The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 88: Relief food

   The "potions lesson tuition" only lasted one night, and it ended.

   At least Professor Severus Snape did not mention the time of the next "tuition".

   After the magical loss of control will no longer occur randomly, Jon can boldly release his patron saint in the responsive room for practice.

   Of course, the exercises out of thin air are only on paper. Jon is still very interested in how his shameless patron saint will behave when facing the dementors.

   Now that there are dementors everywhere around the school, waiting for a chance to deal with the dementors is not difficult... Jon has already planned in his heart.


   The first few weeks of school just passed by.

Defense against the Dark Arts soon became a favorite course of most people. Only Draco Malfoy and his few Slytherin brothers liked to speak ill of Professor Lupin; Professor Lupin took them one after another. I learned about Kabbah and Grindillo. The former is a reptile that looks like a monkey with scales, and the latter is a green monster with horns.

   But Ruber Hagrid, the teacher of the magical animal protection class who works with Lupin, is not so lucky.

It is said that since he encountered a little trouble in the first class, his whole person has been like a lost soul... It is said that his more than one month course has allowed students to raise a kind of caterpillar called "Frober Caterpillar". insect.

   "I have never seen such a ridiculous teacher. We are here to attend class, not to help him raise maggots!" Jon heard this comment from senior students more than once:

   "I thought Professor Grapland was bad enough..."

   "Yes, I have never missed Professor Keitelburn like I do now!"


  The other courses are no different from the previous school year.

In the herbal medicine class, they began to come into contact with some dangerous herbs more and more; besides the devil's net, there are also blackroot, mandela and ghost vine... Jon fully demonstrated his outstanding practical ability, no matter Whether it is ramification, grafting or spore collection, he rarely makes any mistakes!

  Professor Sprout takes him very seriously and often asks Jon to go to the greenhouse to be her assistant and help her. Of course, every time after finishing her work, she would give Jon some small gifts, such as rare plant specimens, rare medicinal materials, or a bag of moldy Bibi Duo beans...

   In the potions class, they learned the shrinking solution, the vomiting medicine, and the Humeizi killer. However, the potions that these second-year students need to control are significantly lower than Jon's own level; he hardly encountered any difficulties in class.

In the metamorphosis class and the spell class, Jon’s performance was much better compared to the same period last school year... In the metamorphosis class, Jon was the first student to successfully turn a beetle into a button. Professor Ge praised; in the curse class, Jon's control of the unlocking curse and the freezing curse was also among the best in the class.

   As for the flight class, after receiving the special contribution award certificate from Mrs. Hooch, Jon seems to be a little free!


   At noon on a Saturday in late October, Jon came to the hall and saw a group of students discussing around an announcement.

  Squeezed in front are the main players of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

   "It's Quidditch's new rules!" Gryffindor chaser Katie Bell, the gentleman and the students behind who could not see the announcement, explained.

   "The new rules give the goalkeeper a protective area, great!" Oliver Wood clenched his fists excitedly.

"The batsman also has a new piece of equipment-a glove that can catch the ball, very cool!" One of Fred and George Weasley grinned, and Jon gave it back for the time being. Not both of them.

"The changes to the chaser will be applied in the next Quidditch Cup!" Angelina Johnson said nervously: "The new rules are very complicated. We can only hold the ghost fly ball for a few seconds. , And then it must be passed on..."

   "Harry, what's wrong with you?" The other of the Weasley brothers noticed Harry Potter frowning there.

   "Nothing!" Harry smiled reluctantly: "I just regret that the seeker hasn't changed anything!"

   "Maybe there will be next time!" Wood patted Harry on the shoulder, comforting.

"Okay, everyone, go back to the dormitory. The training is over! Go back to pack up and go to Hogsmeade in the afternoon. Those who are free can make an appointment at the three broomsticks and we have a drink together!" Wood concluded at last.

   Looking at the excited crowd leaving, Harry silently walked to the end of the line...

Hogsmeade Village is a pure wizarding village near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. UU Reading is also the only village in the UK that is made up of wizards... According to school regulations, there are only third and third grades. The above students can only go there on certain Saturdays.

   As a second-year student, Jon naturally did not have the privilege to go to Hogsmeade——

   But he suddenly remembered something and hurried to Hufflepuff’s common room.


   Hufflepuff’s common room, Hannah Abbott, Ernie McMillan and Justin Finley are all ready to go.

   Jon hurried into his dormitory, took out a bag of things, and ran to Hannah Abbot.

   "Hannah, do me a favor..." He said breathlessly, and at the same time passed the bag of things in his hand.

   "Wow, this is... a biscuit?" Hannah first glanced at the trademark on the bag of Muggle food, and read: "What? Dog biscuit?"

   "Yes!" Jon explained quickly: "This is a snack for dogs... I heard that there are many poor stray dogs in Hogsmeade?"

"I don't know too well. My grandfather never took me to Hogsmeade before." Hannah whispered, "Wait, Jon, you want me to take this bag of'dog biscuits' and feed it. Those stray dogs of Hogsmeade?"

   "Yeah... they are so poor!" Jon made a sympathetic expression: "And I am not qualified to go to Hogsmeade now!"

   "Leave it to me!" Hannah patted her breast, and then picked up the bag of dog food.

   "Well, thank you!"

   Jon resisted a smile, left the common room, and returned to the dormitory.

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