The King’s Return

Chapter 282

The finals are still a three-game two-win system. According to the rules of the league, in the first two games, both sides will have a chance to choose the home mode and map, the third The game is a compulsory mode and a random map, so as to ensure the fairness of the game.

At this moment, the eyes of all the audience, professional players and commentators are focused on the big stage, and everyone’s mood is even more tense than the players of the two teams.

Ye Chao squeezed the sweat of his hands and said, “The dynasty team pulled back a very thrilling game, dragging the game into a tiebreaker. The tiebreaker test is not only the overall strength of the two teams, but also the psychology of the players. Quality! Players with insufficient mental quality are prone to mistakes in such a key game. “

Wu Zewen said: “At this step, both sides will try their best to win the championship, and no one wants to lose. Players must be calm at this time, don’t think about the results of too many games.”

Liu Chuan gave him a smile and said: “Ze Wen was not nervous when he was a newcomer. He was calmer than me.”

Wu Zewen said: “Because I will forget all the previous scores at the beginning of the game and just think about what I should do next. It ’s good in the finals and the regular season. Every game is a new start. It does n’t matter if you win or lose. , Just play a new game. “

Ye Chaodao: “Yes, don’t bring your previous emotions to the next game. This is easy to say, but it may be difficult. We can see from the live broadcast screen that most of the players on both sides have relatively easy expressions. Qin Mo … Hey, he has no expression, his face is calm, and I can’t see whether he is nervous? “

Wu Zewen said firmly: “He should not be nervous, after all, he has experienced so many things, his heart is strong, and he is very firm.”

Liu Chuan nodded in agreement: “Well, I also believe that Qin Mo can support the scene at a critical moment. The tiebreaker is the best treasure hunting mode of Mo Zhe, but the dynasty team ’s winning rate in the treasure hunting mode is also very high. After the fight, the key also depends on what map the system randomly comes out. “

Ye Chaodao: “The two feel that if the two sides of the treasure hunt mode play against each other, which lineup is more advantageous?”

Wu Zewen said: “There were two assassins in the dynasty, Sang Jun and Wen Hua, who could use the martial arts to stealth. The new build was a hard-to-kill meat shield. If they sent a double assassin, a poisoner, a healing and a meat shield in the treasure hunt mode The combination of Mo will be very difficult to fight, because the assassin can’t find it after stealing the treasure chest, and the other three people just need to defend and delay the time for the assassin teammates to steal the treasure chest and the odds will be very high. “

Ye Chao asked: “So, the lineup with the highest win rate in the treasure hunt mode should be the team of five assassins?”

Wu Zewen pushed his glasses and carefully analyzed: “Theoretically, the five assassins are all invisible. First, they will search for five treasure chests, and then organize a group to assassinate and sneak attack. Grab the treasure chests and continue to stealth. The opponent will have a headache. “Liu Chuan added:” Zewen said that this lineup can only be realized in online games. Professional teams will not have so many assassins. A team is usually equipped with 1-2 assassin players. At present, The dynasty lineup was dominant on the surface, but Mo Qing had Zhu Qingyue, a first-class assistant and Han Mo, as a tacit partner. There was nothing to fear from the assassin’s sneak attack. “


After the first two innings were tied 1: 1, the referees had a longer rest period for the players. The commentators analyzed the situation in the third round with due diligence. The audience was anxiously waiting for the start of the final round. The big screen was just right. Everyone saw Qin Mo taking a glass of water from Xiao Han’s hands and drinking slowly.

As Wu Zewen said, he was not nervous or excited at the moment, but was unprecedentedly calm.

In the year he debuted, he followed the style team led by Master to the finals. He was so excited that he had not slept all night the night before, and played the game against the eyes of the panda the next day. He was killed by his opponent and scolded by Master severely.

Later, under the master’s tune-teaching, his mentality gradually stabilized and he was fortunate to be selected for the first national team of miracles. In the year when he entered the World Series, he and Xiao Han happened to be a dormitory. The two had insomnia in a foreign country at the same time. They chatted until three in the morning and participated in the finals the next day. With a beautiful clock tactics, media reporters touted the performance of the two, calling them the new generation of Gemini stars in the e-sports circle, which is the future of miracles.

He fell from the altar in only half a year.

