The Journey That Changed A World.

85. The Final Reaction.

[The Aquarian Kingdom, Southlands]

The Aquarian king, Lashure Aquaria, sat on a balcony, watching as a massive white storm appeared over his kingdom.

The mana was in a state of tumultuous swirling, far more intense than anything he had ever witnessed before.

'I do hope this white dragon isn't like the last one,' he thought to himself.

Suddenly, a guard rushed onto the balcony with urgent news. "Your Majesty, the prince and princesses have arrived."

Lashure stood up and motioned for the guard to take him to them. They walked for about 10 minutes and arrived at a secure room.

Inside, he saw two of his children and his wife's sister standing there. He crouched down and scooped the two children into a hug.

Malia looked at him and asked a question. "What's happened?"

"Four kingdoms have joined hands and invaded all over. The royal army is split in three and trying its best to deal with everything."

Malia covered her mouth in shock before asking another question. "I know the Kagia and Kheesara have invaded, but who are the other two?"

"The kingdoms of Hakim and Majid," Lashure replied in a heavy tone.

[The Zenia Empire, Northern Southland]

Seated in his study, Emperor Amkhu gazed intently at his daughter who sat before him, her eyes fixed on him.

''My daughter, how is your training?''

"Father, my training is progressing well," Nefertiti replied with a distinct Zenian accent, her pink eyes meeting his.

As he was about to speak, a loud boom could be heard coming from the south. The two of them rushed to the balcony.

When they stepped out, they saw a massive white mana storm brewing in the distance, its swirling vortex growing larger by the second.

Violet lightning crackled within the storm, illuminating the sky with blinding brightness. Nefertiti gasped in awe, her eyes widening as she took in the sight.

"Father, what is that?" she asked, her voice trembling with excitement and fear.

The Emperor's face grew grim as he surveyed the storm.

"My child, it's the change that this world needs. Wait and see what will happen."

The emperor stood up and motioned for his daughter to follow him. They walked for a bit until they came across a hallway with a few generals standing inside.

The generals rushed up to the Emperor, kneeling before speaking.

"Your Majesty, the white storm is back and it's currently over the Aquarian Kingdom. Additionally, the four kingdoms of the south have invaded it."

Another man spoke up.

"The Nethania Kingdom has raised its banners for war and is marching south to attack the Kheesarains to relieve some pressure off the Aquarians."

Amkhu stood there in thought, looking at his daughter and then back at the generals before speaking.

"Rally the armies. We march west to finally rid the Southlands of the Kagia Kingdom."

All the men saluted and rushed out of the room. Nefertiti looked at her father with a questioning expression.

"Why are we going to war? You have never actively attacked a kingdom during your reign as emperor, apart from the Luxor Kingdom in the north."

Amkhu looked at his daughter and replied, "A force of nature has returned. If we sit still and watch the Kagians kill even more Dragon-kin, he will not forgive us and will burn our empire to the ground."

[The Lunaris Empire - Southern Mediterra]

A man with gray skin, silver hair, and red eyes sensed the world's mana going crazy and rushed to his balcony.

He stepped out looking up at the afternoon sky, and noticed a gathering of mana down south.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the Southlands, causing him to mutter to himself, "This is the third time this has happened. Interesting."

He summoned his servant, who spoke with a heavy Lunarian accent and instructed him to send spies down south to find out what was happening.

Turning back around, he saw his daughter standing by the door, looking at him with narrowed red eyes.

"What is it, child?" The man spoke with a soft voice.

The girl continued to look at him and answered.

"The full moon is tomorrow."

She turned around and walked off, leaving him confused by her behavior. Shaking his head, he thought to himself.

'What an odd daughter I have.'

[The Solari Empire - Northern Mediterra]

A man with brown skin sat in a garden overlooking a large beach with beautiful golden sand, which matched the color of his hair.

He sipped on some wine, trying to relax after dealing with his daughter's troublesome behavior.

Suddenly, he heard a distant boom coming from the Southlands.

He turned his head in that direction, sensing the mana gathering in the Southlands, and muttered to himself in a heavy Solarian accent.

"I bet that grey-skinned weasel has already sent spies down there."

Sitting up, he called out to his advisor, and a few minutes later, a young man emerged from the house.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" the man asked.

The king looked at him and gave him an order.

