The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

10: Acquisition

Tom sat there for a good minute as another tear streaked down his eyes. He didn’t know why he was crying, or rather… he didn’t want to accept it.

Part of it was the stress of this situation, forced to fight for his life in an unfamiliar world, sent to the other side practically naked and defenseless. Part of it was the agonized cries of the dying Tuskers ringing again and again in his ears, his mind seeming to be intentionally trying to make him yield to the guilt he felt.

But that wasn’t the main reason why, if he were to be truthful to himself.

The tuskers would kill him if they’d spotted him first. So Tom took preventive action as struck first. That was a line of reasoning Tom could accept. He was alone in a magical forest full of monsters; every advantage, every opportunity he let slip under these conditions might be the catalyst that got him killed.

No, pragmatism was not the reason why Tom was crying.

The sorrow he felt was for the person he was becoming. Not even a day had passed, and Tom had already began to feel distant from the man that he used to be. A week later, a month later… if the situation didn’t improve, then what depths would he have gone to survive by that point?

Was this how life was going to be from now on?

Get up.

“Why?” Tom whispered under his breath. Why should he get up? Only to stake his life on the next battle, one more brush with death? The first encounter had almost gotten him killed. The second encounter had been a stroke of blind luck.

Then don’t. Sit there and wait for the next monster to finish you off. Ignoring your problems, giving up on your aspirations, accepting whatever direction life tugs you away in…. isn’t that what you’re best at?

Tom grit his teeth as painful memories surfaced to the forefront of his consciousness. One day blurring into the next as he repeated the same tasks, did the same job over and over again. Never once did he try and step out of his comfort zone. Never once did he seek out a significant other in his life, because he was too scared of getting hurt again. Too scared of being abandoned.

To live and die without leaving the smallest impact on anyone around him… that was his legacy back on Earth.

Anything was better than that.

Tom’s expression hardened, the motes of his prior determination to survive coalescing into something greater, something far more powerful— resolve.

There is one difference, you know.

He knew. He knew indeed. Earth and Artezia maybe similar in how they treated him but… indeed, there was a very important difference there.

On Artezia, Tom actually won, every once in a while.

Tom’s lips blossomed into a cheeky smile as he wistfully gazed at the sky, as if his gaze could pierce through Artezia's atmosphere and percieve his home planet.

"Farewell," he mouthed, releasing a burst of uncomfortable emotions that he'd been lugging around for so long they'd almost become a part of him.

He sighed.

It was unbecoming of [The Fool] to cry so much. He should project a facade of joviality and cheer more often. If he tried long enough, who knew, maybe it'd become reality.

Finally, his gaze shifted to the blue screen that had been hovering in front of his eyes since he’d killed the two [Symiril Tuskers].

[You have successfully slayed a Level 1 Symiril Tusker (Female). Your Deck Card [The Flame] has received 220 experience.]

[You have successfully slayed a Level 1 Symiril Tusker (Male). Your Deck Card [The Flame] has received 240 experience.]

[Congratulations, [The Flame] card has reached Level 2!]

[Experience required to reach level 3: 360/500.]

He rediscovered strength in his limbs, his resolve giving him the courage to stand once more.

[Would you like to Loot the carcass?]

Tom replied in affirmative.

[You have received a Level 1 [Earth’s Vitality] card. Would you like to [Feed] this [Common] ranked card to your Soul Card or add it to your [Deck Cards]?

[You have received a Level 1 [Water Propulsion] card. Would you like to [Feed] this [Common] ranked card to your Soul Card or add it to your [Deck Cards]?

“Add both to my [Deck Cards],” he hurriedly replied, a hint of desperation leaking into his voice.

That Earthen Glow had to be what he was searching for. His efforts had to mean something.

[Doing so will deduct temporarily 2 Soul Power for the duration you have the two [Common] cards added to your deck].

“Do it,” he reiterated, the tension in his voice rising by an octave.

He felt, or rather sensed two tendrils of energy flowing from the two cards that were floating midair above the [Symiril Tusker’s] carcasses.

Without hesitation, Tom snatched the cards, with a tad more force than what was necessary.

Those cards belonged to him now.

[Name: Thomas Lowe.

Age: 18

Soul Card: The Fool [Level 1]


Physical: 4

Mental: 9

Proprioception: 5

Soul Power: 32/32 [35]

Deck Cards:

1. The Flame [Common]: Level 2 [LEVEL UP!]


Ember Level 2 [360/500]: Release a small, concentrated burst of hot flames that drain 1 SP for every thirty five seconds of continuous use. [Level 2 reward- Range has been increased by 1 meter. Ember lasts for five additional seconds for every 1 SP spent].

2. Water Propulsion [Common]: Level 1


Torrent Level 1 [0/100]: Release a linear, compressed torrent of water that drains 1 SP for every fired shot.

3. Earth’s Vitality


Heal Level 1 [0/100]: Absorb the Earth’s vitality to cast a protective halo around you that continuously heals minor wounds and staunches bleeding. Drains 1SP/minute. Requires continuous contact with an earthen surface. ]

“Yes!” Tom exclaimed, stopping himself from roaring in triumph. For the first time since he’d stepped on this plane, this unfamiliar land, things were finally going his way.

He’d snatched back a modicum of his agency from Artezia, nearly dying in the process. He could now heal, and he had two methods of attack under his belt.

[Symiril Tusker Meat x2 has been deposited in your inventory].

[Symiril Tusker Bone Marrow Extract x2 has been deposited in your inventory.]

Tom’s smile began to fade a little as he saw the Tusker’s corpses begining to deflate. He winced slightly when he saw that not even it’s bone marrow had been spared, but this time he maintained a stoic expression.

The carcasses began to sink into the Earth and Tom made no effort to stop the process. The hide was charred beyond recognition and he’d already received a method to heal himself so it was no longer a priority.

It had not escaped his attention how the two Tusker’s had offered varying amounts of [Soul Experience], both offering way more than the [Ankra Beast] had. That only further served to confirm his suspicions— either levelling Soul Cards was harder for beasts than humans, or there was naturally differing levels of [Soul Strength] found in beasts.

The more he thought about it, the more his thoughts led to his first hypothesis. What was a soul? Tom didn’t exactly know, but he felt that it was irreplaceably linked to his consciousness. What was the beast? Sentient? Yes. Sapient? If he were to estimate the beasts intelligence, it would be a little more than a small child's.

That thought made him sick, but he continued down that line of rationalization. Tom was physically weaker than the beast, but he had a higher degree of sapience.

It led him to one conclusion, founded upon the assumption that his previous chain of reasoning was on the correct track.

The beasts required more experience to level their soul cards. Or more relevantly, the beast’s strength could not be determined by the Level of their [Soul Card].

That… could mean trouble.

For now though, Tom needed to get out of here. Mentally, his line of thinking had changed. He no longer wished to continue on the same path as before, just blindly running forward and keep running into danger in hopes that he could escape the forest.

No… the first order of affairs was to find shelter and a source of water.

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