The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 28

28 Diseases of van Hyde

There was a lot to think about about the birth of Ambert and Cross.

I can’t believe that fathers were good slave companions to each other like brothers. I’m sure it’s odd.

Besides, it was shocking that Slayzia, the black glossy witch, was doing an artificial human study and that the two of them might be samples.

But I was strangely convinced.

I know the ‘specificity’ of my body. The unusual amount of magic and talent for witchcraft could also not be conceded by your mother. Of course, my unusual part may be inheritance from your father.

Even Ville is.

A knight fighting for one or two generations in Mistria may also have secrets in his body. Although it is pathetic to deny the seeping effort of his own blood.

What kind of man-made man did Slayzia try to create?

What happened between Ambert and Cross?

I want to know. I want to find out. I want to inspect myself and Ville’s body.

With that impulse in mind, I headed with Ville to Bannheid.

I have to complete my work more than I have undertaken. It’s a matter of life, and you don’t want your brother to look down on you.

A dragon car runs through the wilderness at full speed. Unica left a message this time. I’ve left the care to the Marines Apprentice Witches.

“What, stare jizzily…… anything to worry about?


“Don’t look too much if it’s nothing,” Ville seemed uncomfortable.

I’m sorry.

I can’t tell Ville about your fathers yet. Because it will just upset you.

Besides, if you were deeply involved in the death of Ville’s parents, not only your mother, but even your father, you’d be just as sorry… hard to tell. I’ve been nostalgic for a while, but if I get alert again, it’s a hassle.

Bannheid was a rural area with less than five hundred inhabitants without any philosophy. Behind the idyllic landscape of the fields and creeks, the village was pressing.

Villagers full of sadness, medical professionals busy running around to all sides, and patients with bitter breath.

The village assembly hall had become a temporary quarantine facility. Me and Ville get briefed early upon arrival by the doctors and magicians my brother was sending first.

There are already about fifty infected with a new species of demonic disease, ten of whom have severe symptoms. Traditional medicines are not effective and cannot be applied by hand.

“So far the increase in the number of infected people has stopped. But no one has improved their symptoms. From the physically weak as it is…”

Already six days after the first villagers fell. It must be time for the limit.

“Ville came to help the cookout squad and carry the load. Try not to come into contact with the patient.”

“Oh, Sonia…”

“I’ll check on you all the way. It’s okay. I’m good at controlling magic.”

It is said that the cause of Demonic Disease is a change in the river of magic in nature.

When the river flows change, very rarely does it emit special fluctuations. The waves shake the magic in the organism so much that it breaks down. The fluctuations are transmitted to the surrounding humans one after the other, so the infection spreads.

So if you stabilize the magic in your body, you don’t theoretically suffer from demonic disease.

I should be much less infected than a normal human being. Because you can’t name a witch without control of magic.

… depending on the extent of the change.

Could it be easier to tell by the weather?

Anyone can walk outside if it’s about light rain. But few humans can stay fine when hit by heavy rain or strong winds. I can walk gracefully in most weather, but if I get hit by a severe thunderstorm, I just stop or run out. In other words, it would disrupt the control of magic.

But the impression of Bannheid isn’t rain.

It’s like walking in the fog. There’s an unnatural magic move but I can’t grasp it. There’s something horrible hidden ahead of the invisible sight. Don’t be alarmed.

I feel uninterrupted and unpleasant from this village, although I can’t compare it because I’ve never set foot in an area where demonic disease has spread.

I went around every hospital bed with my permission.

“What do you say, Sonia?”

Asked by an accompanying magician, I touch a certain male patient’s neck muscle. The pulse is weak. The flow of magic is likely to be interrupted now. Tonight was the magician’s diagnosis.

“It’s a rough cure, shall we try it”

I wouldn’t be able to make it if I were to formulate the medicine now. Try to control the magic flow from the outside.

I instilled my own magic into men for just a drop. And remember to circulate through your body.

The patient moaned bitterly for a moment, but soon grew older.

“Oh, my internal magic has stabilized!

See your whole body through magic. Then I felt uncomfortable.

A disastrous sign of cold sweat.

Could this be…

“You can’t… the power to disturb is greater. I’ll be back in critical condition in a while.”

If you inject any more magic, you could get a rejection and stab Todome. This only prolongs suffering.

We need a radical solution.

Next, so far, I have seen the inspection of healthy villagers. Everyone is anxiously squeaking and making long rows. Some of them thought they were travelers and women.

“Oh? It looks like a child named Raz hasn’t come to the test.”

I finished the entire examination and the doctor looked at the villagers’ roster and tilted his neck.

“I don’t care about that guy”

“O plague god of this village. Dirty.”

“Please help our daughter faster than that.”

The villagers told me to throw up. I wonder if you are upset by your anxiety about the disease.

When I asked the young man near his age about Raz, he spoke with a pepper about the situation.

I do not conceal my identity, and I tell you that I am the daughter of Aronia, the Witch of the Redemption. My brother also told me that my visit would improve the feelings of the villagers. In fact, some villagers shagged that celebrities had come.

“His mother, it sucked. My father was fooled, and my mum was angry like a ghost, and it was hard.”

