The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 85

13 Real fake

Three full days after Rose and Tiga disappeared.

A search was carried out throughout the king’s capital by knights and magicians who received the king’s orders, but could not be found. On the contrary, one sighting does not appear.

“Looks like you’re in a lot more trouble than I expected… just fine”

The young man with the silver edge glasses nodded with a translation face.

“Nephra… what’s” right ”?

“The more you move, the more you had the strange fate of hunting yourself down into poverty, but Sonia is also quite… the blood connection is honorable… wonderful”

“Hehe, I can’t afford to be polite to your bullshit right now. For now, Ville, will you shut me up?

“Leave it to me.”

I forgave you because Nefra apologized in the face where Ville came forward.

Totally, I’m in pain.

I have lived carefully to avoid reproducing “morrow” until now. But there are no more scenarios. When you can move freely, the choices are endless, and one misjudgment later causes unexpected trouble.

I’ve learned a lot. Though it’s going to be a feather that pays a high risk.

Rosé’s birthday party approached and Nefra came to Ruziaro as the name of King Mistria.

Hand pawns… I’m glad to have more power, but I’m still a man with no grasp.

“Dear Sonia, please don’t look at me like I see such a frigid thing… it’s outside my heart”

“Hey. Why do you seem a little happy?”

“Bill, that’s enough.”

I would just be tired if I handled it properly. It’s just that we’re going to have a big job to stop. Flush where you can.

After exchanging information that was likely to be beneficial to each other, Nefra bowed her head respectfully.

“We will also cooperate to the fullest extent in the honor of your master… please give us your instructions”

“Right. Can you keep Kohak for now? I’m worried about leaving you alone. But I can’t even take you.”

I left Kohak with Nefra, who had been brought from the Forest Hall. Kohak had a slightly soggy face, but he didn’t particularly resist. You strangely miss Nefra, don’t you, this girl?

“Okay. I will protect you.”

“Thank you. Please.”


Me and Ville stroked Kohak’s head before heading to the conference room where the kings gathered.

“How could you!? How could you do this while you were here! Rosé stays like this……!

Dear Yulaiah, who distorts beautiful faces and weeps. In just a few days, it’s completely dilapidated. Even when I was reprimanded by the queen of one kingdom, I stood motionless one eyebrow.

Something I apologize for here and nothing progresses. There’s a lot going on and it’s annoying, and I just want to say it back, but not if you lack calm.

“Don’t, Yulaia. That letter was definitely Rosé’s handwriting. It’s a mistake to blame Miss Sonia more than Rose is acting on her own volition”

It was His Majesty the King of Luziaro who sheltered me.

… Somehow, he’s such a cool old man. A forged flesh at a glance and a riddled and stern face, a powerful aura that doesn’t attract people to stop. He’s usually cheerful and tea-eyed, but I saw him as the type to turn into a reliable man as soon as it came to an emergency. I wonder if I’ve been a hottie ever since I was younger.

“That’s right. Focus on finding Roselint as soon as possible now. If you don’t give Miss Sonia a hand, too.”

Olivia supported Master Yulaia, who cried down, and put him in his seat.

The indoor gaze gathers at me and Ville. Me and Ville were also present at a place full of direct royalty of Ruziaro. To look into it in the last three days and report what I find out.

Hmm, that just makes me nervous. Ville looks restless, too.

But I can’t stay long anymore.

We have to reveal everything here to help Rosé and save Luziaro from the prediction of disaster.

Very few people here know that Rose is a witch and that there was Melissa in the castle. Let me not hesitate to talk to you.

I turned my gaze to Halemine.

He cares about his fingertips because he doesn’t seem interested when he says his belly sister has disappeared. With the same black clothes, you’re turning the nerves of people worried about Rosé upside down.

“So, Mistrian guests. Did you find out anything about Roselint’s disappearance?

Asked by the First Prince Astral, I roughly took out two boxes.

A black box I discovered from the room of the witch Melissa.

The white box that the missing Rosé left in her room.

The two were almost identical in color.

In previous life, there was the word “Pandora’s Box”. That’s exactly what this white and black box was. Lots of disaster packed. I can’t even let Rose disappear.

“Yes. How did Master Roselint disappear? I see why.”

The white box was not sealed. But there was a seal on the inside of the box. Once I had referenced its magical structure, I was able to unchain the black box and open it lightly. It was like someone was polite enough to give me a hint and I didn’t feel too good about it. Well, that helped.

I was really surprised when I checked the contents.

And I couldn’t help but be angry.

“Inside this box were the research materials left behind by the witch Melissa. The white boxes were older, and for decades now, the black boxes were more recent in their continuation. It was pretty exciting, but can I talk to you on this occasion?

“Wait! Wait! That’s…!

Master Yulaia messed up again and reached for me. No one and he were surprised by the unusual appearance, but His Majesty the King himself held Master Yulaia and nodded one at me.

“I don’t mind. Now we fight for a moment.”

I nodded and took a piece of glass out of the white box. The royal people peek in and tilt their necks.

This is a tool called the Infinite Dial invented by the Northern Witch. I can weave the magic of light and write an infinite amount of information compared to paper.

It’s like “probably” from the last life. I’ve never seen anything real before either. I want some.

I asked the servant to darken the room and instilled magic in the transparent dial.

A letter of light floats in the universe. Oh, and His Majesty the King leaks his admirable breath.

It’s strange for me to say, but it’s near-future, isn’t it? Sounds like “yep fu”.

“Check this out first. It describes the heritage concerning the founding of the Kingdom of Luziaro. Perhaps part of a history deliberately left out.”

