The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 61: Gakuin Cup

   Jon will probably never remember how he spent the few days after the first-year final exam.

   The whole person has been crying and crying, always in a mood of no love.

   only some strange thoughts in his mind:

   "Why is this?"

   "No matter the basilisk, the Horcrux, or Occlumency, I obviously prepared it first!"

   "Why is there such a terrible creature like Bogut..."

   So much so that Astoria thought Jon was ill, and dragged him to the school hospital.

"Mr. Hart was just a little frightened!" Madam Pomfrey carefully checked, and said truthfully: "Just like you did, Miss Greengrass... Fortunately, the medicine prepared last time is useless. Finish……"

   After drinking half a bottle of that weird, light blue medicine, Madam Pomfrey forced him to stay in the school hospital for another night before letting him leave.

   Back in Hufflepuff’s common room, Jon learned a piece of news: In the first game of the final Quidditch match, Gryffindor defeated Ravenclaw with a slight advantage of 270:240.

   Of the four academies, only Gryffindor and Hufflepuff won two victories, and Hufflepuff's net score was more than 900 points higher than Gryffindor.

   This means that as long as Hufflepuff does not lose 900 points to the desperate Slytherin in the final round, he can win the Quidditch Cup.

Sure enough, in the game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the seven players of Hufflepuff, with a Buddhist attitude, sat and watched Slytherin score 16 consecutive ghost shots... and then Cedric Di Gori took the Golden Snitch from under Draco Malfoy's ass.

   In the end, Hufflepuff lost to Slytherin 150:160.

   This allowed Slytherin to avoid the embarrassing record of losing all three games, and also allowed Hufflepuff to win the Quidditch Cup again after 13 years.


   Three days after the last exam, Jon followed a group of Hufflepuff students to the auditorium to attend the year-end banquet.

   The auditorium has long been decorated with green and silver representing Slytherin to celebrate their seventh win of the Academy Cup in eight years; on the wall behind the podium, there is a huge banner with a painted Slytherin snake.

   The students and teachers arrived one by one, and the whole auditorium was full.

   After seeing that the people were basically due, the principal Albus Dumbledore stood up, raised his hands, and signaled everyone to be quiet.

   The auditorium quickly became quiet.

"Before enjoying these delicious dishes, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's clichés." Professor Dumbledore said gently: "What a wonderful year! Your little heads are definitely richer than before. Some, the entire summer vacation is waiting for you before, so that you can digest those things well before the beginning of the next semester, and free your mind..."

"Now, as far as I know, we must first carry out the Academy Cup award ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 412 points; third place, Hufflepuff, Four hundred twenty-three points; Ravenclaw four hundred and thirty-two points, Slytherin five hundred and thirty-nine points."

   There was a thunderous cheering and stomping on the Slytherin table.

   Jon saw Astoria hugging and celebrating with her sister.

"It's Slytherin again..." Jon heard the prefect Gabriel Truman muttering in a low voice there: "Since Snape became the dean of Slytherin, Slytherin's annual score is not the first. One is second..."

   Gabriel’s complaint is very reasonable.

In the Potions class, Snape kept deducting points for students from other academies all the time (though Jon himself had not been deducted by him), and Slytherin students were not particularly bad and would get his extra points every day. …Under the circumstances that the other three deans generally maintain fairness, the tide has risen, and Slytherin's score has easily been higher than other colleges in recent years.

   Hufflepuff is the biggest victim, because Hufflepuff has the largest number of students and the number of points deducted every year. So even if they won the Quidditch Cup this semester, they would only be ranked third in the Academy Cup.

   "Don't worry!" Cedric Diggory comforted, "Professor Dumbledore may be the same as last year, there is something else to say."

   Cedric’s estimate is correct.

   "Yes, good performance!" Dumbledore was only heard adding: "However, several recent events must also be counted."

   He cleared his throat, and then said, "There are still some points to be assigned, let me see... The first item is right-Miss Ginny Weasley!"

   Ginny, who was sitting at the back of the long Gryffindor table, blushed and stood up; after realizing something was wrong, she sat down quickly.

   "In the face of the most horrible and darkest existence, she can still maintain the remaining sanity and bravely tell everything... I reward Gryffindor Academy forty points for this!"

   The cheers of the little lions almost overturned the enchanted ceiling.