Raz is a child born of a whore. Her mother lost her job by working stealing in a town whorehouse and gave herself up to this village with the razz she had been able to have with her guests. But in the course of a few years he seduced several villagers, plundered their possessions and made them go away. He said he was in the process of arranging a nomination for fraud.

Looks like Raz was left in this village and grew up hating him ever since.

I wish I could just kick him out of the village, but he’s forcing heavy labor by treating him like a slave. Even though Raz himself is not at fault, he has been used as a gateway to dissatisfaction. But the villagers are not guilty of that at all.

Similar stories are rolling everywhere.

I don’t feel heartbroken, but you don’t feel very good. I almost felt unexpected sympathy, especially for the part where my mother was pushed to end.

“If that child is infected, we need to quarantine him… let’s look for him who’s free.”

According to the villagers, Raz is often in a mountain cave behind him, in a field barn, or in a livestock hut. I wanted to see what was going on in the village too, so I decided to join the search. On the way, Ville has joined us. The two of us head to the beast riding and livestock huts.

“What do you think? A new kind of demonic disease.”

Mixed with the village ladies to help cook it out, Ville heard worrying about her children and husband, and apparently she was completely emotional with the villagers. Sounds very worrying.

I’ll make sure there’s no sign of people around and tell Ville.

“My point of view, this isn’t a demonic disease.”

It’s no wonder the magicians don’t notice. The symptoms that cause magic abnormalities in the body are themselves very similar to magic disorders. If there is widespread damage, it is normal to suspect an infectious disease.

But the way this infection works is strange.

There are parts of the area that have not been damaged, and there are differences in the severity of the symptoms. It’s not natural.

“Is…? What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure yet, or I can’t believe it, but this is-”

That’s when the livestock shed door moved. A small shadow appears from inside, and me and Ville stop.

A boy with a bandage on his skin visible from between his face and clothes. What a vain eye. Very not the eyes of a boy around the age of eight.

So is my physique. Much thinner and smaller than the average body size at this age. I am not satisfied and nourished.

“You’re the razz. We’re here to help you with your illness. Can I see you, too?

Even when I smile with Nicole, Raz’s complexion doesn’t change. It was a faceless expression to give up everything and neglect. Good thing I didn’t hear back. I stepped into the cabin. Raz didn’t seem to have enough strength to resist.

There was nothing else in the cabin that was packed with hay and it smelled a little.

A brown puppy jumps up and yells, making noise all at once.

“Sorry to bother you. It’s okay, ’cause I don’t do anything that hurts.”

Intimidation, not greeting and silencing. The dog rang cum and hid at Raz’s feet.

“Are you sleeping here?

Kokuri, Raz nodded and held to shelter his own arm. Maybe I’m ashamed that I’m not living a human life. Neither I nor Bill would make fun of the circumstances around here.

“Are you hurt?

When Ville asked, Raz retreated all the way to the corner of the cabin at once. Maybe you’re afraid of a man of good stature. All the more so because you have a sword on your hips. I wonder if the villagers are routinely using violence.

“Don’t be scared. He’s like my dog. I’m with the one over there.”

“Who’s the dog?… I really don’t do anything”

Raz nodded small as Ville crouched her gaze.

I ordered Ville to bring a sneak meal. Ask the doctors to tell them I’m checking on Raz, too.

I took Raz’s hand and ascertained the state of magic in my body. The temperature transmitted to the bandage basket was cold and the fingertips were faintly trembling.

“You’re not infected. But it is much worn out. You don’t have a nucleus, you don’t have a brain, do you?

Nodding Raz seemed anxious.

I gently refuse when I try to unbandage it. It doesn’t seem good to force it.

Ville brought egg and vegetable soup and soft bread. Good for being gastrointestinal friendly. I was wondering what I would do if I brought a chunk of greasy meat, but I think I have common sense.

But as for one child, I brought an insane amount. Because of this, me and Ville decided to eat here, too. Speaking of which, I wasn’t having lunch.

“Eat up, both of you.”

Ville and Raz nodding at the same time. I gave milk to the puppy who was staring at the dining landscape with envy.

“What’s the name of this one?

“…… chill”

Then Raz started answering me properly in words if he asked. That Chill is a wild dog and was probably dumped by his mother dog. That I haven’t thought of myself as someone else and have shared a meal all my life. Hearing it had been a long time since he had eaten a warm meal, Ville glanced at him for remembering his childhood.

At the end of the meal, Raz slipped into the haystack bed. Looks nervous and tired. Looks like she wasn’t feeling well at first.

“Raz. I’ll break your body if you stay here like this. Come to our inn?

Because occasional adventurers stop by, there are many farmers who run their accommodation as a side business and have no trouble with the accommodation. We take the best lodging in Bannheid.

Raz shook his head saying he didn’t like it. He said the innkeeper would yell at me anyway, and he’d just kick me out.

“Then I’ll talk to the village chief, so we’ll live in an approximate town? You’re not into this village, are you? Lord Azrite is sweet, maybe he can adopt a nobleman.”

Ville seemed a little surprised by my words. Excessive application. Of course, I’m not making this suggestion with sympathy. I wanted to be sure.

“Fine, I’m in this village.”

Raz looked up at me with dark eyes with no shards of childhood.


“… because I want to see”

Raz distorted his little lips into the shape of a grin.

Because I want to see this village perish.

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