The last Asura Sovereign

Chapter 28: Taking the Pill

The fifth batch also went smoothly. She refined two pills that were 58% pure, almost peak of the low-quality. Although she wanted to refine at least high-quality pills for her son and daughter-in-law to consume, she was limited by the materials and her own experience. She had just become second grade, top-tier alchemist, the only one in the whole Lunaris city. Even if she went to the second tier city like Helas, she would be above many people. Even the clans with third tier alchemist may not have many top tier second grade alchemists, it was not only about inheritance, but they also needed talented people. Inheritance only limits small clans whereas for top clans it is the lack of talented people that limits them.

She carefully put the last batch in the jade vial. She decided to give the last batch to her son and her daughter-in-law and keep the fourth batch with herself. If someone from the clan needs it she can give it to them secretly. She was excited, she had become a full-fledged top tier second grade alchemist, and her pills would somewhat relieve the problems of the clan. Cleaning the cauldron with her fire and the room using an array, she stood up and deactivated the soundproof array in the room. Opening the door and rushing towards the stairs she went to the waiting hall. But when she reached there, there was no one. She looked outside and saw Amrit sitting beside the pond, teasing small spirit fishes with a small stick. The spirit fishes were spitting water into him. The water, these small fishes were spitting was in the form of droplets, and Amrit was avoiding some and hitting the water drops with the stick. Looking at Amrit playing the silly game she let him be. She then contacted Punya and his father informing them of the refined pills.

As Keshab was upgrading the arrays in the house he immediately came from the underground chamber and asked to see the pills. She took the jade vial and handed him the two pills. Looking at the ruby colored pills he observed them carefully sometime smelling them and sometime holding them up in the air. “Looks like you have broken through the top-tier alchemist pretty easily,” he said to his wife giving the pills back to her. “Have you informed Punya and Radha,” he asked her. “Yes, I have informed Punya to come here and bring Radha along with him. He said he was doing the inventory of treasury and will be here shortly.” She replied. Keshab nodded and said, “Alright then. But what is your grandson doing there, playing with the fishes like an idiot.” Hearing him say his grandson was an idiot she wanted to retort with you are an idiot. Your whole family is an idiot, but she remembered she and her grandson were his family. So that would imply she is calling herself an idiot.

She just glared at him and said “Just let him be. He has been through enough stress. Just let him relax for now.” As they started bickering, Punya and Radha arrived at the field. They walked towards the house and saw Amrit sitting beside the pond, teasing the fishes with the stick. There were different colored lotuses and the droplets from fishes would sometimes get stuck on the leaves. The little ripples created by fishes and the stick made the droplets dance within the boundary of the leaves like some silver balls rolling, creating a mesmerizing pattern. Amrit gradually fell into trance and seemed to have grasped something at that time but he also couldn’t quite get the feel of what he was grasping. After a moment he came to his senses and felt a sudden sense of loss but he didn’t dwell much on it. He then threw the stick into the pond and started walking towards the house. The stick hit some of the fishes and they looked at him quite resentfully spitting water droplets at him.

He looked around and saw his parents coming over. He just stopped there for a moment until his parents reached him. His mother smiled and waved at him as they got near. “How are you, Amrit? You don’t even bother to contact me for a whole day?” she said resentfully. He just smiled and said, “I was coming over to the house this evening.” His father then interjected, “Don’t let your grandparents wait longer.” Radha just glared at him and nodded. They made their way towards the house. His grandparents were still bickering with each other. Seeing this Punya cleared his throat. Hearing the sound his grandfather became embarrassed and looked at Punya with dissatisfaction “What took you this long?” Punya knew better than to argue with his father and just said “I was doping the inventory of the materials required for the arrays and bringing them over to you. I was a little bit delayed by this.”

Nodding, he looked at his wife and signaled her about the pills as he knew if she and Radha started talking, they would take a good chunk out of their afternoon. Kumari also took out the pills from jade vials and explained their functions. She handed them the pills from the fifth batch and asked them to refine the pills on the spot as there were two peak Foundation Building realm cultivators there and could intervene if things went sideways. Punya hadn’t told Radha about the pills as he didn’t know if Kumari could refine the pills from five sets of materials. As Kumari explained the pill’s function, Radha became surprised, excited and a smile came to her lips, her eyes full of expectations. If even a little bit of her foundation could be healed and her blood essence restored, her strength and cultivation would increase significantly. Without delay, she took the ruby colored pill and ingested it. She sat with her legs crossed on the floor and started refining the pill. Kumari went behind her and started monitoring her situation. There was no pained expression on Radha’s face, she looked calm and collected. Then the blood energy contained in the pill started leaking out of Radha, the blood-colored qi was visible to the naked eye.

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