[The Knight’s Multiverse] – A Knight’s Journey: A Cultivator’s journey in a Superhuman’s Modern World

Chapter 66 – ‘Fallen Fire Estate’

Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 66!

I'm really happy with how the novel is coming along. I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I really feel like it's getting better and better. Also, thank you for those of you who leave nice comments! It really helps!

Anyway, I'll stop rambling and let you read the chapter!

See ya next week!



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Molvograd, Molkovia, Earth.


Demian's P.O.V.


While on the way, Bryn remarked curiously. “Sis... I can’t feel you with my Divine Sense...” Her words confused Demian who then deployed his own Divine Sense in the purple-haired woman’s direction. “I can’t sense you either!” Pausing for a brief moment, he understood why he did not notice her presence disappearing. “At least, not through my Divine Sense... But I can feel your location through the Bond. That’s probably why I didn’t notice earlier.” Nodding her head, the purple-haired woman explained. “It’s something I awakened from my breakthrough... I think it has to do with... What happened I guess...” She gestured hesitantly toward her caramel skin before explaining further. “...It’s like something inside me woke up and I became able to do some things I’ve never been able to before. Like right now, I’m hiding my presence. But I can also do it with my entire body.” As soon as her words left her mouth, she vanished completely from their sight. Of course, through the Bond, Demian could still pinpoint her current location. However, his other senses were pretty much blind. The most incredible thing, however, was not her invisibility, but the fact that the ‘world’ around her had no traces of her. The ground did not ‘cave’ from her weight and the air was not disturbed by her movements.


A moment later, the woman reappeared before continuing her explanation. “I haven’t mastered the skill perfectly, though.” Feeling curious, Demian asked. “Not a very Energy efficient skill, is it?” His senses had picked up the sharp drop in her Inner Energy after she turned off the skill, which prompted the question. Nodding her head, Seraphine replied. “You’re right. Although I’m sure I can lower the consumption with more training. In the meantime, I’ll just keep it for emergencies.” Bryn, who looked like she suddenly thought of something, commented. “That’s strange.” Tilting her head slightly, her younger sister asked. “What is?” While staring at her new gray ‘eyes’, she elaborated. “Shouldn’t the skill you use to hide your presence from our Divine Sense be as energy-inefficient as the one to hide your body? Why is it that your Inner Energy isn’t decreasing?” A pondering expression surfaced on Seraphine’s face as she responded hesitantly. “Normally, you’d be right. But in my case, it seems to be different. At least, for this particular skill.” Pausing for a second, she then added. “It’s as if it’s... Passively activated. With no need for any of my Spiritual Energy, unlike the other one. I don’t know why they’re different, though...”


She looked completely clueless, and, with a severe lack of information, the other three were not better off. After a few seconds of silence, Seraphine blurted out. “Either way, it doesn’t really matter. I’ll take it as I’ve got a free skill. If I can get an answer in the future, it’s great. If I can’t, I’ll just live with it.” The other three nodded in assent before they all resumed walking to the two cars. Before the four separated, however, Demian exclaimed. “By the way. I think we should hide Seraphine’s cultivation and her appearance from the people we’re going to meet today...” Looking at the setting sun in the sky, he corrected himself. “Tonight. She can be our trump card. Especially with her hiding skill, it’ll be easy for her.” Pausing for a second, he added wistfully. “To be honest, I’d like to do the same with you Bryn, but with your height, I gave up on that plan.” Nodding her head, Bryn replied. “It’s a good idea. And in my case, I can draw people’s attention while you quietly grow your cultivation base. With how quickly you keep improving, it shouldn’t take you too much time before you can reach the next Rank.” Feeling flattered at her confidence in him, he nonetheless shook his head while retorting. “I don’t think it’ll be that easy. From what I observed so far, each new breakthrough means an exponential demand for Spiritual Energy. And, unless we find somewhere with a much higher concentration of it, it’d probably be difficult to improve further. At least, it’ll take a lot more time, especially since I got lucky the last two times. Otherwise, it’d have taken me much more time to reach my current Level.”


His words made her ponder for a brief moment before half-questioning, half-claiming. “Do you think that’s the reason why your father and Danilov are fighting for the Spiritual Pill?” Nodding his head, he responded. “It’s got to be. Keep in mind that not everyone has my... talents... If you can call them that way... So, it should be even harder for them to progress their cultivation base. Unless they are as talented as you are.” Shaking his head, he added wistfully. “With the potential increase in both strength and lifespan, no wonder Danilov keeps trying to use us to get to my father. At that point, it’s already become a life-and-death feud...” After the group agreed to hide Seraphine’s transformation, she put on one of Demian’s hoodies and pair of shorts but kept her feet bare because she ‘didn’t like to feel her feet constrained’ while he swiftly wore a pair of shorts and a well-fitted shirt before the two embarked in the car with some difficulty, due to their physical size. When the two were finally seated, although somewhat uncomfortably in the ‘small’ car, Seraphine commented wryly. “Now I know what you meant earlier... It really sucks...”


