[The Knight’s Multiverse] – A Knight’s Journey: A Cultivator’s journey in a Superhuman’s Modern World

Chapter 15 – Suspicious people following them?

Hello, dear readers! Here's Chapter 15 as planned. We're starting to get some action, with the family being in danger. Anyway no spoiler!



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If you wish to read a similar type of novel, I'm writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse.

A quick sum-up here: Ben Parker was an ex special forces, now retired. His calm life, however, was greatly disturbed by a blue portal appearing in the sky of NYC, spewing out trigger happy grey skin aliens. His nephew, Peter, and his friends, Mary-Jane and Ned, were stuck close to the epicenter, and he had to go save them. After a desperate fight, he was knocked out, but saved by an 'unknown' party. During his 'coma', his previous life's memories awakened alongside three extraordinary perks granted to him by a overpowered entity. What will he do with them?






Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.
Demian's P.O.V.
Nodding to her explanation, he replied. “Don't worry about Aunty and Sera. I won't let anyone hurt them. Not when I am finally able to protect them...” Probably noting the determination in his voice, she nodded and ended the serious conversation with an “I trust you”. Afterward, they switched to lighter subjects until they were interrupted by the noises of footsteps coming toward them from inside. “So you were there!” A sleepy but familiar voice exclaimed with satisfaction.
As if mentally synced, the two turned their heads simultaneously to look at the new arrival. It was Adeliya in her pajamas with a cute but sleepy smile as she looked at the two young adults. Despite all his willingness to not look anywhere but her face, he could not help himself from noting how stretched her shirt was, all due to her impressive bust. Coupled with the way her pair of shorts highlighted her sexy round hips, it made for an image too alluring for Demian's male brain.
'She's really clueless, isn't she? I may be her nephew, but I'm still a healthy teenager, for God's Sake...' Falling in a daze for a few short seconds, he nonetheless woke up quickly enough to notice the attractive and mature woman in front of him cocking her eyebrow, her lips slightly turned upward in a small proud smile.
'She noticed, didn't she? So awkward...' He thought while faking a cough, trying to defuse the embarrassing situation. “Hey, Aunty! How was your sleep?” Chuckling at his obvious deflection, she answered. “I've slept well. What about the two of you?” After exchanging the usual pleasantries, the young man asked, with some curiosity lacing his voice. “Aunty, are you gonna work today?”
Shaking her head, she replied. “No, I'd planned to take today off a few weeks ago already. I just want to spend the day with my three darlings... Well, half-a-day for you Bryn since you'll be leaving after lunch.” Scratching his chin in bewilderment, he asked. “Was I the only one not knowing that Big Sis was leaving after lunch?”
Nodding their head in sync, the two women said. “Yes, you were.” Bryn added. “That's because you weren't listening the few times we talked about it.” Adeliya however tried to defend him. “To be fair, Demian's always exhausted after his daily training.” “It sounds like excuses to me.” The muscular woman retorted, a bit of teasing hidden in her apparently dispassionate tone.
Holding his hands up in defeat. “Fine fine! I'm in the wrong here. Sorry, Sis. I'll pay more attention next time.” “You better.” Her almost complete lack of facial expression could not hide the amusement in her voice, prompting him to tease back. “I've never heard you joking so much. It feels weird. In a good way, of course. What I mean is I'm happy for you. I... Alright, I'll stop now.”
Chuckling together at his clumsy attempt at explaining himself, the two women then started to move toward the dinner table, leaving the young man with a very attractive view of their curvy backside. 'Aunty's is definitely bigger, but Bryn's seems firmer... And still big... Damn it! What am I thinking about? Focus, Demian! Focus!' He thought, distracted for a brief moment.
Shaking his head to clear his lustful thoughts, the brown-haired man followed them while listening to their conversation, intervening from time to time to give his opinion on the subject at hand. That was how the morning went by, with some conversation between the three women (Sera joined them a few minutes later) and him, and a shared lunch.
As the family finished their meal, Adeliya declared to Brynhild. “I'll bring you to the airport myself. That way you won't waste time finding a parking spot.” “Thanks, Mom! I'll get my bag and we can be on our way.” While she was dashing to her bedroom to get her belongings, the older woman asked the two others. “Do you guys want to come?”
Without even consulting each other, the two answered simultaneously. “We're coming!” Looking at each other, the two snickered at their synchronicity. Smiling at the two, his Aunt replied. “Alright, then. Let's wait for Bryn then.” As the three were putting their shoes on, with the two women adding a long cardigan to hide their pajamas, the muscular redhead promptly arrived with her sports bag strapped on her back, a questioning look on her face.
Understanding the unasked query, Demian said, a small smile adorning his lips. “We're sending you there. Did you really think that we'd let you go alone with Aunty to the airport?” To his explanation, her previous questioning look turned into a happy one, although slightly subdued. “Alright.” Was the only word that came out of her mouth, but it was enough for the other three to understand what she meant.
As everyone was ready, Adeliya declared. “Let's go, then!” Following her declaration, the four then left the penthouse, the door automatically locking itself behind them, and moved to the elevator in front. Once everyone was in, Brynhild pushed the 'Underground Garage' button, prompting the doors to close.
After a short moment, the doors reopened to a sizable floor, half of it empty while the rest was filled with mostly medium-and-up-priced cars and bikes. Due to them owning the penthouse above, they were granted a special digitally locked garage space with enough room to park a few vehicles.
