The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 200 **Two Little Boys**

“God…Father?” Nether asked.

Steven smiled, “Apparently it means that if something were to happen to Kin’s mother or father, then I will be the one to look after him…Or something like that…”
Looking over to where Sahara and Matthew were supposed to be, Nether found that they weren’t there and looked further around, still not finding them. “Where’d they go?”

Steven looked too and wasn’t surprised, “It’s ok, they’ll be back.”

Steven, as long as he held Kin, was never worried that they wouldn’t return. He couldn’t help sometimes feel otherwise if he didn’t have Kin, but he had no doubt in his mind that he will see them again very soon.

“So certain!” Nether stated, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, we are…Family.” Steven stated, not sure how else to state it.

“Family…” Nether didn’t know what to make of it.

Steven smiled at her, “We were family before we were family.”

Nether turned to him and frowned, “What do you mean?”

With humorous eyes, Steven continued, “Actually, Sahara called me brother long before we found out that I was Matthew’s half-brother. The man inside, he is my biological father.”

“He’s your father!?” Nether asked, slightly louder than she intended.


“Yes.” Was all Steven said. Not relaying anymore information…Which was normal for him…

“Oh…” Nether stated…

This place…So they were all related, so then, how was she going to fit in here?

And why am I thinking about fitting in!?

Steven watched her, unknowingly showing a gentle gaze, and found her amusing. She was similar to Sahara, by showing her emotions on her face.

That was one reason why he liked her to begin with. He found himself able to trust her simply because she showed when she was actually afraid…And he had only seen that once when he had shown her his cultivation, back when…Well, back when they were still somewhat children. So, he had never done it again to her…In that short time that they knew each other…

It felt so long ago now…Even though it was just a couple of years ago…

Their time together was just a couple of months, just off a year, and he couldn’t help but be happy to have seen her again…Even if she does decide to leave.

“Sahara will not force you to do anything you don’t want to do. She will help you with whatever you decide.” Steven said, hoping that Nether would not hate or dislike Sahara.

Nether looked at Steven and flopped to the ground.

Sitting down with her, both Steven and Nether watched as the small boy got engrossed with his own fingers and hands…




“You want to put up a stage?” Sahara asked, looking at both Christian and Hector.

It was dawn the next day, not long before teleporting back to Green Haven, and both the ‘boys’ came to talk to Sahara.

Why do they want to ask me?

“You want to act?” Sahara asked innocently.

They both frowned, almost in unison, really…They were like two little, twin, three-year-old boys…

“We want to fight of course!” They both stated.

Oh, right, of course…How in the world would there be anything else used for a ‘stage’…

“An arena for fighting?”

“Yes!” They both said.

And yet, Sahara could not understand why they were asking her!

“Where would it go? You know what Golden Haven looked like, right!? So, where can we put an arena?” Christian asked, to which Hector nodded his head too.

Sahara let out a very small laugh, then tried to go back to normal.

Taking a deep breath in, she went to look around, only to be interrupted by Matthew, “Time to go, Love.”

Sahara looked up to Matthew briefly, and said, “Just a minute.”


Looking around at the already full but gone Golden Haven, Sahara could see the past. She saw shops and houses, over bridges and it looked cluttered, yet at the same time quite a masterpiece.

Searching away from where she was, she circled the area, only to find that there wasn’t any type of arena close by…But there was one a bit further away, to what looked like a merchant area…Actually, it seems Golden Haven really did have some unique type of plans, where one area was for this, another area was for that. Sahara smiled as she looked at the arena and nodded her head. It wasn’t exactly for fighting, as it had an acting stage and some other things but perhaps, they could make those things later, if at all!

Actually, she thought, it may be good for people to get rid of some violent urges…Perhaps that was why Earth was so full of violence in the streets…Perhaps there wasn’t enough play fighting…Well, whatever…

“Found something you could use, it’s not that big but perhaps we could build a bigger one later.” Sahara stated, turning back to the ‘little boys’.

They both nodded their heads in anticipation. “Where…Where do we build it?”

“Come, look in that direction and hold my hand.” Sahara stated.

Showing them the blueprint to Golden Haven, both of the boys took a while before they finally found the arena.


“I’ll place dirt holes to state the edge of it, so you guys can only build the arena inside of that. Understood?”

They both nodded, to which Sahara only saw the end of, as she detached herself from the sight.

Sighing, Sahara sat down, and did exactly as she said she would and then got back up.

The boys were gone…Busying themselves with a future arena…

“Kids…” Sahara said, not meaning anything by it.

Matthew chuckled. “They get on well, almost like they are brothers.”

“It seems so strange that someone can get so close after just a fight…But really, Hector probably can’t go back to his Haven now. He himself abandoned the army, so he is stuck here.”

“Stuck? He doesn’t look stuck to me!” Matthew stated the obvious upon how well the two older men got on.

Actually, Sahara wouldn’t call them brothers, it was more like a father with his boy, simply because Hector was obviously older than Christian…
“…It’s time…” Matthew stated, turning to be in front of Sahara and kissing her on the forehead.

