The journey of an angel for dominate the world! Or something like this…

Chapter 6 – I don’t want to create a cult

"So... the winner is Medaka!" Proclaims Dan at the end of the fight.

Everyone looks at me and Kent. For some reason they are silent and open-mouthed, yet Mio strangely has a huge smile on his face.


The people in the place start screaming with joy and run to my side grabbing me.

"You are very strong girl, where did you learn to fight like that?"

"So cute, I would love to teach you some things at night~" Says one of the sexy women who was drinking with Kent yesterday.

"Onee-san, that was amazing!" Says Ana approaching me. Since when did I become your sister?

A few dozen minutes of listening to everyone's flattery later, I get close to Kent who was looking at the whole situation in the background.

"Hey, why did you give up? It's not like you couldn't fight on the spot, right?" We barely got any scratches and seeing him now, Kent is still in a good mood.

"That last attack of yours... if you hadn't stopped it would have broken my bones completely" Kent says with a serious expression on his face.

I guess I overestimated him...

"Anyway, I may be a crook but I am a man of my word, from now on everything I have is yours, including myself"

Kent and I shook hands, beginning our long partnership.

"It will be a pleasure working with you" I say this giving an angelic smile.

Mio and I were heading to Kent's tent to decide what we are going to do from now on.

"Master, that was really good! With that I'm sure everyone will be kneeling at your feet!" Says Mio with a proud expression on his face.

"It's not like I want them to do that" I give Mio a wry smile.

While we were having this interaction we arrive at the main tent.

"Oh you guys are here, sit down, sit down" Dan says showing us two chairs.

We sit in the chairs, in the place besides us there was Kent, his assistant, Dan and the sexy woman who approached me at the end of the fight.

"Since everyone is present, we better skip the formalities and start talking about what really matters here" I say looking at each of them.

I cross my legs and take a cup of tea from my inventory taking a sip. Dan and the assistant make a slight expression of surprise when they see the cup appearing in my hand out of nowhere but it's best to ignore it.

"First of all, this is obvious but it's better to say clearly: I'm in charge now"

In this kind of situation it is better to get to the point, I don't want there to be any misunderstanding in what I am going to say now.

Everyone nods in agreement. I've only been here two days but you can already tell that in this world strength is basically what decides everything, you never know when someone is going to die, be it to a goblin, a thief or even a dragon attacking you suddenly mistaking you for a bug.

Now that everyone is looking at me I continue what I was saying.

"Secondly, let's stop being simple thieves and hijackers from the countryside, didn't you guys ever think you deserve more?"

Honestly everyone in this room is clearly not just purse snatchers, even that woman sitting down, I can feel a huge amount of mana exuding from her, I don't know what the average is in this world but that woman's is certainly abnormal compared to the people in this place. Even Dan, he doesn't have as much mana as she does but the way he moves is clearly not that of an amateur.

It's a mystery how these people are still in this end of the world.

"And what are we going to do from now on, Medaka-chan? It's not like we can just stay here starving, right?" Says the woman placing her hand on her cheek.

"Yeah, Marina's right, there's nothing for us to do here in this place" Kent completes as he crosses his arms.

"First I want to go into town to do some research to see what this place is like and then we can decide what we are going to work with" At worst I was thinking of setting up a hospital around here while helping these children who are now orphans.

"But before that, do you guys know how many of those in the gang are still out?"

"Hmm... about 60 are still patrolling trying to find any victims, the rest are already here" Says the assistant looking at a piece of paper that looks like a spreadsheet.

How many people have they hired already?! This is going to be more complicated than I imagined.

"Tell everyone to come back, I want everyone back at the base by no later than the day after tomorrow"

"O- Okay!" The assistant rushes out appearing to call other people who were outside the tent to help him. He reminds me of an intern who worked with me in my previous life.

I stand up and stretch a little. Mio follows me and stands up as well.

"Well that's it for today, for now you can do whatever you want until everyone who is out comes back, there I will explain in more detail what we are going to do"

This is sure to be fun~

"Hey, do you know why we were called here?"

"I have no idea, they just told me to hurry back to the base"

"Who is that girl? So cute~"

It's been 2 days since my fight with Kent, in the meantime we just played together with the kids and trained from time to time. By the way, while we were training I told Kent that I am not a swordsman and that I am much more a mage and healer specializing in speed and fast attacks. He was depressed for a few hours knowing that I didn't even fight at all with him.

I ask the assistant to gather all the people from both the gang and the captured slaves so that now there are over 200 people looking at us while me, Kent and Mio are in the center. Kent then begins our lecture.

"LISTEN UP WORMS! As some of you may already know, as of today I am no longer the commander, so I want to introduce to everyone our new boss and commander: Medaka Ainvel!"

After that "amazing" introduction I begin my part.

"Thank you very much for introducing me Kent, as he said I am the new commander of this gang"

"Hey, this has got to be a joke, right? Who does this brat think she is?! I knew this Kent guy was going crazy already" A man comes out of the crowd holding a club.

"Let's see what this girl is made of! The man then tries to hit me with the club.

I look at Mio and gesture with my mouth, kill.


Less than a second later Mio disappears from where she was and reappears behind the man holding his huge sword on his shoulder which was now bloodied.

The man's body is broken in two causing him to fall like a doll that has had the rope pulled.

"Silence while master is speaking" Mio says in a serene voice.

Seeing the scene the audience is deathly quiet but I can hear the sound of someone vomiting in the background.

I activate [Curse of Fear] and continue talking.

My voice becomes more arrogant and authoritative sounding as sparks of mana come out of my body.

"What's the matter with you guys? He tried to kill me didn't he? Anyone else want to come try their luck?"

The faces of those who didn't know me yet start to turn blue with fear and begin to shake their heads from side to side.

It's not as if I forget that I'm talking to criminals here, okay? For this kind of person it's better to show a little authority before it's too late.

I reach my hand up and snap my fingers chanting, "[Circle of Mercy]"

Particles come out of my fingers as I snap them and travel all over the place creating a bright green dome circling the place.

"Oh, my arm is back!!!" One of the boys who was kidnapped speaks as he cries seeing his arm back.

"My foot has been restored!!!"

"My scar is gone?!"

Several such notes begin to appear in the crowd.

The body of the man who was broken in two begins to put itself back together again and returns to how it was as if time had turned back.

"But what the... I'm alive?!" Says the man looking at his fully regenerated body.

I push him making him fall to the ground and approach him placing my hand on his chin.

"Don't you ever try to do something like that again, okay?" I say as I give a small smile.

The man shakes his head hard in agreement as his face turns pale. I then stand up and continue to finish this lecture.

"LISTEN UP HERE ALL OF YOU!" I shout taking the crowd's attention again.

"As of today this here is no longer a gang of thieves and kidnappers, I don't care if you were a slave, a thief, a slave trader or whatever, if you want to continue supporting us we will welcome you with open arms, if you just want to go back to your homes we won't pester you and we will let you go BUT..." I then continue talking by activating [Curse of Fear] in that last sentence.

"....we won't tolerate it if anyone keeps causing trouble around here"

The dome finally dissipates.

For some reason when I'm done, everyone, including Kent and Mio, kneel down and bow their heads.

Mio then stands up with a smile on her face and says something unbelievable:

"All hail our great goddess Medaka Ainvel!!!"


The people in the place also stand up and start shouting, some even start crying with joy while clapping their hands.

What heck is going on?!

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