[The Knight’s Multiverse] – A Knight’s Journey: A Cultivator’s journey in a Superhuman’s Modern World

Chapter 29 – The Organizatsya

Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 29 with some interesting lore. I hope you'll enjoy!

So, this chapter was supposed to be released last week but IRL things happened, plus the fact that I just wrote a 3000 words R18 chapter for this novel (Chapter 41 available on patreon). That took some time.

Also, it's been almost a month since I said I would release two chapters a week for each novel. But I noticed that it was too much for me while also adding advance chapters, re-editing the beginning chapters, etc. So I'll dial back to 'two chapter a week for one novel and one chapter a week for the other', with every week switching the novel getting two chapters. I'm not saying that I won't release another bonus chapter from time to time, but it won't be something I'll force myself to do.

Anyway, I'll see you guys this week with chapter 30!




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Enjoy the read! :)


If you wish to read a similar type of novel, I'm writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse.

A quick sum-up here:

Queens, New York City, USA. 2012.

Ben Parker, a former Special Forces’ Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, was forced to take arms again when the chitauri attacked New York City and threatened the safety of his nephew and friends. Saving them successfully he however ended up heavily injured, prompting him to breakthrough and become a Supe(Superhuman), all due to one of the three Perks granted by the unknown entity who reincarnated him on this Earth.

Armed with almost all his previous life's memories, his skills as a former Green Beret, his three Perks and with the help of his loved ones and companions, he would have to face many threats, with some with seemingly impossible odds.

“The world is going batshit crazy. I can deal with normal humans, but how the hell am I supposed to deal with Gods and Universe-Ending Aliens?”



Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.
Demian's P.O.V.
“Why didn't I remember that ring before?” He muttered, surprised as his gaze focused on the plain-looking silver ring he was wearing on his left ring finger. Shaking her head at his question, Adeliya replied. “I don't know... Now that we're talking about it I recall the time you bought it, but...”
She paused, switched her gaze from the ring to his face, and asked. “I'm curious. Why did you even buy it? I mean it looked worn-down at the time. Although it seems to have changed a bit since then.” Her words jogged his memories, making him realize something even scarier.
“I don't even know... I just felt like it looked cool at the time, I guess... But now that I remember how it looked at the time, I feel like...” He hesitated for a moment, after which Sera asked. “You feel like what, Ba-babe?” Her sudden 'pet name calling' mildly surprised the other two, but they did not comment on it, despite noticing the slight blush on the younger woman's face.
'I want to tease her, but it's not the time. What a shame!' He briefly thought amused before focusing his attention on answering her question. “I feel like I've been manipulated.” That made Adeliya narrow her eyes at the implication, while Sera looked outwardly worried for a little while before her uneasiness dissipated instantly, puzzling him.
However, he still chose to explain his reasoning, instead of questioning her. “Think about it, girls. We'd forgotten all about the ring before Sera mentioned it. Second, none of us, and especially me, noticed that I was wearing it. Third, I don't like wearing jewelry, especially worn-down ones. So, there's no way I'd buy that ring normally. And fourth, I don't even remember the face of that street vendor. Do you?”
Shaking her head at his question, Adeliya replied. “No. I don't even remember if it was a woman or a man.” Tapping her chin in thought, Sera responded. “Well, for me it was quite obvious that I would not remember 'seeing' anything.” Her words made Demian embarrassed and he was about to apologize when he was interrupted by her words and soft hand-squeeze.
“It's fine, Ba-Babe. I'm blind and I've learned to live with it. So stop apologizing for that kind of thing... Also, since I can feel you with the bond, that means I'm only half blind now.” Her remark drew a chuckle from him after which he replied while stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. “I'll listen to you, Love.”
As the two were falling into their own world, Adeliya let out a sigh of exasperation. “Guys! Focus! You can be lovey-dovey with each other later for God's sake!” Her words made the two chuckle while feeling awkward. Once the two were concentrating on her, the beautiful but exasperated mature lady stated.
“So, we know that you've been manipulated to buy the ring. And a few days later you've got your memories back while your superpowers were activated.” She paused for a few moments, during which he asked. “Should I get rid of it?” Sera tilted her head and replied with her own question.
“What does your intuition tell you? You've got that ultimate mind shield power, so as far as we know you shouldn't be able to get manipulated anymore.” Scratching his cheek offhandedly, he replied. “I feel like I should keep it. It's as if I'd regret it dearly if I got rid of it.” Nodding her head, Adeliya then stated.
“You should keep it then. From what happened, I'm guessing it's that entity who wants you to get that ring and since he helped you before, it's better to follow his wishes as long as they don't go against our interests.” Throwing an amused look at her, he replied. “You're really trusting about that guy. Or girl. Or something.”
The two women chuckled at his joke before his Aunt retorted. “It's not that I'm trusting, but what would be the point for someone that powerful to mess with weak people like us? Unless 'he' is sick in the head. But then, we'd stand no chance against 'him'. So, it's better to think positively and do what 'he' wants for now.”
She paused for a second, before continuing. “Plus, my intuition, for all its worth, tells me that 'he' shouldn't be an enemy. But I guess we'll find out in the future.” Letting out a sigh of helplessness, he added. “The weak's fate, right?” Nodding her head, she retorted. “Yes, but this time you've got the capability of changing your weak state with your powers. Although I don't know their limits, they should be pretty high since they've got the word ultimate in them.”
Snickering at her remark, he said. “Well, words are just that, words. But you're right. I've got to snatch that opportunity or I'll definitely regret it.” After his words, the three fell into their own pensive states for a while. Only after a while did Demian 'wake up' from his pondering and state.
“In any case, I'll keep the ring and we'll see in the future if it turns out to be a 'magical ring' like in those novels Sera loves.” Tilting her head, Sera had a small smile of amusement as an idea seemed to appear in her mind. “Babe, do you think the reason the ring was activated was because you dropped some blood on it when you got knocked out a month ago?”
Ignoring the blow to his ego that was her last few words, he asked, surprised. “You think that the ring is like those artifacts that only recognize their owner if you put a drop of blood on it? I know that those are pretty common in those cultivation novels, but this is reality.” Snickering at his remark, she replied.
“Remember what you told me when I asked about the fact that demons existed?” Freezing for a brief moment as he understood her implied meaning. Looking at her with a look of both surprise and amazement at her quick-thinking. “Everything's possible.” She nodded at his words, before Adeliya, who seemed confused, questioned them about what they were talking about.
Since he noticed a few things that made him think of the fact that this universe was more than it let on, even more than the Superhumans who called themselves Superheroes suggested by their existence, he used that opportunity to explain the basics of cultivation novels to his Aunt with the different classic power levels and mainstream artifacts, professions, etc.