Too many things happened in that half of the year, Master retired, took over as Vice Captain, broken fingers, declining team performance, and left the league embarrassed …

In the years when he was an e-sports player, he won such a highly respected glory as the World Championships, and he also left sadly and was drowned by countless scolds. In fact, he is not short of champions. There are several championship trophies in his family. He returned to the new game this time to play the game, just to fulfill his wish.

Because he didn’t want to leave this stage that he has always loved, he gathered up the courage and came back.

At this step, whether or not he can win the championship is not very important to Qin Mo personally. He just wants to play this game well for himself and for his teammates who have worked hard for a whole year and fans who like Mo Ju. Satisfactory explanation.


Qin Mo’s mentality was already very relaxed, especially the warm water sent by Xiao Han, which made his mood even more peaceful.

Liu Hong joked, “I’m still surprised that Han Shen grew up in the United States. Shouldn’t he be used to drinking cold water? Every time I go out, I bring a thermos cup, which was originally used for this purpose.”

Zhu Qingyue glanced at the thermos cup in Qin Mo’s hand, and smiled, “Cold God is intimate.”

Xiao Han explained: “Xiao Mo’s body is cold, his hands and feet are always cold, and he is also used to drinking warm water. He will have stomachache when drinking cold water.”

Everyone thought, how do you know that his hands and feet are cold? Do you touch it often?

Qin Mo glanced at Xiao Han, coughed, and said, “It’s all about the tiebreaker. What warm water and cold water do you care about, shouldn’t you focus on the lineup?”

Shen He grinned, “We believe that the captain will arrange it!”

Pei Yu echoed: “Yes, I already prepared a few sets of lineups before training. The Qin team directly said which one to use, everyone will cooperate with you!”

The trust of his teammates made Qin Mo smile a little, greeted everyone to come around, and said quietly: “To deal with the assassin sneak attack lineup of the dynasty, we will use the unexpected tactics we tried during the training match, everyone will wait note……”


The audience quickly discovered that Mo Jue’s side got together for a meeting, and on the dynasty side, Sang Jun also called his teammates together and told them some precautions.

After a ten-minute break, the finals of the finals officially began.

The captains of the two sides sat on the command seat. The game mode of the third game was undoubtedly the “treasure hunt mode”. The system began to randomly select maps from the map gallery. After ten seconds of counting down, the randomly selected maps finally appeared in the big game. On the screen-a lava cave.

It is actually a cave maze!

This map is colorful, and there are many strangely shaped colorful rocks in the cave. The terrain of the cave is rugged and complicated. The wide place is like a square. The narrow place can only pass by one person. The cave can be divided vertically into three layers. There are rocks between the three layers. The steps are connected. The design of this vertical labyrinth makes it easy for people who do not understand the terrain to get lost.

The refresh positions of the treasure chests will be scattered around the cave. This will also cause the tactical ideas that the two teams can choose from, whether it is to advance in groups or spread out to act independently. On such a complicated map, in addition to tactics, luck It will also become a very important factor-which player’s refresh position is closer to the treasure chest, which side will have a great advantage in the beginning.

Seeing this map, Ye Chao couldn’t help but said, “The system is to choose the most difficult treasure hunting map! I used to practice on this map. I want to find ten treasure chests by myself and have 15 minutes of competition time. It’s too late! I only found two in fifteen minutes. “

Wu Zewen said: “It is not necessary to find all of them. The rule of the treasure hunt mode is that at the end of fifteen minutes, which side has more chests and which side wins, there is no rule to take all ten chests. For example, at fifteen minutes, One team has three treasure chests, and the other team only finds two. That can also determine the outcome. “

Liu Chuan said: “The two sides definitely want to find as many as possible, but when necessary, they can also give up searching for treasure chests that are too far away, and fight directly in team battles, grabbing from each other.”

Ye Chao nodded: “Let’s take a look at the cheats carried by both sides.”

Since there is no home and away game in the tiebreaker game, the selection of cheats is no longer divided like in the previous game. The commanders of the two sides can freely select the cheats from the cheats database and bring them into the stadium. In other words, all 30 cheats available in the league can be used. Choice, there may be situations where both parties choose the same cheat book, which also ensures the fairness of the game to the greatest extent.

