The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 59: Final exam

   After knowing the location of the Horcrux, the last dangling thread in Jon's heart was also released.

After the Easter holiday, the mandela grass has fully matured... With the joint efforts of Professor Sprout and Professor Snape, the de-petrification potion was deployed and given to the students who were attacked by the basilisk Used.

   They all returned to normal.

   After Justin Finley woke up, he knew the "truth"... He went to find Harry Potter in Gryffindor for the first time and apologized to him endlessly, saying that he was wronged before.

   Colin Crevey has completely become Harry Potter's little follower, looking at him with admiration at all times.

   Percy Weasley admitted that he had fought a desperate fight with the Slytherin monster before the petrification... "I think I tried my best, Professor McGonagall, but that monster is too powerful..."

   But after celebrating their awakening, they soon learned an unfortunate news:

   The final exam will be held on June 1.

   only about seven weeks ago.


   In the last two months of the first school year, the professors of all courses no longer taught them new knowledge; instead, they gave them plenty of time to review what they had learned in the past nearly one year.

   For most of these two months, Jon was with Astoria, beside a willow tree near the greenhouse behind the castle. While basking in the sun, they recite the twelve uses of dragon blood, or practice the wand movements required for several spells.

   Sometimes tired, Jon simply closed his eyes under the willow tree and refreshed his mind, while reviewing Occlumency several times...He is now more proficient in the use of Occlumency!

   The weather gradually became sultry, and with the arrival of June 1st, the final exam officially began.

  The first thing they conducted was a written test. They used the latest version of the anti-cheat quill.

   This kind of quill pen is more difficult to write than a fountain pen or a ballpoint pen, and the handwriting is much uglier... This made Jon couldn't help but criticize the backwardness and complacency of the wizarding world.

   The written test went quite smoothly. With my excellent attention and sufficient review, there would be no major problems.

   But Astoria was a little worried after the potions class exam: "I don't remember the difference between aconitum aconitum and aconitum aconitum. I left it blank for that big question..."

   "They are actually a kind of plant, collectively called Aconitum!" Jon comforted her: "Actually, don't worry, you did very well in the potions class. Professor Snape will definitely not give you a low score!"

   Of course, in addition to the written test, there is a practical test.

   During the spell test, Professor Flitwick asked them to enter the classroom one by one and asked them to try to tap a pineapple across a desk.

   Jon did a pretty good job, except that when he reached the last step, he accidentally caused the pineapple to fall... Professor Flitwick showed a look of regret, and after writing a line of numbers on the transcript, he let him leave.

   Transfiguration class exam, Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a mouse into a snuff box.

   Jon became a snuff box, although not as exquisite as Ginny Weasley, but at least no rat's beard remained on it.

   During the potions exam, Professor Snape asked them to make a pot of forgetting potion.

   Jon completed all the steps in only fifteen minutes. When he finally added the licorice solution, Snape came to observe carefully for several minutes, but still couldn't pick out any problems.

   In the herbal medicine class, Jon also took about fifteen minutes to write the names of the thirty herbs that Sprout showed.

   "Full score!" When he left the greenhouse, Professor Sprout smiled and sent him away, while secretly spoiling him.

   And the afternoon of the Quidditch exam was probably the worst afternoon of the whole year.

   Jon rode the flying broomstick for only ten seconds before he fell from the sky. Fortunately, he responded promptly and used a Levitating Charm on himself, and it didn't cause a tragedy.

   In Madam Hooch’s angry gaze, Jon scornfully left... There is no doubt that the test results are destined to fail.

   There are no practical courses for the astronomy class and the history of magic, so there is only the last one of the seven subject exams studied by the first-year students: that is the practical exam for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


   The practical exam for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was conducted in the previous classroom.

   As Dumbledore shouted the name of a student, that student would follow Professor Dumbledore into the classroom, and then come out in a few minutes.

   "Sean Avery!"

The order of    is the same as that of the Sorting Hat.

   "Theresa Baker!"

   "Colin Crevey!"

... the expressions on each student's face are different when they come out. For example, the Ravenclaw girl named Teresa Baker walked out of the classroom with joy and smiles; while Gryffindor’s Colin-Ke When Levi came out, his head was bowed and his face was ashamed.

   student after student, soon, it’s here...

   "Astoria Greengrass!"

   Astoria came out soon, her face also smiling.

   When passing by she whispered: "Come on!"

   "Thank you!" Jon replied in a low voice, and then Professor Dumbledore had already called out his name:

   "Jon Hart!"

   "Good morning, Jon!" Professor Dumbledore was not as serious as the other teachers when invigilating the exam; after several months of teaching, he had remembered the name of every first-year student.

   "Good morning, Professor!" Jon also greeted honestly.

   "Then let's start the exam!" Dumbledore smiled and waved his wand.

   An active dummy with constantly changing expressions appeared in front of Jon.

   "Try the petrification spell!" Dumbledore prompted.

   "Petrificus Totalus!" Jon raised his green bamboo wand and chanted the spell calmly.

   With a faint red light, the expression of the movable dummy freezes, and it can no longer swing back and forth.

   "It's beautiful!" Dumbledore waved his magic wand again, and the former mobile dummy disappeared, replaced by a mobile dummy holding a wooden stick.

   "Try the Disarm Charm again!" Dumbledore reminded again.

   In a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in early April, Professor Dumbledore once taught this spell to first-year students.

   "Except your weapon (Expelliarmus)!"

   There was another red light, and the wooden stick in the dummy's hand was knocked out several yards away.

   "Good job, Jon!" Dumbledore nodded, "Now you only need to complete the last exam, and you can enjoy the summer vacation!"

   While talking, the second dummy also disappeared.

   Then three wooden boxes appeared in front of Jon.

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