After a very long while, he finished his explanation with a few words. “I'm not sure if what I explained to you will help, but at least you'll get an idea of what we're probably dealing with.” Cocking her brow, Adeliya asked. “You mean...?” Shaking his head, he stated. “I said I'm not sure. But since the universe I get reincarnated in reflects the 'strength' of my superpowers, I'd wager that the power ceiling in this universe should be pretty high.”
Nodding her head at his words, the mature redhead said. “We need to be careful then.” Grunting in approval, he then decided to change the subject. “Just keep it in mind and never share my powers' existence with anyone else and we should be fine for now. In any case, there's a topic a lot more urgent than that.”
From the look on their faces, the two women seemed to have already realized what he was talking about, even before he pronounced his following words. “Petrovich. We need to find a way to get rid of him.” The two nodded before Adeliya added. “And find out why he's targeting us so fiercely.”
Feeling puzzled, he asked. “What do you mean? Didn't you say it was because he had a grudge against you?” Nodding her head once before shaking it, she replied. “That's what I thought at first. But if that was the case, he wouldn't have used guns.” She paused for a second, but because his confusion was all over his face, she explained further.
“You're confused because Bryn and I never really talked about what we do outside. At least in detail.” Her words made him realize both that Sera was as puzzled as he was and that his Aunt and Bryn seemed to have always lied to the two. No, it was not exactly a lie, but more like an omission.
'They definitely had reasons for that. I can't be petty about it, especially with the fact that I also kept secrets from them before today.' He thought while trying to stomp on the growing feeling of bitterness growing inside him at her words. “We've never lied to you. I truly am a doctor and Bryn is truly a fighter. It's just that it's a bit more complex than that.”
“How so?” Sera asked, curious. Crossing her fingers while setting her chin on the back of her hands, she gazed at the two youths before replying. “I'll let Bryn tell you about herself. As for me, I'm a doctor who... Caters to special people.” Her words intrigued Demian greatly. However, he stopped himself from asking anything since he knew she would swiftly satisfy his curiosity.
“What I mean by special people is... people with influence who for their own reasons do not want to go to a hospital.” Pondering her words, he associated it with her surprising familiarity with that Yakovich guy, and a sudden realization appeared in his mind. “You're dealing with the Mafia?!” He exclaimed, half-asking and half-telling.
A gratified smile appeared on Adeliya's face at his guess, before she nodded and responded. “Yes. Although that's the western name for the organized crime syndicates, and not how they call themselves here.” Fascinated by the information he was currently learning, he questioned his Aunt with a tone full of overwhelming curiosity. “So the Yakovich guy is from the organized crime syndicate?”
Giggling at his reaction, she continued. “Yes and no. Let me explain it briefly.” Nodding, he kept silent, while noting a similar curiosity coming from his lover. “You both know our government is not really independent, right?” Despite not understanding the connection, he nodded along with Sera.
“So, the Russian Crimson Circle is our main government, while our own is only a satellite depending on the former. Most countries on this side of the world are in that case. But what most people don't know is that there are several main organizations below the Circle. Or at least that's what I've come to learn from a few of my influential patients. On my part, I only know of 'The Organizatsya', which is what you call Mafia.”
She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts and resumed her explanation. “So, that crime syndicate is under the Circle and controls all the other affiliated Crime Syndicates like the Yakovich Cleaning Companies.” Pondering for a second on her words, Demian asked. “So everything is in the control of the Circle... What a great 'For the betterment of the people'...” He muttered while thinking about the government's usual slogan.
That drew a small chuckle from the older woman, after which she replied. “It's been a long time since I got rid of the hope that the Government had our interests at heart when they did things. Everyone in there is corrupted to a varying degree. And the ones who can't accept that, either stay at the bottom all their lives or disappear mysteriously. I've even had to take care of some of those people who were in charge of those mysterious disappearances...” She finished in a whisper, her voice laced with guilt.
Gazing at the conflicting emotions of the person who did everything she could to raise her abandoned nephew, despite having no 'obligation' to, he felt his heart ache. 'People sometimes have to make decisions that go against their morals I guess...' He thought before reaching to take her left hand in his right and stated.
“Aunty, you don't have to feel guilt. You did what you had to to survive in this crazy world while raising three kids. To me, that deserves great praise.” His words brought a weak smile on the woman's face and a hand squeeze from her. Her smile however turned loving when Sera also intervened while grabbing her only free hand with her help. “Dem's right, Mom! You're amazing and you should always remember that!”
Gazing at the two youths, she exclaimed. “Thank you, guys! I love you.” “I love you too, Aunty!” “Me too, Mom!” The three then fell silent for a few seconds before the older woman broke it by declaring. “I'll go talk to Bryn. We need her if we want to take care of Petrovich. That and I don't want her to keep being sad because of your relationship.”
Letting go of their hands she then walked toward the balcony, leaving the two in their own thoughts.

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