The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 59

6 Worst Daughter

It was such an awesome magic force that even I was under barometric pressure. Naturally. Sonia is just one ‘pureblood witch’ in this world. I’m not like those witches there.

Sonia screamed in hysterical voice after holding her surroundings in wind vortex magic.

“Everyone in this room, I’ll kill you! Be prepared!”

Now a fire column went up the entrance, blocking people’s escape routes. Screaming and cursing stick to the cathedral.

It was unexpected. I can’t believe Sonia got mad so far. I held my fist. [M]

Sonia started a full chant. I read the composition of the operation and detect the magic that activates it. It’s super nasty and powerful storm magic with wind blades, electric shocks running and acid rain scattered. If activated with Sonia’s magic power, there will really be no humans left in the cathedral to die. It is not something that can be prevented from wielding a witchkiller sword.

It doesn’t matter what happens to princes, kings, or guests from all over the country. But you can’t let them kill Ville. I wonder if it’s pathetic for Miss Mocha to die like this, too. Emelda is still a shame to throw away.

Above all, we have to stop Sonia’s atrocities.

It’s paradoxical even though I was prepared to put wet clothes on her and bring ruin. I was held back by a strong feeling that I didn’t understand, and I was shaking and determined.

“Do it! Citrine, evacuate! I’m coming to join the Ville Chicks!

I’m not running. I’m not running.

If I didn’t tell you that, it was going to collapse from my feet.

Confirming that Charlotte had descended on the scaffold with the wall decorations, I peeled off the darkness that was beside the air corridor and wore it from my head. You can’t let someone see you.

First unseal the nucleus. We will then quickly assemble the technique to offset the magic of the storm.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. I don’t mind half of it for now. I’ll put an end to Sonia’s sorcery.

[Ravage the pests with the fierceness of a merciless storm – Rage Temperare]

[Under the patronage of forgiving heaven, be the shield of your neighbor – Shale Wish]

Although only slightly behind the completion of Sonia’s sorcery, my sorcery was activated.

I managed to make it. Before Sonia’s magic could affect the scene, my magic interfered with it and offset the power. People are rolling around screaming, but there won’t be any dead people.

With no storm due to the power I thought, and immediate convergence, Sonia reveals her frustration and looks around for a moment. I lay low so I could not find him. [M] Or it consumed a lot of magic and fell. The rose jewels won’t even restore their magic. My vision wobbles because of the sudden and terrible use of the wounded brain.

“Come on! I won’t allow you guys alone!

Sonia also fluttered with the consumption of magic, aiming at the neck of the prince and Emelda with a shortened chant of wind. But the blade of the wind is scratched off with a single flash. On the contrary, Sonia screamed and held her arm down. Blood smoke rose and the pure white costume was just a little red and dirty.

“You showed your true nature, you ugly witch”

Ville pulled out his sword and put a knife in Sonia. The two made an appointment and stared at each other.

“The sword… witchkiller (Bloody Magatha)!

Sonia laughed from the bottom of her belly against Bill looking forward with a tough look. Shake your body creepy and let your glossy voice sound nasty.

“Haha! No way, you…… oh, that’s crazy! What a pathetic dog!

Sonia seems to be hearing the secrets of Ville’s birth from Aronia. It would certainly be pathetic. The way he shakes his parents’ shapes without knowing anything and serves a son of vengeance. Even I can’t wait to regret it.

“What’s wrong?”


After a while of ridicule, Sonia stopped moving perfectly. The magic also lurks the ringing, and the surroundings calm back. It seemed to me like silence before the storm blowing again. [M]

Ville is in danger. I scolded my immobile body and managed to find my way down. I’m afraid my hands and feet aren’t long enough to get down along the wall like a charlotte.

Emelda came forward as everyone breathed and stiffened. You’re really blunt, that kid.

“You were working a weird case, weren’t you? How could you? How could you do such a terrible thing? What’s the point?


There is no answer. That’s right. You don’t remember yourself, do you? I should be desperately trying to read the thoughts of a real mastermind.

I guess the king is the prime suspect in Sonia. According to Nefra, Sonia and the royal family haven’t been in touch since Aronia died about the study of the treasure. Maybe he thinks the king is trying to force him to study the jewels by dressing himself in wet clothes and restraining him.

“It’s terrible! A lot of people died because of you, didn’t they? And yet you were going to hide that and be Lady Rain’s wife? Unbelievable! You don’t look good on such an ugly heart, Lady Rain!

“… what are you? What are you going to do, snuggle beside a prince?

“I am Emelda Poplar. Everything you do is foreseen.”

Emelda began to explain cordially. That I am a predictor, and that the prophecy has descended that the Red Witch’s daughter will destroy Mistria. And that you and the prince love each other.

Stupid. Things like being targeted on purpose…… Sonia’s killing spirit keeps pointing.

“The green maggots… I think I need to remind myself. I can’t believe you got your hands on my stuff.”

Protected Emelda. Now Prince Rain came forward.

“Don’t insult Emelda. Let’s say it again. The only thing I love is Emelda. I don’t remember being a sexually vicious witch thing!

“… yes. Very well.”

Sonia shrugged coldly, and shortly afterwards, the magic swelled up again.

No, you’re not. This is not just magic. I feel so full of this scourge and malice…

“Fine! As that prophecy suggests, I will give Mistria doom! You first! Rain Mistria!”

