The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 5: Seeking Answers – Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 5: Seeking Answers - Chapter 3

A week later*

Of all things, Daisuke did not expect to make a truck, which is the same one that Hime will use tonight to deal with the headless horseman in the canon plotline. Not that it matters to him since he is assigned to guard Sawawa. As strange as it may sound, he is supposed to be her bodyguard, not Sawawa.

The food Sawawa makes is good, but not the best. In his opinion, the free food is the best. Anyone who complained was either served bad quality, aka expired ingredients or was a very picky eater.

Outside on the balcony, Daisuke takes a sip from his bottle of alcohol made by his Omnifabrication and Fifth Magic, sobering him up and improving his mental abilities without the usual bad side effects of drinking alcohol.

People would be extremely jealous and would use their absolute powers to get this bottle of alcohol, along with trying to force Daisuke to make it forever.

Too bad he will never tell anyone and allow others to label him an alcoholic if necessary. He will enjoy his new kind of alcohol with peace of mind. Still, he wonders how long it will be before the next chapter takes place after tonight for the final scene with the headless horseman.

"So, how did it go?" Daisuke asks Hime as she walks through the front gates with Riza, Flandre, and Hiro following close behind. "Did you guys take care of the headless horseman?"

"Boring. It wasn't as much fun as I had hoped." Hime replied, raising her voice just barely enough for Daisuke to hear her before entering after Flandre opened the doors for her.

30 minutes later*

"You want what?" Daisuke asks Riza as they stand outside in the backyard in the middle of the night while Hime and Hiro watch from the sidelines. Flandre holds a tray with Hime's tea set.

"I want a spar. Show me what you can do without relying on what you did last week." Riza pounds her right fist into her left palm. Then she transforms them into her white werewolf arms, almost as long as her legs.

"Can I use firearms?" Daisuke wasn't willing to face Riza without any external help, including the enhancement of his physical aspects through his many Stands. Otherwise, he would be a fool to face someone like Riza, a hybrid werewolf. Stronger than normal humans.

"Uh, as long as you don't use silver bullets, I don't mind if you use guns." Riza's eyes light up with the excitement.

"Done." Daisuke pulled out the Knocking Gun and fired at Riza without a second thought, causing her to roll to the side, but unfortunately, she did not dodge completely as she was hit in the left shoulder.

"Gah! You shot at me without warning! And why can't I feel my left arm?!" Riza clutched her shoulder in panic, then jumped when she felt the needle in her left shoulder, which she quickly pulled out after a few tries while moving around to avoid being a sitting duck for Daisuke to shoot at again.

"It's just a biodegradable needle. It does no permanent damage to anything it hits." Daisuke explained calmly. "It will cause pain if it hits the wrong nerve. So you've been warned now."

He calmly steps back, preventing Riza from clawing his head off as he shoots her in the right thigh. She screamed in pain as the needle hit the spot, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the side.

"Well, this isn't how I thought this would go." Hime said from the side. "Hiro, go help Riza." She gave Hiro a look.

"Hey! Don't dishonor me by letting Hiro help me!" Riza scowled at Hime as she forced herself to her feet and ripped the needle out of her thigh without hesitation. "Come on, Daisuke! Not until you knock me out or I knock you out!"

Daisuke sweatdropped, wondering if Riza had forgotten that he was not a blood warrior and would die if he got his head smashed by her.

That's why Daisuke avoids facing Riza head-on, as that would doom him; well, that would be the case if he didn't have any Stands, and they wouldn't let him die at any cost. Besides, having Flawless will always give him a heads-up if something or someone manages to bypass all his Stands and deliver the killing blow.

"Hey! Don't run away! Fight me like a man!" Rize shouted when she realized that Daisuke had no intention of facing her in close combat.

"I'm good." Daisuke smiles as he continues to shoot at Riza, who seems unable to dodge all the shots and is powerless on the ground in no time.

Then he turns just in time to shoot Hiro in the face, the impact alone knocking the poor boy off his feet. Daisuke did not stop shooting because he knew that Hiro's status as a blood warrior alone would not stop him. It is his willpower, brought about by his loyalty to Hime, that drives him forward in the series.

He may have overdone it, as Hiro's body begins to smoke as usual when his body is severely injured, and the influence of Hime's royal blood flowing through his body begins to heal his body quickly.

"Hiro, you disappoint me." Hime said coldly, only to hear a groan from her blood warrior as an answer. She sighed and looked at Daisuke. Especially at the gun in his hand. "I guess this is something you made?"

"Yup." Daisuke replied. "Along with the ammo." He uses his Omnifabrication to create more ammunition for the Knocking Gun. Fully loaded and ready to shoot again. Even though he barely used the entire magazine.