I briefly spoke of the covenant between the first king, Mergin, and the angel, Luin Alin.

Mergin infiltrated the land with angelic powers in exchange for sweet blood in order to make the devastated earth a paradise. The angel healed his wounded body and decided to fall asleep beneath the kingdom until the day when his sins would be forgotten.

When the provision of sweet blood is made by the children of Merzin, the covenant is over, and the angel leaves the land.

“Such a thing…”

“I can’t believe it.”

“Why was such a serious matter hidden?

I remember the infinite dial in order to answer the questions thrown at me.

“This is Melissa the Witch’s research journal. Only excerpts and explains the relevant parts. This inheritance of the covenant between Mergin and the angel was missing three hundred years ago, after the death of Pranati, the savior witch of Ruziaro.”

Princess Pranati had a brother.

He greatly lamented the fact that his sister gave her sweet blood for a covenant with an angel and lost her life young.

And he had some concerns from Planati’s personal dealings with angels and his use of grand sorcery like rain-begging sorcery.

If any man appeared to use angels in future generations and try to satisfy his own desires…

… you don’t seem to need to use your life for trading materials. Deal with an angel at the expense of a royal son who lives in magic, and you can exploit as much as you want.

The brother prince was determined.

No longer required, such as a contract with an angel.

If civilization is to develop from now on, the grace of the river of magic should at least be able to live.

I don’t want my own offspring to have a hard role to play.

After taking over the throne, his brother, the prince, who thought so, rushed for a long time to erase records about angels.

It must have been an extraordinary thought.

Even though I don’t know what will happen to the land of Luziaro after the angel leaves.

Except I can’t erase the angel records perfectly, and it seems I’ve left behind a legend and a fragment called “The Angel’s Sitting Garden”.

“On the other hand, a witch hitting the Planati master was secretly taking over the inheritance of an angel. She was mourning Planati’s death, so it seems that you were doing research on angels to ensure that the death of your apprentice was not in vain. She had entrusted the research materials to other disciples. And one day, the witch Melissa accidentally got the material. When she found out about the presence of the angel, she approached him thoroughly looking into the royal family of Luziaro”

His Majesty the King gave a bitter look.

“Are you saying that Melissa was entering the kingdom as Rosé’s master and spying on opportunities in order to gain the power of an angel? Impossible. We were the ones who chose Rosé’s master and invited him. There was no contact with Melissa.”

I wonder how much you trusted Melissa.

For the past eight years, Melissa has been a good master to Rosé. His Majesty the King almost admitted it.

I leaned over and glanced at the shivering Master Yulaia.

“Twenty years ago,”… “Melissa, the witch, told a woman about the Angel’s covenant and took the deal.”

“The child in your belly is a witch who draws the king’s blood. What would happen if someone found out about the angel? What, if you’re worried, I’ll raise you hidden. Instead, will you help me? ‘

His Majesty the King and Olivia opened their eyes to the word twenty years ago.

“The child then… should have been stillborn”

“No way, Yulaia, you…”

In the gaze of reproach, Master Yulaia screamed, disturbing her hair.

“You won’t have a choice! ‘Cause if you don’t, that kid…! I’m glad that kid was alive somewhere!

Because the royal family still had a legend about the angel’s door, Master Yulaia believed in the angel’s story and rode Melissa’s invitation.

I decided it was stillborn and gave it to Melissa after I made sure the child I was born with was a witch.

Either way, I can’t leave it in the castle any more than I was a witch.

Speaking of twenty years ago, when there was a Kings’ capital raid by Jebella in neighbouring Mistria. The one with the most heightened fear of witches. There was no angel, so it was visible that the child to be born would receive unnecessary slander.

“Oh my God…”

There is another princess somewhere in this world. And I’m a witch.

The blurring of the conference room grew to the fact of that shock.

But this is just a prerequisite.

This is not the sin of Master Yulaia.

“Dear Yulaia, you have deposited the real princess with Melissa. And twelve years ago, in order to cooperate with Melissa’s ambitions, she made the artificial life created from the cells of Planati the Witch of the Redemption her own daughter… that’s Princess Roselint, isn’t it?

Rosé was a fake princess.

Surely there is royal blood in its body. It’s the same flesh as the witch Planati who saved the country from the sun three hundred years ago.

But not contemporary royalty. I am not a child of His Majesty the King and Lord Yulaiah.

I briefly explained artificial life to the royal people. Almost everyone, except some, was flabbergasted.

Well, that’s right. Normally I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you restored past humans from cell fragments.

Even I wouldn’t believe it if my own father wasn’t an artificial life, and I don’t want to believe it.

“According to the Research Journal, initially Melissa had Princess Roselint open the door and the purpose was to trade with angels. Sounds like you were also thinking about sacrificing the princess at last and saving the Kingdom of Luziaro. As one of the queens, did you have to get on with the plan?

We must sacrifice someone of the royal family to continue our covenant with the angels.

Then all you have to do is replace the artificial life created by the seven great forbidden thoughts of the witch, not the child born of your own stomach.

What a cruel idea.

Rosé was a princess destined to be sacrificed.

It was a being produced for it.

When I found out about it, she disappeared. To do my part.

I exhaled so that no one could understand me.

Hey, Rose. I know how you feel so painfully.

It wasn’t a mistake that I felt like myself.

You look a lot like the other me.

Sonia Carnelian in the circle where her mother took everything without rewarding her for anything and disappeared to the other side of time and space.

I know you say it’s stupid to lay them together. Such a sentiment, isn’t it? I have a feeling it’s not like me, and I know it’s an extra favor.

But I’m sorry.

I can’t abandon you.

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