   You can hear Percy Weasley shouting from the prefect seat: "It's my sister, you know, my only sister..."

"The second item-Miss Hermione Granger..." Dumbledore continued to add: "She is probably the youngest student in Hogwarts' history who has formulated advanced potions... I want to reward him. Lanffindor is forty minutes!"

  Gryffindor’s classmates were ecstatic again and jumped up and down at the table!

   Jon stretched his brows slightly, a little shocked: Is he so awesome?

"The third item-Mr. Harry Potter!" Dumbledore said, and the auditorium suddenly became extremely silent: "Faced with the Slytherin monster, he risked his life and showed unprecedented courage, even Recognized by Godric Gryffindor...for this, I also want to reward Gryffindor Academy with fifty points!"

   The loud voice is just deafening.

  All Gryffindor students are caught in an endless carnival...Gryffindor’s current score is 542 points, while Slytherin has only 535 points!

  They had been in the College Cup for two consecutive years and overtook Slytherin on the last day of the semester...On the podium, Snape shook hands with Professor McGonagall and forced an awkward smile on his face.

   Dumbledore had to yell: "So, we need to make some small changes to the decoration here!"

   He waved his fingers, the green ribbons turned bright red, and the silver flag turned gold; the huge Slytherin snake disappeared, replaced by a majestic Gryffindor lion.

   "Familiar plot!" Jon said to himself, then picked up a glass of pumpkin juice on the table and drank it in advance.

   Dumbledore suddenly raised another hand.

   The Gryffindor students celebrating, quieted down.

   "Of course there is the fourth item-Mr. Jon Hart!" Dumbledore said quietly.

   "Puff!" The pumpkin juice in Jon's mouth was sprayed out all at once, almost spraying Hannah-Alber next to him.

   But Hannah, and the other Hufflepuff students seemed completely unaware, their eyes focused on Professor Dumbledore.

   "I'm Cao, Dumbledore is giving me extra points?" Jon quickly calculated it in his heart. Dumbledore had to add one hundred and twenty points to Hufflepuff before they could surpass Gryffindor.

   Could it be that there is such a high reward for turning Bogut into a principal?

"I have been teaching at Hogwarts for more than ninety years. It is the first time I have seen a student make such an interesting Bogut...for this, I will add ten points to Hufflepuff!" Dumbledore smiled. Said.

   It's very good... Jon couldn't help but breathe, this Dumbledore was too picky.

   But the Hufflepuff badgers around me are far from being as peaceful as myself.

   After Dumbledore added ten points, Hufflepuff's score was 433 points, surpassing Ravenclaw's 432 points.

   They are no longer the bottom of the Academy Cup, but third place.

   Cedric Diggory clenched his fists excitedly, Gabriel Truman almost shed tears, and Hannah Abbot hugged him from behind...

   "Finally it's not the bottom..."

   "Hufflepuff has been at the bottom for seven consecutive years..."

   "Good job, UU reading Jon, you are the hero of Hufflepuff!"

   Even Professor Sprout got up from his seat with a smile, and nodded to Jon.

   became a hero inexplicably, and Jon was soon swept into the ocean of Hufflepuff celebration.

   And he suddenly realized something: "Hannah, don't rub pumpkin juice on me..."


  In contrast to Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw's long table was silent.

  Even Professor Flitwick on the rostrum bowed his head in shame...Now under the rostrum, everyone can't see him at all.

Penello-Crivat in the prefect seat was wiping tears, crying pear blossoms with water...not just her, most of the Ravenclaw girls have already cried, except for the side Luna Lovegood smiling unchanged.

   "What's the matter?" Jon asked Cedric carefully.

  Because he felt that many Ravenclaw boys were looking at him with very hostile eyes.

"This is the first time that Ravenclaw has been at the bottom of the Academy Cup in this century!" Cedric explained: "Ravenclaw is the college that has won the most Academy Cups in this century, and they have not won the Academy for more than 90 years. The last place in the cup..."

"Well done, Jon!" Gabriel patted him **** the shoulder: "We can't take the last place in the Academy Cup every time. They Ravenclaw should also taste what it is like. !"

   Jon nodded with a wry smile, then glanced at Dumbledore on the podium.

   Dumbledore blinked at him, then looked away...

   "So now, let's start the banquet and celebration together!"

   Countless kinds of food, suddenly appeared on the table...

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