Moving to the locked door, his Aunt punched in the code before hitting the 'Enter' button, which unlocked the door with a small clicking noise. As soon as they all entered, Demian gazed at their whole private garage, noting the dedicated entry/exit on one side of the room while on the other side was a small 'shed' used to store some gasoline, tires, and a few simple things for their cars. The kind that were not worth sending their vehicles to the repair shop for.
Although none of them had too much knowledge of car repairs, Bryn and Seraphine knew enough to fix some basic things. 'If only Sera did not lose her eyesight, I'm sure she'd love to work on Bryn's beautiful new ride. I still can't believe how she could somehow find a 1967 Chevy Impala and import it in Molkovia without much trouble. I guess money and influence do help, don't they?' He wryly thought, while looking at the black beauty, only adorned by two white stripes marking the hood and connecting the windshield to the front grill.
Gazing for a few seconds at the magnificent machine, while thinking. 'Her gas consumption is objectively terrible, but then again so are those new American trucks', so I'd rather have a sleek, elegant, and powerful machine, than...' A voice however suddenly broke his train of thoughts. “Demian, what're you doing? We're taking Mom's car, not mine.” Shaking his head to remove his slight disappointment, the young man started moving toward the other car in the room, a burgundy-colored Toyota Rav4.
The three women being already seated inside the SUV, Demian quickly got inside, sitting himself in one of the back seats, alongside Seraphine. Once everyone was ready, Adeliya started the car, opened the garage door with a small remote, and drove it out of the garage, the exit being on the other side of the 'normal' parking lot's entrance, allowing them some privacy from the other tenants/owners.
Pushing the button on the remote to close the entrance, they then started driving toward the airport. Along the way, the four were engaged in small talks, mostly about the upcoming fight, until Demian intervened to change the subject. “Big Sis?” “Yes?” She asked in a curious tone. “I was thinking... Do you think you could lend me the Chevy for a bit after your fight? I'd love to take her for a spin.” Demian demanded in a hopeful tone.
His demand drew a chuckle from the three women, with Adeliya replying. “I saw your eyes every time you looked at it and I was wondering when you'd ask that question.” Her older daughter then added. “You should get your driving license first before touching her steering wheel.” Scratching his growing beard in embarrassment, he retorted out loud. “I forgot about that. I'll take care of it in a few days...” Before thinking. 'Because I'd had my license for more than a dozen years in my previous life, I forgot that I didn't pass the exam in this life... I'm so stupid.'
After that small interlude, the group cruised without interruption, reaching the airport entrance 30 minutes later. As Brynhild was exiting the car, she briefly turned her gaze toward the back of the car, her eyes narrowing slightly as she seemed to see something that Demian apparently missed.
“What's wrong, Sis?” He asked, curious. Staying silent for a few seconds, seemingly trying to determine something, she then shook her head, her facial expression reverting to her usual indifference as she turned back her gaze toward him. Nonetheless, he could see some slight worry hidden in her eyes.
As if to confirm his suspicions, she said. “I'm probably paranoid but... See that grey Toyota over there?” Following her line of sight, the young man noticed the car in question, which was parked a few hundred meters away, with a few people inside, all of them wearing some sort of sunglasses.
Nodding to her question, he asked. “What about it?” “I'm sure I've seen them almost as soon as we left the garage. It could be a coincidence, of course, but...” “With everything going on and you leaving the city, you're thinking that they may be that guy's goons and that he may have sent them to follow us, am I right?”
Cocking her eyebrow at his obviously correct deduction, she replied. “Exactly. So the three of you need to be careful. Once I leave, go straight back home and lock the door. With a digitally locked security door, all of you should be fine...” Hesitating for a second, she added. “Just in case, I've got a gun in my room's safe.”
Noticing the lack of surprise on his face, Bryn asked, curious. “You're not surprised?” Noticing his faux pas, Demian fumbled his next words. “*Cough* I mean... Isn't it a thing for rich people to have guns in their houses? Also, I'm surprised, I just didn't show it...”
“Sure you are...” She shook her head as it was painfully obvious that she did not believe a word that just came out of his mouth. “Anyway, here's the code.” After telling him the safe code, she bid them goodbye and left to catch her plane, leaving the three alone in the car.
As the front seat was free, Demian decided to switch, before declaring. “Just in case Big Sis was right, we shouldn't waste time. Let's leave.” Adeliya nodded to his words, starting her car back up before leaving the airport zone toward Damovotsk city center, where their penthouse was located.
While moving toward their destination, the young man kept looking in the sideview mirror to see if the Toyota was following them and lo and behold: It was! 'It could be that they're going to the same place... Although I've got a hard time believing that...' He thought in doubt. To make sure, he asked his Aunt to make a small detour to see if those guys would follow.
Unfortunately, those sunglasses people were still on their tail. Thankfully, they kept to a fair distance, allowing Demian to think of a few ways to lose them for a long enough time to park their car in their garage, use their personal elevator to reach their penthouse, get in, and lock the door.
Sharing his idea with the two women, the two nodded, even adding a few details that he had not thought about. “The simplest plans are the best.” Chuckling at his quip, Seraphine replied. “You've read too many novels, Dem.” Cocking his eyebrow, he retorted. “Wasn't it because you asked me to read them to you? I've been corrupted by your nerdy way... *Sigh*”

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