A black pod jumped out of Sonia, drawing a parabola with Prince Rain in mind.


“Dear Rain!?”

Running over to the prince whose emerdas suddenly suffered. It didn’t take long from there.

“Haha! Feel good! Taste this sin that insulted me!

“What did you do to the prince!?”

Ville kicked the floor and was slashed by Sonia, but shortly afterwards, part of the cathedral’s roof broke and a gold dragon – the most powerful dragon genus in existence – broke through the hole. Violent ringing pierces people’s ears.

Escaping a flash of witchkiller, Sonia, who moved on to the dragon, proclaimed herself exalted.

“Is disrespect to the witch expensive? My intention to kill, my hatred, I carved everything into the prince’s body. The curse erodes the body and mind, and eventually takes lives as well. The death of the prince will be the prelude to the destruction of Mistria!

Cursed by Sonia, the prince fell. He said he had a high fever and couldn’t regain consciousness.

I also studied the Seven Prohibitions, so I understand how troublesome the spells are. The curse is unlikely to be lifted.

Ville was badly wolfed by the Lord’s fall. But I couldn’t afford to be comforted.

In a noisy gap in the castle, I ordered Zeoli to be summoned to contact Sonia. The purpose is to solicit the witch organization… no, to give the whole organization away and have its chief fit in.

The conflict between the Kingdom and Sonia became decisive. Let’s get the kingdom and the witch organization to kill each other like this. Sit Sonia down on the witch’s representative. I have trouble getting away alone.

“Master, what is that?

“I think it’s a new invention, a remote peek crystal. I don’t know if it’s gonna work.”

Interrupting in Nefra’s lab, I put a crystal ball in a bucket with water.

I let Zeoli wear crystal earrings that pass through the same magic as this crystal ball. When Zeoli sends magic to the earrings, he can output Zeoli’s vision and hearing from this crystal ball. By the way, the crystal breaks in a few hours or so, so it’s not user-friendly.

After a while I waited, the footage came up on the water surface of the bucket. The experiment is a success. Nefra was excited about the great invention of the century, but ignored it even though he was a genius.

I concentrate on video and audio.

In some building, I guess. It looks like Zeoli is kneeling and drooling her head in front of a softly seated Sonia. Sonia was dressed in a sleeveless piece. Designed with a wide open chest, exposed to legs and spare no effort. I looked like a businesswoman, and I didn’t like it.

I have a bandage wrapped around the area slashed by Ville.

“I can’t believe the murderer in the alley is such an indescribable witch.”

I’m sure Zeoli is poisoned by the inner “I can’t believe I’m stuck with such a little girl”. You must be desperately patient to fulfill my orders. [M] By being faithful.

No, I gave you earrings. Is that an effect? I praised him for looking great.

“- Dear Sonia Carnelian, Be our lord and do not rule every mistria. And together, let us fulfill our grief of immortality.”

‘Huh? You say that a lot to keep people trapped. You want to be killed so badly?

Sonia fed her nails into her skin and lifted Zeoli’s jaw. Unveiled, grown Sonia’s face appears on the water.

At first glance I thought “beautiful”.

Glossy red hair, glossy skin at the time of pearl, noticeable nose that seems intense. But even when they were beautifully placed, the beauty of the reason was ruined by putting emotions on them.

He looks down at Zeoli and reveals his frustration very ugly. It’s enough to make me uncomfortable just watching.

This is Sonia… my blood-drawing daughter.

Something bitter spreads across my chest.

‘No way. If you were daughter-in-law as you are, the pot King Mistria thinks. You were supposed to fall ill and die and be forced to study the treasure in the basement, right? That’s where we plotted the princes and obstructed the wedding.’

This is not a complete lie. In Nefra’s story, King Mistria had prepared a secret laboratory and powerful junctional magic. I’m pretty sure Sonia was going to be shut down. I guess I was going to peel the truth about the King’s Capital raid off before Prince Rain rose me.

Zeoli preached the interest of working hard together. It will smoothly state the size of the organization, the wealth of funds and research materials, and information on the royal family. I won’t forget to lift Sonia. I praise the King of Witches for his beauty and strength.

Great sales talk. I learned of Zeoli’s unexpected talent. [M]

“Our interests must be in agreement.”

Mistrian domination and realisation of immortality. I don’t know if Sonia wants that…

Sonia chuckled and took the bandage that was wrapped around her arm. Skin is exposed without scratches. Sonia has the power to heal the wounds she has suffered as a result of witchkilling.

Both Zeoli and I were surprised by this.

“Become!? Complete the rose jewels already……!

‘No, I’m not. My developed medicines have no semi-permanent effect, like jewels. The duration of the effect is shorter and shorter even if you create it again, and eventually it stops working… before it does, now it’s time to complete the rose jewel’

Sonia stroked her arm and had a chilling grin.

‘Fine. I’ll take your offer. There’s no need to hide and do research for fear of witch hunting anymore. Let us rule the whole of Mistria and turn all the people into the Witch’s Experimental Table’ Toys’

‘Thank you! Whatever Sonia says!

Sonia kicked the chair when she stood up. If you step on it with your heels as it is, you will hear a short scream.

‘Thank you, Phantom. I’ll get you a friend.’

The young man, who was crawling on all fours, fell to the floor and expressed his gratitude as he coughed. Sonia laughed in a good mood at the cries trembling with fear.

Worst. Worst daughter ever.

It drew blood from all over my body.

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