Feeling amused, Demian replied while turning on the ignition and guiding the car to follow behind the SUV in front. “Stop complaining! I got 20 centimeters on you and I’m also wider, so it’s much worse!” After looking at him with a pondering look on her face for a moment, she retorted while letting out an exaggerated sigh. “You’re right! Seeing you being more miserable than me makes me feel better...” Turning his head in her direction, he narrowed his eyes and claimed, half-jokingly, half-seriously. “If I wasn’t driving right now, I’d spank your sexy butt.” With an inviting smile, she asked. “To make me stop teasing you?” Shaking his head, he replied while sporting a flirting smile. “Yes, but mostly because I love touching your body.” “You’re such a pervert...” She exclaimed while having a similar smile on her face. “...But I like it!” Chuckling at her quip, he added. “Since your body changed so much, I think that we should explore those changes tonight... You know... Just to make sure that everything’s in the right place...”


After a few giggles, she played along. “Right! It’s better to be safe than sorry, after all...” Her words were the last straw for the two who did their best to keep a serious face. Bursting into laughter at the same time, the two lovers both felt a mix of happiness, relief, and love wash over them, bringing a smile to their faces as their gazes met and Demian’s right hand grabbed Seraphine’s left hand. “I love you, Babe.” He suddenly exclaimed before she replied. “I love you too.” Pausing for a second, she then added. “I’m really lucky to have you in my life.” Laughing in delight, the young man retorted. “It’s reciprocal, I assure you! I really have to thank that Entity who put me in my mother’s womb. Although I’m not sure if he expected the result of us ending up together!” Those words made the two chuckle for a bit before the car interior fell into a peaceful silence, with the two enjoying the other’s presence without feeling the need to break the quiet atmosphere.


As the car moved along, Demian noticed the scenery changing, with the trees growing in size and the bushes growing thicker, giving him the illusion that they were about to enter a mystical forest. A few minutes later, as the road straightened from its previous sinuous shape, Demian spotted what he assumed was their destination in the distance. Indeed, a massive gate separating two similarly massive walls appeared in the distance, the structure’s details becoming clearer as the two cars came closer to it. Not long after, he was finally able to read the words standing proudly over the gate. “Fallen Fire Estate...” He mumbled absentmindedly before his attention was drawn back to the present when Seraphine asked curiously. “What do you think it means?”


Glancing around the place while pondering for a moment, he then replied. “I’ve no clue. It seems... Somewhat out of place with all those trees around.” With a thoughtful look on her face, she claimed. “Strange...” While agreeing inwardly, his senses caught a strong but unknown Divine Sense thoroughly scanning them for a few moments before disappearing swiftly afterward. Despite never having met stronger cultivators after his own breakthrough to the Chi Gathering Rank, Demian could easily tell that the person behind that Divine Sense was much more powerful than he was, probably around the Late Chi Gathering Rank. As for their precise Level, he could not tell due to his lack of experience. In any case, he was aware that whatever their Level was, if that cultivator threatened his family and himself, he would be too weak to retaliate.


‘I really need to step up on my training...’ He thought before adding, somewhat satisfied. ‘Thanks to those two enlightenments, I’m almost done creating my cultivation scripture, so, I should be able to grow stronger much faster. I just need to learn spells to increase my fighting power and I should be set for the Chi Gathering Rank.’ His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by Seraphine’s shocked voice. “That woman was so... Strong!” Cocking his brow, he asked curiously. “How do you know it’s a woman?” Looking a bit confused, the young woman replied in a matter-of-course way. “Of course, it’s a woman. I may have been blind for a few years, Demian Mikhailov, but I can at least tell the difference between a man and a woman.” Knowing that she misunderstood, he explained himself. “That’s not what I meant, Love. The cultivator who scanned us was much more powerful than I am and I was only able to vaguely feel their Divine Sense, but I couldn’t tell who they were and where they were.”


Looking surprised, she questioned doubtfully. “You’re not messing with me, are you?” Shaking his head, he answered wryly. “Of course not! And that’s with my Divine Sense being more powerful than others at the same Level. So, you shouldn’t even be able to sense her Divine Sense.” Tilting her head in confusion, she mumbled. “But she’s obviously sitting in her car behind that big gate...” Her words stunned him for a second, making his mind freeze briefly. Shaking his head to wake himself up, he then carefully asked, while throwing her a brief glance. “Are you saying that you can feel what’s beyond that gate?” With her ‘eyes’ directed toward the front, she responded firmly. “Of course! I can even see much farther. Many people are patrolling there. Most of them are only around the Late Body Strengthening Rank, though. Only a few are at the Low Chi Gathering Rank.” Pausing for a second, she added. “But the woman is an exception. The aura she’s emitting is much stronger than yours and Bryn.”


