won't give you the exact location where it is hidden, it can tell you if there is any digi-spirit in that world or not, that was the best I could do in the short time I had" - he said while giving a tired sigh.

"The good thing is that with the DigiVice, I managed to find the universe where the digi-spirit that correspond to you is, in the universe where you are now, there are the two digi-spirits (human and beast) that represent fire. According to the human digi-spirit is hidden on earth while the beast is on some other distant planet, that was the best the system could do after entering the world" - he continued as my confusion grew.

"Now... let's talk about the system, the system its only was function is to facilitate the search for digi-spirits, but I decided to add other things to make it easier for you to search, let's start with the status."

"The status I made it simple, just putting the name, race, age, powers and abilities since many times, people with systems rely too much on the status."

"The inventory is not that big, it's only 5 km², it will serve you mostly to store the things you will gain in the gacha."

"The gacha function I added to give you a random reward, you will get a lottery ticket every time you find any digi-spirit or enter a new world, there is a difference between a lottery ticket you get when you find a digi-spirit than when you enter a world."

"The ticket you get when you find a digi-spirit will give you a random reward from different worlds, whereas the lottery ticket you get when you enter a new world will give you a random thing from that world"

"The multiversal travel function will give you a list of possible worlds where there is a digi-spirit, after entering a world the system will do a scan that will help you know if there is a digi-spirit there or not, if there is not, you will have to stay a week in that world as that is the time the system needs to recharge its energy to take you back to your world and the same goes for traveling to another world. The time in your main world will stop so you won't have any problems if you have to stay too long in another world"

"Well that would be the most important thing I can tell you now you, do you have any questions?" - he finished speaking to then ask me the obvious.

"Yes, first of all, you.... was it you who killed me?" - for now I think that's the question that matters most to me... seriously I still have nightmares of that tornado of fire falling on top of me and slowly burning me to death.

"No... I had nothing to do with that, rather that little mistake cost me much more effort than I had planned, as I had to send your soul to another world while you still kept your memories and right now I'm not at my best which was very difficult for me" - he answered me with indifference but clear annoyance in his voice, for having had to do more than he should have.

"So, do you know who it was... and why me, as far as I know I don't have anything special to be chosen?" - I asked a little uneasy to know.

"Mmmm... yes, yes I know, but not that it matters now.... not that you can do anything after knowing that, but I'll tell you to calm you down a bit, your original world, wasn't as normal as you thought, that world had a supernatural side hidden to normal people, and it just so happened that right where you were passing by there was a fight between two supernatural beings, and unfortunately you ended up dying from one of the attacks. ... and the reason why you can't do anything, is that your killer died in that fight so you can't take revenge, if that's what you had planned" - he answered me with total indifference in his voice as he told me about it.

"..." - I was silent as I tried to calm down.

"And about why you were chosen, well you see, the DigiVice was the one who chose you, simple as that, although the long version was because outside of the digimon universe there aren't many people who have a great level of compatibility with a DigiVice, and the only DigiVice I got was that one, the others stay strictly in their universe, After the DigiVice chose you, I started to create the system, so, I wasn't looking out for you and you died. The system that was made exactly for you, so I had to reincarnate you with your memories, otherwise the DigiVice would choose someone else and I would have to recreate the system from scratch to make it work properly. ... it was a headache" - he spoke sighing at what he had to go through.

"...The last two questions, what was it that happened that the digi-spirits were spread out in different worlds...and if it was so hard to find a person with great compatibility who could carry the DigiVice, why didn't they find it in your universe?" - I asked because it seemed strange.... I understand that they could have dispersed in their same universe, but how did they disperse out of it and why didn't they choose a person from the same universe.

"(sigh) with your first question, it happened because of a small mistake that cost a lot, mainly it was my fault, I did something that inadvertently let out a thin thread of energy from the void of my body. and somehow it will come to a person with multiple personality problems, but the problem was that his second personality has more control in his power being able to destroy a galaxy if he wanted to, which he would do since that second personality is made to destroy the galaxy. humanity" - I can hear the pain in his voice.

"so I had to talk to another person who was able to enter that universe to weaken him while the other one takes control of his body again... it was the second mistake I made, since the other person also has multiple personality problems due to his power although he had it more controlled" - the pain in his voice grows.

