The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 194 **Anticlimactic**

Sahara has no more time to ponder upon the history and brilliance of a Divine beast though, as Matthew’s grip on her was still quite strong!

Able to fix his ear completely now, in no time, Matthew finally let his grip go slack and sighed.

“Sorry, I…”

Matthew sighed, “It doesn’t matter. What…What did you yell out before?”

Leaning into her as even though the pain was now gone and he could hear properly, Matthew remembered it!

Sahara patted him like a child, and said, “I just found out that the spiritual essence in all of your ears is that of a golden Emperor’s spiritual essence, so…The Divine Beasts, the golems, they are like, they used to be…Golden Emperor’s…”

“What!?” Matthew looked at her in shock. “Really!?”

Sahara nodded, “Yeah…”

Silence came between them as it really was a notable piece of information as…The Divine Beasts, well, they were about four of them, which meant that a minimum of four times the planet had been re done…Scratched. Four times…


“…You finally found a way to heal the ear then.” Matthew stated, remembering another big fact and issue.

After a short while Sahara nodded, and sighed, “The essence from the Divine beast actually became part or the ear, and having to take that away was pretty much tearing at your ear…Apparently such a direct attack on the senses was something that a Golden Emperor could do…But that’s why it was so painful…Sorry for hurting you…”

Actually, until this day, Sahara had not too much idea upon how to help with numbing certain areas of the body. She knew she could ask the essence of the person to help with pain relief or whatever, but being able to insert needles, like doctors in Earth’s 21st Century, or even here with acupuncture, Sahara had no idea about it!

Should she learn, so that it wouldn’t be as painful for everyone else?

Looking around, not at anyone in particular, she tried to remember how many had affected ears and then remembered how painful it was for Matthew.

“It’s ok, if I can take it, they can…”

Sahara gave out a short laugh and let out a wave of her hand.

I’ll just ask the essence to help me with pain relief, that should be enough!

And so, the ‘hearless’ people in amongst those were defending Green Haven at the border were all fixed, as the standoff between the attacking army and defense of Green Haven continued…




In amongst all the work to help people hear once again, a specific timing had been met in the way of attacking the Emperor.

The diggers, the second attack force, had indeed made it into the Haven and had finally found the other group that had been waiting for them. A whole day was wasted as they tried to find one another but now that had been done, they only needed an hour to figure out a plan to kill the Emperor.

They had to be careful, as not only was this practically a suicide mission, but their physician, if they were to get away, was not even with them. They had to keep in mind that they couldn’t get hurt in a major way or there would be no way of ever returning back home!

And yes, these people wanted to return, they all did!

So…They had wished to had found Nether, yet they didn’t expect that she was just trying to stay close to the Emperor in wait for any type of action.


The plan was to come in one by one, as to obtain as much of the guards as possible to any one of their members. So, in fact, the first three attackers weren’t really going for the Emperor, they were a bluff so that they can get the guards away from the Emperor. It was a scary type of attack for the first three as…They will be on their own. The best they can hope for is to survive by running or holding out for as long as possible until the job was done and others could help them but…They had to get away from the Emperor, so that the guards couldn’t just turn around and protect the Emperor again, so running away for a distance was practically necessary…

But they were sent here for a purpose, an absolute mission…They had to kill the Emperor!

And so, the first three attackers did indeed try to take away guards, but one was killed very quickly and…Not all the guards had left when the fourth attacker came in, so they had to do the job that should have already been done!


After that, the rest of the attackers came down from different directions to race towards the Emperor, thinking that at least one of them would have the chance to kill him yet…

There was just so many guards!

How had they known that they were going to attack!? What was the chances that the Green Haven hadn’t known about this attack and just had this many guards here to protect the Emperor by chance!?

Questions such as this came into the attacker’s minds as they could see their plan not working!

Could they have known that they were coming?

Of course, a lot of Bands had been added so they were all ‘guards’ but that was indeed enough!

The Emperor only needed to take on one himself, not having to bother about the rest and only got a scrap of skin taken by a knife, but it was not life threatening.

Nether hid once again, holding her breath and quickly looking around. She had been racing over as soon as the attack had happened, only to just get there upon the last man kneeling down at the Green Haven guards…

It had happened too quick for her to do anything!

What was the whole point of her being there!?

She could go help the two attackers that may still be ok, but that was all that was left alive or not captured!