Sahara sighed and then teleported them to Green Haven.




“It seems to have just worked out that way…”

The ‘men’ looked at Sahara and sighed.

Having agreed that they had done the right thing by first going to get the Blue Haven Emperor and not even tried for the Red Haven King, they accepted that they might not have been able to get both of the King’s at the same time the day before.

“Now that that unnecessary conversation has been had…” Sahara mumbled.

She had stood there, having brought Matthew back with her to Green Haven, and watched these men make themselves feel better about how things had turned out the day before.

I don’t know why they keep sighing at me though!

“It is time.” The Green Haven Emperor stated finally.

Sahara rolled her eyes and mumbled, “It might be time for you, but will he be out of bed yet!?”

As she sat down, the men did worry…This Red King seemed to not worry too much of what time of day it was to do that sort of thing!



A messenger got in and Sahara opened her eyes, just before she was going to send a star out, to see what this was about.

They had gotten an update with the army, and it seems that their action with the Divine Beast had indeed caused a reaction to the army out in the wilderness.

“Speak!” The Green Haven Emperor stated.

“It is now confirmed, Your Majesty, the army is indeed going away from our Green Haven Borders! We now have to follow them by going into the wilderness.” The messenger was still bowing formally and went silent after having said what he had said.

“In what direction are they heading in? Are they going back the way they came?” Matthew asked.

Joshua nodded to the question that he was coming to as well.

“It is said, Your Majesty, Your Highness…That they are…Using the anti-beast barrier bridge…They seemed to have found it and some part of the army is using that as they are…Heading away from us…”

…Which only meant that…That they were heading towards Purple Haven!


“We have time. If they want to go towards Purple Haven, we have time to come to an agreement and stop it before they…”

Well, that army would probably destroy Purple Haven. Even though they knew that they had time to stop this, they couldn’t help but feel at a loss towards Purple Haven. They had only five thousand…Less! They also, at this point of time, didn’t know that the army was coming!

“Yes, we need to stop this!” The Green Haven Emperor stated, then he cleared his throat, feeling slightly worried that he had brought misfortune to Purple Haven.

“Don’t worry Father, don’t forget Nate was always going to go to Purple Haven anyway. It just seems that he’s doing it before Green Haven is all.” Sahara stated, reminding him that she could hear Nate’s thoughts and that he should have remembered that she told them this…At some point…

Actually, she can’t remember when she had told them, it feels so long ago now!

Or did I tell them at all?


“Indeed, Sahara is right. In fact, this is a prime time to do what we need to do! Sahara, make sure that you take Joshua this time!” The Emperor stated.

Sahara sighed and sat down, angering the Emperor to her lack of manners.

How can he teach this child to be good and proper!

They all watched the star fly out and waited as Sahara went to Red Haven…Again…

She hadn’t remembered which way to go, so it took a little longer, but this time she could indeed find a spot to teleport too…But the King was by himself at the moment, not like that of the Blue Haven Emperor the day before.

“Found him, and a place to teleport too but he has no minister’s around. Is that what you want?”

They nodded, quietly, having thought of both ways and for the first meeting, it may not matter.

“And what of the Blue Haven Emperor, is he…Appropriate to teleport to if we need him?” Joshua asked, clearing his throat halfway through the sentence.

Sahara rolled her eyes and got out another star.

Work work!

It seemed that the Blue Haven Emperor was busier than the Red Haven King, as Blue Haven was having a morning meeting with the ministers.


The sun obviously works differently in the Haven’s and it reaches Red Haven before it reaches Green Haven, so that was why they had troubles the day before.

Now, trying again, it just felt like Red Haven was not as busy, but really, they had missed the first official meeting that they had that morning due to the time there already heading towards about lunch time…Give or take…

“We’ve never had to worry about time differences before…” Joshua stated, putting a finger to his face after Sahara told them the time of day. “It really escaped my notice.”

That’s right! For them, it would have been best to start their ‘forced’ meetings to the Blue and Red Haven leaders in their morning, instead of their lunch, afternoon…

…How where they supposed to know what time it was!?

It wasn’t like they could always see what Sahara would see! They honestly thought that the Red Haven King was some…Pervert! But really, he wasn’t too far away from doing a normal routine that even the Green Haven Emperor does!


“Does that mean we are going then?” Sahara asked the men that were wasting time.

This was important, so to her, even if it were dark, as long as they were awake, she’d call in on them!

…Of course, if it wasn’t important, she’d give some type of notice or something.

“Do you still have the scroll!?” The Emperor asked suddenly.

Sahara nodded, bringing it out in a jiffy.

“Where do you put it?” Joshua asked, taking the scroll.

Sahara didn’t speak…Instead she smiled.

This woman is just full of tricks!

Noticing that Joshua didn’t give the scroll back, Sahara shrugged…

I can keep quiet! Having to help requires effort and so this means…I’m free!

Smiling, Sahara stood there, waiting for the men to be ready.

“…We are ready, Your Majesty.” Joshua stated, with a slight bow.

“This King wishes you…” The Emperor started, only to now be talking to nothing, “…Good luck…”

They’d already left…

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