"So he had given him a mirror dimension so they could fight without worrying about destroying the planet, and in case he lost control too he would be locked in there, but when the fight was almost over, they ended up using their strongest attacks"

"causing the mirror dimension to weaken and end up opening a gap where the attacks were sent elsewhere"

"That being connected to me will end up sending him to the void where several universes are connected and somehow misfortune struck causing the attacks to end up falling in the digimon universe, just falling in the digital world 4"

"at least the will of the digital world managed to weaken the attacks, but they landed right where the digi-spirits were sheltering"

"but the attacks coming from the void had a certain amount of void energy in it that ended up creating a fissure big enough to swallow the digi-spirits, ending up in the void and separated into different worlds..." - ended without want to talk more apparently.

"..." - I was silent at the randomness of such serious events occurring only by a small thread of energy.

"(sigh) about your second question, after I went to talk to the will of the digital world, I somehow convinced him to give me the DigiVice but I couldn't get them to let me grab a person from that universe..." - he finished answering my second question.

"...Tell me do I have a time limit to find the digi-spirits?" - I asked I had almost forgotten.

"You don't have... the multiverse is very large it will take you a long time to find them all, so it would be impossible to find them all with a time limit, the will of the digital world understood that so they didn't give me a deadline" - he answered.

"So... I guess that would be it, so I'll say goodbye until the next time we meet which would be when you finish gathering the digi-spirits..." - He said as quickly the video call cut off and wouldn't let me respond.

"..." - I sat staring at the notebook in front of me as I wondered what I had gotten myself into.

[Minutes later of reflection]

"Ok... I'm not going to accomplish anything by staying like this, for now let's accept it, I don't know how many times I dreamed of the chance to have the DigiVice generation 4, and then have a system and travel the worlds, besides I decided to enjoy life the best I can as long as I live... so that's what I'll do" - I said as my eyes shone with resolution.

"I takuya kanbara will be the legendary warrior that will create a legend in all the worlds you visit.... OOOHHHHHHH!!!" - in my moment of excitement I ended up standing up from my chair while raising my right hand with the DigiVice clutched in my hand... and unintentionally got so excited that I ended up shouting.

"TAKUYA ARE YOU OK I HEARD A SCREAM" - I heard my mother scream.

"I'M FINE MOM..." - I shouted as I thanked all the saints that she didn't come up to see what I was doing.

'Now what interests me most at the moment... the porridge' - I thought as a smile appeared on my face thinking about what may come my way.


In a darkly decorated room, was a man sitting on a throne as he watched the screen in front of him showing him the moment of takuya shouting excitedly.

Then two holograms of two men appeared, one looking like a 17 year old teenager with blue and white hair, bright blue eyes, dressed in a blue and white jacket, a black shirt with green stripes, long black pants with shoes of the same color.

The other, was a man in his 20s, had long red hair, red eyes, white shirt with a tie and a black colored jacket, a black leather belt on his waist and right leg, black gloves with red, black pants and shoes of the same color.

"Why didn't you let one of us go get them, it would have been easier?" - The teenager asked as he looked at Alexander.

"It's not my fault, the will of the digital world and the digimons didn't want you to look for it, they didn't even want me to do it, they preferred to wait for the DigiVice to find someone to look for the digi-spirits..." - Alexander he sighed as he thought about the digital world.

"... So why didn't one of them go if they didn't want them to do it to us?" - The red-haired man asked with his arms crossed.

"The digi-spirits when they left the digimon universe, they can't be returned just by grabbing them, it would end up becoming the warrior digimon, the only way to get them back was with the DigiVice: D-Scanner, and they couldn't send one of the main digimon because they would be exposed to in-universe attacks by some evil digimon, the will of the digital world can't interfere much if that happens, it wasn't that they could do it either since digimon are walking bombs, if in case one has an evolution deviation and changes to be an evil digimon it will cause a lot of problems" - He sighed again thinking that everywhere there is always a problem.

"Then... since I have nothing to do but to wait.... I'm leaving, I have many problems to solve" - said goodbye the redhead while his hologram disappeared.

"I also have things to solve, so see you..." - the teenager also said goodbye while his hologram disappeared.

Alexander sat motionless as he watched the holograms location before removing his armor gauntlet and looking at his palm which has a cut growing turning his flesh and blood into white energy, which was dispersing into small white particles.

"If this keeps up, I don't have much time left..." - He thought as he put his gauntlet back on and stood up from the throne.

'Dukemon crimson mode, I never thought I would face him' - he thought as he disappeared from the place leaving purple and black particles in the air.

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