"Hm. I need you to make some things for me. Don't worry, I'll pay for your services." Hime grinned at Daisuke, then walked over to Hiro as she bit her finger and let the blood drip from her finger, letting drops of blood into Hiro's mouth before walking back into the mansion with Flandre following behind her.

Daisuke looks at Riza and Hiro, then changes the magazine to healing bullets and starts shooting at them without explaining that he is trying to heal them. He enjoys listening to their screams of horror, no doubt thinking he is going to finish them off.

After that, he left the two of them, as the healing bullets took some time to fully heal them, even though their supernatural bodies had provided them with a healing factor. The healing bullets would heal them instantly and completely, but it takes time to start, and their supernatural healing factor would temporarily stop.

And that's what he wanted because he didn't want to face Riza, even though he didn't technically have to accept and walk away. He knows Riza wouldn't attack him with his back turned to her; she's too honorable for that. But he is too curious to see how he would fare against someone like her with only the Knocking Gun.

A few days later*

Daisuke yawns as he enters the dining room.

"Ah, good, you're back in time." Hime says to Daisuke as she wields two medieval one-handed battleaxes.

Flandre stands to the side, wielding a lance nearly three times her size.

"Oh? Are we going to fight something?" Daisuke asks Hime as he takes out the Tsumukari Muramasa through the Gate of Babylon, which raises a few eyebrows.

"Yes, look out the windows. I'm surprised you didn't see it when you came back." Riza replied.

"Huh..." Daisuke looked outside and saw many giant bat monsters. "Alright, time to get to work." He shrugs as he opens the window and jumps out; he can't wait to try something he just created with Omnifabrication and the Holy Grail.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Riza yelled as she quickly followed Daisuke's example and jumped out of the window as well, even though they were on the second floor.

Daisuke grins as he draws his sword. Suddenly, the world seems to go dark, and a sword flash appears, followed by two absolutely simultaneous, overlapping flashes that disregard the concept of time and space, creating a slash attack that arrives in three different directions by momentarily using Second Magic to transcend speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements.

At the same time, while they were still in the air, three giant bat monsters had their heads chopped off.

Perfectly done, the Second Magic works great, and being able to use a version of the Tsubame Gaeshi is a success. And all it cost him was some rare materials in this world and giving up the Demolishing Blade Manifestation: Kusanagi.

He has no regrets about giving up such a powerful weapon. After all, he can make it again later.

Also, thanks to Omnifabrication. He gets his own version of Second Magic, similar to the Third Magic and Fifth Magic. Even being able to use it together with D4C, making it a more powerful Stand than it already is and going a completely different route instead of going for the evolutionary form: Love Train.

In no time, Daisuke abuses his newly acquired Second Magic to kill more than half of the giant bat monsters alone before Riza finally arrives to join the fight, while Hime and Flandre take their time, killing only the remaining ones who were lucky enough not to have their heads chopped off from the rest of their bodies.

"Honestly, how are you not known?!" Riza yells as she rips a giant bat monster in half with her werewolf arms. Blood splatters across her face before she throws the dead giant bat away and continues to kill the rest.

"I am curious about that as well. Seeing you do all this and what you've done in the past week, it's strange that no one in the monster kingdom knows about you. Maybe you are from another kingdom?" Hime spins as she uses the momentum to deliver a powerful spin attack to a giant bat monster's left eye and pushes further in, hitting the brain and killing the monster instantly.

"As I said before. I wasn't planning on revealing myself if I could help it. I just didn't expect to meet a royalty of the monster kingdom." Daisuke lied through his teeth while he chopped up three more giant bat monsters in different positions around him simultaneously.

"Well, lucky me then." Hime sidestep, a giant bat monster that was about to pounce on her, was pierced to death by Flandre with her medieval lance.

"Do you have any idea where these things come from?" Daisuke asks Hime, striking three giant bat monsters with three sword stabs simultaneously in the middle of their heads as they try to attack him from the right, the left, and the back.

"A vampire, no doubt!" Riza tears a giant rat monster to pieces.

"Is it always so common to be attacked by other monsters?" Daisuke asks Hime while he has just killed six giant bat monsters and is getting better at using Second Magic in battle. "It's not even a month, and this is the second wave of monsters trying to kill us."

"Then, you better get used to it! Since Hime's family is all about sending monsters to kill each other to win the throne to become the King of Monsters!" Riza kicked a giant bat monster to the ground; she punched it in the face, shattering its head.

"I see..."

He honestly forgot all the dangers that Hime and her group faced throughout the series.

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