Nodding his head, he stated. “My guess is that she’s around the Late Chi Gathering Rank, so your senses are definitely accurate.” Pondering for a second, he remarked. “Your Divine Sense doesn’t seem normal.” Looking thoughtful, she asked, semi-rhetorically. “Do you think it has to do with my physical changes?” Nodding his head, he claimed. “Just like your hiding powers. Everything should be linked.” Scratching his chin absentmindedly, he added. “We should be able to find out more as you use them and grow your cultivation base. Whatever the case, it’s good news, though.” As his eyes regained focus, he gazed briefly at her captivating face before his eyes returned to the vehicle in front. “Speaking of which, do you know if she sensed you?” Shaking her head, she replied confidently, while patting her impressive bust. “She didn’t! I’m completely certain!” Despite her confidence, he could not help but ask. “How do you know?” Tapping her right index finger rhythmically on the armrest, she explained. “Well... It’s more of an intuition than true evidence.” Pausing for a second, she then continued. “It’s like her Divine Sense went right through my body instead of ‘touching’ it. Just like yours and Bryn’s did earlier.”


“Right through it you say...” He muttered, trying to understand her power’s mechanism before his train of thought was disturbed by the gate in front opening slowly. “Whether your intuition is right or wrong, we’ll find out quickly.” Pausing for a second, he added. “You should put on your hood since we don’t know who we can trust here.” Nodding her head, Seraphine’s hands swiftly lifted the hood over her head, hiding her long and luscious purple hair along with her face and long ears under it. At that point, the two cars had stopped around a dozen meters from the entrance, waiting for the heavy doors to halt their movements. It did not take long as, despite their huge size, they opened both swiftly and smoothly, unveiling the two cars that were parked behind it, along with a few men standing to both sides while holding some dangerous-looking guns. The moment the gate was completely open, a tall and attractive brunette exited one of the two cars before dashing gracefully in their direction with a speed superior to any he was currently able to reach.


“She’s fast...” Seraphine remarked as the woman arrived almost instantly on the SUV’s left side before she started speaking to Bryn and Adeliya who were sitting inside. Feeling curious, Demian used his Divine Sense to listen to their conversation, which was immediately noticed by the woman who turned her gaze in his direction and claimed in an emotionless tone. “Good evening, Mister Mikhailov. I was just mentioning to the two Miss Mikhailovs that we were expecting you much earlier.” Knowing that she would be able to hear him despite the distance, he replied lightly, brushing off her implied question. “Good evening, Miss. I apologize, but I had something come up at the last minute. Something unfortunately unavoidable, I’m afraid.” Narrowing her eyes slightly, the woman was about to add something, when Adeliya suddenly interjected. “Miss Lirov, why don’t we go inside to talk? I’m sure Roman’s waiting for us, isn’t he?”


The unfriendly, but still polite, brunette turned her gaze toward the middle-aged redhead while retorting. “Naturally. Mister Yanov did mention he would be waiting for all...” She seemed to hesitate for a very brief moment while her gaze moved toward Sera’s figure sitting by his side before continuing. “...Four of you in his office. Follow behind us and, once we reach the front of the mansion, someone will take care of your vehicles.” Pausing for a second, she then added before dashing toward her own car. “Do not wander around while on the way.” Shaking his head, Demian commented. “Why do I feel like she’s not exactly ecstatic about us coming here?” A giggle escaped the purple-haired beauty, prompting her to joke. “I don’t understand why you’d say that. She seems delighted to see us.” Chuckling alongside her, he did not forget to follow the SUV in front. While their car was getting closer to the mansion hiding behind several groves of trees, he noticed the Ambient Spiritual Energy growing much denser, making him delighted.


Sharing his discovery with Seraphine, she replied. “I did notice. The densest concentration is around the mansion, although I’ve no clue about why.” Her words made him recall that she could ironically sense much farther than he could. “I’m sure we’ll get a rundown of everything we need to know once inside there, that included.” Pointing at the majestic building appearing in their sight. Honestly, the so-called mansion was more akin to a palace belonging to a traditional European king than the ‘normal’ mansion he previously envisioned, not that he cared either way.


After the four vehicles parked in front of the main building, they all exited their respective vehicle with Demian gazing at the palace with a mix of expectation and annoyance. ‘Roman Yanov, uh...?’ A brief thought traversed his mind, before disappearing swiftly along with his previous calm attitude.

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