The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 178 **Why Can’t she just Nip this Shit in the Butt!?**

“We have enough problems! Let us figure out my Haven first!” The Emperor angrily said, now not wanting to speak of something not only unbelievable but something that was not here and in front of them! He wanted justice for his mother! He wanted his Haven back! Perhaps when he got his position back, he could think rationally about what’s going on outside!

Sahara heard the Emperor’s thoughts and wondered quietly upon which problem was worse. It’s understandable that the Emperor couldn’t think beyond his own place but really…

I guess it’s normal for people to only think of what’s in front of them. It happened on Earth, where people had troubles in other countries and all that was done was probably funding and sending a few people over to help. Was that all us humans can do? Worry about what’s in front of us and not completely believe what other things are going on?

Thinking of the other Havens, Sahara wondered if they were having troubles and that perhaps they could have even helped but, they had not the chance here like what Earth did with planes and trains.

Here, here was a wilderness filled with beasts that can grow quite powerful but Earth…

Sahara suddenly felt bad, that she might have been able to do just a little bit more for when Earth was in trouble, and she could have caught a train or flown to help…

Help…Right, the Purple Haven owed the Green Haven, perhaps they could lend a hand?


With the idea of Purple Haven, Sahara bit her lip. She knew Purple Haven really weren’t in any position to help anyone! They had little resources now and little food, little numbers…As if they could lend much of a hand!

But…Sahara placed that thought away for now because…Well, if there was something, Purple Haven might still be willing to help if Green Haven would take off some of what was owed…

After all, with having to send items to Green Haven so often because of the dept owed, Purple Haven won’t be able to get on their own two feet very quickly.

Yes, Sahara stated, now biting a nail, if she were to even get fifteen or twenty people and help and level them up a bit, it would still be something! And something was better than nothing!


Matthew looked at the Emperor and frowned, thinking that even if the Emperor got his Haven back, wouldn’t they still be in the path of destruction?

“You’re right. They will come here, with a Divine Beast. Even if we get this Haven back…What would be the point?” Sahara stated, leaning into Matthew’s chest. So many things to worry about all at once!

“Nonsense!” The Emperor yelled, yet he did hear those words and knew that…Just over the horizon, there was indeed an idea that did shake him.

Sahara saw that neither of them had no plan as of right now, just like her, and so she sighed again.

What am I to do? She asked herself.

The army, the Prince, which problem should they tend to first!?


Prince Liam had taken control of the palace, he had killed the ministers that were loyal to the Emperor so…As far as Sahara was concerned, he had won.

But the people would be in trouble, not only because Prince Liam may be a bad ruler but because an army with a Divine Beast was coming.

So…The innocent people…

Sahara suddenly laughed.

“What’s so funny!?” The Emperor yelled at her.

Putting a hand to her mouth, Sahara’s shiny eyes looked at the Emperor. “It’s just an idea…I was just thinking of Prince Liam ruling over no one. I thought that was funny!”


That’s right, Sahara had a thought of taking everyone away from here, giving nothing left for Prince Liam to have killed so many for!

If she took the innocent and loyal people from here, saving the Haven in a way, then she would have more time to come up with a plan for the army!

Well, it would take a lot of spiritual essence to teleport them all but, it was not only giving them more time, but it would also make that Prince Liam really angry!

She couldn’t help it, Sahara laughed again, imagining Prince Liam’s face if he found out everyone disappeared!

Would he fall into despair? Would he also laugh through hysterics? What would he do if he found out that he did all this rebellion for nothing?

Well, it was just an idea…

“You can’t be serious in thinking of…Teleporting everyone to Golden Haven, are you?” Matthew asked.

The population here was…Well, it wasn’t small!

Teleporting all of them, housing all of them…No, it can’t be done!

Sahara laughed again, turning to look at Matthew, “It’s not like it would be forever, besides, not everyone is innocent and loyal, so not everyone would be coming.”

Matthew frowned deeply at her. “This Prince doesn’t approve!”

Hitting him lightly in the chest, Sahara smiled, “Of course you don’t!”

“Neither does this King! This is my Haven!” The Emperor yelled out in frustration. “Why should this King leave!?”


Sahara sighed, again.

…It was just an idea, alright, calm down!

But…What else is she to do?

Should she attempt to turn…Wait…

Could she do that? Turn the army into beasts or…Even just the shaman’s?

If she could turn the shaman’s into beasts, like what the spiritual essence did in the past to others, wouldn’t that stop the Divine Beast from being controlled?

‘Master, it is something the spiritual essence can do but you must be in a better state then you are now to even attempt it in the first place!’

Ok, she thought, right now she couldn’t but if she could, then the army isn’t something to worry too much about right now! Well, hopefully that army shouldn’t be a big problem…Hopefully…


Except…What…What if the shamans weren’t bad people?

What if they had come because their families were in trouble? What if they were in the dark upon what they were doing?