"Send word to my generals. Tell them to send spies to the Southlands to see what is going on down there."

[The Kagia Kingdom - Western Southlands]

King Ephrais Kagia sat on his throne in his grand chamber, listening attentively to the reports of the ongoing invasion.

One of his Dukes stepped forward and delivered the latest news.

"Your Majesty, our 2nd army has made significant progress in the Aquarian Kingdom, while the 1st army has joined forces with the Kheesarians to attack the remaining defenders in Sunhaven. The 5th army is in pursuit of the Aquarian northern army across the plains."

The Duke bowed and stepped back, and Ephrais motioned for the next man to step forward.

A portly man approached and bowed.

"Your Majesty, the 2nd and 3rd armies are currently besieging several cities. The 2nd army is at Falelo city in the northwest, and the 3rd army is further south at Leone port city."

Ephrais nodded in approval but remembered the castles he had lost, and his anger flared up again.

He turned to another man and shouted, "Akilah, what have your spies discovered about the boy who destroyed our castles?"

A tall skinny man stepped forward and bowed before speaking.

''They have tracked the boy to the port city Sunhaven, they spotted him fighting the Kheesarains, but the recent reports claim he is trapped in a material that nothing can damage.''

The king nodded his head with a smile, ''Good, good, it means he won't get in our way anymore, it's a shame we lost the castles but they can be rebuilt.''

He turned to another advisor and spoke.

''Ayman, inform the Hakim and Majid generals to move their forces towards Aquaria City alongside the 6th and send a message to the 5th telling them to march for Aquaria, we shall cut the throat of King Lashure by taking his capital.''

[The Kheesara Kingdom - South-East Southlands]

Sitting in a palace down south, King Isar Kheesara was listening to his father's old advisors informing him of the situation in the north.

"Your Majesty, our forces have engaged the boy who has been causing issues for the Kagia Kingdom. He has been trapped in an unknown substance, but he is no longer attacking," the advisor reported.

Isar nodded his head, happy with the ongoing war effort, his butler Vance was standing next to him.

The door slammed open and a general came rushing in and kneeled down to the king.

''Sorry for rushing in your majesty, but I bring urgent news.''

He nodded at the man to speak.

''The Nethania Kingdom has invaded through the north, they are currently attacking the Shadowguard castle.''

Isar sighed, he knew things were going to get worse, he asked the general a question.

''How many soldiers did they bring?''

The general gulped before informing the king. ''70,000 soldiers your majesty.''

[The Nethania Kingdom - Eastern Southlands]

King Rayhan Samra stood tall in front of his army, his eyes fixed on the horizon as his troops prepared to march toward the smaller kingdoms of Hakim and Majid.

With his sword at his side and his armor gleaming in the sun, he exuded an air of confidence and determination that inspired his soldiers to follow him into battle.

He started speaking to the army.

"Men and women of Nethania, today we march south to rid the Southlands of the three kingdoms that have plagued us for far too long. For years, they have sought to undermine my sovereignty and threaten our way of life. But today, we stand together as one.

We march not just to defend our land, but to claim back what is rightfully ours. We march to restore peace to our people.

So I say to you, my brave warriors, let us march with courage. Let us show these kingdoms what it means to face the might of the Nethanian people.''

Jumping onto his horse, the king heard the soldiers banging their weapons against their shields and cheering. He and his guards began marching south.

[A location hidden deep in the Avalon Empire]

A shadowy congregation of figures, all dressed in black hoods and robes, gathered in a vast hall, their faces hidden in darkness.

At the front of the hall, an imposing shadow stood, his eyes fixed on the ominous clouds looming on the horizon. He knew that the time had come, and the prophecy was about to be fulfilled.

"My brothers and sisters," he spoke, his voice low and foreboding, "the hour is at hand. The new one has risen, and with him, our destiny will change. But we cannot forget the legacy of our forefathers. We will bring their vision to life."

The crowd murmured, their unease palpable as they listened to their leader's words.

"We must be vigilant and strong," he continued. "Our enemies are many, and they will stop at nothing to stop our plans. But we are united, and together we will prevail."

The room fell silent as the figure paused, his gaze sweeping over the congregation.

"Remember," he said, his voice a whisper, "we are the chosen ones. We are the ones who will bring about the new era. And nothing will stand in our way."

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