After three minutes of preparation time, the commanders of both sides finally submitted the lineup-

In Mo Jue ’s side, Qin Mo, Xiao Han, and Liu Hong output three, with Li Muran to treat, Zhu Qingyue assisted, the five cheats are actually control, group silence, group fear, group immobilization … This is to directly fight the group Control the opposite to the rhythm of death.

On the dynasty side, the lineup is a meat shield, healing, poison division and double assassins. This is also the most powerful sneak attack lineup in the dynasty treasure hunting mode. In terms of cheats, Sang Jun and Wen Hua are both carrying crit. Stealth and team up with the second person to grab the treasure chest to grasp the initiative of the game, the other three bring treatment, anti-injury, and release control, which is convenient for the double assassins to gain more time.

A word from Liu Chuan said the key: “The Mo Jue brought the group control cheats, and wanted to open a regiment, but the dynasty wanted to fight sneak attack guerrilla warfare. The labyrinth map, sneak attack will be better, but I think Qin Mo is sure He should be prepared to prevent a sneak attack from the dynasty. “

At the start of the game, players from both sides refreshed on the map.

The dynasty’s luck was slightly better. Sang Jun had a treasure chest nearby, and he quickly went to take it down. The other four teammates, including Chu Xinxin and Lin Yan, were on the second floor cave, treating Yan Qing, and another Assassin Wenhua was on the third floor cave.

Sang Jun ordered a set of symbols and said, “Xiao Wen came to me, and the others joined the first team.”

There is no treasure chest near Wenhua, just down the steps to meet Sang Jun, the two assassins can act in stealth. The other three people, Chu Jianxin also found a treasure chest. The other two did not gain anything. Two minutes after the start of the game, the dynasty team members quickly gathered in the maze and found two treasure chests.

This is a good start, because the number of treasure chests on both sides will be updated in real time in the match room. The number of treasure chests in Mo Ju is still zero.

What are Mo Ju people doing?

Sang Jun was a little puzzled-this map is very large, and the terrain of the three-story cave cave maze is complicated. If you are unlucky and refreshed far away from the treasure chest, you may not get the treasure chest for a while. However, two minutes have passed, and it makes no sense that five people are unlucky to brush in the distance?

Sang Jun was immediately vigilant, and put a warning sign, saying, “Everyone pay attention, don’t hit anyone who sees Mo Ju! Xiao Wen follows me in stealth to investigate.”

At the same time, God viewed the live commentator Wu Zewen from the perspective of God, but carefully noticed a subtle coincidence—

At the beginning, Li Muran refreshed in the middle karst cave, Qin Mo and Xiao Han were at the bottom, Zhu Qingyue and Liu Hong were at the upper level. There was a small cave near Qin Mo showing the treasure chest icon, but he did not go to get it, but went straight up the steps. Go to the middle level to find Li Muran.

Similarly, at the top level, Liu Hong was able to get the treasure chest after crossing an aisle. She didn’t go there, but jumped off with merits.

Since everyone didn’t go to get the treasure chest, in just one minute, all five people from Mo Ju came to the middle cave.

Li Muran and Zhu Qingyue were in a group. Xiao Han went to the front left, Qin Mo went to the front, and Liu Hong went to the front right. The three men collected the treasure chest of the middle cave.

The treasure chests on this map are: three in the lower layer, three in the upper layer, and four in the middle layer.

——Mo Jue all came to the middle cave. Is this to throw away the upper and lower layers and hold the group directly?

In this case, the risk is too great. First of all, the treasure chest in the middle layer may have been taken by the dynasty. Secondly, if the dynasty is not in the middle layer, avoid the Mo Ju and go to the lower and upper tiers to search for the treasure chests. The 6 they found will exceed Mo Ju. 4.

Wu Zewen carefully looked at the course of action of Mo’s team members from the perspective of God, and then was shocked to find that—

Although all members of Mo Jue have been moving, the distance between everyone and Li Muran and Zhu Qingyue has always remained within 30 meters.

From a heads-up perspective, they are advancing quickly in search of a middle-level treasure chest. However, from a bird’s-eye view, their formation is fan-shaped with treatment and assistance as the center. Qin Mo is moving forward, while Xiao Han and Liu Hong scan around in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, respectively.

This formation made Wu Zewen suddenly think of a common thing—

Swinging clock.

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