“Get the Royal Physician!” A guard yelled out, looking at the Emperor’s wound.

“Take him to the prison!” The Emperor yelled.

“And these, sir?” Another guard asked, looked at the bodies of the attackers.

The Emperor looked at them only briefly, “What do you think!? They tried to kill this King! Hang them up near the border in front of their army!”

“Hey, you, get a Royal Physician!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t put a hundred percent faith in this one…”

Nether turned to a female, about the same age as her, and tried to pretend that she had always been from this Haven and not someone sent here to kill its Emperor. “I can go and…”

“No, no. Steven, you watch her like a hawk while I tend to father.”


Nether wanted to watch the girl, as she took in her words, but her eyesight was then adverted to a man.

Her eyes lifted to see his narrowed, golden eyes and she was shocked.

A baby’s cry shifted her thoughts and feelings of seeing those same type of eyes in Nate, and finally saw the child within what she would think of as a baby carrier.


She watched as Steven was gentle with the child through his voice and hand that stroke the child’s head, but he was still very keenly watching her.

“I…Haven’t done anything wrong…” Nether stated.

Surely, they don’t know that I’m not from here!

But she might as well have said nothing at all, as the man known as ‘Steven’ did not react to a word that she had just said.

“May I go then?” Nether asked.

“No.” Was all the man stated, as he continued to watch her.


What was she to do!?

Do they know!? But how could they know!? So, if they don’t know, then why would they watch me like this and not let her go!?

Nether wondered if it was protocol, that people couldn’t leave or come in when an attack happened with the Emperor. Could that be it?

She had never actually worked this close to a King before, or Emperor…

Actually, Nether didn’t know why one Haven had a King, and another had an Emperor…Yet weren’t they the same thing? She had never heard about it until the army was formed…

“Yeah, I think it’s weird too.” Suddenly the female was there too.

It was the girl that had told this man to stare at her, almost like a pervert…


Hang on, who was she talking too!? I didn’t say anything!?

Sahara gave out a smile and looked at Steven. “It wasn’t that bad. I still have to catch the other two, so keep an eye on this one.”

Steven nodded quietly, not taking his eyes of Nether.

Swallowing, Nether looked at Sahara and tried to calm her breathing.

She wasn’t an assassin, she wasn’t an offensive person…Yet, at the same time, was she just going to stay here!?

It really did look like that she had been found out, but she really didn’t know why, or how!

Not only that but their attack was a complete defeat, almost like it was known that it was going to happen!

What was going on here!?

She had seen it all this time, while in the Haven, that they had anticipated the attack. They had a plan, even though they still had people getting hurt and deaths, but they had indeed defended almost like they knew everything!

“We are just lucky. Now don’t do anything stupid…” After that, Nether watched as Sahara sat down and went into meditation.

“Look after her!” Came a yell from near the Emperor and Nether saw guards come down from somewhere and literally surround the female as she couldn’t see her anymore.


If she knew what to ask or what to say, Nether probably would have said something, but nothing came to mind.

What she seemed to find real, seemed to be exactly true though. She didn’t know how or when, but it was pretty evident that they knew that she was from another Haven.

She also knew that she didn’t have the skills to get away from here…Nor the courage…


Sighing, Nether bowed her head. She hadn’t wanted to come here! She hadn’t wanted to be a part of this attacking army!

Having been a physician at a particular place had been why she had come here…Her manager had a boss, and his boss was in the pickings of the people leaving to take this Haven. That was it…That was why she was here.

She really had only just gotten her life in order!

Now, now she was stuck elsewhere, most likely going to be imprisoned or killed.

What luck!


Slumping down to the ground, not caring that she had worried a few close by, Nether brought up her legs and put her head on them.

What was the point on fighting?

As much as she wanted to take advantage of this and try to sleep, she couldn’t. She was upset that just as she got her life ready, her life was pretty much over.

Her next step in her life was going to start looking into the men that may have been romantically chasing her lately. Already she had thought that she’d like a man that wasn’t too harsh on a female having a job, someone that accepted her life as a helper to the sick. After spending so much time to learn how to become a physician, she didn’t want to just stop simply because she found herself a man!

No, she was going to think thoroughly, even though most of them were as poor as her. Of course, it was obvious upon why no rich man had wanted her hand, and that was because she was an orphan. Her parents had died early, and she had been in a home but look at her, she’d been alright. It was fine…

She was fine…

…Well, she was fine…Until now…

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