Turning them into beasts, when they might be somewhat innocent, was more of a selfish path of her own, which only meant that, a pain greater than what she was getting now would happen…

And as it was, Sahara had a splitting headache!

She was already told that her power should not be used selfishly…So…

Finding out about the shaman’s first would be best, then if they are bad people, it should be ok to go ahead and turn them into beasts…

Why oh why can’t she just nip this shit in the butt! Kill Prince Liam for a start and the followers, of course no evidence to lead to these deaths…Unless they make it up…So, then make some up! This was all so annoying!

But then, wouldn’t she just become one of them at the end of the day?

Perhaps she choose the wrong side to be on!

Ok then, so she can worry about the shaman’s later, that’s good, she was happy about procrastinating. Being lazy was almost a talent of hers so…

A decision was then made, and Sahara felt better!

“I’m going to meditate.” Sahara stated, getting out of Matthew’s hold and sitting down.

Without further ado, Sahara placed a white pill in her mouth and focused on getting her strength back.


It looks like…They were staying here for now…In this cold palace…

Matthew let out one small chuckle and looked over at Kin.

Putting a hand on Kin, Matthew was then spouted some more noise from the Emperor, but Matthew interrupted him, “For now we are staying here, try to come up with a plan while we wait for Sahara.”

The Emperor humphed and crossed his arms over his chest in more frustration. “If only my ministers didn’t die!”

Matthew took Kin into his arms, now that he was free from his ‘baby carrier’, and said, “But they are, and we still need a plan.”

A moment of silence went by, before the Emperor calmed down and put his hands to his sides, “Then, who is left on this King’s side…”

For a good hour, they were trying to come up with a plan, figuring out who they had on their side and how to achieve success in obtaining back the Haven…

The Bands made a run outside to check on two people, mainly that of the General and another Minister…Things might be a bit of a worry if the General was…




Sahara opened her eyes and felt better. If she had a sleep for twelve hours, she was sure that she would be as right as rain!

Seeing Matthew with the ministers and the Emperor, Sahara turned to Steven, who was next to her, “What’s going on?”

“You’re finished? Oh, they are trying to come up with a plan.” Steven said.

Seeing that Kin was with Matthew, Sahara turned back to Steven, “Have they come up with anything?”

Steven played with the ground in front of him, “They were trying to wonder where abouts their loyal people were and how to get to them, already believing that they needed them to storm the palace.”

Their loyal…



It was something that she had thought of before, briefly, but she had seen it in the past memories of the spiritual essence.

If she could accomplish this one thing, surely it would also give her the knowledge of being able to accomplish the other of turning the shaman’s into beasts too!

“Give me a couple of minutes.” Sahara stated, closing her eyes.

She didn’t know how to start this procedure…Should she touch the ground? Should she have some sort of treasure from the person? Wasn’t that how some things were done on Earth with those spiritual people?

This was a first so…What…How does she start this!?

How was she going to start with rising someone from the dead!?


Dismissing what was going around her, so that she could concentrate more, Sahara’s mind became blank and then she pictured her biological father.

His head was on the palace walls, yet she could still see it when it was connected to his body.

The connections were something that spiritual essence were proud of because they could go into someone’s conscious and see what they are thinking. The spiritual essence was a part of humans here and so…A human can be formed if one knows how.

Knowing how to shape and change spiritual essence already, into something like a body, Sahara had already accomplished most of this goal, but a real person would obviously be more complex!

And this is where the spiritual essence comes in, to fill in what Sahara isn’t able to!


Going deeper into thought, memory and cultivation, Sahara placed a lot of her hope upon trusting the spiritual essence in achieving her goal.

She wishes to bring back Talon, Samuel and Zeus, but she was going to try this on someone else first, just in case, but yes…Her ultimate goal was to indeed to bring her family back!

A strange aura went around the cold palace, stopping the others from talking, and they looked over at Sahara.

Could they feel it, like she could see it with her eyes closed?

Muscle, bones, blood, tissue…Anything to do with the human body, she knew of this from her previous life, which would help a lot! Then, it was like the body was a vessel, that it could look like anything, it was the personality of her late real father that she wouldn’t have the foggiest on how to bring back.

Wouldn’t it be funny if she could bring her father back with a small dick?

Focus, Sahara!

A mass of spiritual essence was coming to be before her, as she continued to trust the spiritual essence, and, in what felt like instinct come over her, Sahara suddenly slapped her hand over the ground.


Awake, all of a sudden, Sahara opened her eyes and saw spiritual essence flowing out of her, to what looked like feet, to ankles, to legs, to knees, to thighs…

Closing her eyes, Sahara sighed…

It looks like it might have worked!

…She didn’t particularly want to see her father naked though…

To her, it happened really fast but…Quite a number of hours had passed since she had gone into meditation.

Now…Now the cold palace felt so…Quiet…So unnaturally quiet because Sahara knew that people were there.

“What…” Ah, that was her father’s voice!

It must have worked!

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