The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 48: invite

  Professor McGonagall’s words made the whole school permeated with a beaming atmosphere after breakfast.

So that in the morning's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, most of the students of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were whispering to each other; no one paid attention to how Professor Lockhart was performing with Miss Melinda-Bobbin Subdue a werewolf with bare hands.

   "Like this, grab the werewolf's right paw... the action is beautiful, Miss Pobin..." Professor Lockhart explained loudly on the stage.

"I didn't expect the Slytherin monster to be a giant snake. It's terrible!" Behind Jon, Eloise Midgen was communicating with Zacharys Smith in a low voice: "Hogg Watts will have such a terrible thing in the future..."

   "To be sure!" Zacharias said with a face: "I can't imagine that there will be creatures more terrifying than giant snakes in the school!"

   Jon secretly stuck his tongue out in front, and refocused his gaze on the textbook "Wandering with the Werewolves".

   After ten minutes, the boring Defense Against the Dark Arts class is finally over.

   When Professor Lockhart announced the end of get out of class and the students filed out, Jon Hart deliberately slowed down, stayed alone, and then walked towards the podium.

   "What's the matter, Jon?" Guidro Lockhart's voice was light, and it sounded like he was in a good mood.

"Yes, Professor Lockhart." Jon said in a very calm tone, "I just went to class to watch "Wandering with Werewolves" over there, and I ran into a little trouble... I didn't understand silverware too much. The magic principle of restraining werewolves!"

   "Oh, isn't it!" Professor Lockhart blinked.

   "So... I hope to go to the library to borrow two related books, unfortunately, they are all in the forbidden book area." As he said, Jon handed over the note in his hand.

  The old trick was repeated, but Lockhart was not as careless this time as last time, he actually looked down at the note.

"Under the Shadow of the Moon", the author is Moka Treford, my God, how does the author's name sound familiar!" Professor Lockhart said to himself: "There is also a book called "Summon Your Heart Happiness... Oh my god, it's actually a book for Dementors, no wonder it's in the restricted book zone...

Jon was prepared for a long time and said calmly: "Yes, Mr. Newt-Scamander mentioned in "Monsters and Their Origin" that the werewolves and the dementors may have a certain relationship, so I I want to learn a little bit by understanding the characteristics of Dementors."

", I mean I knew this a long time ago!" Professor Lockhart was stunned, and then quickly said: "Jon, don't just tell others that you are learning about Dementors. Spell, this will make some people in the Ministry of Magic think you have a bad heart..."

   Jon was taken aback, then nodded.

"Of course, as a teacher, I will definitely not stop my best student, the thirst for knowledge and exploration!" Professor Lockhart took out a large peacock quill pen and wrote a lot on the note This book.

   "Thank you, professor!"


   Leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Jon immediately went to the library.

   But this time, Mrs. Pince is far less talkative than before.

   She took the note and read it over and over many times. She leaned the note close to the lamp and tried to find the traces of the forgery. There was no doubt that she failed... Ten minutes later, Mrs. Pins returned with two very old books.

   "These are these two!" She said coldly.

   "Thank you, madam!"

   Jon carefully put the two books back into his bag, and left without incident.

   Now that the basilisk is dead, even though there are more than four months left in the first grade semester, he should prepare for the "accident" that occurred at Hogwarts in the second grade.

The patron saint curse was as expected by the Ministry of Magic as a "forbidden curse". After all, the dementors are still the clerks of the Ministry... They can't let lawbreakers control and fight against these "civil servants" casually. Spell.

Books about werewolves are easy to find, but most of them are about how to deal with and eliminate werewolves... In the face of a "moderate" werewolf like Lupin, Jon felt that there was no need to go to great lengths in this regard; after all, Lu Under normal circumstances, you will not bite casually, just remember not to go out on the night of the full moon.

Because of his occupational habits, he is more concerned about the difference in the physiological structure of werewolves and ordinary people, which has made the pathogenic mechanism of the wolfworm pathogen... books in this area are not easy to find, and he has spent a lot of effort to find it in the restricted book area One.

   The second grade (the third grade of the Salvation Trio) can be said to be the most stable year for Hogwarts in the next few years.

Even though Blake is notorious now, in fact he is not a villain at all and poses no threat; he does not have the same tragic past as Harry Potter, and will not arouse much interest from the dementors; Peter will not be interested unless he Urgently, UU reading is just a harmless little mouse...

   And it is very simple to want to break the game this year. Find an opportunity to turn the compound decoction into Neville Longbottom, go to the door of the Gryffindor common room and tell others that you have forgotten your password. After getting in, he shot Peter to death with a single shot. It's over! There is no need to play the subsequent plots. Without Peter and Voldemort, there is no need to be exhausted and resurrected through the Goblet of Fire...

   But this method still has certain risks. After all, Peter is an adult wizard who has received a little truth from Voldemort, and his combat power is definitely not comparable to that of a second-year student... and he is so desperate that rabbits can bite people, let alone mice.

   More importantly... how should the follow-up plot progress?

   Even if Peter never expected that Neville Longbottom, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would change his style of painting, he took a gun and shot him headshot... Then Peter died, wouldn't Voldemort be resurrected?

  Impossible, Fuerguizi has six half-horcruxes. Resurrection is an inevitable event...

   After repeated thinking, Jon felt that instead of waiting for Voldemort to resurrect through unknown means, with unknown consequences, it is better to continue to watch the original plot development, and wait for the savior to kill him.


   just like this, ran to the Hufflepuff common room.

  As he walked down the stairs on the first floor of the castle, he met a young girl with blond curly hair.

   "Mr. Hart..." the girl stopped and said softly.

   "What's the matter?" Jon asked in a cold voice, "Miss Greengrass."

   "That... Professor Snape said he was waiting for you in the office at 3:15 in the afternoon... He invited you to have an afternoon tea."

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